The MILF I Married is my Ex-Girlfriend’s Mother.

Chapter 12: -12- A Scene of Carnage

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The one asking the question a moment ago was my ex-girlfriend, Watanabe Chigusa.  I hadn’t forgotten that she said she was going to be coming over.  I expected it.  It was just something unavoidable that I didn’t want to think about until it was time to face the inevitable.

“That’s my line, how did you know where I was staying?” My wife answered her back.

“Staying?  Why the hell are you staying at Shota’s house?  I never told you where he lived!  Are you here in person tell me to go back home or something?  I’ll tell you right now, there’s no way in hell I’m going back to that house.”

Uh… what’s going on?

Against my better judgment I stepped into view.  Chigusa saw me and pushed right past Mayuri-san only to get in my face.

“Why the fuck did you call my mother over here, Shota?  Your answer better be good or I won’t let you touch me.  Also, I’ll be taking the spare room upstairs.  Where’s my pizza?”

I looked at Chigusa first, and then to Mayuri-san, and then back to Chigusa, and once more to Mayuri-san.  Where do I even begin to explain?

Thankfully Mayuri-san shifted the conversation where it desperately needed to go.  But where I also wanted to avoid it going no matter what.

“Shota-kun, do you happen to know my daughter?” Mayuri-san spoke incredibly damning words which pierced my chest like a series of bolts from a repeating crossbow.

Fuck!  Fuck fuck fuck fuck!!!  No way.  No fucking way.  This isn’t possible! I mean, I heard what Chigusa just said.  I’m not deaf… but… FUCK!

“Unfortunately… I know Watanabe-san.” I muttered quietly.

“Of course he knows me!  Like I said already, mom… I’m his girlfriend!  Weren’t you the one to tell me to get back with him?  And what do you mean by unfortunately, Shota!?”

I walked over to my couch and sat down, then faced those two.  This was the result of the conversation had by those two over the phone that morning in the kitchen.  I should have put it together.  They looked alike, and the only thing I remember being mentioned about her daughter was the name Chi-chan.

Of course that Chi would be part of Chigusa.

“Mayuri-san… I think I heard it correctly just now, but I’d just like to confirm it again.  Is… Watanabe-san… by chance… your daughter?”

She looked at me with a drained face that surely mirrored my own.  I thought back to that conversation she had with me afterwards when she said she didn’t want her daughter coming over because she was worried I might like her more, and then she’d have nowhere to go.

“That’s… the case.  Chigusa is my daughter.” She answered.

“I see.  I thought your last name was Hanazono?”

“It was… Chigusa took his last name.”

I leaned back into the couch and sighed.  If that worthless ex of  hers would have only married her properly… Mayuri-san would have been Watanabe Mayuri.  I’m sure I would have figured it out much sooner.

“Are… are you still dating my daughter, Shota-kun?” She asked with a degree of hesitation in her voice.

“Not at all, Mayuri-san.  She dumped me about a month before summer vacation started.  I haven’t seen, spoken, or even got a text from her since that day.”

I laid it out properly for my wife to understand.  She remained quiet for a moment but seemed to accept my words as the truth.  I said it before, but the difference between these two is like Heaven and Hell.  I know between the two of them that Mayuri-san was the right choice for me.

“Oh shut up already!  I said we’re back together now, so what’s your fucking problem, Shota?  Be happy, alright?  I’m here to keep you from being a shitty hiki-neet like you probably were all break!” 

Was Chigusa even aware of the atmosphere in the room right now?  Mayuri-san and I were clearly the ones mired in this uncomfortable realization.

“Mayuri-san… by any chance, you haven’t told her yet, have you?”

Mayuri-san shook her head.  No, of course she wouldn’t have told Chigusa about us getting married.  She’s been a bit estranged from her previous family.  I only knew of that one phone call she had with her daughter.  Pretty much since then, we’ve been together nonstop.

“So… are you telling her, or am I?” I proposed the question to my wife.  She knew what I meant.

“Telling me what?  Why you called my mom over?  I told you already, I’m not going back to that house.  Shota, this fucking slut has my shitty old man wrapped around her finger, and she’s making it impossible for me to live there.  My dad won’t even take my side on anything, telling me if I don’t like it, I don’t have to live there.  Do you believe that fucking creep?  She’s barely twenty!  Twenty!  It’s gross!  Who the fuck dates someone half their age!?  I mean I get it if it’s compensated dating, but they’re all lovey-dovey and shit, and they won’t shut the fuck up when they’re going at it all night long either.”

Chigusa… has a colorful vocabulary.  Most of the colors are mosaic patterned by nature, but colorful nonetheless.  I just couldn’t help but begin to laugh at the ridiculousness of the situation that was unfolding in my home and in my life right now.

I had married the mother of my ex-girlfriend?

How absurd is that?

This is something that only happens in a manga or something!

“What’s so fucking funny, Shota?  Your laugh is creeping me out.”

Mayuri came behind her daughter and put a hand on her shoulder.  I guess Mayuri-san was going to break the news to her immediately.

“Chigusa… there’s something you should know.” Mayuri-san began.

“What?” She rudely exclaimed.

Mayuri-san and I matched eyes for a lingering moment.  But it was long enough for Chigusa to continue with her crude attitude.

“Don’t tell me… you two are fucking each other?”

Mayuri-san took a deep breath, her chest puffing out and then deflating.

“It’s a bit more complex than that, dear.”

“More complex than that?  Don’t tell me you’re working at a delivery health service now that you’re gone and you’re his regular or something?”

When Chigusa said that, I immediately became angry.  She pretty much just called my wife a prostitute with those words.  Mayuri-san was such a good woman, how could she say something so messed up to her own mother!?

So, I yelled at Chigusa for talking shit about my wonderful wife in front of me.

“Chigusa, go home.  Grow up and sort out your own problems.” 

But she didn’t listen to me.  She never has, and likely never will.

“Like hell I will, Shota, I need a place to crash, so I’m staying right here.  You owe me.”

“No.  You aren’t.”  Mayuri-san joined in, supporting my refusal.

“You aren’t the boss of me, mother!” 

“You’re right.  However, you’re an adult now, and you are intruding in Shota-kun’s home.  He’s already said you need to leave.”

“I’m always welcome here.  Shota’s just being stubborn right now because you’re here.” Chigusa said with absolutely no consideration on my part.

There is a bit of truth to it, in that while we were going out, I had said if she ever needed a place to crash, she was welcome here.  But any sensible person would think that extended to her conditionally, while we were dating, which we were not.  She might have it in her mind that she can just say we’re dating… but I’m a married man now, and I take that seriously.

So, Chigusa just kept being her usual indignant and rude self.  But it came as a surprise to both me and Chigusa when Mayuri-san’s hand quickly flew from her side and a loud smack echoed the moment it slapped her daughter’s face.

“I didn’t raise you to be this way.  Get out of my house this instant!” I heard Mayuri-san yell for the second time in our relationship.  Both times at her daughter.

“What the hell?  You hit me!  What do you mean your house!?  You don’t live here!”

“Chigusa!”  I yelled suddenly.  This snapped her attention to me real fast.  “We’re not getting back together.  Not now, not ever.  And this is your mother’s house now, so treat her with some respect!”

“Ha~h?  What shit are your lips spewing out now?”

Was she brain damaged?  Fuck it.  Mayuri-san, I’m just going to lay it out right now.  There’s no point in going about it any other way than the hard way.

“Your mother, Mayuri-san and I… are married.”

It was like time itself stopped in that single moment, as the bomb dropped.  None of us moved, spoke, or even breathed for many seconds.  Everything was perfectly frozen in an eternal tick of the clock, until Chigusa began to laugh weirdly sending time careening forward.

“What the hell… hahahahaha!!!  You and my mom?  Married?  What a disgusting joke!  Do you really think I’d believe that for even a second?  You can’t even get over me!  I don’t know how you got my mother’s phone number, because I’m pretty sure I never gave it to any of my friends, nor did I ever tell you where I lived.  Oh, wait a minute, are you perhaps a stalker after all?  Did you follow me home one day to see where I lived, then when I wasn’t around you waited for me only to find out I haven’t been home in ages?  How creepy.  Honestly if it wasn’t for the fact I thought you were just a little cute and easy to…”

All of a sudden, Chigusa was being dragged away from where she was.  Mayuri-san had grabbed a fistful of my ex girlfriend’s hair and begun to drag her forcefully to the door.

“I will not be disrespected in my own home, and in front of my own husband.  Now. Get. Out!”

“Let go of my hair you old hag!” Chigusa protested, but was easily overpowered.

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“Not until you learn some proper manners.  Good-bye!”

Chigusa was promptly dragged out of the house, dumped outside the front door onto the porch step, then had the door shut hard and locked immediately behind her when Mayuri-san re-entered alone.

There was some quiet both inside and out for only a brief moment, before Chigusa who was now locked out, began to bang on the door and shout wildly.

“Open the fucking door Shota!  I’ll forgive you for fucking my mom, okay?  I don’t give a shit about that, but I need a place to stay!  I already left my home and brought all my shit with me!  Let me in!!”

While Chigusa kept yelling, a plethora of curses and obscenities mixed in between regular words, Mayuri-san walked over to me, sitting down next to me on the couch.

“What… happens now?”  She asked, looking completely disheveled and worried from the earlier exchange.

I quickly embraced my wife.

“I love you, Mayuri-san.  I had no idea Chigusa was your daughter, please believe me.  Nothing she said was true, okay?  I didn’t stalk her or anything like that.  When she dumped me before summer break I just fell into a depression for a few days, that was it.  I’m already long over her.  I was over her even before I met you.”

Mayuri-san put her hands on my chest and pushed me away gently.

“I believe you, Shota-kun.  I just mean… what do you want to happen with her… now?”

“Eh?  What do you mean?  I swear we’re not dating. I’m not remotely interested…”

“I know.  I said I believe you.” She cut me off. “I meant about why my daughter came over…”

“Oh.  Well, what do you want to happen, Mayuri-san?”

I turned the question back to her.  I feel as the woman of the house, she should be the one to determine what to do with Chigusa considering our past history and her current attitude.

“Are you letting me decide, Shota?”

“Even if this situation is really messed up, yes, I’d like you to.  You are my wife, and that apparently comes along with the fact that Chigusa is your daughter, right?”

“She’s troublesome.  I hate to have to say that as her mother.”

“I know she is.  When we dated, she seemed mostly uninterested in me.  I don’t actually understand her behavior just now.”

“Do you hate her?”  My wife asked me.

I shook my head.

“She’s just… Chigusa?  I’ve come to accept that she’s her own force of nature and you can only let it pass like a storm.  She’s rude, but it’s not like she’s ever actually done something for me to hate her… even our breakup didn’t make me feel that way.”

Mayuri laughed softly.

“She really was a sweet girl once upon a time, I want you to know.”

“I believe you.  It’s not like she was all bad to me, either.  She just… didn’t fit me like you do.”

This garnered a soft smile.

“Did… you and her…?”  Mayuri-san set foot on a mine just then with her implied statement.

I sighed.  I would have to bite this one bullet.  I don’t want any dishonesty between us.

“Once.” I answered her.

“I see.”

“Was she at least good to you that time?”

I shrugged.  Why would she… want to know?

“It was over quickly.  It was barely enough to call it a memory worth remembering.  She said I was her first time, and she was definitely mine.  I’m sorry, Mayuri-san.”

I felt awful.  How must she feel knowing that I… and her daughter… had sex?

But Mayuri-san only chuckled.

“Not many men get to brag about having an oyakodon, then marrying the older one!”

We both laughed.  It was a strange sort of funny, except I wondered if our definitions of oyakodon were different.  In my understanding, that meant both of them at the same time.

“Shota, if I wasn’t here… would you be letting her stay with you?”

“…probably.” I answered truthfully.

“Do you think you can keep your hands off my daughter if she does?”

“What are you saying?  Why should I bother with the knock-off, when I’m married to the brand name?”

“Oh, smooth words, my Author-sensei.”

“Thank you.  You can look forward to reading them again in a future chapter.”

We both had another laugh at my expense now.

“It does seem like the shit hit the fan at that house… would you hate it if she just spent the night tonight, at least?”

I shrugged.

“I won’t turn away family.”

“Family?  Then you’ll see her as your daughter?”

“I don’t know.  At the very least, I can promise to see her as your daughter.  Besides, do you think she’d ever accept calling me papa?”

Mayuri-san pondered for a moment.  She liked to purse her lips out when she did and I really wanted to kiss them.

“Seeing as how she’s behaving, I’d imagine if she calls you papa, you’ll be handing over some Yukichis to her later.”

Yet another round of laughter between us.

“Well, maybe if she hears us tonight she won’t want to stay for another.”  Mayuri-san made a rather lewd suggestion.

“You’d really do that to your daughter?” I asked.

“She can pick her poison, right?  What’s worse, her ex-boyfriend and her mother’s voices, or her father’s and some stranger?”

“…you… are pretty evil, aren’t you?”

“Ara?  I don’t have the faintest idea of what you are saying.  Aren’t I a perfectly wonderful bride?”

I scooped her over to me with an arm around her waist, giving her a deep kiss.  Yeah, those lips were completely irresistible to me.

“You are the best bride in the whole world.” I proclaimed loudly.

It was decided upon to let her stay, at least for the night.  When Mayuri-san finally went and opened the door, Chigusa was sitting there on my porch with two pieces of luggage, and a duffel bag next to her.  Mayuri-san began by giving her a harsh lecture.

“After talking it over with my husband, it seems he’ll graciously let you spend the night.  Now, you had better behave yourself, or I will throw you right out again, not caring if it’s even in the middle of the night.  Do you hear me, young lady?”

Chigusa was many things, but a coward wasn't one of them.  Yet this was the first time I saw her back down from anything.

“…Fine!  I get it… ugh, what the heck happened…?”

You can find story with these keywords: The MILF I Married is my Ex-Girlfriend’s Mother., Read The MILF I Married is my Ex-Girlfriend’s Mother., The MILF I Married is my Ex-Girlfriend’s Mother. novel, The MILF I Married is my Ex-Girlfriend’s Mother. book, The MILF I Married is my Ex-Girlfriend’s Mother. story, The MILF I Married is my Ex-Girlfriend’s Mother. full, The MILF I Married is my Ex-Girlfriend’s Mother. Latest Chapter

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