The MILF I Married is my Ex-Girlfriend’s Mother.

Chapter 42: -10- Daigo? Go, Die!

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~~**  Tachibana Mayuri’s Point of View **~~

After discovering Shota sharing a bed with my daughter, I was left feeling some strange emotions.  Jealousy was one, sure.  I mean I was married to him and his arms were wrapped so carefully around my daughter who was once his lover and is now the mother to his child, why wouldn’t I be a little jealous?

I had every right to be.

But I also felt relieved.  Shota seemed to have found some peace with her pregnancy now, I was pretty sure.  Probably more than my own daughter did… I wanted this baby to be born.  Not that I wished this hardship on Chigusa as any kind of life lesson.

I just wanted a grandchild.

I am aware of my own biological clock.  I don’t want to be an old grandmother, but a young and beautiful one.  Still in her forties or early fifties by the time this one is an adult.  Maybe I’d even live long enough to be a great-grandparent.

I left Shota there in her bed, trusting in him.

Nene-san made it clear with her story that if there was one thing Shota was reliable at, it was keeping his word and his loyalty.  I also agreed with that assessment.  I headed downstairs, grateful for my ability to not suffer an intense hangover after drinking heavily, and found our guest was also upright on the couch.

“Nene-san, are you awake as well?”

“Ugh… I feel like a train wreck.  Are you by chance going to make some coffee?”

“Yes.  I usually come down about now to have a cup and plan out breakfast.”

“Great, would you mind brewing a little extra for me?”

“My pleasure.”

When the coffee was ready, I had my morning cigarette on the porch, and I was joined by Nene-san, who joined me in having one instead of my daughter for a change.

We had a long discussion about Shota once more, and I came clean about my own insecurities in our relationship, especially the ones surrounding my feelings towards Shota, and all I had done in allowing Chigusa to pursue him.

Nene-san was supportive, telling me off and saying that I shouldn’t have betrayed his trust in me with allowing her that kind of freedom, but that she understood.

Incidentally, Nene-san was only a year and half older than I was, at thirty-eight.

Shota must really have a thing for older women.  It does lead me to wonder exactly how those two young ones ended up together.  According to all accounts though, it was Chigusa who barged in on Shota’s life by declaring she was going to be his girlfriend and just went along with it.  

I wonder what his thoughts were in dating Chigusa who is only three months younger than he is?

We exchanged contact information, and I looked forward to our future meetings, especially when Kanna-chan would be showing up.

She was finally pregnant now, but even if she had to limit her drinking, she’d still show up just to gab with me and vent her frustrations.  For a tiny woman, she could bottle up a lot of anger really quickly.

Chigusa joined us in the kitchen, which left me wondering about Shota’s whereabouts.  She helped herself to what remained of the coffee I made, and kept Nene-san company while I went to check on Shota, who my daughter said with a silent glance to me that he was no longer in her room.

Shota was as usual apologetic for not being there next to me when I woke up, though it’s usually the opposite case.  My husband likes breakfast, and if I slept in all the time he’d never get to eat.  Usually on Saturdays I’d sleep in with him and let him be spoiled, but my drinking last night foiled that.

So, I decided to tease him a bit, and well… I ended up hearing a few things I didn’t really want to.  However Shota remained loyal, and I knew it.  So I decided to reward him with a special present.


After taking care of my husband’s needs and seeing Nene-san off, Shota spent some time doing his writing which he had been neglecting, while Chigusa and I operated on a tip from Nene-san about his mother’s recipe book which should be in a box in Chigusa’s room.  After a bit of searching we found it, but not before finding something far more interesting.

“A family album?”

There were pictures.  So many pictures of my husband and his family.  From birth to just before high school.  I felt like such a cradle robber, having married Shota.  I was just thankful that I saw him as a man first before seeing these photos.

There were plenty of pictures of Shota with his parents inside, who up until now I only ever saw a handful of pictures of.  The two in the shrine cabinet, and the four hanging up on the staircase wall.

There were also pictures of Shota giving a kiss on the cheek to a certain older woman, and one where he was sitting down with a cute girl a bit younger than he was, who was obviously her daughter, Kumi.

The ring he gave her was there on her necklace in a few pictures, since it didn’t fit her finger, but I could tell that even from a young age, Shota was the same then as he is now, exactly as Nene-san had said.

I stored the book away.  Chigusa and I cleaned up and went down to see Shota with the recipe book.  After browsing through it with him, I determined that his mother, Himari-san, was quite the cook.  Her notes were detailed and I would have no problem recreating his one of his favorite dishes.

However we were missing quite a few ingredients, so this required a trip to the local supermarket.  Chigusa ever the opportunist managed to convince Shota to make it a pizza date as well for all three of us and I was made to surrender to it by a vote.

We headed out around one-thirty and caught the bus, where we went ahead and had pizza first.  We sat outside on the patio they had, since the weather was nice.

That was a huge mistake as it turned out… because someone happened to pass by in the middle of us eating.

And all hell broke loose in my heart.

“Mayuri?  Chigusa?”

Standing before me, was my ex-everything… Watanabe Daigo.

“What are you doing here?”

The person asking that question wasn’t Daigo or Myself, or even Shota.  It was Chigusa, and it was not in a friendly tone.

“Isn’t that my line?  Where have you been staying young lady?”

“Don’t act like you give a fuck.  I’m staying with my boyfriend, where else would I be?”

Chigusa clung to Shota and for a moment I truly despised my daughter.  Because that is exactly what I wanted to do right now.  Daigo could care less about Shota it seems, because he didn’t even bother to look at him or reply to his daughter, instead his entire focus was on me, and that left me feeling vulnerable.

I never wanted to see him again after we had it out.

“I tried to call you.  Are you still staying with your friend, Kanna?”

“I don’t see how that’s any of your business, Daigo.”  I replied to him coldly.  I was certain my entire body was trembling with anger to the point anyone who looked my way could tell.

“You’re kidding.  You cancel us off the family plan and then complain you can’t reach us?  Are you an idiot?” Chigusa belted out those words hurtfully, towards her father.

“I might be.  Mayuri… I… made a huge mistake.  Can we take some time to talk about things?”

“Mayuri-san.  I’m here.”  Shota with his calm voice snapped me out of my cold fury at seeing Daigo.

Shota saying my name was enough to cause Daigo to shift his view to my husband.

“Stay out of this.  This is a matter between grown ups.”

Daigo was always irritable when things didn’t go his way, but I wasn’t sure how Shota was.  Would he defend me?

“Indeed it is, which begs the question why a child such as yourself is intruding on an adult’s lunch?”


“Do you have some business with my wife that I don’t know about, kid?”

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Shota-kun stood up, shaking Chigusa off of him completely.

“I think you’ve got that wrong.  The question is, what business do you have with MY wife?”

Daigo scrunched up his face, not understanding the question that was just thrown unceremoniously in his face by Shota-kun.  The two were unevenly matched.  Shota in casual wear, a bit scrawny and not as tall as Daigo, and my ex in a nice outfit still quite physically fit, since he likely got all the exercise he needed with younger women aplenty.

“Kid, I don’t got time for you.  Mayuri… let’s go get a cup of coffee and talk."

“She’s not going anywhere with you.”  Shota said aggressively.

Daigo reached for my arm with the intent to drag me away, but Shota reached for his before it could touch me.

“Hands off my wife.”

“The hell are you talking about.”

“Exactly what I said.  My wife, Tachibana Mayuri.  Don’t even think about laying your hand on her.”

“Tachibana…?  Her name is Hanazono Mayuri, kid.”

“Was.  But you can be damn sure that it never was or will ever be Watanabe.”

Daigo began to impose himself menacingly on Shota, though my young husband stood fearlessly in front of him for my sake.

“Daigo, enough!”  I said authoritatively.

I held up my hand in front of him, displaying my ring.  Shota caught on and did the same.

“It’s exactly as he said.  I got married to him over the summer.  There is nothing left for us to talk about.”

Daigo took a step back trying to process it all.

“What the hell do you mean you got married?  To this little punk?”

“Well, you couldn’t keep it in your pants, and he offered me something in a month’s time that you couldn’t be bothered with in twenty years.  Did you think I was going to wait around forever while you philandered?  Did you think I would so easily forgive and forget?”

“Mayuri, be reasonable and come home.”

“I have a home, and so does Chigusa, it’s just no longer with you.”

Daigo had a much more vicious scowl on his face now, and though he wasn’t inherently violent, I couldn’t dismiss the possibility something might happen to Shota.

“Fine.  If it’s about marriage, then fine.  Let’s do it.  I was wrong, okay?  We can get married, and go visit your parents like you want.”

“Daigo… exactly what part of this aren’t you understanding?  I’m already married.  I’ve been married for months now.  I had a wonderful hot springs honeymoon and everything.”

“I don’t know what you’re playing at, but Chigusa just said that he was her boyfriend!  How is that even possible.”

“Actually, Shota is my ex-boyfriend.  I dumped him before summer break and he ran into mom after she caught you cheating with that girl.  You didn’t even have the decency to tell her the truth.  You let her believe mom didn’t even live there… You really have the nerve to expect mom to come back to you?  You don’t deserve her, you never deserved her!”

Daigo hesitated for a moment when Chigusa unloaded some repressed teen anger at her father.  Daigo just ignored her outburst however.

“Mayuri.  I know you still have my number.  We will be having a talk about this, privately.”

He eyed all of us and then turned and walked away.

Chigusa was again gripping Shota’s arm tightly, and I… had lost my appetite entirely.

“Are you okay, Mayuri-san?”  Shota asked me.

“Not really, but… thank you.”

Shota moved over to me, dragging Chigusa with him and knelt down before me taking me into a hug as I remained seated.  I was trembling, that much was certain.  Chigusa gave up holding onto Shota and instead disappeared into the shop, coming back out with a container to pack everything remaining.  Our lunch date was ruined.

Shota stayed with me, and never let me go, I was a bundle of nerves.

“I’m… sorry you had to…”

“Shh… It’s fine Mayuri-san.  You are my wife, and he needed to know that.  I won’t give you up so easily, so just… trust in me to protect you, okay?”

I threw myself onto my young husband and cried.

I cried because I understood Nene-san’s feelings as well.

Shota’s loyalty was ingrained in his character.  I was his precious wife, and I was his family.  He would do everything in his power to look after me.  This was the man I married.  Even knowing he was outmatched, he would defend me, protect me, love me, even forgive me for all my flaws.

So I, a thirty-six year old used up housewife with a shit of an ex, clung to a man half my age for support, and I did it shamelessly, and it made me secure.

Because I was his.

We left the patio of the pizza parlor and moved to the street to find a designated spot where I could have a much needed smoke and a few moments to collect myself.  I had never stopped shaking even though Shota never let go of me.

Eventually, we continued on and went to the supermarket where Shota demanded I pick up some comfort food and all the strong alcohol I wanted.

“Get fucked up, and we’ll have a good time tonight, okay, my beloved?”

He knew just what to say to make me happy.

We got all the ingredients we needed for Himari-san’s pork soup, a large chocolate cake, some ice cream, a fancy coffee, plenty of beer and some salty snacks to go with.

It was more than we should have purchased, but Shota didn’t care about the cost of seeing me happy.

We returned home, a bit earlier than we expected, and all of us pitched in to make the soup, even Shota, while I got needlessly drunk as quick as possible.  Shota never left my side in the kitchen, and I found myself talking about Daigo to him.  Something I hadn’t done yet.

Shota listened to every word, and held me tightly at all the right moments.

“Would you like me to meet your parents, Mayuri-san?  We could go during the winter holidays, and you can even stop by and check up on your sister.  Would you like that?”

“You want to meet my parents?”

“We’re a family now.  You, me, Chigusa… eventually our daughter.  I’m in this together with you, and I won’t let that man use anything he thinks of as a weakness to hurt you or pressure you into doing what you don’t want to do.  Because I’m your husband, and I will protect you, no matter what.”

As he held me in his arms like I was the most important thing in the world, I could swear in my drunken state, I felt my body ovulate.

I didn’t mind that feeling at all.

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