The MILF I Married is my Ex-Girlfriend’s Mother.

Chapter 16: -16- Too Many Ingredients

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Making her dinner debut at exactly the worst possible moment, right when I was getting real lovey-dovey with my beautiful wife, was of course, Chigusa.

“Are you hungry, sweetie?” Mayuri-san asked, with a smile beaming towards her daughter.

“Tch!, why else would I come down to eat?  Gotta get my nutrients so these babies will grow and Shota will have something else to enjoy looking at.”

She was referring of course to her own breasts of which she was lifting with both hands to demonstrate.  It’s not like I particularly cared about Chigusa’s breasts… I still have never come close to seeing them.  It’s not like I have a particular fetish for large breasts, but I mean, maybe because Mayuri-san has such large ones, there’s a misunderstanding…?

“Mm, that’s true.  Well, there’s plenty of meat in tonight’s nabe.”

“Plenty of meat?  Really?”

I could see a sparkle in Chigusa’s eyes and her mouth practically drooling.  Did she not eat meat often?  Come to think about it she loves pizza with tons of meat toppings on them.  Was she not getting enough meat to eat over the summer?

Mayuri-san had no reason to be affected by Chigusa’s provocation in that department, and easily disarmed her with the promise of a night full of delicious protein.

The large pot containing the nabe was transferred from the stovetop to a small portable electric burner.  Mayuri-san set up the plates and we all sat down to enjoy it as Chigusa brought two cans of beer over to the table, one for her and one for her mother.  I was given a cold can of cola since I don’t drink.

There was indeed a great deal of meat in this hotpot.  Along with the chicken, pork, and beef, there was also cabbage, daikon radish, leeks, garlic, carrots, potatoes and some chili peppers to give it a kick.  These two ladies showed they were quite the ravenous carnivores when their plates were loaded up with meat.

“Damn, this is way better than what we usually have for nabe night, mom!”

“Ufufufu~  that’s because Shota-kun is generous with our food budget.”

I’m generous?  I don’t really consider the cost of food.  Until I met Mayuri-san, a cheapskate all-ramen diet was just how it was for me.  Ordering out was something I only did with Chigusa back then.

“A~ah, I don’t wanna go back to cheapskate nabe ever again.”  Chigusa happily complained, blowing on a piece of beef before gobbling it up.

“How about you, Shota-kun?  Is it to your liking?  I know it’s not the sukiyaki you like, but I tried my best for tonight.” My sweet wife asked me considerately.

I, however, already had my mouthful, enjoying these cabbage dumpling that she made by grinding up something flavorful and stuffing it, having it explode in my mouth as I chewed.  I tried to convey that it was delicious, but I was also tearing up, because whatever was in it was also ridiculously spicy all of a sudden.

“See, he’s speechless already and moved to tears by my home cooking.  It’s so nice to have a husband that appreciates me.  Ohohoho~”

There was certainly something I could have commented on, but I decided to just let it pass.  She was right about the home cooking.  I did enjoy it immensely.  Even having Chigusa present didn’t detract at all from my enjoyment eating with Mayuri-san.  In a way, with the both of them here, it was like I had my family back.

I also felt happy to know that Chigusa was also victimized by Mayuri-san’s dangerous cabbage bombs.  She too was crying.  Only Mayuri-san seemed to be immune.

Even though nabe is something of a self-serve dish, Mayuri-san kept loading my plate up.  On occasion, rather than reaching for a piece of something from the pot for herself, Chigusa stole it right off of my plate.

I… didn’t hate it.  This feeling.  I felt warm inside, and not just because of the spiciness of the cabbage rolls in the dish.  There were still plenty of leftovers, and while Mayuri-san put them away neatly after we finished eating, Chigusa surprisingly handled the clean up and helped washed the dishes.

I had never seen her lift a finger to help anyone else but herself before.  It was a strange sight, so of course I watched in disbelief.  However, she may have misinterpreted my gaze as being something else, and began to wiggle her butt in my direction.

I remained seated in my chair, waiting until I was fit enough to stand.  Mayuri-san really fed me too much.  But it was so tasty~! 

“What was in those cabbage rolls, anyway?” I asked offhandedly.

“Ufufufu~  Just a housewife’s burning love.” Mayuri-san replied.

“It’s not sanitary to do that, even if you boil it, mom.”

“Oh, hush!”

Both of them snickered.

“It started off as a joke, actually.” Mayuri-san clarified.

“A joke?”  I asked, because that was a curious way to invent a side dish.

“You know by now that mom likes to tease a lot, right?” Chigusa pointed out the obvious.


“Well, originally she would make just one of those, and it would be either me or dad who would inevitably find it and nearly die from the spiciness of it.  However after a while we all sort of got used to it, and even looked forward to finding the one that had it.”

“Ufufufu~  then one day I just made them all spicy.  They never left any behind, so I just sort of kept making them that way without thinking about it…”  My lovely bride trailed off for a moment, a concerned look on her face.  “Now that I think about it, this would be the first time Shota-kun is eating those… it must have been surprising to you.”

“Maa… it was a bit of a surprise, but it wasn’t bad or anything.  I just might need to get used to it a bit more?”

It seems a bit of the nostalgia those two shared in their former home was now being brought forward into our new household.  I didn’t mind something like that if it gave them a sense of stability here.  I didn’t necessarily have any flavors I wanted in my life that I can remember from mom, so I wasn’t upset that the flavors Mayuri-san provided me now were from her previous relationship and family life.  I didn’t need to be jealous, because I felt confident in the love we found with each other.

People are nothing if not the sum of their past experiences.

Maybe it would change later on?  Maybe there would be a unique flavor for us, and our family if we… ever had children.

It wasn’t a thought I really focused on, though.  Outside of that business last night, I never had any intention of engaging in risky behavior with Mayuri-san from the start anyway.  

As dinner was done and over with, I went back into the living room to continue writing the latest chapter of my webnovel, while the two of them got cozy on the porch in the kitchen and talked.  I suspect that the two of them had a bit more alcohol as well.  I wasn’t concerned about Mayuri-san’s drinking as much as I was about Chigusa’s… I hope she keeps it in moderation.  She’s already enough of a problem when sober, I’d hate to see what being under the influence would like with her.

I wrapped up my story’s newest chapter about an hour later, posting it for my paying readers.  I headed upstairs, since I felt like taking a shower.  The nabe was greasy, and I felt like a shower would do wonders right now.  Grabbing a change of clothes from my room, I entered into the bathroom and undressed.  A little bit after I sat down and prepared to wash off, I felt a slight breeze tickle my skin as the door opened and closed behind me.

Mayuri-san often liked to wash my back, so I figured she had come in here to do just that.  I’m sure we were both feeling it from the make-out session in the kitchen earlier from before Chigusa’s interruption.  I felt something soft and warm press into my back, only… it was lacking… weight.

“Shall I wash your back, papa?”

I quickly covered my lap.

“Chigusa?  What the hell are you doing in here?” 

“I just said it didn’t I?  I’m here to wash your back.”

“No thanks!  Where’s your mother?”

“Why ask me?  Are you worried she might come in and find her daughter completely naked and washing her lover’s back?”

“Quite frankly, yes, and ex-lover.  EX.”

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“Well too bad.  You see, I have per~mis~sion~♡”


“I’m not lying.  Mom told me to come wash your back.  It’s the least I could do since you put me up, or some stupidity like that.  Honestly, she’s pretty careless when it comes to men.  I wonder if she even sees you as a real man?  I know you’re a real man, Shota.”

I felt a warm sensation as a wet rag began to wipe my back clean.

“I know it better than even she does.”

I couldn’t even put up a wry smile at her poor seduction attempt.

“What do you even know, Chigusa?  You were only ever intimate with me once…”

“You’re right.  All the times I wanted to be intimate with you, and you always made me take the lead.  Do you have any idea how frustrating it was?”

“When did you ever want to be intimate with me?  The one time you even hinted at it, you took off your panties and just rode me.  I didn’t even get to see… any of you.”

“Is that why you’re so angry at me?  You wanted to see more of me after all?”


“It’s fine.  I’ll show you all you want, Shota.  All you have to do is turn around.  I’ll help fill in all the blanks that you missed the first time around.”

“No thanks.  If you’re done, please leave.”

“You really hate me that much?  Was I that terrible to you?  I certainly don’t remember doing anything to earn this level of contempt from you.”

“I don’t hate you, Chigusa.  But it’s not like I love you either, you know?”

“I know I was pushy and demanding, and you went along with everything I asked… but can you really say it so easily, that you didn’t love me?  Even after all the time we did spend together?”

I sighed.  I was getting tired of this, and quickly.

“So why do this?  Why try and get between what your mother and I have?”

“You just don’t listen at all, do you?”

“What do you mean?”

“I really meant it when I said there’s nothing but creepy guys out there.  The only person I ever felt safe with is you, Shota.  Why else would I have entrusted my most precious body to you?”

“Wasn’t it because you wanted to talk with your girlfriends about having sex?”

“Sure, that’s part of it.  But if it was just about having sex, wouldn’t anyone have sufficed?”

“…And your point is?”

“I dated you and even had my first time with you because you are a good guy.  You and I both deserve each other…”

I shook my head.  I wasn’t getting whatever it was she was trying to tell me.

“Yeah, and what about the second time?”


She kept washing my back and stayed quiet.

“That’s up to you, Shota.  Would you like my second time too?”


“You don’t believe me?” She raised her voice.

“Do you think I dumped you so I could go fuck other guys?  Is that what you want to hear, then?  That I went to meetups and mixers just to meet sketchy college guys and have nonstop slutty sex orgies with my whore friends until I was satisfied?  That your ex-girlfriend is a massive slut?  Is that what you want to hear me say!?”


I meekly tried to call out to her, to let her know that was not at all what I wanted to hear her say, but before I got the chance, she cut me off.

“You…!! Shota you asshole!”

The wet rag was pulled away from my skin, only to be thrown at the back of my head with some force.  The door to the bathroom opened again and then slammed closed.

Yeah, I was in the wrong.  But at least the danger of her helping me in the shower was gone too.  I felt bad, sure.  It’s not like I didn’t believe her, I also was at fault asking my best friend Raita to look into it as well.  Because some part of me was still curious as to why she discarded me so easily back then.

As I finished rinsing and was about to step into the shower, Mayuri-san also entered the bathroom.


“Yes, Mayuri-san?”

“Is… everything alright with you two?”

I turned the hot water on and stepped into the shower.

“That depends on you, Mayuri-san.  Are you going to keep pushing your daughter on me casually like that until something I can’t take back does happen?”


“Do you mind leaving me alone while I shower?”

“Ah… un.”

She turned around and left, the door closing quietly behind her.

You can find story with these keywords: The MILF I Married is my Ex-Girlfriend’s Mother., Read The MILF I Married is my Ex-Girlfriend’s Mother., The MILF I Married is my Ex-Girlfriend’s Mother. novel, The MILF I Married is my Ex-Girlfriend’s Mother. book, The MILF I Married is my Ex-Girlfriend’s Mother. story, The MILF I Married is my Ex-Girlfriend’s Mother. full, The MILF I Married is my Ex-Girlfriend’s Mother. Latest Chapter

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