The MILF I Married is my Ex-Girlfriend’s Mother.

Chapter 37: -05- Meeting the Family

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~~** Tachibana Shota’s Point of View **~~

“Are you fucking kidding me?  You married a woman and then knocked up her daughter?”

“There’s more to it than that, Nene-san!”

“Let me guess, the daughter is the bitch.”




“Shota you aren’t saying anything…”

“It’s exactly as you say.  Chigusa dumped me before summer break, I met my wife Mayuri-san at an arcade shortly after, some things happened, we got married before the end of summer break, and then Chigusa found out.  She’s been living with us since.”

“Okay. While omitting many details here, the short of it is, while you were married you slept with that girl who just so happened to be her own daughter, who became your ex?”

“No.  Well, not in that order exactly.  The only time Chigusa and I had actual sex was right before the breakup, and it was sort of a spontaneous thing.  It wasn’t a great experience for either of us, but I did do it inside of her, and I just learned on Monday that she’s twenty weeks along.”

“Hachachacha… I swear, Shota… If your mother wasn’t already dead, this would put her under.”

“I don’t think so.  I think mom would adore Mayuri-san.”

“I meant about pregnancy, you dumbass.”

She waved it off fork-in-hand as she took another bite of her coffee cake.  I also took a moment to take another bite as well.  She kept eyeing me with furrowed brows and shook her head endlessly.

“So what is it you want to ask me?  I hardly think I’m qualified here to even touch on your situation.  I think a marriage counselor would be a better option.”

“I don’t need a counselor.  Just your advice, Nene-san.  It’s just a matter of… what should I do about the baby she’s carrying?”

“Hah?  You’re asking me that question?”

“I am.  I think you’re the best one to tell me what to do, aren’t you?”


“Yes, Nene-san?”

“Aren’t Kumi and I your answer already?”

I sighed and nodded, my past with Nene-san was an answer in itself.

“Do you love the bitch still?”

“I do… but not the same as I love my wife.  It’s like… how I would care for Kumi-chan.”

“Are you fooling around with her while you’re married to her mother?”

“…That too is an issue.  My wife seems to have been pushing me to do exactly that, but I have no intention of doing so.”

“Wait… your wife wants you to sleep with her daughter?”

“At least on the surface, yes.”

I could see a milky white sheen form in her eyes.  She was looking exactly how I felt for the last few days.


“Yes, Nene-san?”

“I know the loss of my sister and your father hit you hard, but… having a kid is a huge responsibility.  It can change everything you ever planned to do.  Are you sure you want to do it?  Things can change, you know?  You aren’t married to the mother of your child, but to your child’s grandmother.  Do you understand what that means?”

“Yes.  I’m terrified as to what that means, Nene-san.  What kind of family structure will that child will grow up in…?  I have thought that far ahead at least.  It’s different from that time…”


“I don’t believe in that option.  I don’t… want to tell her to terminate it.”

“Is that what she wants?”

I shook my head.

“I don’t think so, but I don’t know?  It’s not like I intend to divorce my wife and marry Chigusa over this.”

“So, you leave her in a really bad spot then.  A young single mother… What if she finds someone else?  Are you okay with someone else being that child’s parent over you?”

“Eh?  What do you mean?”

“I mean you married her mother, but you aren’t fooling around with her.  She’s got your kid in her belly, but no woman will wait around forever for a love she’s never going to get.  She’s going to eventually give up and move on… and that means along with the kid if she’s a caring or possessive woman.  She might get lucky and find a good guy along the way… or she might end up like I did, with someone who…”

Nene-san has been a victim of domestic violence before.  She stayed with our family during her separation and divorce back then.  She eventually found a new partner, however…

“Shota, finish your cake.  We’re going to your place after this.”

“Eh?  Right now?”

“Don’t you ‘eh?’ me.  I’ve been your guardian up until your eighteenth birthday, and your mother entrusted your future with me.  I left you alone because you’ve shown me time and again that you are trustworthy.  You were never disobedient, and always hard-working. You proved yourself up until now, but as the only person you still can think of as family, you better believe it’s time for this auntie to meet the bride.”

I sighed.

“Yes, Nene-san.  I expected as much.”

I finished my food, and Nene-san boxed up her cake.  We left the coffeehouse and headed back towards my house which was close by.  When we arrived, both Chigusa and Mayuri-san were sitting on the couch watching television.

I let Nene-san into the house and introduced my new family to my old family.

~~**  Tachibana Mayuri’s Point of View **~~

“I’m home~”

The voice of my daughter rang out from the front door.  Chigusa was home a bit later than I expected.  She probably spent some time hanging out with her two delinquent friends, Saori and Izumi.  Chigusa has been good lately, but leopards don’t change their spots so easily.

“Welcome home, sweetie.”

Chigusa came in and immediately went up to her room to put her school bag away and change into more casual clothes.  When she came back down, she seemed lost in thought.

“Did something happen at school?”  I pried.

“No.  School was normal… one of Shota’s friends from the Literature club came by and joined us at lunch, but that’s about it.  He left on time afterwards to visit his friend.”


I felt a little better knowing Shota had listened to my advice thanks to Chigusa, and hopefully will be in a more receptive state to talk about the difficult things we were unable to discuss on Monday when he went into shock.

“Say, mom… can I ask you a couple questions?”

Chigusa sat down on the couch and patted it, beckoning me to sit down with her.  I obliged and she began to talk about her father.

“Mom… do you still think about dad?”

Daigo… was still a sensitive topic for me, and one thing I treasured about Shota was how he never intentionally pried into my relationship… my failed relationship with Chigusa’s father.

“I try not to anymore, sweetie.”

“But do you?”

I huffed.

“…so you don’t feel anything for dad anymore?”

“Chigusa.  Can we not talk about Daigo, please?”

“…she left him.  The girl you found him with… she just up and left him a while ago.”

“How nice.”  I said with sarcastic indifference.

“She didn’t know you were living there.  That you and dad were together.  Dad lied to her completely about that.”

“Yes, well… apparently he’s quite good at being deceitful.”

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“Sweetie…  I don’t want to discuss that man.”

“One last question and I’ll never bring it up again… okay?”

My daughter felt some need to broach this topic, but I really wasn’t in the mood to open up wounds that had finally begun to close.

“What if dad comes to find you and wants you back?”



“Your father is dead to me.”

I felt a chill in my own heart as I said those cruel words to my daughter.  They weren’t said because I loved Shota, but because so much of my life was wasted on a happiness so easily lost.

In truth, I could have accepted Daigo’s infidelity if I was his wife.  But because I wasn’t… my heart… my love… my anger became this way because of it all.

Because he failed to protect my daughter from her accident when she was younger… because he betrayed me so brazenly by not even taking it to a hotel.  Because I… was a young fool who chased a one-sided love for so long, for a guy who wasn’t even worth it in the end.  For a guy who probably never came close to loving me as much as I loved him.

I will always have my memories with Daigo, but I will also not care if I forget any of them from now on.  Shota is young, and brash sometimes too, but if that young boy dares to love me so powerfully.  I want to return his feelings.  I want to let him fill my heart, and I want to reciprocate my feelings for him.

I have years of experience as a wife in all but legal status, and I intend to ply my trade here in this new home, this new life he has given me.  A place where yes, we’re strained by age, a full generation apart, but still two lost and lonely hearts just seeking refuge in each other.

That is what I have with Shota.

He is not my son.  I don’t see him in a motherly role…  I lust for him as a woman.  I want him in me when we are intimate.  I want him to hold me and hear him call me his woman.  I want him to want only me, and he’s proven himself time and again that he wants the same.

And I curse myself for what I did to him.

Even if I still want there to be something he can give my daughter so she isn’t so heartbroken…

I know I’m a messed up person for still wanting some part of that, but I can’t help it.  Chigusa might be a Watanabe in name, but she is a Hanazono in blood.  At least, to me she is.

And if it is ever possible, I too want her to be a Tachibana.  I want my granddaughter to be a Tachibana.  I want a whole house full of my Tachibana grandchildren being noisy and disorderly, and I want them to call me Baa-chan and I want to squeeze their cheeks and…


Chigusa snapped me out of my wandering thoughts.


Chigusa pointed towards the door.

Standing there was Shota, and a sexy older woman.

“I’m home, Mayuri-san.”  My gentle husband spoke.

“Welcome home, dear.”  I returned lovingly.

“Mayuri-san… Chigusa.  I’d like to introduce you to someone important to me.  This is… or at least was, my guardian after my parents passed away, Okazaki Nene.  Nene-san, the beautiful woman who lights up my life as you can see is my beloved wife, Mayuri.  And the lovely creature next to her is her daughter, Chigusa, who you may remember.”

I stood up, walking over to the door to meet this family friend of his.

“Pleased to meet you, I am Tachibana Mayuri.”  I greeted her courteously.

She in turn did the same.

“I am Okazaki Nene.  Shota’s mother was my step-sister.”

Step-sister?  It seems Shota has some interesting familial circumstances after all.

“Then, I do hope you also will allow me to call you auntie as well.” I said, testing the waters.

I wonder how close we are in age?  I could see by my words that she wasn’t exactly thrilled with the idea of me addressing her as the older relative.  But her face relaxed for a moment and allowed a small smirk to appear.

“Oh please, there’s barely a handful of years difference between us.  You can just call me Nene, or Nee-san.”

“It would be my privilege to call you Nene-san.  I do hope at some point you would share some stories of Shota’s mother with me.  She must have been a wonderful woman to have raised so splendid a man as he is.”

With family, laying it on thick is good, but sincerity is key.  While I do wish Shota had called me in advance to let me know he was going to be bringing her over, and that she was in fact less of a family friend and more of an actual relative… this is still a good opportunity to ingratiate myself and make things easier for my husband.

“Chigusa, come here, sweetie.”

I watched my daughter cautiously get up and walk over towards us.

“Please greet our guest properly as well.”

“Hello.  We’ve met before a long time ago, and I’ve continued to be in Shota’s care all this time.”

My daughter offered a bow and I did not fail to see my new relative’s eyesight aiming right at my daughter’s belly.  Shota must have at least spoken with her to some degree before she decided to visit.

“I see, and you two are family as well?  The resemblance between you two is uncanny.  Certainly I can see why Shota chose such a charming woman as his wife."

She adjusted her gaze from my daughter over to me momentarily.

“No doubt any children you two eventually have will also be as beautiful.”

Shota had a pained look as this woman slowly pierced through the unsteady ground on which the foundations of our untraditional relationship was precariously cemented on.

“Nene-san!  Was that really necessary?”

My husband immediately stood up for my daughter being slighted here.  I wasn’t as bothered because indeed any child I might ever have with Shota will certainly be the most beautiful in the whole world.

“Hm?  Was what necessary?  I was merely stating the obvious.   I can see why you were in such a rush to marry without even saying a word to me about it.”  Nene-san said, diverting my husband’s protective criticism aside like water off a duck’s back.

But Chigusa was not one to let certain things slide like she should have.  I have only myself to blame for letting her get along well with her delinquent friends and allowing her to be influenced by their bad behavior.

“Yes, Shota’s daughter will be crazy beautiful, Obaa-san.”

My daughter, god bless her delinquent heart, just called Shota’s deceased mother’s stepsister… with great emphasis no less, a granny.

Shota’s palm hit his face and I could only let out a laugh born of ridiculousness.  But I wasn’t the only one laughing.  Nene-san was also finding it humorous.

“So, Mayuri-chan.  Shota bought me a delicious coffee cake, there’s still quite a bit left, would you like to share a little bit over a beer or two?  I feel like we have quite a bit to discuss…”

There was a smile on her face that I was only too familiar with.

It was a smile I had seen in my own mirror countless times.

A smile that let me know there was a reason she was Shota’s trusted family friend, and family member, even if not by blood.

“Asahi or Strong Zero?”

“Shall we find out which one goes better with the cake the old fashioned way?”

“I’ll get the plates.  Will you be staying for dinner?  It’ll be reheated nabe.”

“Sounds delicious, I’d love to stay for dinner.”

Nene-san ruffled my husband’s hair.

“Twerp, I’ll be having a conversation with your dear wife.  Why don’t you take a stroll with her daughter and let us real adults talk some things out, Hm?”

I also was of a similar mind.

“Shota, dear, please allow me to deepen my friendship with Nene-san here for a little while, if you don’t mind?”

Chigusa and Shota stared at each other, both looking like small guppies in a shark tank.  I had always wanted to have a needling talk with an in-law.  One of the perks that marriage brings that I missed out over the years.  

“An hour should be good enough, you two enjoy yourselves until then.” I said, and received an agreeable nod from Nene-san.

“O-okay?  Nene-san, please don’t say anything too unnecessary to my wife.”

I saw the corners of her lips twirl into a spiral, unseen by my husband.

Oh, this was going to be fun~!

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