The MILF I Married is my Ex-Girlfriend’s Mother.

Chapter 25: -25- Out and About

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“Maybe.”  I replied to her, not knowing either,  “It’s not like we hit it off perfectly at the start.  Your mom disappeared on me a few times, and each time she left I thought I might never see her again.  She just kept ending up back at my place somehow, and rather than see her leave again… I wanted her to stay.”

I leaned back against the back of the bench and stretched my arms out in front of me.  “…I really did fall in love with her…”

Chigusa just stared at me while I continued.

“Even if she had a child my age, even if she had a disastrous relationship she was trying to escape from, even if she had slept with a hundred guys before that and did all sort of questionable things… I’d still love her, because I found out that she fit.  It was like a puzzle piece where you have to turn it around to make sure you have the right side that connects… that’s how it was getting to know her, and falling in love with her.  It’s because of such a thing that I know I can accept whatever is in her past, I can accept her still wanting to be a good parent to you when she asked me if you could stay with us… it’s all related to her inner kindness.  My home wasn’t a home again until she arrived in my life to make it so.”

“That sucks.” Came the reply from Chigusa.

“What about it sucks?”

“How… how am I supposed to compete with that!?”

She punched her leg right above the knee.

“All I have to work with is that I’m young, I’m pretty, I basically trampled all over you while we were together, and traded first times with you.  Everything you said about my mom… it’s… hard to hear when you say things like that about her.   It’s like… I can never hope to compare to it, and you’ve known her for a way shorter amount of time than you’ve known me!”

Even if it’s true, it’s not like Chigusa and I ever really tried to connect with each other on any kind of deeper level.

“You can’t compare yourself to her because you are two different people, Chigusa.  Even if you inherited some of her looks, Mayuri-san is Mayuri-san and Chigusa is Chigusa.  That’s all there is to it.”

“That doesn’t make me feel any better though.”

“I don’t know what else to tell you.  I won’t lie.  There’s no point in doing so.”

“Did it mean nothing to you?” She asked me.

“You mean our first time?” I replied, knowing what she wanted to bring up.


“It meant something to me, but in the end I felt disappointed that we couldn’t connect with each other even afterwards.  I don’t know how to connect with you, Chigusa.  If you are thinking that I have any kind of regrets with you as my first partner, I don’t.  I’m as grateful as a first time former lover could be.”

“Well, what about that puzzle piece thing you were just talking about?  Don’t you just have to turn me around until you find where we do?  Even corner pieces connect two sides you know!”

“Even if that was possible… that puts us right back to the main problem in the first place.  I’m married to your mother, and I want to remain married to your mother.  Let’s say something happens between us, and by some miracle your mother was okay with it.  Would you really be?  Would you be okay knowing I want to go to bed with her afterwards?  Or that now I want to be with you, and it hurts her deeply that it became like that?  Do you think two women can find happiness with a single man they have to share their time and intimacy with?  This isn’t a manga, Chigusa.  Your father cheated on your mother, and from what you said this was the first time she discovered it.  All it took was that one time and she left him.  She just left after twenty years, disgusted by him.  So, what happens with both of you then?  If you share me, will one or the both of you leave me in the end?”

Chigusa’s face went pale as I spoke.  I tried to present the most logical argument as I could.  I was probably out of my own league in understanding what I was saying to her, but I didn’t know how else to say it.

I grew up with a family that had a healthy monogamous relationship.  To my knowledge neither mom or dad ever had an extramarital affair, and if one of them did, I wouldn’t even know how they would approach dealing with it.

She never gave me an answer.  But she also didn’t want to stop the date, even though the mood got heavy from the start.  We continued our walk through the park, eventually ending up on the other side where there was a crepe stand.  I bought her one with all the toppings to cheer her up.  One thing she loves without a doubt, is food, especially dessert.

“Want a bite?”

She offered me a bit of the crepe, and it looked good.  We were long past the point of being childishly shy and caring about an indirect kiss.  

Our date took us to a few different places, such as a manga café, where we browsed through a few different volumes of things we each liked.  Then we ended up at a batting cage of all places.  I got injured when I was standing in the wrong spot over the plate and the machine-pitched ball hit my finger as I gripped the bat trying to swing at it.  Needless to say that ended my turn quickly.

Nursing a sore finger, we ended up at the movie theatre, and she wanted to see a movie that she had heard about from a friend.  It was a movie about a girl bully falling in love with the boy classmate she bullied for years.  It was somewhat tragic, and also somewhat sweet.  In a way it reminded me of Chigusa, except well… she was more bark than bite.

“Pizza?” I suggested when the movie was over.

She loves pizza by the way.  Can’t get enough of it.  I bet she’d order it every day if she could.  She quickly agreed and we found ourselves sitting outside at a local pizzeria and enjoying a medium pie.  We were able to get it half cheese, and half everything.  She ate her entire half, and the one slice of cheese I couldn’t finish on my side too.

Not once at any point did she let go of me as we walked together after leaving the pizzeria to continue our date.


A loud voice called out to her as we were just aimlessly wandering around at this point.

“Sacchi!” Chigusa called back out when she located the source.

I also recognized the girl who called out to her when she got closer.  Fukamichi Saori.  She’s one of Chigusa’s two popular gyaru-friends that she spent a lot of time with in school.

“Are you on a date with Tachibana-san?” her friend asked.


“Where you heading to, a hotel?”

“Hmm, that could be fun, but we have a house all to ourselves, it’d be a waste of money to go there.”

She expertly deflected having to explain the truth with that statement.  We did have the house to ourselves, and it would be a waste of money to go to a hotel where nothing would happen.

I might find it fun to take Mayuri-san to one though perhaps when she comes back, and maybe spare Chigusa from our marital bliss for a night.

“What about you, Sacchi?”

“Waiting for Izu-pon.  We’re going to go Karaoke.  Do you want to come with us?”

Chigusa squeezed my arm.

“But I’m with Shota today…” she said, almost half-heartedly.

Chigusa hasn’t exactly been hanging out with her friends all that much lately.  Perhaps she misses them?

“Then he can come with!  Izu-pon really wants to go.  She just found out the college guy she was dating was two-timing on her with some bitch from another department, so she wants to vent.”

Chigusa looked at me with that look that said she kind of wanted to go.

I shrugged.

“I’m not really a karaoke kind of guy, but if Chigusa wants to go, I don’t mind tagging along if you’re okay with it.”

“It’s fine, just prepare yourself, we’re gonna get nasty and talk a whole bunch of trash to make her feel better!”

As if I wondered where Chigusa’s direct attitude came from anymore.

We followed Saori-san to the Karaoke place she was going to meet their other friend Izumi-san at, and along the way Chigusa whispered a word of thanks softly into my ear, giving my arm a squeeze with her body.

I can be supportive, even if I’m not actually dating her for real.

Saori-san didn’t mince words when she said they’d be talking trash.  If I thought Chigusa had a potty mouth, she was practically a saint compared to those two, especially Saori-san.

The particular karaoke club we were in was pretty seedy.  Part of the reason her friends selected this one was mainly for privacy, and the fact they could behave improperly as high schools students without much scrutiny.  It was also the same place where Chigusa had dealt with ridicule over her scar.

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The girls were behaving badly, or being well behaved depending on how you view high school girls who are loose in morality.  We ordered some food which was borderline gross, complementing the dingy atmosphere.  It could have been worse, but none of us were twenty, so they couldn’t get any alcohol and while being pissed off about that since none of them were currently dating someone old enough, Izumi-san kept picking crazy sounding rock music and screamed lyrics that didn’t match up to the song she was singing.  

Didn’t seem like any of them cared about any of it though.  They were just being there for each other, nursing each other’s heartache in the way popular delinquent girls do… I guess?

“Do you have any idea how fuckin’ lucky you are Chigusa took you back, Tachibana?” Saori-san spouted.

“Yeah.  She almost bagged a real hottie, back during summer break, but the stupid fucker fucked up and said some dumb shit at the wrong time and she bailed on him.  Well, he probably had a tiny dick anyway.  Did he have a small dick, Sacchi?” Izumi-san crudely explained.

“Fuck you, slut.  I didn’t fuck him.  I fucked the tall one with the muscles.”

“You mean the creepy bastard with glasses who looked like his muscles all came from jacking off?”

“He might have been creepy, but his dick was big.”

“You whore!”

“Says the one who ended up being the other woman! to some loser, too!”

“I wasn’t the other woman, he picked her up after me! And what about you and glasses creep-o?”

“She was a fucking otaku.  How could you lose to her?  Also that piece of shit kept wanting to fuck me raw and kept saying fucked up shit like I’m gonna cum in that high school pussy of yours, and get you pregnant!! like he was one of those pathetic fuckboys from an ero-manga.  It was so gross.  The dick was good, but his personality was a big fat zero.”

“What about you, Chi-chan?  Is Tachibana doing a good job taking care of your needs?”

The topic of sex appeared to be flung right at Chigusa then.

“…he’s doing fine.”

“Oh, acting shy because he’s here?  Spill the details, bitch.  You said you moved in with him, you fuckin’ all over the house and shit?”

Chigusa squeezed my arm hard.

“Well, there was one time Shota was really going at it.  Right on the couch in the living room.  He just kept pounding away and well… it was super hot.  Then he just pinned me to the floor and…”

“Oh shit, so he’s a sleeper?  Didn’t think you had it in you, Tachibana.  Take good care of our Chi-chan and don’t be a fuckboy, she’s too good for you anyway, so just enjoy having something that fucking good fall into your lap, and thank the god of pussy for it the next time you visit a shrine.”

“The god of pussy?  What the fuck is that?” Izumi asked suddenly.

“The god of pussy blesses beautiful bitches with exquisite pussy.  We’re like angels from heaven who have a duty to milk cute guys.”

“Hmm… well Tachibana is kinda cute if you look at him the right light.  I think Chi-chan’s taste is a bit off, but he’s probably never gonna cheat on her.  Sure he’s fucking boring, but I don’t think he’s a total dumbass.”

“He has his good points!  He’s not always after me.  He also gives me some spending money, and he paid for the entire date so far.  He’s kinda like my papa.” Chigusa replied shamelessly to keep up appearances.

“Oh shit, so he’s Mr. Moneybags, huh?  Well, I can see the appeal then.  Maybe if I offer him a little taste, he can part with a Yukichi-san?”

“SLUUUUUUUT!” Saori-san yelled at the top of her lungs.

These girls were absolute trash.

But they were also Chigusa’s friends, no matter how deplorable.  I had known that from when we first started going out.  I wasn’t about to tell her to change who her friends were, especially when she herself said that she essentially only had the rest of this year to enjoy her popularity.

I let as much of it slide off as possible.

Even the part where she described what Mayuri-san and I were doing, and simply omitted Mayuri-san without implicitly stating that she was on the receiving end.

But even if she did imply it, or shamelessly said it was her it happened to, I probably would have let go at that time, and revisited it with her privately later on.

Either way, after almost two hours, Karaoke was done.  As a supportive gesture, I covered the cost, which wasn’t much at all.  Karaoke is meant to be affordable, even for high school students with a small allowance.

They appreciated it, calling me Mr. Moneybags, and wishing us a wild night of sex as they left our company.

That left us staring at the sun slowly beginning to set.

We walked quietly for a little while, before she stopped me.

“You… didn’t say anything.”

“I listened to how you worded it.”

“Thanks… for just… letting me keep my reputation.”

“It’s fine.”

“But if you want to make it so it wasn’t a lie…”

I reached up and twisted my knuckles onto her head.

“Hehehe, I deserved that.”

“Anywhere else you want to go?”

“I’m fine with anywhere as long as it’s with you…”

We walked on and came across a hawker set up on the sidewalk as we walked back home.  There was a mat laid out in front of him and a few pieces of jewelry that looked nice, but were probably fake.

“Nee~  Shota, buy me something to remember this date by.”

“Hmm… how about that one?”  I pointed to a cute looking ring.

“Un.  Umm… …no way!”

The ring in question was kind of plain, but had something like an octopus design on it.

“How much?” I asked the hawker.

He held up three fingers.

3,000 yen?

She had already picked it up and slid it on her finger, admiring it.  It was the end of the date anyway, so what the hell.  I’ll let her have a souvenir.  I parted with a few more bank notes.

“I finally got one!  An Inki-chan ring!  Look!  Look!”

Chigusa was all over me, showing off her new souvenir to me.  She was in an extremely happy mood as we walked all the way home.

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