The MILF I Married is my Ex-Girlfriend’s Mother.

Chapter 34: -02- Dazed Haze

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~~**  Tachibana Mayuri’s Point of View **~~

“So, Chigusa got knocked up?  Uwahahaha!!

The person rudely laughing is my best friend from forever ago, Kotobuki Kanna.  She’s an eternal lolita with a body image complex and the only person I know who can keep up with my bad drinking habit.  The only reason I haven’t dumped the beer I was drinking on her head for laughing at my daughter being pregnant was the fact that she said the same exact thing to me when I revealed my own pregnancy to her.

I called her over to the house around noon, to be a drinking partner with me when I was done crying after my daughter and husband left for school.

"Like mother, like daughter!  Bet that’s going to be what finally gets her to leave.”

“What do you mean?” I asked her.

“She’ll finally leave you and Shota alone and go chase after the guy who did that to her, like you did, won’t she?”

I took a long chug of my beer before crunching the can in my hand.  I immediately popped open the next one and chugged part of that one too before answering her right as she took a sip herself.

“Kanna-chan.  The bun in her oven is my husband’s.”


Cough, cough…

I watched with a bit of schadenfreude as she regurgitated beer involuntarily from both her nose and mouth onto my kitchen table.  Sometimes she needed to be punished for her abrasiveness.  Or maybe I like being sadistic at times to people looking down on my loved ones…. just a little anyway.

“What!?  You’re kidding?  You let those two fool around and she got pregnant with his kid!?”

“Not at all.  I told you before that they used to go out.”

“Yeah, but you also said she dumped him and was fooling around over the summer!”

“Turns out that wasn’t entirely the case.  Seems she met someone thanks to those delinquent friends of hers, but that person made fun of her scar…”

“Ah… right.  She’s sensitive about that mark, isn’t she?  But… that means he would have still done it under your roof with her, right?  Was it during one of the times when you disappeared on him?”

“No.  She did it under his roof with him while they were still together.  Chigusa’s twenty weeks along because she just had to go and pretend to be an adult in the most childlike manner possible.” I said with a little undeserved self-righteousness.  Both Kanna-chan and I knew I went and became an “adult” long before Chigusa had.  But it was the late 90s… it was a different time and there wasn’t exactly a whole lot to do in Sapporo.

“So… that’s before summer began and he met you?”

“Yeah.  As it turns out they were each other’s first, and his one shot did the trick.”

“Fuckin’ hell!  But… that’s not a bad thing when you think about it.  I mean, it kind of gets you off the hook for needing to have a kid with him.”

“It does, but I don’t think he sees it that way.”

“So, what then?  Does he want both of you to have his babies?”

I shook my head.

“I don’t think so.  I mean, didn’t you ask him yourself that day I came back here with you when you thought he was trying to scam me with a marriage offer?  He wanted me to have some freedom knowing I had just about finished raising Chigusa.  I don’t know where he himself stands at the moment on having a child with her at all, though.”

“…so it’s all really just an accident?”

“As much as I hate to call her baby that, that’s pretty much the case.”

“You say you don’t know where he stands, but what’s the problem with just asking him?”

“…he hasn’t said a word to Chigusa or I… since she told him.  He’s been sleeping downstairs on the couch, and barely interacting with us at all.”

“Well, at least you know one thing for sure.  He sure as hell isn’t Daigo!  Do you remember what that prick said to you when you told him?”


Of course I remember.  When I told him I was pregnant, at first he thought I was lying, or that it belonged to someone else.  When I showed him the pregnancy test he changed his tune, saying no point in bothering with contraceptives anymore and proceeded to pressure me into having sex with him just about every time we met.  Not that I minded, I mean, I loved the guy, and spontaneous sex was fun as hell at that age, but my panties were always sticky with cum!  Sitting down in class with a load dripping out was never comfortable.

I sighed.

“Well, there’s good news at least.”


“Yeah, with any luck, my son will fall in love with your granddaughter!”

“Your son?”

She rubbed her stomach with a smile.

“I hope it’s a son… at least.”

“Oh!   Kanna-chan!  Are you finally…?”  I clasped my hands in front of my face and couldn’t possibly stop the shock of the good news. “When?”


“Found out Saturday.”

“And you didn’t call me!?”

“Calm down.  I took three tests to be sure, and I have a scheduled appointment tomorrow.  I was going to tell you when it was official, but do you wanna come with me?”

“You bet!  Oh… I wonder if she’ll inherit your genes?”

“God I hope not.  I hope she grows into a tall Amazonian goddess.”

“So you can ride on her shoulders when you get old?”

Kanna-chan slapped the table with a loud bang.

“Listen here you fat ass Holstein–”

The door to the house opened as Kanna-chan sent a stream of curses my way for making fun of her lacking size.  It wasn’t meant as an attack, it was just two drinking buddies ribbing each other.  However, the person who entered just now was the master of the house.

He looked over and saw Kanna-chan and I in the kitchen drinking and approached us.  I stood up to greet him.

“Welcome home, Shota-kun.  Would you like something to eat?”

I wasn’t sure if he’d speak to me today, all he did was put his arms around me and pull me tightly into a hug.  It was warm, and I missed them over the last few days.  I hadn’t received either a hug or a kiss from him properly since Chigusa and I sat down and informed him.

I needed it.

“So, lover-boy, you treating my Mayumayu right?”

I felt the tightness of his hug weaken, and his head which rested on my shoulder for a moment tilted to stare at Kanna-chan.

“No.  I have not been treating her right at all.”  Was what he said clearly.

He took a step back and turned away, heading upstairs to our room, leaving me and Kanna-chan staring at each other.

“Should I go kick his ass?”  She suggested.

“No.  This is a good thing.  He’s at least talking again.  Sorry, Kanna-chan… can we continue this another day?”

“Tomorrow.  You go take care of your man… I’ll call you with the details of my appointment, and we’ll meet there tomorrow, okay?”

“Alright.  Want me to call you a taxi?”

Kanna-chan stood up and gripped the table for a moment to steady herself.  “…yeah, I’m pretty buzzed, actually.”

It was to be expected, between the both of us we drank eight beers.

After calling my best friend a taxi and sending her off, I returned inside and headed upstairs.  It was hopefully the right moment to have a much needed talk with my husband… and perhaps my turn to apologize for a few things.

~~**  Tachibana Shota’s Point of View **~~


I had been in a haze for a few days.  It all started Friday night, after I apologized to my wife for all the things I did with Chigusa.  She dumped half a can of beer on my head, then told me I needed to properly care for her and her daughter now.

Mayuri-san milked me dry, while Chigusa sat on my face.

Normally, a guy should be happy about something like a threesome happening with a super hot mother and daughter combo, but that only made things feel worse for me.  I felt like Mayuri-san didn’t take my apology seriously.  Why should I be allowed to continue to do those things with Chigusa?

It wasn’t right.

It wasn’t right to begin with, but even with permission, that just made it seem that my love and apology for her was insincerely taken.

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She even tried to invite Chigusa to share our bed, but that incensed me.  Did she not believe that the only one I wanted was her?  I had my reason for not having intercourse with Chigusa, and it was so I could keep control over my feelings.  Inviting her into our bedroom was crazy talk.  I was afraid I… wouldn’t be able to hold back anymore if that was the case!

What if I rolled over to the wrong woman at night and just attacked?

And if that didn’t make things worse, because of all that, it affected my… performance.  Mayuri-san said she wasn’t nearly satisfied having been away from me, but… because of everything that happened… my motivation to just have sex was gone.

I only wanted to hold her and reaffirm my feelings.  That our relationship wasn’t only about satiating my lust.  That I deeply and truly cared for her and needed her to know that!

When Monday came around and I was blindsided by the paperwork from the clinic Mayuri-san took Chigusa to, having seen the documentation stating Chigusa was halfway to term, and the ultrasound… of what our one spontaneous action had wrought…  I felt everything go dim.

It wasn’t until Chigusa hugged me this morning that I finally snapped out of it.

I knew I had done something wrong in neglecting Mayuri-san, but I was also unsure of what to do.  I didn’t know how to face this situation, with Chigusa being pregnant in the household.  I couldn’t talk to Kuro-chan about this, nor could I ever say anything to Raita.  It would have been awkward to talk to Kanna-san, since I didn’t know her very well, coupled with the fact that she’s clearly on my wife’s side, and well… I didn’t really have anyone else I felt I could talk to that could smack some much needed sense into me.

I had changed out of my clothes and into something more comfortable by the time Mayuri-san came up to our room in an attempt to talk to me.  She really is a beautiful woman, and I’m lucky to have her.  But this is about when the values we share begin to clash with each other, not physical compatibility.

“Shota darling, can you spare a moment?”

Mayuri-san closed the door behind her and leaned against it.  She extended her arms as if asking for another embrace to which I was happy to oblige her.  The fog hadn’t lifted entirely, but I was conscious of her again.

Had I wounded her by my distance over the last few days?

Letting her take me into her arms, she lowered my head gently into her chest and stroked my head.  While I let myself be comforted by the gentle wifely nature she possessed, kissing and rubbing my face onto her bosom, she spoke.

“I know it’s a lot to take in, Shota.  I’m not asking for an immediate reply… but perhaps you can speak with someone who can listen to you who isn’t me.  Someone to help you sort through your feelings.  Chigusa reminded me that you have a family friend…”

Family friend…?

That’s true.  There is one person I could trouble at this time, but her life is so busy, I wonder if she’d be able to listen to my worries?

I nodded my head into her chest.

“So you’ll speak with them?”

“…yeah…” I agreed.

“Shota, neither Chigusa or I think you did anything wrong here.  I also think we both didn’t consider how heavily this matter would be weighing on your mind and heart.  All we want to do is listen to what you have to say, because your feelings about it are important to us.  Both of us.”

I heard what she was saying, yet my hands didn’t appreciate the sentiment.  Instead they were pawing at my wife who even if I had a moral conflict with, I still wanted to believe in.  I don’t know why I was behaving this way to her.  Why I couldn’t lead her to the bed, and crawl into her arms to be cared for.

Instead, as she leaned against the door, I craved her body.

And she obliged me without a single complaint.

At the very least, as I peeled her shirt off and my lips sunk again and again into her sumptuous E-cup breasts, I did manage to eke out an audible apology for my current action.

Her reply was a kiss bequeathed to the top of my head.

After partaking in the natural stress relief that my much older MILF of a wife easily provided me, my kisses trailed down to her stomach and eventually to the place I didn’t deserve at all to be at right now.

I sniffed at her crotch and kissed it over her clothes.

“Shota, my body is yours if you need it.  Don’t hold back with me, okay?”

Her honeyed words to my ears were no different than the same honey which began to stain her panties.  I slowly undressed her and while on my knees, I draped her right leg over my shoulder as her hands rested on my own.

My tongue found the meal it desired and Mayuri-san allowed me to eat for the first time in days.  She was always delicious.  Lapping up the love she had contained for days within her folds, Mayuri-san let herself be vocal, allowing me to give into my pent up lust for her.

I’m fairly certain she did it knowing I was just a horny teenager at his limit around the woman he loves, but I was able to compartmentalize my shame and focus on my greed.  My wife belonged to me.  My wife’s womb belonged to me.  Even if I dared not to fill it with what Chigusa already had, I still wanted it and only it…

I kept telling myself in my mind at least.

“Ahn~  Shota… I’ve been craving you too!”

I continued to eat my wife’s amazing pussy until she began shaking her hips and wetting my face with her loving lubrication.  Her legs wobbled and shook, her entire body weight now pressing down on me.

“Ufufufu~  Shall we… continue on the bed, my husband?”

I took her by the hand and led her over there.  Mayuri-san reached for the large box of condoms and retrieved one.

“Would you like some of the same, or would you prefer the main course?”

I grinned.

I already had the appetizer, and my stomach wasn’t nearly full.  My lower half was standing at attention and my wife’s sultry laugh as she rolled it on rendered her question irrelevant.

I wanted to tenderize her meat.

Normally I enjoy being on top and being able to look into her eyes, but Mayuri-san had other plans for me.  She gave me a soft kiss on the lips and turned around, planting her hands on the bed as she exposed her weakness to me.  An amazingly thick booty beckoning me to procreate with her.

“Go as wild as you wish, honey.  I want to be messed up as badly as you want to mess me up!”

My hands ran themselves over her soft and jiggly ass, offering only a teasingly light spank, before I brought my offending member to bear on her soaking wet divide.  I slid in with ease and as I did, there was no fog or haze on my mind anymore, only the endless ocean of pleasure I felt when burying myself as far as I could into my beloved.

I didn’t start slow, and I didn’t care if I finished quickly.  My wife’s mature body called out to me biologically, some pheromones likely the culprit.  They screamed at me to mate with her.  They whispered into my mind that I needed to trap her, to contain her, to bind her forever to me.

That my seed was desperately needed at the end of the long bumpy cavity inside of her which squeezed my cock with practiced effort.

“Ufufufu~  Do you like it when I do that, Shota?”

Mayuri-san had the ability inside of her to milk my cock with the intensity of a snake strangling its prey to death before devouring it.  Having gone a few days without any release, I was ashamed to say my first round didn’t last long.

But my second wind didn’t need any help from my lovely wife to reassert itself!

“Ara, another round already?”

I had my wife climb on to the bed completely, and I pushed her head down onto the mattress and wrapped my hands around her waist lifting it up.  I put on a fresh condom and began to drill her from a different angle.

“Mmmh~  Shota, I can really feel this~”

Unlike the first round which was me letting loose, I was more focused on letting her feel pleasure this time.  The thumbs on my hands which had been kneading her plump ass made their way to her dirty hole and pressed against it in a circular fashion.

“Nnn… mmmh… teasing my dirty place?  Ufufufu~”

I wasn’t in a rush to claim that place or anything, I just wanted to tease her a bit on my own.  Her pussy was more than enough for me right now, and I was happy to hear her start crying out when I found the right rhythm at this angle to drive her wild.

“Mmmh… it feels so goooood~  my hot teenage husband is bullying my insides while I’m about to cum from his huge cock~  Oh nooo~  I’m falling to it… I’m going to be his onahole slave forever now if this keeps up~♡”

Incidentally, Mayuri-san is no stranger to JAV.  It turns out, being an incredibly erotic MILF does require a bit of studying before the hands-on exercises.  I’ve seen her browser history that she doesn’t have any idea she can erase, or a privacy mode she can use.

I reached down and began to pinch her clitoris with two fingers as I thrust inside of her using long hard and low strokes meant to bully the underside of her labia.

“Shota… geh… nnnffffhh… ssshhhh… mmmh…  I’m… about to… cum… just… keep… nnnhh… aaaahhhhnnnn…. Suuu…. Mmmmh… yes… right there!!... Yessss!  Punish your wife’s disobedient pussy~  mmmm… aaahhh~ Coming!!!  It’s coming!!! Aaaaaahhhhh~~!!!!”

My wife for the second time let her hips do the rest and I came along with her simultaneously as her insides contracted tightly onto my piston as my baby batter met with the ultra-thin contraceptive barrier for the second time.

Mayuri-san collapsed completely, and I went and pulled out, quickly pulling her to the side and taking her in my arms from behind.

Yes, this is where I wanted to be.

I wanted my lovely wife in my arms after all.


“Yes, Shota darling?”

“Can we have Nabe tonight?”

“Ufufufu~  We can, but do you mind if we stay like this for a while?”

“Sure, I have plenty of room, and a delicious snack in my arms to tide me over until dinner is ready.”

And I did enjoy snacking on her for a while, until it came time for her to make us dinner, and required me to make an important phone call to a family friend.

“Mayuri…  I love you.”

“I love you too, my sweet, sweet Shota.”

You can find story with these keywords: The MILF I Married is my Ex-Girlfriend’s Mother., Read The MILF I Married is my Ex-Girlfriend’s Mother., The MILF I Married is my Ex-Girlfriend’s Mother. novel, The MILF I Married is my Ex-Girlfriend’s Mother. book, The MILF I Married is my Ex-Girlfriend’s Mother. story, The MILF I Married is my Ex-Girlfriend’s Mother. full, The MILF I Married is my Ex-Girlfriend’s Mother. Latest Chapter

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