The MILF I Married is my Ex-Girlfriend’s Mother.

Chapter 15: -15- Only Questions

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“Shota, something’s up.” Raita said immediately, catching me off guard for a moment.


“She dumped you man, so why’s she playing it off as if it didn’t happen?”

I shrugged.

“I have no idea.  She suddenly came by my house yesterday with some luggage and said she was going to stay.”

“Wait, she’s living with you now?”

“For the moment at least.  Some stuff went down at her house, so she left and wanted to take advantage of the fact that I had my own place and the spare room upstairs.”

Raita has been to my house a few times, so he’s familiar with it.

“Oh?  Well that’s not a bad thing right?  It’s not like you actually hated Chigusa in the first place.  Maybe you can use this opportunity to patch things up between you two?”

“Maybe we could, but… I’m not interested in her anymore, Raita.  I barely was in the first place…  Besides, I told you I met someone else over the summer.  I’m in love with her, not Chigusa.”

“Then should you be letting your ex stay with you?  What if something happens and you get with her again?  Will your new girl be okay with it?”

Raita was making valid points, but he didn’t know the circumstances between my wife and my ex.  I do admit to being curious of the advice he might try and give me if he knew.

“I have no idea.” I sighed with irritation, “But I do think it’s going to get complicated now.  After hearing about Chigusa’s problem at home, it’s not like I’m so cold-hearted that I’d throw her out.  As long as she doesn’t cause me any problems in my new relationship, I can at least tolerate her being there.”

“Are you a tsundere or something?  Bro.  You aren’t capable of two-timing.  You better clear this up before it gets bad.  She’s a sly bitch, man.  If she’s after something you have, she probably won’t stop until she gets it.  That includes that thing between your legs.”

I nodded.  I knew exactly what he meant when saying that.

“Well, she already took my virginity.  What else is there left can she take from me?”

Raita laughed.  Only Raita and Kuro-chan from the literature club knew I had actually had had sex with her that one time.

“I feel bad for you man, I really do.  Poor Shota, with too much pussy to deal with.  Ahahaha.”

I punched Raita in the shoulder, but not too hard.  I already had too much to deal with from my wife alone… adding Chigusa would be the death of me.  My body is still sore from last night.

“The heck, man!” he complained.

“Help me out with this one.  Will you find out what she was really up to this summer, for me?”

We caught each other’s eyes.

“Do you think she was fooling around?” he asked me in all seriousness.

“I don’t know.  I also don’t care.  We were broken up, so I can’t be mad even if she was.  She said nothing happened and that she saved herself for me… I don’t have any reason not to believe her, but maybe there’s something else to explain why she suddenly wants to get back with me?  We didn’t have anything spectacular enough between us to warrant it, and you know that.”

“I know.  Alright, I’ll look into it for you.”

“Thanks, man.”

We clapped hands.

“In exchange for my help, how about letting me see a picture of your new woman?”

Not on your life.

“Then how about one of Chigusa?  You wouldn’t care if I saw what her tits looked like at least, right?”

I frowned.

“Do you really think she’d let me take a naked shot of her?  This is Chigusa we’re talking about.  She was completely clothed when she popped my cherry.  I still haven’t seen what she looks like naked, you know?”

“Did she really pop your cherry?”

I held up my hand.

“I swear she did.  I kind of regret letting her, now that I know how wonderful my new lover is.”

“Damn dude, you must really like this new chick!  Buyer’s remorse from Chigusa all of a sudden?”

“I love her, Raita.  She’s the one for me.”

“Then all the more reason to figure out how to get Chigusa out of your life.”  Raita said, to which I agreed. “But it’s not going to be easy.  That much is certain.”

“Yeah…” I lamented for a moment.  It wasn’t going to be easy at all.

I parted with Raita, eventually making my way to the literature club.  All the usual suspects were there, including Kurone-san who I was looking forward to seeing.

“Senpai!” She greeted me with her usual enthusiasm.

“Hello, Kuro-chan.”

“So, what happened with your ex yesterday?”

“…she’s staying with me.” I answered truthfully.

“EEEEH?  She’s staying with you?  B-b-but Senpai… didn’t you say you were married?”

I nodded.

“Does your wife know?”

“How could she not know?  She was the one who answered the door when Chigusa came by.”

She must have understood that there was immediate trouble once that happened.  But she didn’t know the half of it.

“That’s true…  so… your wife is okay with it, then?  That your ex-girlfriend is staying in your house with the both of you?”

I sighed.  I’ve been doing that way too often as of late.

“My wife was the one who gave permission.”

“No way!”  Kuro-chan’s hand came up to hide her surprised mouth which had opened wide from her outburst.

“It seems the two of them also know each other…”

“They do?”

“Yeah.  Honestly, I’d rather Chigusa not be there, because it’s weird.  I don’t love Chigusa anymore, so it’s not like I’m worried I’d do anything with her, but the way she is… I can’t see her not causing some kind of problem and making my new wife upset…”

“I understand.  Still, to have your ex and your wife under the same roof in the same house… You’ve got it rough, don’t you, Senpai?”

“I very well might.” I agreed.

She clapped her hands together making a loud noise to snap me out of it when I lowered my head in defeat.

“Well, it’s not all bad.” She perkily said.

“Oh, why do you say that?”

“If you mess up and she divorces you, I’d be happy to go out with you on the rebound!”


Kuro-chan is a cute girl, but my interest in her is purely intellectual.  She’s one of my few real life book friends, and I’d hate to ruin our relationship with any kind of… other relationship.

“I’d also make sure to kick that girl out too.”

“Eh?  Kick her out?”

“Of course!  Now that I know you are the marrying type, I wouldn’t let an interloper like that into my house so easily!”

“Never change, Kurone-chan.”

“Ehehe~”  Her face screamed praise me, senpai!  

However, I knew better than to do anything of the sort.

After giving her some writing advice for a story idea she had of her own, I left the club and headed back home to where Mayuri-san was waiting for me.

“Welcome home, Shota-kun~”

I received my regular homecoming kiss at the door from my newlywed bride.

I really loved that part of coming home.

“I thought about what you might like to eat tonight, and seeing as how Chigusa is here with us, I’m making nabe, if that’s alright?”

“Nabe?  Sounds good, I haven’t tried your nabe yet.”

She put up a peace sign with her winning smile.

“I’m really confident that you’ll love it!”

I have no doubt I will.  Everything my beloved wife makes is delicious.  I was really looking forward to it now, if only to get the taste of the Chigusa-tarnished bento out of my mouth.

“Speaking of Chigusa, is she home?”

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“Yes, she came right here after school and went upstairs…”

“Mayuri-san, can we talk for a moment?”

“You want to know about what happened this morning?”

Mayuri-san was a mind reader at times.  Either that or she knew it was so out of place that it needed to be addressed and there wasn’t time to do it alone earlier.

“If you don’t mind… yes, I’d like to know.”

“It’s simple.  I told her good luck.”

“So you told her to try and seduce me?”

“She doesn’t think that you really love me, and I wanted to prove to her that you did.  So, I told her if she could steal you away, to give it her best shot.”

“Should you really be saying something like that to your daughter?”

So, what Chigusa said to me earlier on the way to school wasn’t a lie then?

“Do you love me, Shota?” My wife asked, leaning her ample chest into me as she looked me right in the eyes.

“Of course I do!”

“Then it’s fine.  I trust you.”

“Why, though?  I already told you that we… did it once before.  Chigusa will probably use that as a pretense to do something stupid.  Do you really want me to end up sleeping with her again?”

I tried to explain my worry reasonably to Mayuri-san.

“Of course not.  But if it happens, then I’ll know exactly what the extent of your feelings are for me.  Besides, if you have any urges, it’s not like you can’t come to me, right?”

“That’s true…”

“It’s just to teach her a lesson.  I have no plans on letting her steal my Shota-kun away.  I’ll keep you so satisfied, you couldn’t get it up to her if you even tried.”

Somehow what she said was kind of frightening, on many levels.

“Now then, enough with the worries.  Your cute wife came to greet, you and all you can do is talk about her daughter…”



Of course she was just teasing me, I had become accustomed to it, and even learned to enjoy it a little, but this was a bit too close to home.  Our home.

I didn’t really need to do anything like homework, since most third years focused on preparing for their college entrance exams.  Chigusa said she was doing the same, but I was unaware she even had any aspirations for college.  So, while Mayuri-san was preparing the nabe, I went upstairs to confront Chigusa about what exactly she was thinking by doing what she did at lunch.

I knocked on the door, and a voice on the other side of it said to come in.  I left the door open, as I didn’t want to close it with her in the same room as myself.

“Oh, Shota.  What’s up?”

“…just curious as to what your reasons were for doing that at lunch.”

“Wasn’t it obvious?”

“On the outside, yes.  But the motivation behind it, no.”

“I already told you though, didn’t I?  There’s nothing but creeps out there, and you’re a safe pick.”

“You never exactly give off the vibe of a girl looking for a safe pick.”

“And you don’t give off the vibe of someone who likes to steal housewives, yet here we are.”

“I didn’t steal her, Chigusa”

“I know.”

She said it as if she completely understood.

“…so why do that at school?”

“Did you come in here just to harass me?”

“Not really.  I’m just letting you know it won’t go as you want.  I love your mother, and there isn’t anything that’s going to change that.”

“Heard you loud and clear, papa.” She said, saluting me.


“What, don’t want your cute daughter whose cherry you took to call you that?”

Why did that sound more vulgar than it needed to be?  She wasn’t my daughter then, and even with the papa nonsense, she’ll never be my daughter.  It’d be too weird, even when we get older.

“Whatever.  Mayuri-san is making nabe for dinner, so you’re welcome to join us.”

“Un.  I’ll come down in a bit.  Just finishing up some work.”

I left her temporary room and closed the door behind me.  She was sitting at my old desk and appeared to be studying, but who knows if it was the case?  I wasn’t in any position to help her with her work even if she was.  I was overdue for doing some writing, and grabbed my laptop, heading downstairs to write a little in the living room in peace.

I was actually pretty bothered by the fact that Chigusa was here in our home.  I really wanted it to be only Mayuri-san and I, and if it wasn’t for the fact that they were mother and daughter, I probably never would have allowed Chigusa in my home in the first place.

Though I wrote my story as usual, I couldn’t help but be distracted by my lovely wife humming sweetly in the kitchen as she made dinner.  Enticed by her siren song, I gave up halfway through my chapter and left my laptop behind on the table, wandering over to the kitchen to embrace my lovely wife from behind.

“Looks good, Mayuri.” I spoke quietly while kissing her neck.

“You thinks so?  I hope you like lots of meat!”

“I wasn’t talking about the nabe.”

“Ufufufu~  hungry for something else?”

“Maybe just a nibble.”

I teased her neck with kisses and she easily gave her body over to it.  Mayuri-san just has a crazy level of sex appeal, and well, she’s incredibly soft and comfortable to hold.  I’m so happy that she isn’t put off by the many years difference between us and lets me behave freely like this with her.  It’s refreshing to my heart.

“Shota-kun, thanks… for putting my daughter up here.”

“I’m sure you have your reason for asking me to, and while I’m not exactly okay with her making advances towards me and you being that relaxed about it… She’s family now, right?”

“Ara?  Do you see her as family?”

“Maybe something like a bratty little sister.” I admitted.

“Are you the patient and hardworking Onii-chan then?”

“I’d agree to the hardworking part, but writing isn’t exactly the most difficult job.  And as for patient…”

Of course she could feel the pressure of my impatience from behind.

“This is the only drawback to having her here.” I said softly.

“What is?”

“That I can’t just make love to you right here.”

“Oh?  Why not?” Mayuri-san baited me with a question full of coy innocence we both knew she didn’t have.

“…well, she could walk in on us?”



“Isn’t this your home?  I don’t see the problem with you doing exactly that.  You can do whatever you want as the master of the house.”

“You’re wrong about that.  It’s our home, Mayuri-san.”

Mayuri-san turned around, giving me a deep kiss and holding me tightly.

“Do you hate this side of me?”

“What do you mean?”

“That I’m the kind of woman who would be fine with letting her daughter walk right in on seeing her mother and her ex lover going at it passionately?”

I shook my head.

“I don’t mind that.  That my wife wants to show off that I love her even in such a way, I don’t mind that at all!”

“I really love you, Shota-kun.”

“Nothing makes me happier than knowing that, Mayuri-san.”

As much as I would have liked to prove my love to her right there in the kitchen, I restrained myself to just kissing and holding her.  There would be plenty of time for that later tonight, of that I was assured from the passion her lips conveyed.

You can find story with these keywords: The MILF I Married is my Ex-Girlfriend’s Mother., Read The MILF I Married is my Ex-Girlfriend’s Mother., The MILF I Married is my Ex-Girlfriend’s Mother. novel, The MILF I Married is my Ex-Girlfriend’s Mother. book, The MILF I Married is my Ex-Girlfriend’s Mother. story, The MILF I Married is my Ex-Girlfriend’s Mother. full, The MILF I Married is my Ex-Girlfriend’s Mother. Latest Chapter

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