The MILF I Married is my Ex-Girlfriend’s Mother.

Chapter 70: -07- Kurone’s Muse

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~~** Watanabe Chigusa’s Point of View **~~


“It’s been a while since you spent the night at my place, Chi-chan. I thought you forgot all about me now that you and Shota-senpai are lovers again.”

“Mm… honestly, I need a break from it.”

“A break?”

“Kurocchin, it’s like… every time we do it, I can’t hold on. It’s just so incredible with him! I can feel him touch every place inside me all at once, and I come so many times that I can’t even move afterwards. I almost peed the bed once afterwards because I couldn’t move my body.”

“Are you bragging? If you weren’t my friend from forever ago, and I had the nerve back then, I would have snatched him up right after you dumped him! Then it would be me he’d be doing that to!”

“Bleeh~” I stuck my tongue out at her.

Shibata Kurone is my friend from middle school. I met her when she was a freshman in junior high school. Back then, I hadn’t yet had the courage to talk with Saori and Izumi and ask to be part of their group where I would later debut as a gyaru with their help. Instead she was a girl I met in the library one day, and we both sort of just talked about manga randomly.

Our friendship was quick to take off, and I found out that Kurocchin was super-ero. Like, she had so many books in her collection that were meant for adults aged eighteen and up. She was passionate about romance and sex, I mean almost to unhealthy levels!

I would often sleep over at her house, too afraid to bring her to mine. I was disappointed in my family back then, knowing how shitty my father was, and never having the right connection with my mother ever since I lied to her about what happened to keep dad’s secret.

It can’t be compared how much Kurocchin knows about me compared to anyone else, except myself. I'm also something of a muse for her at times. Which is why I’m currently stripped naked in her room eating a popsicle as she types away furiously on her laptop, using me as a visual device for some smutty novel she’s been writing that she’s also been getting pointers from Shota with.

In spite of how much she loves erotic things, she’s not an outgoing person to people she’s not already good friends with, so for her, finding a lover hasn’t been a priority, even though she’s pretty cute and wouldn’t have a problem getting one if she tried.



“Isn’t it hard?”

“You mean being the other woman in our relationship?”

“Yeah, I mean, I said it once to him that I wouldn’t mind being his mistress if it meant I could be with him, but that was really only if he was still going to be seeing you as a lover.”

“A threesome with you might have been fun. I know you at least would participate. That’s the problem with having your mother as your boyfriend’s wife. She’s perfectly fine with sharing him, but I feel like Shota is missing out on the whole threesome experience because of us being a real mother and daughter who don’t do anything.”

“So… like… nothing between you… ever?”

“One time I mean… the first time I had sex with him while she was there… My boobs leaked and she touched them enough to get her fingers wet with my milk and she put them in his mouth while he was just wrecking my little kitty. I thought it was fucking hot! But no, nothing else at all has happened since then.”

“Chi-chan… do you want to do that kind of stuff with your actual mom, though?”

It was something I had thought about as being inevitable since even before that night. I knew I couldn’t steal Shota away from her after that time she spent away, taking care of Auntie Manako and her family, and not even the thing we both did that night after she returned in the kitchen made me think it would be otherwise, however…

“I just think maybe it might be interesting if there was a little bit more going on between us in the bedroom. It’s always only Shota doing me until I can’t move or think anymore, and then him with my mom going at it after. Even the way he makes love to us both is so different. I mean, one day right, I come home and Shota’s doing my mom on the couch, I pass by because whatever, like I wanna get frustrated about seeing it, you know? But he grabs my shirt and pulls me over and gives me some serious tongue action while he nuts inside my mom, then has the nerve to say it was the best nut he’s ever had!”

“No shit… Senpai really did something like that?”

“Yeah. Mom paid me back for it by doing the same thing with him while he was inside of me and he swelled up so big it felt like he was pulling my guts out with each thrust until he finally came. I thought I was going to puke afterwards while the after orgasms kept going!”

“So, you’re not against doing stuff with your mother at all?”

“I’m open to things at least, more than she probably is. I wouldn’t mind it if it started off with some simple things… something like her feeling me up a little, playing with my boobs, umm, some soft kisses and even if she rubbed me down there while he’s inside me. All the other stuff I would probably need more time to be comfortable with. The thing is… what exactly constitutes incest? I mean, we’re both having sex with Shota and he’s done us both without even cleaning himself off between turns, so my mom’s juices have been inside of me and mine inside of her. Haven’t we already crossed a line with that much?”

“I think it’s not really incest until you really do those deeply physical things with her. That’s probably why your situation is like that.” Kurocchin answered quickly.

“Just to be clear, I wouldn’t even think about doing something like this if not for Shota! I know my way into his heart is through doing stuff like this with my mom. I need to be able to tie myself up with them more, that’s why I think this is necessary. When he has no reason to think of me as separate from her, then there won’t be a difference who is his wife at that point. He’ll be able to love me as much as her.”

Kurocchin stopped to applaud me.


“You should try out for Japan’s Olympics team. The mental gymnastics you just displayed would win you a medal for sure!”

I grabbed a pillow from her bed and flung it hard at her head. She accepted it without dodging.

“Mou~ How was I supposed to know the first guy I dated was going to be mister right? It’s so not fair, Kurocchin! I even made sure I didn’t do anything fucked up like cheat on him with another guy! And my reward is to be a knocked up side piece of his now…”

I felt happy and miserable at the same time. This was part of my two-fold reason for sleeping over at Kurocchin’s house. First I wanted to vent about some things to her, and second, I wanted to give Shota and mom a night alone. It wasn’t for a noble purpose, I just wanted to see if I would be missed at all. I wasn’t confident that I would be, but it was something I felt I needed to know.

Because I’m not his first choice, and I don’t think I ever was.

“Chigusa, have you ever done stuff with another girl?”

“You mean besides you?”

“Petting me doesn’t count. I mean it, you hang out with those two girls, don’t you? Didn’t they used to date the same guy before? They probably do stuff with each other, right? Did they never do stuff with you?”

I shook my head.

“No, those two know who I was. I’m not like them, we all already understand that. I’m just happy they let me join their group and be their friend. You know how unhappy I was being a loser.”

“Are you trying to pick a fight?”

“No. I mean, you’re cute now, so you’ve got to be at least a little popular these days, aren’t you?”

“I have a hundred manga on that shelf that should say the same thing, but I’m really not. Nor do I think I’ll suddenly bloom into a beautiful woman one day either and have guys begging me to date them. I’m a fujoshi, and true otaku trash, Chi-chan. The same kind you were terrified you’d become if you hadn’t gone over to the normie side.”

“You’re not otaku trash, Kurone. You’re… my best friend.”

“Yeah, yeah. That’s why you stayed with me over summer break and pined about Shota the whole damn time.”

It wasn’t the whole summer break, I had also slept over at Izumi’s house as well a few times, and back at my own house after sneaking in late at night when mom and dad were asleep. But for the most part it was true. Her house was a safe space for me during the hard times.

Knock knock

There was a tap at the bedroom door which wasn’t even closed, and a provocatively dressed woman entered the room. Normally being naked and all I might have been disturbed by it, but I had no reason to be.

“Kurone, have you eaten…? Oh! Chigusa, you’re here again!”

“Hello, Yukimi-san. I haven’t spent the night in a while and Kurocchin needed a muse.”

“That’s… nice?”

She paused talking for a moment then instantly flew to my side, placing her hand on my stomach. The fact I was naked wasn’t even an issue here with either of these two.

“Chigusa, are you pregnant?”

“Y-yeah. I only found out about it two weeks ago. I’m currently twenty-two weeks along. It’s a girl and very healthy, from what the doctor said.”

“Twenty two weeks…? So, the beginning of summer break?”

“Before that, it was closer to the end of June. My boyfriend is the father, and yes, my mom knows about it too. She’s happier than I am about it to be honest, and he’s on board with me having it. I’ll give birth before graduation, and I have no intention of dropping out.”

I tried to answer her questions preemptively, but she always had more to ask. She’s good at conversation and drawing out difficult topics.

“You say boyfriend. Is he not going to take responsibility and marry you?”

“It’s a bit complicated with that, Yukimi-san. But there’s no question he’ll take responsibility for our baby, and my mother will also be helping out. I plan on going to college as well, I just don’t know what I want to study there yet.”

“And here it’s my second daughter instead of my first who’s knocked up. I suppose I should breathe easy. Alright, anything you girls want to eat? I’ll order out after I change into something relaxing.”

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“I’m good with anything, as long as it’s low sodium. My doctor wants me to watch that for some reason.” I told Kurone’s mom.

She suggested a few things and once we all agreed on what to eat, she left us and went to change into something more casual.

Kurone is from a single family household and her story is a bit difficult to digest. Her mom is a sex worker, but her company is a legal one. They call it Mizu Shoubai, ‘the water business,’ and she essentially visits various clients and takes ‘baths’ with them or other things. It’s usually a controlled environment where she’s at as little risk as she can be for the nature of the occupation.

Kurone was conceived at some point in her teens, due to a failing contraception. Yukimi-san doesn’t know who exactly her father is, but not having one hasn’t made much of a difference in either of their lives. It’s likely due to the nature of her mother’s job that Kurone has such an interest in sex and romance.

You see, in that line of work it’s hard to have an enjoyment for either. This is something Yukimi-san has said repeatedly to me, especially after I transitioned into being a gyaru. She had her own concern for me, knowing me from when I was a lot like her daughter.

Since food would be coming, I at least put on my panties. The fun thing about being at Kurocchin’s house was that they were very liberal about exposing their bodies. I was actually the uptight one the first few times I came over.

In public or at school, my low-key bestie is prim and proper on the exterior. But at home, like right now, she’s beyond casual, wearing some elastic shorts and a tank top with nothing underneath. While she does have a nice body and a cute face, her mother is on another level, being supremely attractive, with that being her primary marketable skill, of course.

Kurone was done writing by this point, I had been here for hours anyway while she clacked away on her keyboard much like Shota did often throughout the day at home. We all gathered in the living room while we waited on some food to be delivered, allowing her mother to politely interrogate me for a bit about my situation until she was satisfied.

Food came, some pricey sushi that tasted great, and I was even generously able to drink a beer with her while she talked about how proud she was of her daughter trying to become an author.

“She’ll make it big one day!” She laughed happily, “As long as she doesn’t end up like me, I’ll always support whatever she does!”


“You know of all the things in the world, I want you to be happy. But there’s no happiness to be found in the world I work in. If it wasn’t for you to take care of, I would have given up long ago. Seeing you try so hard to reach out and grab hold of the bright future you want is what keeps me going!”

Yukimi-san was close with her daughter, but she never for a moment let Kurocchin think that she was the cause of her mother continuing in the line of work she was doing. It’s just that she didn’t feel confident that she could land a normal job that would give her the flexibility in hours to be with her daughter when she needed to be, and also provide for everything she could want.

Yukimi-san was also one of those types to sacrifice themselves for their children. Their family had it’s own dysfunction, but there was no shortage of love between parent and child. As mentioned before, even I was considered something of a second daughter to her.

“So, he makes that much writing? And he’s even helping out my Kurone?” Yukimi-san asked after interrogating me about my financial situation with the baby coming.

“Yeah. That’s why I’m not all that worried. He’s more than able to provide for us, and the baby. I like living with him, and the sex is incredible, too. Yukimi… do you ever um… get satisfied when you… work?”

“Rarely. I mean it does happen on occasion, if a customer is attractive and treats me right, of course it can happen. But it’s not the same as if I were to have a lover. There’s no romance because when I’m done, it’s time to go. Besides, there’s not a lot of guys who’d be okay with being in a real relationship with me knowing what I do. And the ones who are… aren’t the kind of guy I’d want in the first place, or being near my Kurone.”

“You mean guys who are into letting their lover sleep around?”

“If I have a lover, I want to be cherished by them exclusively. I want a man who doesn’t even want me to be looked at by other men. I want him quick to anger and jealousy and to throw me down on the bed and manhandle me a little, showing me I’m not allowed to love anyone but him.”

“That’s… pretty specific.”

“Just my preference. Maybe when Kurone is able to get along on her own, I might try and find a guy who’d be willing to love me after a lifetime of working in this industry. At the very least I can guarantee my skills in bed. I just hope in my old age, Kurone will let me stay with whoever she ends up with and I can be a doting grandmother.”

“You sound like my mom!”

“I am your mom, too!” Yukimi-san laughed at my retort.

“Yeah you are! But I mean, my mom… she really wanted a grandchild, too. Is that how it is when you get close to forty?”

“If you treasure your family, of course you want as much family as you can have! Love for your family is boundless. If… I had the means, I would have loved to have a husband and three children. I thought about it often when I was younger… but what I have is Kurone, and she’s all that I need. She’s my everything.


“Aww, come here! Now I’m all emotional.”

Kurone was grabbed by her mother and pulled into a hug that looked like any moment it could end in a pro-wrestling move. She was released a bit later, when her mother declared she was tired, and was going to bed.

“Don’t stay up too late, girls.”

“We won’t.” I promised.

Kurone’s mother went to her bedroom, and we returned to Kurone’s room together.

“Do you want to lay down?” She asked me.

“Sure. Feeling alright?”

“Mom always acts like that when you are around. I bet if it was me pregnant instead of you, she’d be so disappointed.”

“You know that’s not true. Your mother loves you, no matter what might happen in your life. She just doesn’t want you to be unhappy about what you need to do to take care of yourself and any children you have. My mom’s like that too.”

“I guess…”

We both got into her bed and laid down. Kurocchin was just staring up at the ceiling for a little while before asking me a question she’d asked a hundred times before.

“Chi-chan… do you think I’m weird for liking ecchi stuff?”

“You know I don’t think that.”

“That stuff you want to do with your mom and Shota… do you want to practice it a little?”

“Practice it… with you?”

“With me, yeah.”

“What… exactly are we going to practice?” I asked, surprised at her forwardness with me. It’s not like we hadn’t talked about stuff like this before, but this is the first time she’s been bold enough to ask me to do something physical of this nature.

“Anything you can be comfortable with. Some light touching, and maybe… we can share a soft kiss?”


“Chigusa… I’ve always wanted to kiss you. Can I?”

Before I could reply with a yes or a no to her, Kurone was sitting up next to me and leaned in to press her lips against mine. Kissing her was different from kissing Shota. Her lips were plump and wet and she was careful not to go too fast. I… allowed myself to accept the moment as an experience, should I try this with my mother and Shota in the future.

Kurone’s hands knew exactly where to touch to give me a warm and tingly feeling. She never closed her eyes. She stared into my own deeply, even as her mouth opened when it shouldn’t have. Even when my own mouth opened when it shouldn’t have.

What we were doing… I was torn about mentioning it to Shota. Would he be angry at me? Would he push me out of what I finally managed to get into?

As much as I didn’t want to hurt him… I needed some foundation. So I didn’t say anything when her caressing of my face went lower, and she began to trace a finger along my collar on the way to my breasts.

Nor did I say anything when her mouth left my own and joined her hand. I only laid back, and let Kurone do as she pleased, and it wasn’t unpleasant. Far from it. Kurone, the master of ecchi, was so different from Shota in places.

Shota could be gentle, but there was something vastly more sensual with her touch than his. His was primal and conquering. Her touch was soothing and seductive.

I… what we did went far past what it ever should have, and what we discussed.

I knew at least from this experience, with Kurone giving me my first full experience with a woman, that it wasn’t bad to want to do this with my own mother alongside Shota.

If I was a part of their marriage, then this was the natural course it had to take with us three. Which meant that as much as Kurone gave to me, I now had to give back to her, to make sure I could also do it when the time came, with my mother.

Our sweaty bodies embraced afterward, all of our limbs entwined with each other, her head resting peacefully in my chest which had grown slightly in recent weeks, her body gently rising and falling with each slow breath and a serene look on her face.

I’ve made many mistakes in my life.

But I will never consider this moment with Kurone to be one of them, even if Shota wouldn’t forgive me for it should he find out.

Much in the way Nene-san and Kumi-san are family to Shota. That is what Kurone is to me.

I think, if I can be allowed to explain that much… he might forgive me. If not… then I do at least have one place I can go.

An artist, even a writer, always benefits from a muse.

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