The MILF I Married is my Ex-Girlfriend’s Mother.

Chapter 36: -04- Coffee Talk

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~~** Tachibana Shota’s Point of View **~~

I spent the night a bit more receptive to my wife, though we didn’t enjoy having our maritals.  She also didn’t ask me anything further about my feelings towards Chigusa’s pregnancy, nor did she even bring up her daughter or the baby at all for that matter.

She just let me be.

I could simply exist comfortably next to my wife once more, and that was good enough for me until the next morning came.  When I woke up and went downstairs, I found the two of them already busy making breakfast together.  We had quite a bit of nabe left still, since my wife made an ungodly amount.  It would most likely be for dinner again tonight, but that was fine with me, even her leftovers are delicious.  

It always puts a smile on my face to see everyone eating happily at my kitchen table.  It took me back to a few years ago when my parents were still alive before the pandemic took them.  

My mother hums a tune, ladle in hand as she makes some kind of pork soup that my father and I loved so much.  I mean, we loved her curry and sukiyaki more, but on the colder days, like it was becoming now, that pork soup full of mom’s love was what warmed us all up.


“Yes, dear?”

“Can you make a pork soup by chance?”

“I don’t see why not.  But we should really finish the nabe first.”

“Yeah, I just mean down the road.  I was feeling a bit nostalgic for it for some reason.”

“A family recipe?”

“…yeah.  My mother used to make it on the cooler days in autumn.”

“Do you remember at all how she made it?  Were there any specific ingredients?”

I shook my head, not sure of the answer.

“No, it was just always ready when dad and I came home.  Pretty sure it had potatoes, carrots, and radishes in it.”

“Ara, I’ll think on how to make something tasty like that for you, but I can’t guarantee it will be the same flavor you remember.”

“That’s okay.  I’m perfectly fine with however my wife’s pork soup turns out, because I know it will be delicious.”

Before heading out to school with Chigusa, I received an extra long and passionate kiss from my wife.  It was enough to cause a reaction down below, which Chigusa teased me about along the way.

When we got close to school, and I had recovered a bit, Chigusa also took the opportunity to strike.  She too had a passionate kiss for me, and while I could have pushed her away, I was more unsure about doing anything abrupt that might damage her body.

I know next to nothing about pregnancies, and I didn’t want to risk harming the baby.  I thought about seeking some information from an actual medical professional instead of just online, because I wanted to be careful around her.

I entered class, only to find Raita there ready to give me shit about my kiss with Chigusa out front.  How the hell did he know about it?  He wasn’t anywhere around, and I checked too!

“Man, I don’t know how you have the balls to two-time on Chigusa with the girl you met over the summer.  You are still seeing her, right?”

I would have replied in the affirmative, but this class is a bit too nosy, and I don’t want to deal with shit when Chigusa comes to eat with me for lunch.

“Shut up, Raita.”

He only snickered, and left me irritated.

Chigusa came for lunch as usual, and we were joined by a unexpectedly friendly face today.


“Hello, Shota-senpai, Chigusa-senpai, how are you both doing today?”

“We’re doing good.  What brings you here?” I asked, wanting to know the reason for her sudden visit to my classroom.

“Senpai hasn’t come to club much lately, so I was concerned.”

“…sorry…” I replied meekly.

It’s true, since the previous week I’ve been a bit of a no-show.  Firstly because of all that happened with Chigusa while my wife was away helping her sister, and secondly because of me not really being all there since I learned about the pregnancy.

“U~n.  It’s fine.  I’m sure senpai was busy with other things, I just happened to miss you.  I started writing my own series and wanted to chat with you about it, that’s all.  It’s just me being a bit selfish to want to meet with you.”

She was holding a wrapped bento in her hand. Chigusa, taking notice, offered to let her join us.

“Is everything going well between you two?”  Kuro-chan asked us.

I wasn’t sure how to answer that question, and Chigusa, who I expected to say that it was, also didn’t answer it directly.

“We have our ups and downs like anyone else, but all we can do is work on our communication and hope for the best.” Instead was the answer she gave.

It hit me hard when she said that, because I had been doing the exact opposite of those words.  But it’s because of those exact words that I’m meeting with Nene-san later.

“I see.  Will you be coming to the Literature club today, senpai?”

I shook my head.

“No,  I have an important meeting with someone immediately after school, but starting next week, I should be back.”

She clapped her hands together.

“Great!  We all miss having our one remaining senpai still there.  It was encouraging to all of us having someone so capable in writing popular stories as part of our club!”

We had an enjoyable lunch with Kuro-chan, who did most of the talking until it wrapped up.  Chigusa said she’d be waiting at home for me, and after school ended, I made my way to a certain coffeehouse that was trendy among students and young office workers in the area.

It had opened not too long ago, and was a frequent hangout for coffee lovers.  I wasn’t much of a coffee lover like Chigusa and my wife were, but surprisingly they also sold fountain drinks, along with having a nice selection of cakes and pastries as well.  I had only learned about it when I met an author friend of mine offline back before Chigusa dumped me.

The person working the counter was the owner, someone who looked like a former delinquent-turned-respectable adult named Hotoke-san.  There were other staff here who worked a bit later in the afternoon, one was a very beautiful gyaru who could give Chigusa a run for her money, and a droopy-looking young boy who stuttered quite a bit.

“Yoh~ho!  Shota-ku~~n!!”

The obnoxious woman calling out to me from a nearby seat was none other than the very woman I came to meet.  I pretended to ignore her for a moment.

“Good afternoon, and welcome to Giuseppie’s, may I take your order?”

“Yes, um… may I please have a large coffee cake, and a cola?  Oh, also a single slice of carrot cake for myself?”

“Hmm?  Got it.  Are you meeting with that customer over there by chance?”

I nodded.

“I’ll bring everything over to you in a moment if you wish to go ahead and take a seat.”

“Ah, thank you very much.”

I parted from the counter and went to take my seat with Nene-san.

She was already working on a hot coffee.

“Have you been waiting long, Nene-san?”

“No.  I got here about five minutes ago.  So what’s up?  I haven’t heard from you in a while.”

“Ah, nothing much… Still doing my writing thing.”

“Sure, sure.  How about that girlfriend of yours… Chikako?”


“Right, that nasty girl.  Is she still mooching off of you?”

I sighed.  Nene-san and Chigusa didn’t exactly get along when they met before.  However it’s not like I can say she wasn’t mooching off of me right now either…

“Actually… I got married recently.”

I held up my hand to show off my wedding band.  Her face crinkled up when she saw it.

“Married?  But you’re still a brat in high school!”

“I know…”  I said, lowering my head to her momentarily. “But I love her, with all that I have, Nene-san.  My house is a home again thanks to her… I’m not lonely anymore.”

She took a deep breath, let out a powerful sigh, then had a sip of her hot coffee.

“So, you married the damn bitch after all?”

“Bitch?  Chigusa?  No… I didn’t marry Chigusa.”

“Hoh?  Then who…?”

Before I could answer her, the one who took my order, Hotoke-san, had brought along my cola, my single slice of cheesecake, and the whole coffeecake packed into a box, which was meant as an offering to Nene-san.

“Thank you.”

“Sure.  Tachibana-kun, right?  I’m supposed to pass along a message to you from that girl.”

“Oh?  What is it?”

“You won’t win the next competition!”

Hotoke-san smiled.

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“She’s really an annoying little shit… that legal loli.”

I laughed.

The person she was mentioning was a rival author on the site I posted my stories to free readers.  She’s actually pretty famous, having written two best sellers already.  

One was “It Can’t be XXX!!!” which was about a famous Idol in Akihabara, and a recently popular one whose title I can’t remember, but it was about the author being a mistress in a strange harem situation.  

It got mediocre reviews, but that was due to the content being something of a continuous gut punch.  The fans of the story loved it for the emotional impact it had, and the surprise twist involving the main female lead at the end.

But, my story eclipsed it, so too bad, so sad!

“You can tell her I got the message, and look forward to the next competition!”

Hotoke-san bowed slightly and left us be.

Nene-san already had the box open and was tearing into her first slice.  I went ahead and helped myself to a drink before starting on my own slice of cake.

“Alright, so my precious nephew got married.  Come to ask me how to stick it in or something?  Have you done it with her already?”

I choked on my cola.


She had a deep rumbling laugh with her mouthful of cake, crumbs shooting out all over the place.  She eventually swallowed her bite and chased it with a sip of coffee before asking me if I had a picture of my new bride she could see.

I showed her the pictures of Mayuri-san I kept on my phone.  She did not look all that happy when the obvious age of my wife was apparent.

“Shota, how old is your wife?”


“She’s twice your age!?”  Nene-san screeched it a bit too loud.

“Age doesn’t matter, I love her.”  I replied confidently.

She put her hand to her head and made an exasperated sound.

“Just because you’re eighteen doesn’t mean you’re as much of an adult as she is.  Such a large age gap… it’s not going to be easy, Shota.”

“I already know, but I’m willing to try, anyway.”

She sighed and got to the crux of the matter.

“So, you’re married.  You aren’t coming to me for marital advice, are you?  You already know how my life is…”

“Not exactly.  Rather, I had a certain issue crop up, and I wasn’t sure what to do about it.”

“Don’t tell me you knocked her up already… ”

It was time for me to bite the bullet.

“No.  My wife isn’t pregnant.”

“Thank god.”

“I got her daughter pregnant instead.”

~~** Watanabe Chigusa **~~

I followed Shota to the place he was supposed to meet that lady.  

I totally wasn’t stalking him or anything, I just wanted to make sure he was going there to talk to her.  There isn’t much time left and I needed to make sure Shota would be ready to talk with me about our child.

As I waited outside of his view, pacing around in circles, I bumped into someone entirely by accident.

“Hey!  Watch where you’re going, skank!”

I looked up at the audacious bitch who dared to call me a skank and noticed that she looked familiar.

“Ah, the home-wrecking bitch!  I thought it was someone I might need to apologize to.”

The person before me was the same woman barely a couple years older than me who my father cheated on my mother with and got caught, leading to mom moving out and marrying my Shota.  She’s a homewrecker in every sense of the word.

“Pssh, home-wrecking shit nothing!  Your home was fucked long before I set foot in there.”

“Fucking cunt, I hope that old prick gives you something you need a shot in the twat for.”

“Hah!  Not a chance!  I’ve been gone for a while.”


“Yeah, that cocky asshole was all irritated that I didn’t cook and clean for him and shit.  He wasn’t even that good of a lay, so I left his ass.”


“Wait, you haven’t gone back to your home?”

I shook my head.  “No.  My mother went and got married shortly after catching you two in bed, and I’m living with my new stepfather now.”  I slightly fibbed.

“Caught us in bed?”

“Yeah, hello~ homewrecker?  My mom went out shopping and forgot her wallet, she came back and saw you two going at it in their bed.”

“Wait a minute.  They were still living together?”

“Uh, yeah?”

“Whoa there.  He told me that they were separated.  That he wasn’t married anymore.”

“They were never married in the first place.  My dad never married my mom, but we all still lived together.  That prick cheated on my mom so many times, it made me sick.”

“…Daigo did?”


She paused for a moment.

“I didn’t know about that.  The only person Daigo talked about living with was you.  I thought you were crazy when you kept yelling at me for being there.”

“Bitch, I could have given two shits about you.  I only care that my mother was heartbroken having finally found out what he was doing all this time.  But it’s fine now, she’s never been happier, and the guy she has is a good and loyal one now.”

“Then, at least for her, I’m glad. It was never my intention to wreck a home in the first place… I came from one myself.  Daigo’s a bit of a smooth talker, but that’s it.  I seriously thought he was just some guy who was raising his delinquent daughter alone and was looking for a good time.  I figured the female shit he had in his closet space was all the stuff she left behind and he held onto because of a hang-up for her.  I was surprised to find it all missing one day, actually.  I thought he got over her and was going to commit to me, but instead he only got more irritable as the days I stayed with him passed.”


“Look, I think we were all victims here, but I’m adult enough to offer an apology, even though I was wronged too, okay?”

I hadn’t expected to get an apology from her.

“Do yourself a favor, and count yourself lucky it happened, girl.  Your mother is in a better place it seems, and from the sound of it, so are you.  All it cost was something inevitable happening sooner rather than later, right?”

She had a point.

“Then, sorry if I was bitch… but that was my home.”

I also apologized, albeit half-heartedly to her.

“Word of advice?”  She offered.

I nodded, wondering what bullshit advice she was going to give me.

“Find a young cute guy with good prospects, and wrap him around your finger so he doesn’t ever escape.”

“Sounds like advice you should be following instead.”

“We all make mistakes.  I should have never let the one I had go… once I did, I never stopped regretting what could have been.”

In that one moment, I felt a strange kinship with the woman who broke apart my family from my father and also let it congeal firmly to my Shota.

“Catch ya around, bitch.”

“Fuck off, skank!”

We saluted each other off with a middle finger as she walked away.

I stared into the café window once more and saw Shota sitting down and talking with that woman.  I turned around and walked away, heading back home, satisfied he would be ready to talk when he came home.  One thing Shota wasn’t, was a cheating scumbag like my father.

I had one strong factor in making sure Shota wouldn’t be able to leave me.  For better or for worse, I would find a way to stay beside him.  I just needed to be patient…

I had faith that an opportunity would eventually present itself so I could do just that.

You can find story with these keywords: The MILF I Married is my Ex-Girlfriend’s Mother., Read The MILF I Married is my Ex-Girlfriend’s Mother., The MILF I Married is my Ex-Girlfriend’s Mother. novel, The MILF I Married is my Ex-Girlfriend’s Mother. book, The MILF I Married is my Ex-Girlfriend’s Mother. story, The MILF I Married is my Ex-Girlfriend’s Mother. full, The MILF I Married is my Ex-Girlfriend’s Mother. Latest Chapter

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