The MILF I Married is my Ex-Girlfriend’s Mother.

Chapter 32: -32- Epilogue: Mother’s Intuition

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~~** Watanabe Chigusa's Point of View **~~

I woke up in my room to my mother shaking me gently.  

I was invited to sleep in their room last night by her, but Shota wasn’t having any of it.  Even though my mother and I both made love to him at the same time Friday night when she returned, after admitting my loss officially and having to make do with only his mouth and hands from now on as all I would ever be allowed, the look on his face when she suggested that arrangement was the same as the day I dumped him.  

I normally never would have let an opportunity like sleeping in the same bed slip out of my fingers, yet for some reason everything inside of me screamed to let it go last night. 

So I did.

“Chigusa dear, do you have a moment?” My mother asks me as my eyes open slowly.

“Nnh… mom?  W-what is it?”

“I need you to wake up and come into the bathroom with me.”

It was a strange request, but I accompanied my mother to the bathroom.  When we got in, she locked the door behind us.  There was a small plastic bag, and in it were…

“Pregnancy tests?”

I looked at my mother and she nodded.

“I was originally going to just use these for myself.  But a couple of things made me think I should have you use one too.”

“Huh?  Why?”

“Chigusa… when was the last time your period came?”


Come to think about it… when was the last time?  I remember getting one around the beginning of summer break, but after that, I can't actually recall.

“Maybe… two or so months ago?  But you know I’m irregular at times, when that happens I just have a really heavy one after.”

My mother nodded, but opened up one of the tests and handed it to me it.

“Just, for me… will you?”

“Sure, but Shota didn’t lie to you, Mom.  We really didn’t have any intercourse while you were gone.”

“I don’t doubt that.  Shota is a sincere boy, probably better than an old lady like me deserves if he could hold back on devouring you completely, but this is just to humor me, okay?”


I took the unwrapped test and sat down on the toilet, pulling my panties down.  It took a moment to get the golden waterworks going, but after dousing the white stick, I handed it over to mom.

“Alright, it’s my turn next.” Mom said with a nervous expression.

“Do you think you’re pregnant?” I asked my mom.

“That’s why I’m taking a test, dear.  I don’t think I am, but I want to be sure.  Shota and I have… been risky a few times, but they were mostly on my safe days.  Not that there are ever truly any safe days before menopause, and I've still got at least a decade before that happens.”

She left the test I handed back to her on the sink, swapping places with me.  My mother did her business and when done placed her own test next to mine.

“It can take a few minutes.  I like this test, since this was the brand I used to find out I was pregnant with you.”

“…so you think I’m pregnant?”

Mom placed a hand on my shoulder.

“I hope not, but there are some things a parent just knows.  I mean, you haven’t used any sanitary supplies since you’ve moved in with us.  Maybe you don’t realize it, but I did buy you some, and the box isn’t even open.  There also haven’t been any used wrappers in the wastebasket other than mine.  Plus… I just… felt like it’s important we check, sweetie.”

Mom pointed to the small wire basket on the back of the toilet, it contained the super slim applicators and some pads.  Mom had heavier times than I did, so she used some bigger ones than myself due to the discomfort I had felt due to my smaller size down there.

“Well, I mean, usually I get those warning cramps, but I haven’t had them lately…”

We stood there for a while, until the verdict came in.


We stared at both tests.

For mom, she had only one pink line.

For me… there were two.

“So… I’m… pregnant?” I asked.

Mom tore open another test, handing it to me again.

“It’s peace of mind to do it twice.” She said to me, but… how could I be pregnant?  I mean… if I’m pregnant… it had to be from… back then?

I let loose my golden stream once more on the applicator, and again we waited.  And again, minutes later, the result came back with two lines.  The second opinion was the same as the first.

“Chigusa… can I… feel your stomach?” Mom asked me.  

I lifted my shirt up, exposing my belly which was a bit bigger, but not so noticeably to allow her.  My mother’s warm hand felt me up in a number of places and positions from between my hairless mound and my belly button, in the center and on both sides.

“Your uterus is pretty firm.  There’s no question, Chigusa… You’re pregnant.”

I was floored.  

I mean, I’m a senior in high school, so it’s not a super big deal… but I’m also only a senior in high school!  It’s a huge deal!  Being pregnant… having a baby at 18… no, I’ll be 19 by then…

“W-what do I do?  I…”

My mother immediately hugged me.  A full body squeeze that I hadn’t felt in a long, long time.  She held me closely and I admit it had been a long time since I felt this feeling from her. I had oftentimes taken my mom for granted in always being there to clean up my messes… but… this is something she can’t help me with, is it?

“The first thing we do is go to the clinic.  For now, don’t say a word about this to Shota.”

“How can I?  He’ll kill me!”

“No, he won’t.  But for right now, we need to find out how far along you are, and what options you have available to you.”


“Options.  And that’s all I will say for right now.  I’ll hide these tests, and get breakfast started.  Go to school with him as usual, and hurry home immediately after.  We’ll take a bus to the clinic and find out everything then.”

“…how… can I be pregnant though?”

“How else?  Chigusa, be honest with me… was there anyone else besides Shota?”


I had told her already that there wasn’t… didn’t she believe me?

“I swear… the one and only time we did it… was right before we broke up.  I haven’t done a thing with anyone else!  Just that one sleazy asshole trying to feel me up.  Even with you gone… Shota… um… okay so I might have put a little of his stuff in me with my fingers, but… he didn’t like… unload inside me!”

“Okay, sweetie.  I believe you.  But if that’s the case, you’ve got to be pretty far along already.  Whatever you two did while I was gone wouldn’t have your stomach as firm as it is.  You really haven’t felt anything at all?  The baby moving in any way?”

I shook my head, I really hadn’t.

“I just figured I wasn't getting any skinnier because I've been eating more carbs lately.  Aren’t I supposed to have… signs?  Like puking and stuff?”

Mom nods.

“Normally there can be a period of morning sickness, but it’s not always the case.  Going by the time period, I can only guess that it would have been near the end of summer… around the time you came here that you would have had the morning sickness.”

I shook my head.

“I’ve been feeling fine though.  No nausea or anything even up until now.”

“Then you’re one of the lucky ones… or unlucky in this case.  If you would have had the nausea, I would have noticed it and done this sooner.”  

Mom continued to hug me, rubbing my back over and over.

“Go change and get ready for school.  We’ll talk later, okay?”

I changed, ate breakfast, then went to school aside him, pretending nothing was different as I clung shamelessly to my one and only… boyfriend and now... baby’s daddy.  

I don’t think he really has the first idea of how much he truly means to me.  Right now even more so… since what I’m carrying inside of me now is the proof that it was our love that was supposed to be… that was meant to be!

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I didn’t have the energy to deal with things at school, and for one of the rare moments, I didn’t go to Shota’s classroom for lunch to pester him as I always did.

Instead I headed towards a certain second year’s classroom.

“Kurocchin~  Help meeeeee!”

The person who was my fallback in times like these, and also my low-key friend for the last two years, was a member of the same afterschool Literary club Shota belonged to.  

Shibata Kurone.

“Hai, Hai~  And what do I need to help our dear princess with today?”

I sighed.

“Nothing.  There’s nothing you can help me with… I just… don’t wanna be with the girls, and I can’t face Shota right now.”

“It’s nice to know my place in your world never changes.”

I throw my arms around her and give her a hug.

“Mine… doesn’t either…”

I began to fake-cry.  We both knew any tears I would usually shed to her would be bullshit, only mine today were anything but.  Because right now I was only Shota’s half-mistress-slash-ex-girlfriend who was also carrying his child.

My tears would be fucking genuine right now, if they’d come out.  I don’t think I’ve been hit with the iron club of reality yet, but even I know it’s coming at me like a bullet train.

I didn’t impart the truth to her yet, I only came for the consolation and comfort she offered me.  Had I not gone down the road of being a gyaru, I think I would probably remain a lot like Kurocchin.

In fact, I owe a lot to her.  If not for her agreeing with Izumi on who to try dating, I might not have ever actually had the courage to make Shota date me at all.

We shared a simple lunch, talking about nothing important, me just needing her company to soothe my heart, then I went back to class.  I kept my head down, pretending to be tired, and returned home as soon as the last bell rang.  When I got there, mom was already waiting for me.  I quickly changed and we headed out to the clinic she had made an emergency appointment at.

There was another pregnancy test done there as well, and they also drew some blood before laying me down on a bed.  Some stuff was smeared on my stomach, then something that looked like a grocery barcode scanner was pushed around my stomach.

On the screen display, they showed me something that changed my world.

In my belly…

“Let’s see, judging by the development of the fetus, you appear to be approaching your twentieth week.  Also, I think it’s safe to determine that it’s a girl, though I would recommend a follow up ultrasound in a couple more weeks to be sure…”

I looked over to my mother who had an incredibly serious look on her face.


My mother took a deep breath and spoke to the doctor.

“My daughter is still young… is it… too late for her… to abort?”


The doctor also had a look on her face that was serious.

“According to maternal law… she has under two weeks to do so.  At the latest, she would need to decide by this coming Sunday if she was to choose to follow through, before it became illegal without it being a life-threatening situation.  There’s also the possibility of increased complications for such a thing since she’s in the second trimester…”

“M-mom?  What do you mean abort?  You want me to kill it!?”

Mom reached out for my hand.

“I told you earlier, sweetie.  We came to hear what options you have.  If you want to keep it, of course I won’t ask you to do something like that.  But you’re also in your last year of school.  You’ll be having it right before you graduate… and you’ll face the same, if not more, hardships than I had to if you do decide to keep it.  I'm just availing you to options you have, and how long you have them for, that's all.”

Mom stared at the doctor.

“Can… we have a moment alone, please?”

The doctor nodded.

“By all means.  I’ll take care of the paperwork, just come out when you are finished.  I sent a picture to the printer out front, so you can take it home with you when you leave.”

“Thank you, doctor.” My mother said.

The doctor put a warm gloved hand on my leg, and on my mom’s shoulder before leaving the room.

“What I meant by asking the doctor that is… your father and I… we were both on the same page with my pregnancy.  No matter what he did later on… your father was committed to me back then, and committed to providing for you.  But… with Shota-kun…”

This is where her face tightened.

“Shota is my husband now…  Not yours.”

I felt a cold chill pass straight into my heart when she said that so directly.

“I gave you the opportunity to seduce him, and in the end he chose me.  I can’t overlook his determination.  What woman can?  I can forgive that you two fooled around a little, because that much is normal considering what you were allowed to do, but what do you think will happen from here on out?  You couldn’t even beat a used up housewife twice your age who he barely knows in his heart.  You couldn’t get him to go all the way with you again… and now you have his baby inside of you.  What do you expect to happen?  For him to put me aside and choose you over me now?”

As mom fired off harsh realities, I began to close my mind… and my heart.

She was completely right.  I had lost.  Shota would do everything with me… but that.  He wouldn’t betray my mother ultimately.  Because Shota is that… good of a guy.

And so I began to cry again… with my mother comforting me once again.

“So… what do we do?”

“For now, we go home… and we have a talk with Shota.”

“B-but you just said he won’t put you aside and choose me!”

“Still, in the end, you are carrying his child.  So, he needs to be let into the loop now, unless you can tell me right now, you plan to abort.”

“Mom! That’s…”

“It’s unfair to him if you don’t have the resolve to do it right now.  Because let me tell you, I had the resolve to abort you if Daigo would have run away.”


Mom would have...?

“I’m a woman, the same as you.  I loved your father, Chigusa.  To the point I was prepared to use you to make sure he would stay with me.  Thankfully, he did take care of me, and provided for the both of us… but not being married to him was perhaps his revenge for my play.  So let me be clear… I’m not prepared to give up my husband who I truly believe loves me now.  A young and handsome man who tells me every day he loves and appreciates me.  A man who isn’t stingy with his money or affection.  A man who even lets me bring my naughty daughter into our home during our honeymoon period and has to fight her off with a stick!  The one thing the wisdom of old age has taught me, is that I should count my blessings and never do something so stupid as giving him a reason to doubt my intentions again… even if it is to my daughter, who can’t do a single thing on her own without me.”

I was floored.  Mom just declared that she wasn’t going to give me further leeway in trying to win over Shota anymore!

I couldn’t even reply, it was like I had swallowed Mt. Fuji and it was lodged deep in my throat.  Even breathing was hard to do.

We left the doctor’s office and came back home.

Shota was already there, and mom ushered him into the kitchen.

“Did you two enjoy your trip?”  Shota said with his usual attentiveness.

“Shota-kun, please have a seat.”  My mother said firmly to him.  Shota looked confused but sat down.

“You too, Chigusa.”

I also sat down at the table.

Mom had the envelope with the test results and the ultrasound picture.  She put it on the table and slid it over to him.

I was so scared.

Shota was going to see it and flip his shit.

He opened it up and took out the form.  However before he read it in depth, he saw the ultrasound picture half out of the envelope and picked it up.  Staring at it, his mouth dropped open.

“Mayuri-san… you’re pregnant?”

Yeah… of course he would think that.  He wouldn’t think that the one time we had sex, the one time I ever had sex, and without a condom no less… that I would end up pregnant.

“About that, Shota-kun…”  Mom softly spoke.

“It’s not mom, Shota."  I interjected "It’s me.  I’m having… your daughter.”

~~** VOLUME ONE END **~~

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