The MILF I Married is my Ex-Girlfriend’s Mother.

Chapter 55: -23- Afterschool Date

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~~**  Tachibana Shota’s Point of View **~~

I woke up in the loving embrace of my beloved wife.  It was unusual, because it was a weekday and she would usually be gone from our bed and downstairs making breakfast by now.  I didn’t have a single care in the world if I went hungry this morning, because having her here in my arms until I woke up left me with a far more filling feeling than anything her delicious breakfasts could give me.

I couldn’t contain myself seeing her still next to me any longer, so I gently peppered her face with careful, delicate kisses.  Mayuri-san, even if she was older than me, was no less beautiful because of her age.  I simply loved her as a person, not for her appearance.

My moving around must have woken up the green-eyed beast clinging on to me from the other side.  A softly pouting voice called out from behind, telling me how unfair it was that she was being left out of the early morning kisses.

My wife’s eyes opened up, and her soft teasing laugh filled the air.

“My turn~” She said with an almost childlike playfulness, and she rolled me around to face Chigusa while capturing me into a tight hold from behind, her massive and hot E-cup breasts pressing into my already warm back, which had been carefully maintained by Chigusa’s own body heat all night long.

“He’s all yours, Chigusa sweetie!”  Mayuri-san teased.

Chigusa took advantage of my captured state, and I became a prisoner of war to her morning barrage of kisses.

“Ufufufu~  So naughty, turning your back to your wife to make out with your girlfriend.” she softly spoke into my ear, loud enough to also be heard by her daughter.

“Mayuri–”  I tried to crane my neck, but Chigusa had held it in place with both of her hands.

“Where are you looking, Shota?  My eyes are right here.  Unless, you want something a little softer to look at?”

Chigusa carefully puffed up her breasts before my sight.

“Give me a break you two!!!”



Aaah!  These two…!

“What should we do with papa this morning, mama?”

“That’s a good question.  I haven’t had such a peaceful night’s sleep in so long… I don’t even want to get out of bed.  Sorry, dear.”

“Eh?  Why are you apologizing?  I’m… enjoying this, too.”

“Hehe, mama… papa’s excited.”

Chigusa already had her hand on the prize, and my wife’s own was quick to follow to verify structural integrity.

“Maybe the thought of us two lovely women showing him such love in the morning is too much for him to bear?  We shouldn’t let him go to school like this, should we?”  My wife intimated something nice.

“H-hey!”  I tried to interrupt, but both of them began to run their hands along my pride over my boxers.

As I was teased and molested by the two women in my household who loved me so much, I could only helplessly succumb to them.

“It’s a good thing I thought ahead.  I might not have time to make you both breakfast, but I did make some packed bentos, so you’ll be fine by lunch.”

Mayuri-san’s hand slid into my boxers from behind and squeezed my butt cheek.  Chigusa was interested in breastfeeding me, and I was just at a complete loss for how this morning was going.

“I love you both… okay?” I said, to appease them.

“ “We love you too, papa.” ”  They answered in frightening unison.

I did escape the bedroom with my chastity intact for the day, but also a heavy weight that wasn’t going down because these two women were so goddamn beautiful that it couldn’t be helped!


But time was an issue, so all of us reluctantly got out of bed.  Mayuri-san helped me get dressed, still wearing that sexy black lingerie I enjoyed seeing her in, I couldn’t help but steal a whole helping of kisses from all over that sexy body of hers.

“Shota-kun.  I’m… really happy right now.”  She said, “I’m the happiest I’ve been in a long time.  Thank you for being there for me, and not letting me… drag you down with my bad decisions.”

“What are you talking about, Mayuri-san?  I have a home again, and it’s all thanks to your good decision in choosing to stay with me!”

We held each other quietly for a while, drowning in the love we had for each other.

“So, four thirty at the arcade by the candy shop?”  She double-checked with me.

“That’s correct.”

“Chigusa and I will meet you there, so look forward to it, okay?”

“Un.  I will.”

We met Chigusa downstairs after I got dressed.  My sexy wife stayed dressed in that skimpy black thing until we left.  My raging hard on would not be cooperating with me at all the entire walk to school.  

Incidentally, Mayuri-san’s bentos were exactly as she said they were, packed to the brim and looking amazingly delicious.

“Thanks, my beautiful bride.”

“Have a good day at school, my handsome groom.” she sent me off with a kiss as usual.

After the lovey-dovey words that lead to our departure, Chigusa was quick to link her arm in mine as she liked to do.  Her free hand stretched up into the air with a closed fist and then she relaxed it.

“Last night and this morning left me feeling hella recharged!”  She said energetically.  “Thank you for letting me stay the night with you.  But, why did you do that… last night?”

“Letting you sleep in our bed?”

“Not that… you pulled me over to you while you two were doing it on the couch and kissed me.  I was really mad that you did that!  You used me to make yourself and mom feel good!”

“Ah, that.”

“Don’t you ‘ah, that.’ me!  Answer me properly!”

“I did.  The kiss was the answer.  I can’t give you a proper explanation because there isn’t one, Chigusa.  Your mother and I were so connected, that it felt wrong to leave you out of that experience.  I didn’t think you’d be interested in something like kissing your own mother, and Mayuri-san is at heart something of an adventurous pervert anyway, so I figured deep down she wouldn’t mind… because it wasn’t being hidden from her.  That, and I thought if I didn’t do it then… I might never do something like that at all.”

“Really?  That’s what you were thinking?”

“It was one of the best nuts of my life, Chigusa, and I owe it all to you.” I said with a grin, my own revenge on her for this morning.

“…Shota, you dummy!!  I thought you were an eloquent author, but that sounded cringy as fuck!”

I leaned my head softly against hers and we continued on to school looking like an ideal couple in love.  When we arrived at school, I was surprised to see two people waiting for us to arrive.

“Yo, boyfriend!”  Izumi, who was basically the leader of Chigusa’s incorrigible trio, was quick to approach me.  “We have some business to get down to, you and me.  I’ll be having Chigusa give me your contact information later on, so don’t ignore my messages when they come, got it?”

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Her bony finger with a glammed and glittery nail was sharply prodding me in the chest.


Saori only blew a kiss my way, following up with the money hand sign again.  The two of them departed right after Izumi said what she wanted.

“Chigusa… what was that about?”

Chigusa fidgeted a bit.

“Umm… Izumi and Saori… know.”

“So, what, I’m going to catch hell from those two now?”

“No way!  Izumi just wants to talk to you.  She… trusted you enough to let you date me, you know?”

That, I did not know, yet it wasn’t all that surprising to me.

“Shota, even though Izumi is like that, all her family members are medical practitioners of some kind and she knows stuff, she’s only trying to look out for both of us… and our package.”

I dipped my head and sighed.

“Alright.  I don’t have any grudges against your friends.  You can give her my contact information.  I’ll listen to whatever she has to say.”

“Thanks Shota!”  I got a very wet kiss on my cheek for my compliance, and Chigusa dropped me off at my class happily before heading one classroom over to hers.  Surprisingly, today wasn’t long at all, and after school I ended up spending only a short while at the Literature club, explaining to Kuro-chan about my date today.

“Want me to tag along too, Senpai?”

“Iya, no.  It’s already enough having both of them.”

“You won’t blame a girl for trying, will you?”

I was starting to wonder if she was one of those wolves in sheep’s clothing kind of girl.  I half-wondered if she wouldn’t have been more than suitable to be friends with Izumi and Saori, actually.

Still, I had things to do.  I let Kurone-chan know she could visit my house tomorrow.  I’d also make sure to let Mayuri-san and Chigusa know that she was coming so they could be on their best behavior.

Leaving the school with time to spare to make it there, when I arrived at the Gemini arcade, it was only Raita who had arrived before me.  None of the other girls were present yet.

“Yo, Shota.  We’re just waiting on the girls now, right?  I checked in with Yumi and she’s on the way.  She goes to a different high school than us, or she’d be here already.”

I figured as much.  Even though Nene-san and her partner don’t live too far away from me, Kumi was likely going to another nearby high school.  Probably as a small mercy to me, since Nene-san knew which high school I attended.

Coming from opposite directions at the same time, were three women.  Two who looked fashionable in different ways, and one who looked quite mature in the best way possible, I thought.

However, much to Raita’s consternation, all three of the beauties were calling out my name when they got close enough to.




Poor Raita.  This was already not looking good for him from the start.  But a promise is a promise.  I’d help sell his image… if I could.  Yet, there was a protective part of me that wondered if Raita deserved to date someone as precious to me as Kumi-chan was.

All of the women assembled in front of the arcade with us two gentlemen, and we began with some introductions for Kumi-chan, even if they weren’t entirely necessary.  At least with Raita and Kumi-chan, I wouldn’t have to lie at all.

“Long time no see, Kumi-chan,”  I said to her, “have things been well for you?”

She just stared at me, and then to either side of me, at my wife, and my… girlfriend.

“I guess not as good as they’ve been for you, paahem, Shota-nii.”

She was already going to make it awkward for me, huh?  May as well get on with it then.

“I’d like to take a moment to introduce these two to you.  As I understand you’ve already met my lovely wife, Tachibana Mayuri.”

“Hello again!” Mayuri-san said with a smile.  She was wearing a pair of long blue jeans that accentuated her hind quarters magnificently, and a white short sleeved shirt that poofed out a bit on the bottom, along with a deep v-neck cut which just allowed all of her amazing woman-power to shock and awe.

There wasn’t a woman around, Kumi-chan included, who came close to defeating her in that department.

“And this is… my girlfriend, Watanabe Chigusa.”

Chigusa was dressed in a long purple shirt with a wide neck, and long sleeves.  She had on a black skirt as well, and long purple over-the-knee socks.  She likely would have dressed more skimpy, if she had the confidence too, but alas her scar made that impossible for her still.

I decided to cut the bullshit here and drop the ‘ex.’ when introducing Chigusa to Kumi-chan.  She was still family, and I had no reason to lie to her.  Raita was in on the lie with me as well, so he had no room to argue, either.  Mayuri-san didn’t care, and I’m sure, if only a tiny bit, it made Chigusa happy to hear me introduce her like that to someone we weren’t playing pretend with.

“So, you’re the girl who dumped my Shota-nii!  Hmph.” She snubbed Chigusa initially, before directing her words at me. “Why are you calling her your girlfriend, if you’re already married?  Shouldn’t she be your ex-girlfriend?”

Always sharp, that one.

“Also, I thought this was going to be a double date!  Why did you bring both of them along?”

Kumi-chan wasn’t necessarily mad.  When she wanted serious answers, she was direct about it.  She had to be like that, because all the adults in my house… danced around the sensitive issues when it came to her.  Only I gave it to her straight, though I was sure to try and always word everything so it had a positive outlook.

“Raita left the decision on who to bring up to me, but these two thought it would be fun to go together with me, since they wanted to have a fun date at an arcade.  Who am I to say no to that?”

“It’s always games with you, isn’t it, Shota-nii?” Kumi-chan said, but not at all in a complaining way.

Kumi-chan loved games quite a bit.  Kumi-chan also loved music just as much.  So it would be a natural conclusion to draw that musical games were right up her alley, right?

Yeah they were.  But they weren’t what she was good at.


Kumi-chan was like an artist when it came to playing bullet hell games.

She could ride that one-pixel margin with supernatural precision and crush any game, no matter its difficulty setting, figuring out patterns before they even resolved the first wave completely.  She also had a title, from a young age too… back when she would ask me for money to play games after elementary school on our way home.

“Danmaku no Yousei.” –  The Bullet Hell’s Fairy.

I have no idea how that strange moniker came to be, but it was appropriate once you witnessed it.  When she nimbly dodged those multicolored lights which threatened to end her game, it was like watching a sophisticated and elegant dance.  She always attracted onlookers who cheered her on, who sometimes even offered up a 100-yen coin themselves, just to keep being able to watch her play.

I was surrounded by amazing people.  By comparison, I wasn’t particularly good at any genre of game, I think?  Not even the scam crane games.

I had some money in hand, and after finding a change machine willing to convert it, I handed off a fair amount of coins to everyone. 

We were going to have some fun today, tackling the arcade!

You can find story with these keywords: The MILF I Married is my Ex-Girlfriend’s Mother., Read The MILF I Married is my Ex-Girlfriend’s Mother., The MILF I Married is my Ex-Girlfriend’s Mother. novel, The MILF I Married is my Ex-Girlfriend’s Mother. book, The MILF I Married is my Ex-Girlfriend’s Mother. story, The MILF I Married is my Ex-Girlfriend’s Mother. full, The MILF I Married is my Ex-Girlfriend’s Mother. Latest Chapter

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