The MILF I Married is my Ex-Girlfriend’s Mother.

Chapter 13: -13- Staying the Night

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Chigusa entered our home at last, subdued by her mother.  She placed her luggage by the staircase, and Mayuri-san brought her into the kitchen.

“Have you eaten anything, dear?”

“Just lunch at school.  I told Shota to order me a pizza for when I was coming over later…” She began….

“Told?”  …But, Mayuri-san interrupted.  “He isn’t an ATM, Chigusa.  If you are hungry, I just finished making dinner a short while ago, there’s still plenty of food if you would like some.”

Chigusa sighed.

“Yes, please.”

There was an awkward silence between Chigusa, Mayuri-san and I.  She just kept staring at the both of us, trying to put it together.  Whatever conclusion she seemed to have reached must not have been satisfactory enough to her, so she just came right out and said it, as was her style.

“How did you two meet?”

Chigusa dug into the food her mother placed on the table before her, before sitting down next to me.  Then both of us began explaining it to her, with Mayuri-san taking the lead.

“I left the house on friday, telling your father that I was going out to do some shopping.  I had forgotten my wallet at home, and when I came back to get it, I saw an extra pair of unfamiliar shoes in the entryway and got curious.  When I reached the bedroom, I saw the two of them busying themselves, and you can guess what happened next.”

“You went out drinking.”

“Not immediately, but I did the following night.”


Mayuri-san continued her explanation.

“I was unable to accept your father touching me at all after that. I was desperate to go anywhere but back to that house, and after a small bender at my usual bar, Shota-kun found me passed out at an arcade nearby.  I guess I wanted to get some frustration out by playing a fighting game, probably imagining your father was the opponent.  The next thing I know, Shota-kun is helping me onto the couch here in the living room.  After that, I woke up the next morning feeling terrible that I was in a stranger’s house and having had this young man look after me, so I was going to make him breakfast and leave.”

“Ok… you were going to leave?”

“I did leave, but not before speaking with him since he woke up before I could finish.  He was polite to me, but I felt like I was burden enough, so I left, and ended up spending the night in a computer café.  I was originally going to visit Kanna-chan, but she eloped with her new husband and went to Jeju Island, all my messages went to her voicemail and she wasn’t responding to my texts either.  Shota-kun by chance found me in the park I was passing time away in, and proposed a deal to me.  I’d cook for him in return for letting me stay here until Kanna-chan came back at the end of the week.”

“When exactly did all of this happen?” Chigusa asked.

“The first week of summer break.”  I answered, filling in the blanks.

“The next thing I know, I’m finding it fun to stay with him.  But I knew… I was so sure I was being a burden to him, so when Kanna-chan came back, I immediately left to go stay with her.  We went to pick up my things and I had it out with your father at that time.”

“Okay… but you should be at Kanna-san’s house then, and not here.”  Chigusa, even subdued, was still being belligerent.

“I was… for five nights I had to hear those two newlyweds try and conceive a baby.  Fed up of hearing it every night, I decided to go out and have a few drink again so I could just come back to her place and pass out.  But I somehow ended up back here… inconveniencing Shota-kun with having to take care of me again.”

I jumped in now to say my piece.

“I… wanted Mayuri-san to stay, Chigusa.  You know that I’ve been living alone since my parents passed away, and Mayuri-san has been making me delicious food, and even taking care of my house without complaint.  She’s absolutely wonderful.”

“…”  Chigusa stared at me blankly.

“So, anyway, some things happened and I didn’t want her to disappear again like she had a few times before over the early half of the summer, and well… I asked her to marry me.”

“…and you didn’t think it was important to tell me this?” Chigusa directed her incredulity at her mother.

“Not really, no.  I mean, when’s the last time you spoke to me as a daughter and not as your maid to clean up your messes?  Hell, I didn’t even know your boyfriend’s name at the time.  It’s not like you deigned it important to tell your own mother.”


“I’m my own woman first now, Chigusa, and I found someone who cared about my own happiness.  Someone who has been putting me first the entire time, something your father had long forgotten how to do!  I was worried I wouldn’t be good enough for him, but Shota-kun has been so incredibly wonderful to me since the beginning.  So, I… took a chance and said yes to his proposal.”

“Great… and when’s the wedding happening?  You are aware he’s still in high school, right?”

“It’s already happened, dear.”

Mayuri-san held up her hand and showed off the diamond ring on her finger which I had paid a good amount for.

“…what’s that?” Chigusa asked.

“My wedding ring.  Isn’t it pretty?  Your father couldn’t even be bothered to get me a crummy plastic ring from a gachapon machine, and my Shota-kun was so adamant that I have something nice to match my beauty.  Ohohoho~”

Mayuri-san’s villainous housewife only made me appreciate that there really was someone in this universe who could completely overwhelm Chigusa.

“Isn’t that one of those fake gemstones that look like a diamond?  It’s a really good fake.”

Chigusa was inspecting the ring on her mother’s hand.

“Fake?  Far from it dear.  This is the real deal.”

“Shota’s in high school and doesn’t have a job, it couldn’t have cost much.  If it’s real as you say, then this should have cost a hell of a lot of money!”

“Un.  How much did it cost, Shota-kun?”

Was she wanting to flex on her daughter?  It would be my pleasure to let you have this one, Mayuri-san.

“Roughly 120,000 yen, not counting tax.” I answered Chigusa.

“Hah!?  120,000 yen!?  When did you have that kind of money, Shota?  You never bought me anything fancy like that!”

There it was.  The exact response that made me wary about telling anyone what I did for work and how much I made.  It’s true, I hadn’t bought Chigusa anything fancy when we dated.  But I also didn’t want to end up being her personal ATM either if she found out that I was making good money from my writing.  All this time she was convinced anyway it was stuff I did as a member of the Literature club I belonged to.

“Calm down, Chigusa.  How Shota-kun makes his money is his business.  All that matters is that he’s quite capable at taking care of his own finances, and even supporting me as his wife.”

“This is fucking crazy…  I dumped a cash cow and now he’s married to my mom… am I in an alternate universe…?”

Chigusa seemed utterly defeated with Mayuri-san’s critical hit.  I have to admit I felt a little guilty seeing Chigusa’s face now, but then again, I also felt like it was some much needed ironic justice being served.  I guess the bitter part of me felt satisfied more than the upright part of me.  I’m not proud of it.

“Shota, do you mind if I let her have a beer?” Mayuri-san asked me.

I shrugged. “You let her drink?”

Mayuri-san nodded.  “I wanted her to build some tolerance to alcohol in case she needed it one day.  Didn’t want anything bad happening to her with sketchy guys, you understand…”

I didn’t quite follow the logic, but things are different for women.  I did understand that at least in Chigusa’s case, she could easily get into a bad situation.  Better that she be equipped to get herself out of it if that was the reason why.  I guess it’s a little bit of like mother like daughter here, because being drunk, it wasn’t all that difficult to bring Mayuri-san home to my place, and as defenseless as she was that night…

“It’s fine with me.  All the alcohol in the house is yours anyway.”

“Thanks, darling.” My wife kissed me on the cheek.

Mayuri-san cracked open a beer and put it in front of her underage daughter.  Chigusa quickly picked it up and began chugging sloppily.  When she finished she wiped her mouth with her arm.

“W..what the heck… this is so messed up…”

That was pretty much all she would say for the rest of the night.  I guess it was a lot to take it all of a sudden.  Her plans at dating me once more were dashed, and to top it off her mother got married to her ex-boyfriend.  I don’t know how I’d react to that.  I’m even having some problems coping with the fact Mayuri-san is Chigusa’s mother still.

I helped tote Chigusa’s luggage up to the spare room.  She entered it shortly after, her plans completely defeated, for the night.  Mayuri-san and I already slept together in what was my old parent’s room that has now become our love nest.  My wife began to undress, and I felt just a tad unsure about sleeping with her tonight.

“Shota-kun, will you answer me a question?” My dazzling wife asked me.

“Anything, my love.”

“When you slept with my daughter… was it in this bed?”

That was not a question I expected to have to answer at this very moment.  But I believe in keeping trust and honesty between us, so I told her.

“Eh?  Uh… no.  We actually did it downstairs on the couch.  Why?”

“…I was just curious.”

“Listen, I’m really sorry about that… I had no idea she was your daughter.  I mean, I did have the thought you two looked a little similar, but I didn’t imagine…”

“How did you two do it?” She cut me off, inquiring further.


“Were you both naked?  Did you do foreplay with her?”

I shook my head.

“Nothing like that at all.  She just came over with me one day and said we were going to do it, and she just pulled her panties off, and pulled my zipper down and sat on me while I was on the couch.”

“She was fully clothed?”

“Yeah, we were both still in our school uniforms.”

“That was it?”

“That was it.”

Mayuri-san didn’t seem all that shocked.  Rather it was like she was confirming some detail about her daughter that I didn’t know about myself.  A mother’s instinct about their children is some scary shit.  I know my mom always knew when I was in the middle of masturbating.  I don’t know how she knew, but it was always a pain to find the right time…

“Did you come inside her?”

“Excuse me?”  I felt this question was really personal.

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“Did you come inside my daughter?”

“…”  I didn’t want to tell her.

Her hands reached for my face and she held it while staring right into my eyes.

“Shota-kun, will you please answer me?”

With great reluctance… I answered her.

“…I did.”

“I see.”

“I’m sorry, Mayuri-san.”

“Shota… this simply won’t do.”

Was… this going to be what drives us apart now?  I don’t want to lose Mayuri-san because of something that happened in the past.  I’m regretful enough with what happened between Chigusa and myself.

“What… won’t do?”

“I… I’m a jealous person, Shota.  To know my daughter got to experience that with you… and I haven’t yet…”


She was jealous of Chigusa!?

She pushed me down onto the bed.

“I am about to get very loud, very quickly. So, do your best to hold on tonight, Danna-sama.  I’m going to squeeze those two cute little grapes of yours until there is nothing left.”

She removed her panties and pulled my partner out from within the fly of my pants before I could even move to stop her.  Not that I had any plans to after what she just said.  She then wrapped her lips around my daughter defiler, whetting it nicely before climbing on board and gobbling me up inside of her, raw, in a single motion.


She began with the vocal theatrics.  But also, in comparison to my first experience which was with Chigusa, if I had to judge which was the better environment of both of them… I couldn’t do so faithfully.  Mayuri-san was amazing in every sloppy and lustful way imaginable, but Chigusa’s had a certain… youthful tightness that was far different from that of her mother.  Her first time was difficult, but… it was special in it’s own way.

That there existed a mother-daughter jealousy complex in my wife was a bit of a surprise to me.  I only had sex with Chigusa the one time, and it wasn’t even all that memorable.  By comparison, the first night Mayuri-san and I fully made love was something I hoped I would never ever forget.  Now she was trying to one up the suffering Chigusa had at home with her father and his new lover by making her suffer more knowing her mother and her ex-boyfriend were going to do the same exact thing to her.

I wanted to say something about how cruel it was, but did I have any right to?  This… was how my wife would forgive me for having defiled her daughter, right?

She didn’t even demand I say anything back to her, she just fucked me like some wild beast of Eros.  She screamed and panted and moaned and cursed and said the most perverse and vile things that made it impossible not to cum inside of her over and over again.  She didn’t give me a moment longer than necessary for me to recover, and even belittled me a bit, saying that if it was her young and beautiful daughter that I would surely get it up for her and not my own wife.

I was at the mercy of the green eyed beast, and I was wrung dry by my wife, exactly as she promised.  I actually felt bad for Chigusa who was in the room next door having had to hear all of it.

At the end of her rampage, with my wife momentarily satisfied with her work, I escaped from the bedroom to get something to drink as she lay there oozing so much of my white stuff out of her wifely cavity.  How much were one of those morning after pills, anyway?

Downstairs, I rummaged through the fridge for something to drink, when I decided on a cold bottle of tea.  When I closed the door, I jumped back, startled, seeing her slender form just standing there.


“You asshole.”


“I have to put up with that at home, and you do it to me here on purpose!?”

I apologized.  Even if it would undo my wife’s punishment to her, I apologized anyway, because it was cruel.

“Save it.  I know it was mom who did it, so you’re off the hook.”


“I’m not as stupid as she thinks I am.  I’d do the same exact thing.”

I nodded but apologized a third time anyway.

“Is she asleep?”  Chigusa asked me.

I shrugged.  “Probably not.”

“…you really married my mother?”

“I really did.  I didn’t know she was your mother.  You never once brought me to meet your parents!”

“What the heck though…!”

There she went again… or so I thought.  She didn’t launch into one of her tirades as I expected.  Instead she acted rather calmly.

“Nee~ Shota…”


She immediately kissed me, pushing her tongue into my mouth deeply.  Her kiss was full of something it hadn’t ever been before.  


I pushed her off of me, but not quickly enough for my taste.

“Mother or not, I won’t accept that you two are hitched, and I won’t ever call you papa, unless I make you one myself”

“I don’t expect you to, and you never will.” I answered firmly.

“You are mine though, and I’ll prove that soon enough.”

“Eh?  But you dumped me…?”

I really couldn’t understand what her motivation is with trying to reconnect with me.  We… we didn’t really have anything between us when we dated.  It just made no sense to me at all!

“Yeah, well… as it turns out, you are a hell of a find.”

“Even if you say that, what about you?  Why do this?  Aren’t you off fooling around with other guys?”

She pushed me against the fridge.

“You asshole.  You think I’m some fucking slut after all?”

“…weren’t you the one being pushy about having sex?”

“That’s only because my friends all kept talking about it!  I needed to be able to keep up with their conversations, Shota.  I picked you because you were… the safest option…”

“Gee, thanks?”

So, I was the safe option?  Would that be the case if you cheated on me and I needed to take responsibility for a child that wouldn’t even be mine?

No.  Maybe that’s too harsh of an assessment.  She might be rude, and bitchy… but she never gave off the impression of being promiscuous.

“You should be thanking me right now!  I even kept myself nice and pure for you, though you went and fucked my mother.”

I sighed.

“It’s not like you showed any sign of still being interested in me.  I didn’t get even a single text.  Not even a shit emoji telling me to go blow up or die!”

“It was summer vacation!  I was going to let you stew on it for a bit and then make you my love slave.  Besides, I went to a few meet ups with my friends and all the guys there were total creeps. I knew I was in the wrong… I just…”

I shook my head.  I didn’t want to hear her excuse.  When you tell someone you’re breaking up, at what point do you hold on to the chance to reconnect when you don’t think there’s anything worth reconnecting to? 

“Anyway, just keep it in mind, Shota.  This isn’t over at all.”

Then she turned around and went back upstairs.

I also went upstairs a couple of minutes later with my drink and returned to the bedroom.  Sliding back into my bed, I enjoyed a sip of cold tea, until Mayuri-san took it from my hands and had a sip of her own.

“It sure took a long while to just get some tea.”

“…I ran into someone who was a little upset.”

Mayuri-san smiled wickedly.

“Then it’s all the sweeter.  How did she take it?”

“She… kissed me.  I pushed her off quickly though.”

“Ufufufu~  So, that little she-devil wants to play home wrecker?  Then I hope she enjoys this nice little encore.”

And I was pushed down again, at first with her lips firmly fastened around mine.  This time while we made love, the loud noises came from me, as I was pushed quite painfully to my limits as a man.  My only lingering thought was hoping that somehow, it was a safe day for Mayuri-san.

And if it wasn’t… that it would be a healthy boy she delivered.  I don’t think I could handle a daughter...  not when I have one like Chigusa to deal with now.

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