The MILF I Married is my Ex-Girlfriend’s Mother.

Chapter 43: -11- Mayuri’s Insecurities

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~~**  Tachibana Shota’s Point of View  **~~

“How was it, Shota-kun?” My wife asked me in regards to the pork soup that she made.

“It was delicious!”  I answered, having just finished my third bowl, feeling heavy from all that I ate.  “It tastes almost exactly as I remember it.”

Mayuri-san was quite inebriated, but she had a much needed smile on her face.  I also felt a bit of relief at last, because I too was on edge having met her ex.  He was a bit taller and looked like he could probably give me a good run for my money if he got physical with me.  But that wouldn’t stop me from doing my best to protect my wife, who was clearly holding back quite a few unresolved feelings.

“Ufufufu~  Your mother was quite the capable woman in the kitchen.  The recipe instructions were clear an’ detailed, an’ it makes me wonder what Himari-san did… was she a former chef?”

My wife was asking about my mother?  I saw no reason not to tell her.  It’s just that up until now, she never had asked about her, or my father for that matter.  We both respected each other’s privacy and past, not that I was unwilling to talk about them with her.  Maybe she thought it was a sensitive subject with me?

“Mom studied how to be a nutritionist in college, I think.  She didn’t hold a normal job like dad did, but from time to time she did work for certain events and got paid, never for longer than a weekend, though.”

After all, mom was dedicated to dad.  Perhaps that was a point of order that made my relationship with Mayuri-san so important.  Mealtime with my family was always a pleasant memory.  Whether it was just Mom, Dad, and myself, or the time when Nene-san and Kumi-chan were also here… I was always happy at the kitchen table with my family.

“A nutritionist…?”

“Is that something you’d be interested in doing, Mayuri-san?”


“I’m not at all saying for you to get a job, but if perhaps you are confident in your cooking, perhaps you might want to pursue some training in that field if it interests you?”

Mayuri-san slid back in her chair and rose to her feet.

“I don’t know.  If I were ta’ pursue a career or skillset this late in my life… it would take away from being able ta’ care for my husband, wouldn’t it?”

I kept a smile on my face as I answered her.

“Maybe for a short while, but then wouldn’t you be able to make even more delicious things, and keep me, Chigusa, and the baby healthy much healthier from now on?”

Mayuri-san banged the table with her hands, drawing the attention of both Chigusa and I to only her.


“Do you not want to?  I didn’t say you had to, it was only a suggestion if you were interested…?”

“Why… are ya’ so good to me… an’ my daughter?”

Mayuri-san began to weep, drunkenly.

I got up from my chair and rushed over to her, but she only pushed me away.

“Why?  I love ya’… I love ya’ so much but ya’…  ya’ saw the kind of man I fell in love with!  He was inconsiderate an’ pushy… he didn’t give a single shit about my feelings an’ only wanted to validate his own!  I was kept as practically a slave, always doing housework an’ only ever being able ta’ cut loose with Kanna-chan when I could afford ta’.  But here…”

She lost control of her emotions for a moment.  I held on to her as this time she buried herself into my chest, beating on my sternum with her closed fist weakly.

“…here ya’… won’t do anything I can hate.  Even your cheating on me with Chigusa… was forgivable.”

So, she did consider what I did with Chigusa as cheating.  My dogeza was worthless to her after all.  I messed up big time doing that, and I was willing to accept judgment no matter how many times I needed to for what I had done to her.

“Is it because ya’ feel guilty?  Is that why ya’ are offering me this opportunity ta’ find a career?  So ya’ can have more time alone with her!?”

“No.  Not at all.  If you tell me here and now never to touch her again, I will swear it to you.  I only ask permission to touch her belly when it grows, and I’ll only do it in your presence.”


Mayuri-san pulled away from me, giving me a hard slap across the face as she yelled.

“No….  Oh, Shota, I’m sorry… I….”

She followed up my grabbing my face now stinging face with both hands and kissing me softly, repeatedly.  She tasted like spicy soup and beer.  Not the most desirable combination of flavors, but ones I was glad belonged to her.  My face did sting for a while after that, though.  I didn’t consider it violence on her part.  Just an accidental outburst, because I deserved that much retribution for my sin.

“The only reason I suggested it, is because of that exact reason.  When we first began our journey together, having you here… waiting for me, cooking for me, spending time with me.  Nothing made me happier.   Finding out you would also love me, had put me over the top.  I never wanted to force myself on you, nor to make you do something you weren’t also completely okay with.  But I don’t want you to ever feel you are a slave here.  You’re my lovely wife with many wonderful years ahead of you.  I’m sure you are a bright woman who could do amazing things, and if there is something that catches your eye that you might excel at, I want to you feel comfortable in knowing that I will support you in pursuing it.  You aren’t my maid, Mayuri-san.  You’re my one and only wife who I treasure.  You matter to me more than anything, and I need you to know that.”

Mayuri-san was crying, but the only thing she could eke out between sobs, was the word ‘stop.’  Normally Mayuri-san as a person is somewhat cool and collected adult.  But right now, she was no different from a whiny Chigusa.

Guess the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree, only in this case, I now get to observe the tree.  Mayuri-san is such a lovely tree.  She’s got her silky black hair down past her shoulders, swollen eyes from crying, pink cheeks from being drunk as can be, huge melons that I want to bury my face in, a dump truck of an ass behind her, and everything that I want in my partner through this lifetime.

“What about my daughter?  What about Chigusa?”

“Huh? Chigusa?”

“You’re here spouting that you’ll take care of me an’ help me find my future, but what about my daughter?  Will do ya’ do the same for her?”

I looked over to Chigusa who was just as bewildered as I was at her mother’s behavior.

“If it’s possible… I most likely would.”

“Is that because she’s my daughter, or because you still have feelings for her as your lover?”

I felt like I was being pressed from both sides by these questions now, because my own feelings for Chigusa had been intensely jumbled up since yesterday at the park.

“It’s… a bit of both.”

“Do ya’ still love my daughter?”


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“Answer me, Shota!  Do. You. Still. Love. Chigusa?”

As I held onto my wife, I decided that if there was a time to be honest, it was now.

“It’s not that I still love Chigusa.   Rather… I’m only starting… to love her.”

“…?” Mayuri-san pushed me away. “Only starting…?”

“Chigusa and I dated for a while, yes.  I had some feelings for her, I can’t deny that, but to say back then that they were ones of real love, like the kind I have for you…”

“So… it’s only because she’s been docile lately, that you’re starting ta’ love her?”

“This… is why I didn’t really want her here.  Having Chigusa… complicates things.  I want to love only you, Mayuri-san.  But now that I’ve met her father,  I don’t want to send her back there for any reason.  But that doesn’t mean my love for her is the same as my love for–”

“Good.” She interrupted.


“I said good!  Chigusa is exactly where she needs ta’ be.  She’s here with ya’… and she’s here with me.  She’s surrounded by love, an’ you have two women who need your love ta’ get by… so that’s why… we’re going ta’ sleep together, tonight.  All three of us”

“Uh, Mayuri-san… you’re not speaking sensibly.”

“I sure the hell am.  I love ya’, an’ Chigusa loves ya’.  Aren’t ya’ the one who said ya’ were worried about her needs as a woman?  She’s carrying your child and all ya’ can do is put your arms around her?”

“Mom… it’s okay, really.”  Chigusa chimed in.  “…really.”

“Bullshit ya’ little minx.  Ya’ want him just as badly as I do!”

Chigusa lowered her head.

“Of course I do, but Shota… doesn’t love me like that.  He’s only saying that to spare my feelings, because of the baby…”

I couldn’t deny that it could be exactly because of that reasoning.  Though Chigusa had said it before and it was the truth then.  We have… some compatibility after all.  Physically.  We just never opened up to each other emotionally, so I never was aware of what we could have had.

“One of the most important memories I have are the nights I spent in Daigo’s arms being filled by his love when I was fat and pregnant with ya’, Chigusa.   Ya’ deserve to experience what that’s like.”

“Mom.  Even I think you’re being a bit much here.  Look at Shota, he’s uncomfortable.”

“Are ya’ saying you don’t want that?  That ya’ don’t want his love?”

“…there’s no way that I don’t want it!  But the rules… it can’t happen because Shota won’t break them.  And I won’t… ask him to, either.  I had my shot already, and Shota chose.  He chose you over me!”

Chigusa too was saying painful things I never expected to hear her say.  It was like she was deferring completely from her own desires to her mother’s.  It was unlike her.

“That ends now.”  She said with the most clarity I’d seen from her all day.  “I’m going to be allowing it.”


“Shota… we’re… going to have lots of sex tonight, right?”

“If that’s what you want, I’ll do my best to make you happy, but Chigusa…”

“I want to be selfish!  I want to be selfish and I don’t want you to say no to my request.  If you do…”

“…If I do?”

She hiccuped.

“Chigusa… come an’ join us tonight.”

I… was not expecting this development at all.  Chigusa also seemed surprised.  Mayuri-san wasn’t done spouting nonsense, however.

“Shota… you won’t… betray me, or cheat on me ever, not like Daigo had… so I also… need ta’ do my part in taking responsibility for what… I caused ta’ happen.  You an’ my daughter… I want ta’ see you two making love.”

“How can I possibly do that?”

“Ya’ already did.  Was what we did here in the kitchen the Friday before last nothing ta’ ya’?  Did ya’ forget how Chigusa rode your face while I milked you dry?  The only thing that’s going ta’ change now… is that I’m going ta’ allow you access while I’m there.  You have ta’ wait until I’m secure enough… that it won’t be a betrayal for when ya’ two do it without me.”

“Whoa, Mayuri-san, even if I was okay with it, which I’m not, once that door is opened…”

“It’s already open.  It’s been pretty fuckin’ open for a while now… just like Chigusa’s room an’ ya’ being in her bed while I woke up sober and hic… alone…”

Fuck… What do I do here?  What do I even say?  Going into Chigusa’s room was a huge mistake last night, all because I couldn’t handle my overactive libido with my sloppy wife passed out drunk.

“I… never want ta’ wake up like that again… so if ya’ can’t be back in my bed before I wake up… hic… then invite Chigusa ta’ our bed so that I don’t have to be… alone.”

I was watching one crazy insecurity after another spill out of the lips of my drunken wife, and I was not prepared in any way shape of form for this.  Mayuri-san inviting Chigusa into our bed after how many times I tried to argue against it?  She’s lost her marbles.  But she wasn’t done ranting yet.

“Daigo doing what he did allowed some room for acceptance in my heart.  If it was anyone else ya’ did something like that with, I’d hate you!  I’d curse you!  But… it’s my Chigusa, Shota-kun.  My sweet little Chigusa who is having her first child from her first crush…  I can’t be insensitive ta’ it, and I also need ta’ know for myself.  I need ta’ know that ya’ love me more than my daughter!”

Mayuri-san grabbed me by the neck of my tee-shirt and stared me dead in the eyes.

“I’m saying this as your wife, who loves ya’ and whose pussy is sopping wet from how desperate she wants ta’ give ya’ a reward.   

…Bring your ex-girlfriend ta’ bed with us tonight.”

You can find story with these keywords: The MILF I Married is my Ex-Girlfriend’s Mother., Read The MILF I Married is my Ex-Girlfriend’s Mother., The MILF I Married is my Ex-Girlfriend’s Mother. novel, The MILF I Married is my Ex-Girlfriend’s Mother. book, The MILF I Married is my Ex-Girlfriend’s Mother. story, The MILF I Married is my Ex-Girlfriend’s Mother. full, The MILF I Married is my Ex-Girlfriend’s Mother. Latest Chapter

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