The MILF I Married is my Ex-Girlfriend’s Mother.

Chapter 9: -09- Meeting Kanna-san

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I had no way of finding Mayuri-san, nor did I even know the contact information of her friend, Kanna-san.  I didn’t know if she still had major doubts and went back to her ex-boyfriend, or what was going on at all.

I had opened the refrigerator and was going to reheat the leftover sukiyaki from yesterday, when I saw a note on top of the plastic wrap over the food.

“There is something I need to take care of.  Please… just give me some time.  I’m really thinking about it, okay?  Can you just wait for a little while for my answer?”

That little while turned out to be Saturday, three days later.

I was patient, but also exceptionally worried during those three days.  She had disappeared a few times before, whatever caused her to do that each time was still a mystery to me.  But when she came back this time, it was in the early afternoon, and she had brought another woman along with her.

“So, you’re the smooth talking twerp that’s shacking up with my Mayumayu!!”

The one speaking outside my front door was a short-stack with small breasts and exceptionally long hair put in twin tails.  She appeared to be the quintessential angry lolita-type character.

“Eh?  Who are you?”

“I’m Kanna!  Hasn’t Mayumayu mentioned me?”

“Oh, you are Kanna-san?  It’s nice to meet you.  I hadn’t expected you to… well… look so… young?”

“Bullshit.  If you even think about calling me a loli I’ll kick you right in the balls.”

“Kanna-chan!” Mayuri-san scolded her.

“Be quiet, Mayumayu.  I came to see what the big problem was that you’ve been going on and on about, and here I find some school-age brat?  How dare you force yourself on my Mayu!  Don’t you have any shame!?”

What the hell was going on?  I forced myself on her?

“Who forced themselves on who?” I countered, “It was mutual, okay?  I asked her to come stay with me, and ended up falling in love with her!”

“As if!  What would a brat like you know about love?” She argued.

“Only what Mayuri-san has taught me…” I replied weakly.

“…well, aren’t you going to let us in?  It’s hot outside!” The lolita complained.

I opened the door, and invited both of them inside.

“Nice place.” She said, the closest thing to a courtesy complement went to my house instead of me.

“Ah, Thanks.”

“So, you’re in love with my Mayumayu?”

“I am.”

“Even though she’s thirty-six and has a daughter in high school?”

“Her age and past don’t bother me in the slightest.  Rather… I think she’s super sexy… being older and all…”

“Hoh, so you like older women?  You go seducing them at every opportunity?  Is Mayu just your latest victim?”  Her voice was whiny and naggy.

“Hold on!  Where is this hostility coming from?” I asked, wanting to diffuse what I could of it.

“Mayu’s had it rough!” she said, poking me in the chest with a bony finger, “As her best friend I’m just looking out for her, and don’t want her to be scammed by some scummy playboy who’ll only be playing with her feelings!”

“Kanna-chan, wait.  Shota-kun isn’t like that…” Mayuri-san also tried to diffuse her attack on me.

“What are your intentions with my Mayumayu!?” Kanna-san pressured me immediately with a heavy question.

“I asked her to marry me.” I replied calmly.

“Marry you?  She doesn’t have any money, you know?  You won’t get a thing from her.”

“I’m aware.  Besides, I have enough not to have to worry about that.”

“Geh?  You sponging off your parents?”

I shook my head.

“They passed away during the pandemic.  I make enough that Mayuri-san shouldn’t have to worry about money.”

“…” She didn’t apologize. “If you aren’t in it for the money, then why pursue Mayumayu?”

“Isn’t that kind of rude to say that about your friend?” I said, trying to defend Mayuri-san’s honor.

“S-shut up!” She pointed at me angrily.  Was she really an adult?

I laughed.

“Kanna-san, was it?  Have you ever been alone?”

“Of course!”

I shook my head.

“I mean alone.  No family to lean on, no significant other to talk to.  Eating cup noodles for just about every meal, barely holding on to something you can call a life?”

“That’s…” she backed off momentarily.

“I was empty and alone until I met Mayuri-san.  She pulled me out of that void, and every day I’ve spent with her has been better than the next.  I’m aware she’s been going through something difficult and I’ve done my best to respect that.  That’s why, if she’s bringing you to meet me, then let me say this to you…”

I bowed deeply toward the short-stack woman.  

“Please let me marry Mayuri-san and make her happy for the rest of her life!”

She was flustered when I said that, though I didn’t see it.  My bow was sincere, and my eyes met only the floor.

“Y-y-you think you can make my Mayumayu happy?” her confident voice wavered a little bit.

“I don’t know, but I will spend every day of my life trying my best to!” I replied firmly, displaying my own confidence to her.

“Mayumayu said you work… is it some crummy part time job?  Taking care of a woman isn’t cheap!  Mayumayu might say she doesn’t need much, but all women do!  Can you really support her?”

“I’m self employed, but I should make enough for that to not be a worry.” I assured Kanna-san.

“What is it you do?”

“I write web novels.”

“Sounds pathetic.  Worse than a part time job!” She complained.

“I make 500,000 yen a month.”

“KUHA~  W-w-what the heck!  500,000 yen a MONTH!?”


Up until now, I hadn’t told Mayuri-san or anyone else for that matter how much I made.


“Yes, Kanna-chan?”

“Are you an idiot?”

“Uweh?”  Mayuri-san was taken aback by her friend’s reversal.

“Marry this guy already!”


“She’ll marry you, kid.  I’ll definitely make sure she marries you.”

I sighed.  Was how much I made really so important…?

“I don’t want his money, Kanna-chan!” Mayuri-san protested.

“Forgive her, all the nutrients for her brain went straight to her tits.  How the heck do you make so much money, anyway!?  Even my husband barely makes 300,000 a month, and he’s got a good position in the company!”

“I just research what stories are popular and write something similar.  There’s not much more to it than that…”

“So… you write all day?”

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“Huh?  No, only for a few hours at the most.  The rest of the day I just slack off, or hang out with Mayuri-san.  We’ve even gone on some fun dates with all the free time I have.”

She immediately got in front of Mayuri-san and got heated at her.

“You’re showing off, aren’t you!?  You found a young rich guy who is sort-of hot to flaunt at me!  You sneaky bitch!”

I could tell that last part was just her being a bit jealous at the good fortune of her friend.  But Mayuri-san backed away and waved both her hands.

“I had no idea he made that much money!  I never once asked him!”

“Really?  So he has nice digs, and takes you out on dates, and even gave you 50,000 yen for spending money like it was nothing, and you weren’t even curious!?”

“…Well, I was curious, but I never asked!  I didn’t care what he made.  He just always seemed to be so happy to be around me…” Mayuri-san was losing her defense to her friend.

“Of course he would be happy around you!”  Kanna began to grope Mayuri-san from the front, “You damn big-tittied amazon!  Give me some of that meat already, you have too much as it is, you can spare some for me!  Look at these poor children I’m stuck with! Uuuuu~”

Watching my middle aged girlfriend being groped angrily by her loli friend in my house was a sight to see.  Especially when Mayuri-san lost the battle completely against her shorter counterpart.

Kanna-san stopped bullying her eventually and came back to the conversation.

“You’re serious about marrying her?” She asked me.

“I am.”

“You’ll be good to her?  You won’t tell her things like she’s worthless, or that’s she’s ugly?  You definitely won’t cheat on her with a younger prettier woman, or ever hit her?” 

“…”  Was that the kind of life Mayuri-san had?


“There’s no way Mayuri-san is worthless, or ugly.  She’s been nothing but the best since she came into my life.  She keeps me well fed, and she’s obviously beautiful, and there is no other woman I’m even remotely interested in.  In my experience, women my age are too troublesome, and well… I like being around Mayuri-san, even if she teases me a bit.  I would never say anything ridiculous like she’s worthless and I would never ever raise a hand to her!”  I poured my feelings and determination for Mayuri-san out.

“I see, I see… then you two will need witnesses, won’t you?”

“Witnesses?” I asked, confused.

“For when you file your marriage together.  You need two witnesses.”

“Oh… I didn’t know that.”

I had asked Mayuri-san to marry me without knowing the first thing about how to go about it.

“It’s decided.  I’ll bring my husband along, when do you plan on getting married to her?” Kanna-san asked.

“Kanna-chan! Wait a minute…”  Mayuri-san failed to interrupt.

“As soon as possible, I hope.” I answered, cutting of Mayuri-san while trying to secure the prize I wanted more than anything.

“Good answer.  Then, how about next Saturday?” The lolita suggested.

“Sounds good to me, but is that okay with you, Mayuri-san?  Would you please let me make you happy from now on?”

No matter what, I couldn’t exclude her.  No matter this important could be one-sided.  But I wanted her to see my seriousness about being with her was still there.


“Mayumayu?”  Kanna-san poked my lover.


“MAYU!” She shouted.

“Yes.  Please make me happy forever, Shota-kun.” She said at last.

“YOSHAAAA!  Bagged a young rich guy!”  

Kanna-san did a guts pose as she said that shamelessly, but I could see that Kanna-san seemed to be on board with the idea now, even though I was kind of disappointed it was my financial status that helped push her into that decision.

Mayuri-san made us all something to eat after that conversation, and I got to know all about Kanna-san during lunch.  She was a friend of Mayuri-san’s from high school up north in her hometown who also moved to the same town down south purely by coincidence.  Kanna-san had met the husband she recently married at her workplace, and after getting finally getting married, recently reduced the number of days she worked overall so she could take care of her household.  However, she hadn’t quit her job entirely yet.

She and her husband were currently planning on starting a family as soon as possible.  She had been worried about ever finding a partner, being unmarried even after turning twenty-five a decade ago. After getting lucky enough to find someone who did want to marry her at her age, she had what she called an amazing vacation over on Jeju Island. Now she was left worrying over her friend since high school whose life had been falling apart since the day after she eloped.

“Imagine the look on Chi-chan’s face when she meets her new papa!” Kanna-san said suddenly.

“Chi-chan?” I inquired.

“Mayuri’s daughter.  She used to be a sweet girl, but that changed when she entered high school.  Now she’s a pain in the ass.”

I nodded.  Up until now, I didn’t even know her name.  My experience with high school girls is pretty much the same.  They are all selfish and troublesome.  That’s probably why Mayuri-san is so great.  She’s definitely mature and patient, especially with me.  There’s no pretense she’s trying to keep up with friends or anyone else.

“Alright, so now that everything is settled, you can bring the rest of your things over here, Mayumayu!” Kanna-san said joyously.

“Things?” I asked.

“Yeah, she’s got about five boxes of her shit in our spare room.  The sooner it’s gone, the sooner my husband and I can convert it into a bedroom for the baby!”

“Oh, you’re pregnant?” I asked.

“Not yet, but we’re trying.” She confirmed.

“Then, I wish you luck.”

“Thank you, thank you.  Speaking of trying, are you going to try right away yourselves?”

“Wha!?” I was surprised by the directness of the question.

“Kanna-chan!  What are you saying?” Mayuri-san was surprised too!

“Look kid, she’s got maybe four or five good years left if you’re going to knock her up.  After that it’s a real hassle for us old ladies.  Complications and all…”  The lolita laid it out.

“Kanna-chan, stop it!” Mayuri-san said frustrated.  Or was she embarrassed?

“What?  You finally found a guy to wed, and you aren’t planning on having his child yet?”

“That’s… we really just only met…” Mayuri-san was voicing a concern I’m sure the both of us had.

I shook my head.

“I’m not in any rush.  Besides, Mayuri-san has finally finished raising one child already, it would be pretty messed up to have her jump right into raising another without having some time to enjoy her freedom again.  I’d like to give her that freedom.”

“Mm.. I guess.”  Kanna-san said with a shrug.

Mayuri-san seemed to breath a sigh of relief at my words, and was beaming at me.

“A-anyway, who knows, down the line maybe… but for now, I also want to be spoiled a little by Shota-kun.” She followed up.

“Me too.  I might be jealous if I have to share all of her affection right away with a baby.”

“I just wanted to have a baby at the same time as Mayumayu~” Kanna-san was acting just a little tsundere for her friend.

When the visit from Kanna-san was over, Mayuri-san remained behind.  I quickly slid behind her and wrapped my arms around her waist.

“If I moved too fast… I apologize.”

She shook her head.

“What’s too fast?  I’ve been waiting for almost twenty years to get married.”

“I really do love you, and want you to be my wife, Mayuri-san.”

“Un.  I’ll be your wife, Shota-kun…  Even if you regret it afterwards.”

I couldn’t say it, but in my heart I screamed loudly that I knew I wouldn’t.

Needless to say we went at it like crazy over the next few days.  Morning, noon, night, I couldn’t get enough of her body now that I had tasted it, and the closeness that we shared.  

The following Saturday soon came around, and we were met by Kanna-san and her husband Yusuke-san at the government office where we registered ourselves with them acting as our witnesses.

With the form stamped, we were now officially husband and wife.

Mr. and Mrs. Tachibana.

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