The MILF I Married is my Ex-Girlfriend’s Mother.

Chapter 54: -22- Whoresponsibilities

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~~** Watanabe Chigusa’s Point of View **~~

I let the cat out of the bag, but it wasn’t intentional at all.

Shota gave me some money so I could hang out with Saori and Izumi today.  It had been a while since it was just us three girls having some fun.  Saori and Izumi are a lot closer with each other than I am, but that’s partly related to how they met.  They both liked the same guy back in middle school, and were competing with each other over who could get him.  The guy in question was playing them both, one thing led to another and they wound up in a threesome.

Of course dating a guy who would do that so openly to them both made them dump him… but their friendship strangely remained.  I on the other hand was an addition to their group once I entered high school.  I wanted to be popular, so I approached them, an absolute bookworm game otaku.  They took pity on me, and gave me a huge makeover.  From that day on, I was reborn as a whole new Watanabe Chigusa.

Now, Saori and Izumi are a bit loose with their bodies, but they are careful.  They worry about stuff like sexually transmitted infections, and of course pregnancy, Izumi is especially vocal about this.  They also worry about me, because as much as I try and fit in with them, we all know I’m, well, faking it a bit.

I had told them about the one time Shota and I did it before I dumped him, and both of them actually yelled at me, asking why I hadn’t used a condom, and it was both of them who took me to a clinic the next day to get my hymen checked out because of all the bleeding that happened when Shota… well… tore me apart.

Izumi told me to get a day after pill also, but she also knew from long ago that I had an irregular period, so instead she said if I came up pregnant, she’d help me figure out what to do about getting rid of it if I needed to.  I never expected to get pregnant, considering I was almost certain I had a period sometime shortly after.  I was the one who didn’t listen to sound advice though, and now I was halfway through a pregnancy.

Saori and Izumi dragged me along clothes shopping after school.  Neither of them knew about my scar before the mixer, because when we always went clothes shopping, I only ever looked at skirts and pants.  They’d never gotten pushy about it, and just let it be.

However there’s always something which can go wrong, and that happened to me today.  

I had told them about the wonderful night I had with Shota, so Izumi and Saori were getting all feely-feely with me while we were near the changing rooms looking at shirts, and Izumi’s hand ended up touching somewhere low on my stomach.  She immediately dragged Saori and I into the changing room at once.

“Pull ‘em down, Chi-chan.” Izumi commanded.


“Your pants.  Panties too.  Off.  Now.  Lift up your shirt as well.”

“W-what the heck?”

Izumi was looking at me so seriously I thought we were going to fight, but Saori laid a hand on my shoulder and said it was okay.  Izumi… is actually well off, and her family are all medical staff of some kind.  Nurses, Doctors, Veterinarians, only Izumi was the black sheep of her family, and even so, she got good grades.

“…fine!” I said, caving in to her demands.

Izumi put her bare hand to my body and sighed.  After feeling all around my stomach and just above my baby-maker, there was no doubt that she knew what was up with my body.

“You really went and did it, didn’t you?”

She was visibly upset with me.

“Even though I told you to take that pill, you didn’t, did you?”

“Izu-pon?  What’s wrong?  She got something from fooling around with Shota?  I thought he was a virgin.” Saori innocently asked.  Well, as innocently as a slut can ask, anyway.

“Yeah, she caught something alright…”

I felt belittled by Izumi.

But instead of any insults, I got a much needed hug, and a flick to my forehead.

“You dummy.  Have you been to the clinic?  You know you’re way pregnant right?  Judging from the hardness, I’d say you’re almost to the cutoff.”


“You’ve got until like the twenty first or twenty second week to abort, otherwise, unless it’s medically necessary or life threatening... you have to have it."

“Ah, about that…” I began, “I found out last week that I was twenty weeks along.”

“And you kept this from us?” Izumi said stern-faced to me.

“W-well I um… I know it’s Shota’s. One hundred percent for sure!  That was sort of part of the reason why I didn’t say anything to you both… yet.”

“Did he tell you to keep quiet about it?”

“No, not at all.  It was my mom actually who caught it by accident.  She noticed I wasn’t using my pads and stuff and had me do a pregnancy test… with her, since she was doing one too.  I ended up doing two tests, and they both came back positive.  We ended up going to the clinic that day and my mom asked the doctor the same question about… terminating it.  I actually had until yesterday to make that decision.”

“Does Shota know about it?”

“I told him that day as well, but he was kind of out of it for a bit after seeing the ultrasound.  He came around though and we talked about it.  I told him I wanted it… and he said he’d be there for me.”

“So… you gonna marry him, or be a single mom?” Saori asked.

I ended up shrugging.

“It’s complicated, but Shota won’t shy away from me having the baby.  My mother also wanted me to have it.  She wants to be a young grandma.”

“Yes, that’s nice.  But things can change in a moment, girl.  I urge you if you still have any time left to really think hard about it.  Having a child, especially out of wedlock is no joke.  That’s why Saori and I are always careful about that.  We taught you better too!”

“I know… but I love Shota.  Whether he marries me or not, he’ll be in my life for a long time now.  He’s even on good terms with my mother, and she’s not mad at him at all.”

“Yeah?”  Izumi sighed,  “Alright.  It’s your choice, but you can kiss your twenties away right now.  You’ll be an old lady in your thirties before you can even think about doing anything fun again.”

Listening to Izumi give me sage advice was difficult, but I also felt the calling to have this child.  I wanted to have this baby even if Shota ended up no longer being in the picture.

“Look, if it’s what you want, you know Saori and I will be there for you.  I mean, as much as we can.”

I felt moved knowing they weren’t just going to curb me as a friend.  I was really happy, actually.

“Alright, so, I know a place.  Bring Shota and your mom there, and go get your maternity book and start filling everything out.  You’re gonna need a place prepared for the baby to sleep, you’ve got about four months and some change left, so you need to talk with your folks or Shota about getting ready for it now at least, since you’re staying there.  The baby will be noisy as hell once it’s born, so make sure he’s really aware… no.  Wait.  Fuck that.  Saori and I will talk to Shota.”

“Please don’t.” I begged.

“I’m not going to lay in to him, I know he’s a good guy.  We weren’t going to let you get a creepo for your first time.  However, you were the one to initiate sex without a condom on with him.  First and foremost this is your fault, Chi-chan.  I just mean that we’ll pull him aside, and I’ll let him know what to expect and what to prepare for.”

“But my mom already knows all about raising babies.”

“Yes, that’s fine and all, but I’d like to do this anyway.  He needs to hear it from someone his own age, okay?  All the money it will cost him will draw out his true colors.  I know he’s been showing off a little for you, and we’ve been calling him mister moneybags too, but a baby ain’t cheap!  Things like diapers, supplementary formula for when your boobs need a rest, clothes, cribs, all that shit comes before the real expenses a child brings with it, and it’s already a lot to fork out for.  Look, my mom works with an obstetrician, so I know a lot about this stuff from her.  Trust me.”

You are reading story The MILF I Married is my Ex-Girlfriend’s Mother. at

I was being supported by my two slutty gyaru friends and I couldn’t have felt a stronger bond of friendship with them.

“Alright, Izumi.  I’ll listen to you properly this time.”

“Good girl.” She said with a pat on my head.

Izumi then grabbed Saori’s hand and put it on my belly.

“Our Chigusa’s gonna be a real MILF soon!”

Saori smiled, “You sluuuuuuut!” she said, just loud enough to show how much she cared for me as a friend.

“Hmm, you know, you might look good in some maternity wear.  Also, you may want to take one of your uniforms and get it let out a little so it won’t be too tight.  Also, are you going to drop out?” Izumi bombarded me with a hard question.

“I’d like to stay in school.  I don’t mind if… people talk.”

“Fuck their talk.  We’re not going to abandon you, you’re ours.  But in return, you better let us be a part of this too.  I sure as hell ain’t havin’ any rugrats until I’m in my thirties.  There’s way too much primo dick still waiting out there for me.”

“Sluuuuut!”  Saori said again, this time to Izumi.

She received a slap on her tit for her show of moral support.

“Owww! Bitch~”

We all giggled like crazy.

“Okay, well… fuck.  This changes some things, but it’s cool your mom is onboard.  You said you were staying with Shota, at his place, right?”

“Yeah… I have my own room there, actually.”

“Your own room?  Aren’t you sleeping in his room?”

“Mm… it’s more for privacy sake when I want it.  So I mean, it could be the baby’s room if he’s cool with it?”

“That’s what I want to hear.  Yosh!  We have a lot of stuff to talk about now.  How’s your diet?  Cup noodles and pizza ain’t gonna cut it anymore, girl.  You totally need a balanced nutritional plan, and we’ll need to see if you should be taking prenatal supplements as well.  God… what am I gonna do with you?”

Izumi wouldn’t stop hugging me tightly, and Saori also joined in.

We ended up visiting a whole bunch of places, including the maternity department to check out slutty wear I could show off to Shota.

One thing of importance that was brought up… was my scar.

“So, boyfriend is actually okay with it?” Izumi asked.

“Yeah… he’s… actually done wonders for my self-image being so accepting about it.  Around the house at least, I wear skimpier clothes.”

“At least you picked a winner with Shota.  Just don’t let him get too full of himself, and keep that dick milked properly so he can’t get it up for anyone else.  The benefit to being pregnant is you don’t have to worry about getting knocked up!”

I did not yet feel like I should bring up the truth about where exactly Shota’s thing has been holed up inside of lately.  Because it sure as hell wasn’t me!

I parted with the girls a little earlier than expected with promises that we’d start taking care of the things I needed to in order to prepare for my daughter’s arrival, even if it was still many months away.

When I got home, I opened the door to find Shota and mom going at it on the couch… again.  This time mom was on top, and Shota was being drained dry by that middle-aged succubus.

I went to walk past them, but Shota suddenly reached for me, catching my shirt, giving it a tug, and as I was pulled towards him, Shota met my lips and gave me a deep kiss.  His breath was coming in ragged bursts, filling my mouth and warming my upper lip from jets of air shooting out of his nostrils... the sonofabitch was nutting inside my mother as he kissed me!  The entire time, he kept kissing me and filling her up.

The audacity of this motherfucker!

Then the bastard lets me go, and locks tongues with my mom again.  I was so rocked by what he just did, I could only stand there and watch.  But mom got off of him a few moments later and was just leaking him all over the place.  Shota’s cum-covered cock was just… there.  

Beckoning to be cleaned.

I saw mom eyeing it, and I was pissed off.

Using me for something like that?  Fuck you, both!

I shoved my mother out of the way and got right in there between his legs.  Shota saw me, he knew exactly what I was going to do.  And he didn’t even try to stop me.

I put his thing, covered in the love juices of my mother and my baby’s father, right in my mouth and proceeded to do whatever the hell I wanted with it.  Yeah, it broke the rule, but… fucking Shota!  This was all your fault, damn it!

Mom just walked away and started doing something in the kitchen.  I was just doing what I wanted.  Shota was leaning back on to the couch and letting me, and I wondered if this… was what mom was aiming for all along?

Shota wasn’t angry.

Mom wasn’t angry.

Hell, I wasn’t angry.

Instead, I got my revenge.

Having just cleaned him off, with him completely defenseless and in a half-living state, I shoved my tongue, salty as it was with his seed, right into his mouth.  As a punishment.

Then I wandered off to the kitchen, quite satisfied with myself, to find that the pot of pork soup was on the stove and mom was having a late night smoke and drink.  After what looked like the tail end of some good sex, I wasn’t going to blame her for her bad habit.

We ended up eating a little while later, then after some relaxation on the couch with Shota who was surprisingly frisky with us both and some talk about something he wanted to do tomorrow, we all ended up in their bedroom, together.  Shota buried his face into my mother’s chest, and I spooned him from behind, holding onto his thing and pressing my bare tits onto his back, simply because I could.

I was happy, because at no point did Shota need to leave the bed, because he was where he needed to be.

I could only hope that whatever happened today wouldn’t be only a one-time thing.  I’m fine sharing Shota with my mom, I just also want to be with him like he is with her.  I’m young, and pretty, and I wanna do it with him too!

But until that happens, this much is enough to make me happy.

We’re a strange family now.  It’s better than what I had before, and I hope we all continue to live together.  I just need to have a talk with Shota about my future… our future, all of us together.  Because I don’t see myself leaving either of these two any time soon.

You can find story with these keywords: The MILF I Married is my Ex-Girlfriend’s Mother., Read The MILF I Married is my Ex-Girlfriend’s Mother., The MILF I Married is my Ex-Girlfriend’s Mother. novel, The MILF I Married is my Ex-Girlfriend’s Mother. book, The MILF I Married is my Ex-Girlfriend’s Mother. story, The MILF I Married is my Ex-Girlfriend’s Mother. full, The MILF I Married is my Ex-Girlfriend’s Mother. Latest Chapter

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