The MILF I Married is my Ex-Girlfriend’s Mother.

Chapter 52: -20- Not Quite Blackmail

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~~** Tachibana Shota’s Point of View **~~

Before I chose to be waylaid by Raita and whatever he was scheming, I quickly fled the classroom at the lunch bell.  The next class over belonged to Chigusa, and so I went to fetch her and see if she would join me on a trip to the cafeteria to grab lunch before it got swamped with hungry students.

“Well, well, well, If it isn’t the boyfriend coming to our class for a change!”

The person addressing me was slut number one, otherwise known as Saori.  One of my ex-girlfriend’s two best popular gyaru friends.  Even now she was dressed within questionably tolerable limits of the school dress code.

“Hey boyfriend, come to steal our Chi-chan away?”

The other addressee was Izumi, slut number two.  I don’t actually know why she is friends with these two, but she is, and as much as I wish she’d have friends with better morality, they are her friends of her own volition, and I’m not in any position to dictate who she can and can’t be friends with.

“Izumi-san, Saori-san, good afternoon.  Chigusa and I forgot our bentos today, so I thought maybe we could hurry and get something from the cafeteria together today before it gets packed, so I will be borrowing her.”  I stated my intention to the two delinquents.

“Hmm… Should we let her go so easily, Izu-pon?”

“Tch… Chi-chan hasn’t been hanging out with us lately.  When are you going to let her play with us too, mister moneybags?”

Chigusa wasn’t saying a word herself, in fact, she hadn’t even greeted me yet.

“If you’ll let me have her, I’ll get you two something for lunch as well.” I shamelessly bribed them.

“Hmm… Then I want two teriyaki bread and a tea!”  Saori said unhesitatingly.

“Fine, a curry bread and a coffee for me, Chigusa knows what kind.” Izumi added to the order.

“No problem.” I said with a smile, since the need to talk with Chigusa, and fast, was that pressing.  I extended my hand and my girlfriend without question at least here in school, took it.

We left for the lunchroom and along the way I explained what happened with Raita during class.

“So, he knows the truth about us?”

“I don’t know how much of the truth he knows, to be perfectly honest.  When school started back up, before you came to stay with Mayuri-san and me, I did tell him I met someone over the summer.  But with you doing the whole act about us being back together…”

“I get it.  You just let him think whatever he wanted.”

I confirmed her deduction.

“It would have been fine, even when your condition is revealed later on… but he found out now, and I don’t know if he’s going to open his big mouth or not and cause unnecessary problems.”

“Isn’t he your best friend?  Can’t you just tell him to zip it?”

“I wonder about that?  I’d like to believe that he is, but Raita is Raita…”

We made it to the cafeteria and just in time, there was only a small line.  I picked up quite a few different breads, as well as what Chigusa’s friends wanted and we booked it out of there to the vending machines to pick up the rest.

Walking back through the hallway with Chigusa, we bumped into Kuro-chan who was happy to see us.

“Senpais!  Good afternoon!”  She politely greeted us.

“Hey Kuro-chan, I’ll be stopping by the club room later on.” I informed her.

“Will you?  That’s great!” She said with a smiling face.  “I’d love to eat lunch with you both today, but I’m running an errand for my friends.  I’ll see you then, okay Senpai?”

Kuro-chan waves to us both as she takes off down the corridor to the lunchroom.  We continued back to Chigusa’s classroom, and I gave my peace offering to the duo.  They also swiped another two dessert breads and even thanked me, which was unusual for them.

“So, mister moneybags, can we borrow Chi-chan this afternoon to hang out?  Lately all she says is she’s going home early so she can be with you.  I’m happy you two are getting it on all the time, but we miss her too!” Saori said cutely.

“If she wants to, I’ve got no complaints.  I’d say I got quite my fill of her last night as it is.  Just please don’t introduce her to any sketchy guys.”  I said, making sure to wrap my arm around her waist.  “I’m pretty possessive, you know?”

Both of them seemed moved by my display of loyalty to Chigusa.  For me though, it was a bit of an act.  I was wrong to do it, especially if it would give the wrong impression to her, but I also didn’t want to give up her identity as my in-school girlfriend again so easily either.

I figured when it came to these two, she might really be put into an uncomfortable situation, and I have enough of that to deal with waiting for me in the current form of my wife after she’d met her ex at the pizza place we went to.

With Chigusa secured, we returned to my classroom.  Raita was there waiting for us.  With the lunch spread I purchased, we three sat down and Raita began grilling us.

“Shota, why’d you keep this from me, man?” he said, sounding a bit miffed.

“I told you what happened already.” I explained.

“Yeah, you told me you met someone, then you got back together with Chigusa.  What the hell is going on…?”

“It’s not really your business, but I got married over the summertime.  It just happened to be... well… not to Chigusa.”

“No shit.  Then why are you going along with the act that you two are dating?” he inquired further.

“Who says we aren’t?”  Chigusa answered with her arms crossed.

This caused Raita a bit of shock.

“Wait, you’re involved with both of them at the same time?”

I stared at Chigusa and she nodded at Raita.

“He’s my boyfriend.  That’s all that matters, and I won’t back down on it.  I’ll advise you to keep your mouth shut Sado-san, or maybe Izumi and Saori might say something distasteful about you.”

“Hold on there princess,” he cowered, “I didn’t come threatening you.  I was just curious for a whole other reason.”

“Which is?”  Chigusa was in her aggressive mode right now.

“I pride myself on knowing what’s up.  Right now I’ve got a bigger issue here, and it’s related to Shota.”

“Me?” I asked.

“Yeah, you.  What exactly is your relationship with my girlfriend, man?”

“Your girlfriend?”

“Okazaki Kumi.”

That opened my eyes quickly, and explained why Nene-san was in the picture, but not why my wife was.

“There’s nothing going on between Kumi and I.” I said cleanly.

“Bullshit, she slipped up for a second and called you papa at first, then changed her tune quickly and called you Shota-nii.  Then she had it out with me about which one of us knew more about you.  I fuckin’ lost man.  How am I supposed to know who your favorite masked rider is?”

“Isn’t it Masked Rider X?”  Chigusa answered correctly out of nowhere.

“The hell… how do you know that?”

“The theme song is his default ringtone, duh?”

I was surprised Chigusa was even aware of that.

“Shit… even your ex knows…”

“Oi.  I’m his girlfriend, not his ex.”  Chigusa wasn’t backing down from that point either, even though it had been exposed.

“Alright, girlfriend.  My bad.”

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“Anyway.  It’s a little troubling when I’m dating a girl and she knows more about my best friend than myself.  So I need you to help your best friend out here…”

What exactly did he think I was able to do for him?

“In the last few years I can count on one hand how many times I’ve seen her.  What exactly do you want me to do?” I shrugged.

“Let’s go on a double date.  Sell me up man.” He suggested.

“A double date?”

“Yeah, you and yours, and me and Kumi, whaddaya say?”

“By you and yours… who exactly are you implying?” I interrogated him.

“That’s up to you.  You’ve got two flowers to choose from, don’t you?”

I let my fist slam on the table, which caused all eyes in the classroom to center on me for a moment.

“Watch that mouth of yours.  This is why I didn’t say anything.”

Raita feigned being hurt by my words.

“Calm down dude.  Anyway, It doesn’t matter who.  Just free yourself up tomorrow, okay?”

I sighed, then looked over to Chigusa who shrugged.

“When, exactly, tomorrow?”

“4:30, let’s meet at Gemini, dude.”

“The arcade next to the Dagashiya?”


“Alright.  But Raita… I’m not kidding.  Don’t you dare fuck up the balance here in school for us.  Chigusa is my girlfriend, and I expect you to go along with that.  Got it?”

“Loud and clear, good buddy!”

Lunch sat heavy in my stomach.  Chigusa however was all over me in an attempt to keep the façade up.  She left a few minutes before the end-of-lunch bell though, saying she wanted to talk with her gyaru pals, and I was fine with that.

Class was at least normal for the rest of the school day until it was time to head out to the Literature club.  I found Chigusa waiting for me outside of her classroom looking a little needy for some reason as soon as I stepped out of my own classroom.



She put her hands together and politely asked for a little money to play around with.  I already had a 5,000 yen bill ready for her, but was curious what she was going to be doing with her friends.

“Just the usual.  Gonna eat some fast food and hang out, probably.  Nothing crazy you need to worry about.”

Yet, that only made me worry about it now.

I passed her the bill anyway and got a nice kiss as my reward.  I guess I’m a papa after all, one way or another.  Or is it a sugar daddy?  I don’t know those delinquent terms to be honest, and I’m kind of glad I don’t, either.

“I’ll be home by nine at the latest.”  She said, and her two friends came out in time to see her holding on to the money.

“We’ll take good care of her, boyfriend.” Izumi said with a smile.

“Yeah, thanks for lunch, mister moneybags!” Saori said while making the sign for money with her hand.

Roping my ex girlfriend into whatever delinquent tomfoolery they had planned, I made my way to the Literature club on my own, which I had been absent from for far too long.

In the Literature club room, I was surrounded once more by the familiar faces of my many kouhai.  One particular one was only too happy for me to return.


Kurone-san was quick to appropriate me, and she pulled out her ultra thin notebook.  I was immediately bombarded by a large wall of text she had readied for me to read.

“I did as you suggested.  I’ve gotten to the point that I’m ten chapters ahead of my public releases, so show me how to set up a Fanbox already!”

What Kuro-chan wrote was in an entirely different genre than what I did.  My story was a crafting litrpg with light romance elements now.  Hers was full-on ecchi and smut with drama in every chapter.

Seeing that she posted on the same free site I did, I backed out of her word processing app and instead went to see her site stats for her web novel.

She had a couple reviews already which was rare for a story with so few public chapters, and they weren’t all that good.  Her engagement was there, but her overall views were lacking compared to me, even initially.

“Having so many chapters prepared is good, Kuro-chan, but you need to make this more available to a wider audience first before you do, and I’d wait until you have a few more public chapters posted as well before you launch your Fanbox.  Also, you need to shore up your tags, so people can find your story easier.”

“Alright, any suggestions?”

She briefly explained her story and it got a bit dark when she mentioned a certain topic.

“Stay away from that.” I suggested.

In her novel she was planning on having a scene that involved that dreaded three-letter word.

“But it’s super popular to have that in a smut novel.”

I only shook my head.

“There are two good reasons I’ll give you to change your mind about that.  The first is the moment you do it, you’ll be stigmatized as an author who will write that kind of stuff, and no amount of fluff or peaceful romance will get your readers to trust you ever again.  If you do it once, you can do it again.  Sure there are people who like it, but you will lose a significant number of readers who don’t like the feelings that kind of theme generates.  The second is that you definitely shouldn’t write about it if you haven’t experienced it… it’s not a healthy subject matter, and I believe you can do much better writing something more upbeat.”

She looked like I took the wind out of her sails.

“It’s not like I haven’t experienced it…” She said, tapping her fingers together as her eyes turned downcast.


“Well, you’ve been dating Chigusa all this time, and then you got married.  Doesn’t that count for me to have experienced it?”

I sighed.


“What about you, senpai?  Have you experienced it before when you got dumped?  What about Chigusa-senpai?  Isn’t she experiencing it right now?”

I groaned.  I thought Kurone-chan was a good girl, but I was starting to have my doubts about that now.  She’s a cute girl but she wants to write about some emotionally cruel subject matter.

“If you insist on it, that’s fine.  I can’t stop you, but I won’t shout your story either and subject my readers to that.  It took a while to cultivate my reader base, and I’m telling you it’s a bad idea, especially for your debut novel.”

“Then teach me, Senpai!”

We got into a lengthy discussion and it was agreed that she would come visit my home on another day, and we’d properly look into what we can do to make her web novel attractive to readers, and how to curb any notoriety.

With the Literature club over, I headed back home.

I had a special someone waiting for me, and a little black outfit I couldn’t wait to see her in.

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