The MILF I Married is my Ex-Girlfriend’s Mother.

Chapter 24: -24- A Date With Chigusa

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“Good… morning?  Why are you in my bed, Chigusa?”

“I thought you might be lonely, since Mom’s out of town.”

“Even so, you still have your own room to sleep in.”

“I know.  But why not let me fill in for mom until she gets back?  I’m not asking you to make love to me or anything.  Just… let me stay close to you until then.”

“That’s not a good idea, and you know it!”

“I don’t care if it’s a good idea or not.  I won’t have another chance to be like this when she comes back!  I’m not even trying to seduce you or anything.  I just want to be near you, Shota.  Besides, I slept in this bed with you before she ever did!”

I sighed.  On the very rare occasion Chigusa didn’t want to go home back when we were dating, she had stayed the night at my place on a few occasions.  We actually cuddled once in this very bed, though my hands didn’t dare go anywhere inappropriate.  Then another time we fell asleep only holding hands.  So she’s technically right about having done so before Mayuri-san.  But the sleeping I did together with Mayuri-san in this bed was of an entirely different nature…

“Seriously, that’s all it is!  Just some closeness between us…”  She continued, “A-anyway, it’s morning.  I have something special I want to make you for breakfast, so don’t take too long changing, and hurry downstairs, okay?”

I was given another kiss, a quick one this time, and Chigusa sprung out of bed energetically, bounding out of the room.

She wanted to make me something special for breakfast?

Well, her rice wasn’t crunchy anymore, and while she was a far cry from being anything like my wife in the kitchen…  I have gotten used to eating a hot breakfast.

I changed into something casual and went downstairs a few minutes later.  She was in the kitchen humming a tune, one I at least was familiar with, being from my generation.  She was wearing Mayuri-san’s cute yellow apron and there was a plastic container with cold rice on the counter with the lid off, and a carton of eggs next to it.

The coffee machine was percolating her morning cup of coffee. While she multi-tasked to the best of her ability, I popped in the fridge to grab some wake up juice of my own.

“Don’t drink that!”

She scolded me as I pulled out the can of cola I had intended to drink.

“Breakfast’ll be done quick, so just sit down.  I’ll take care of everything!”

She was enthusiastic about it.  Well, that’s not a bad thing I guess?  I took a seat at the kitchen table, and waited patiently as she cracked a few eggs into a pan on the stove.

I had my tablet with me, so I just browsed my web novel page and answered comments to pass the time.  Eventually she put a plate in front of me, along with an emphasized “Ta-da!”

… It was a large yellow omelet?

“It’s Omurice!” she said cheerfully. 

In her hand was a bottle of ketchup.  She began to use the squirt bottle to draw a couple of words on it.  They were sloppily drawn, but then I’m no ketchup artist either.  I’m pretty sure they were both the same kanji, and surrounding them was a heart.

Suki Suki. (好好)

In other words, love-love.

She made me a love-love omurice.

A fork and knife were placed next to me after that, and all that was left to do was for me to dig in.

Now for those who are inexperienced to the world of omurice, the perfect omurice is a firm egg on the outside, while gooey on the inside.  When you cut the top of the omurice, it basically unfolds by itself over the rice underneath with a oozy layer of warm egg that you can then mix with the rice and eat.  It’s essentially a version of tamago kake gohan, but with a lightly scrambled cooked egg.  

The execution of it takes skill and practice.  I didn’t believe for a second that she a sufficient amount of either.  So when I cut it open and it did exactly what it was supposed to… I was pleasantly surprised.

“It came out good, didn’t it!”

She was much more excited over it than I was.  I went ahead and tried a bite only to find it was quite delicious too!

“It’s really good!” I said, actually enjoying it.

“Kukuku~  It was tricky to get the hang of it, but I learned how to do it just for you!”

“Just for me?  Why?”

“Well, mom hasn’t made you an omurice before, has she?”

“Come to think about it, no.  She hasn’t.”

Did she inquire with her mother about things that were cooked for me since she moved in or something?

“Exactly!  I was secretly being helped by a friend in the cooking club!  She works part-time at a maid café, and knows how to make them perfectly, so I got her to show me how a few times, and I’ve been practicing everyday since then.”

“Is that so?”

“Un.  Now, I want a bite too, Ah~”

She opened her mouth shamelessly for a bite of the omurice she made for me.

“Aw, come on!   I feed you bento at lunchtime in school every day!”

I picked up a sizeable amount and fed her a bite.


She pulled her chair closer to me and the plate and sat down, it was like feeding a small stray animal scraps from my plate.  It was kind of cute in its own way.  Chigusa was never like this before with me, and while I didn’t dislike it… it just… wasn’t proper anymore to enjoy something like this with her.

When breakfast was finished, she took care of the clean up and I went to relax in the living room.  She joined me shortly after.

“Anything you wanna do today?” she asked me.

“Not particularly…”

“Then, wanna go on a date with me?”

“A date?”

“Yeah, let’s just walk around and maybe catch a movie.  Whatever gets us out of the house for a while.  Or if you insist on being a homebody, maybe… we can get cozy and you can fool around with me instead?”

That decision took less than one zeptosecond to be reached.

“A date it is!”


I breathed a sigh of relief.  She already got way too cozy with me this morning for my own comfort.  She went upstairs quickly to get changed, and I figured I had to do the same.  So much for my lazy Saturday lounging at home.

Chigusa was in the bathroom with the door wide open getting all decked out.  She was dressed up real nice, had her large hoop earrings in, her hair clipped in the back, pink lipstick along with all kinds of other makeup layered on.  Her outfit was a cute pink tee with a white skirt.  Matching white socks that came just above her knees, and I could tell more than ever that she wanted to appear beautiful for me.

It hurt a bit, because I did think she was beautiful.  Even without all the makeup.  I always did.  But I can’t touch her.  I can’t, because I love her mother, and I won’t betray my wife with her daughter.

I can’t.  I simply can’t do it.

After taking a short forever to ready herself, we went downstairs and headed outside for a walk.  As usual, she linked arms with me while we walked, our destination being nowhere in particular.  By chance we ended up passing through the nearby park, and when we reached a certain place, I stopped.

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“Tired already?”  Chigusa asked me, but that wasn’t why I stopped.

I was standing in front of the bench where I found Mayuri-san the first time after she came into my life and left.  When I invited her to my home in exchange for three meals a day until her friend Kotobuki Kanna came back from Jeju Island. Incidentally, I only know Kanna-san’s family name now because it’s in my contact list, even though she and her husband signed as a witness on our marriage form.

“No, I was just thinking this was sort of where it all began.”

“Where what began?”

“The moment I realized I wanted your mother to stay with me.”

“About that… What exactly happened?”

We had a seat, and I explained it all.  I’m sure she already knew some of it at least from talking with her mother by now, but I just explained my side of it.

“I see.  So it’s true what they say, that the way to a man’s heart is through his stomach.”

I shrugged.

“Maybe.  You know… I was so lonely at that time.  You had left me, and I didn’t have anyone else.  She made me a warm meal, and was kind.  You’d think it was because I missed my own mother, but it’s really not like that.”


“I’m sorry I was boring.” I said, apologizing to Chigusa.

“It’s not your fault.  I’m… just like this.  I only have the rest of the year to be popular.  If I get lucky I can get into college, but that’s expensive, so I’ll have to work to afford tuition, since I doubt I’d get a scholarship for anything.   And if I’m working then that’s less time to fool around.  And well, college means a lot of studying too, so that’s less time I have to fool around…”

“Sounds to me like you just want to fool around.”

“Hehe, I do.  Mostly with you, but what can I do?  I just have to endure it the best I can.”

“Do you want to attend college?  It’s not like I haven’t noticed you studying in your room.” I asked her because I was genuinely curious about her future plans.

“I don’t know.  To be perfectly honest, towards the end of summer break, I realized how shit life is, and figured someone boring but straight tracked as you would probably get a decent enough job, so I was just going to settle and probably figure out how to get knocked up by you and then end up like mom did with dad.”

“That’s uh…”  

Should she be telling me something like this in such a way?  I mean, I appreciate honesty, but it’s not exactly sugar coated either.

“I know, right?”

“No consideration for me, huh?”

“That’s not true.  I was planning on giving you the prime beauty years of my life.  I think that’s a fair exchange.”

“I think you have many more than you believe you do.  Your mother is thirty-six, and I think she’s held on to her beauty fabulously.  If you look like that by her age, then you have it made.”

“Yeah, but having a large chest like she does lets you get away with a lot more.  I’ve only got these little things.”

She fluffed her breasts.

“You don’t mind if they don’t get too much bigger than this, do you?”

“Are you going to be doing this all day?”

“What?  Flirting?”


“This is what they call flirting, you dummy.”

“Somehow I thought flirting was a bit…”

“Nope, you just say the occasional wild thing you’re thinking of and see what gets said back.  If you both tease each other enough with suggestion, usually you go from there.”

“I had no idea.  I guess what I considered flirting is different with Mayuri-san.”

“Mom’s a natural.  Dad’s probably good at it too.  I mean, he can pick up women so easily… guess mom fell for his playboy routine too.”

Chigusa paused for a second with her eyes wide open.

“Shit… maybe that’s what it is!”


“Am I… her?”


“That bitch dad was cheating on mom with this last time.  The one he moved into the house.  Am I… her to mom?”

“You mean being a younger home wrecker trying to steal her husband away?”

“Geh… don’t say it like that.  But… That’s it, isn’t it?”

“No.  I don’t think so, at least you’re only half right.”

“Half right?”

“Do you remember when I pinned you down after you walked in on us?”


“When your mom talked to me after I got off of you, do you remember our exchange?”

“Huh?  Not really.  I was fuming mad that you didn’t even let me masturbate to you two.  That shit had me pent up.  I thought for sure you’d do me if I pushed you into getting angry enough.  I didn’t even care if it hurt again.  Mom seems to enjoy sex so much.  I figured maybe… you learned how to do it better or something, so it wouldn’t be so bad again.”

I feel like somehow there is some disconnect on what sex is supposed to be like with her…

“Ahem.  Anyway, your mother, who loves you as only a mother can, would have asked me to do just that.  She’s got a big heart, Chigusa.  Bigger than it needs to be, since that’s what makes her special.  But she’s also got a selfishness inside of her.  She doesn’t want to be second best to anyone.  If she could stand it, then would she have left your home when she found him cheating?”


“I won’t do that to her.  Because when I asked her to tell me as my legal and married wife that she wanted me to be with you as my former lover… she couldn’t bring herself to say it.”

“So you’re saying… if she approached you as your wife, and said she wanted you to…?”

“I would think about it.  But that’s all I’ll say now, because I don’t want to have to think about it.  I don’t want to think about all the hurt it could cause not just her, but you too.  Because even if I did do it with you again, I would want to be in her arms when it was over, apologizing.”

“So the fact is, I was just a couple of weeks too slow in getting you back, huh?”

What she brought up there at that moment, was a very damning question.  If she had barged back into my life sooner… would things be different after all?

You can find story with these keywords: The MILF I Married is my Ex-Girlfriend’s Mother., Read The MILF I Married is my Ex-Girlfriend’s Mother., The MILF I Married is my Ex-Girlfriend’s Mother. novel, The MILF I Married is my Ex-Girlfriend’s Mother. book, The MILF I Married is my Ex-Girlfriend’s Mother. story, The MILF I Married is my Ex-Girlfriend’s Mother. full, The MILF I Married is my Ex-Girlfriend’s Mother. Latest Chapter

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