The MILF I Married is my Ex-Girlfriend’s Mother.

Chapter 71: -08- Ladies’ Day

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~~** Tachibana Mayuri’s Point of View **~~


Chigusa had decided to spend the night at a friend’s house, and Kumi-chan asked permission to do the same. Well in her case it was her boyfriend’s house, who had earned some bonus points in Nene’s eyes recently, so she allowed it.

That meant my dear husband would be left alone with two flirty vixens who he had no chance against.


Nene had changed a little bit since she had her face-to-face talk with her same-sex lover, Ukemi-san. She had decided on taking a break from their relationship to better understand what she wanted to do moving forward.

Shota and I were only there for support and to establish that there was nothing going on between us that Ukemi-san had ever needed to worry about… but it was a bit of a stretch.

Because there was. Nene had some feelings for me.

As for what they were, she was still figuring them out. I… I am a wicked woman in teasing her a bit, but I don’t feel I’ve done anything that would warrant jeopardizing the feelings between Shota and I. To that point, I had a private conversation with him, in which I reported my own questionable activities with her.

Shota surprised me with his own thoughts on the matter after I came clean to him.

He wanted me to continue allowing whatever was going on so long as it didn’t trouble me. His reasoning was that he had seen a smile on Nene’s face he hadn’t since his mother was alive and she lived here with them.

He said they often took something his mother called a “Ladies’ Day” and went out and did stuff together. They were sisters, even if not blood related, and they had a strong bond between them. Shota was hoping in some way, I could be something of a surrogate sister to her, I think.

Well, I didn’t particularly mind. I found it quite refreshing to hang out with Nene, and better that her feelings be aimed at me then at my husband, at least, were my own thoughts on the matter.

Shota made it clear she was family, in the sense of being cared for, provided for, and looked after, but that I was his lover without question, and he had no intention of rocking an already unsteady boat with what Nene had said and done at that meeting when she slid the old wedding ring she had received from Shota long ago and kept threaded through a necklace she wore all this time on to her finger.

The other part made clear that the boat rocking also applied to Chigusa. But I felt at least that part was coming along well recently. They still hadn’t had a night alone together since that first night we three shared. I don’t know if it’s intentional on his part or not, nor do I know if they’ve done it at all without me present. It’s possible they could have snuck and done it in the bathroom at school, I know that’s something I had done with Daigo on more than one occasion… hell, it might be how I got pregnant with Chigusa in the first place! But I imagine if he had been with her by himself, he would have found a way to tell me, and felt guilty until doing so, even though it’s what I wanted.

Currently Shota is back to writing. It seems that he and the friend they share, Kurone-chan, are about to submit a one-shot story for a contest coming up on the site he posts the free chapters of his work on. Apparently for Shota, it’s because of a rivalry he has with another author.

Well, a workplace rivalry isn’t so bad.

Both Kumi-chan and Chigusa had left before lunch, and Shota had been writing since morning. I had to bring his breakfast upstairs just to make sure he ate. When he gets all involved in his writing he doesn’t even realize the world turns sometimes.

But his hard work puts food on the table and a roof over our heads. And because he never says no to my requests, I want for nothing. Honestly, I’m spoiled fucking rotten by him. If I didn’t have twenty years of financial discipline living with Daigo… Even now, as I admire the diamond on my finger, I think about how I would have been just as happy with Nene’s inexpensive ring which doesn’t fit if he had bought that for me with the same sincerity.

But, I’m full of bullshit, too.

This ring is fucking gorgeous and I love showing it off! Yeah, this mama was happy to flex it on that Ukemi bitch Nene went to meet. I felt like a high spec villainess from a daytime drama! That Shota didn’t even scold me a little afterwards, made me so want to jump his bones when I got back home.

Since Shota was occupied for now, it was just Nene and me downstairs. I thought about what Shota had asked, and I decided since there wasn’t anything else to do, I might see if she was interested in a “Ladies’ Day” out with me.

Turns out she was keen on the idea, so I let Shota know and he said not to worry about the expenses, and to show her a good time. He gave off the impression of a showy CEO who pampers his new wife.

As I mentioned already, I do feel like I have been very spoiled having him as my husband.

After discussing with Nene where to go, somehow places like the nearby amusement park and the aquarium came up. It felt like more of a date spot than something like a shopping trip, but I hadn’t been to either of those places in a decade anyway, so, I figured what the hell. Why not go and see what I’ve missed over the years?

Nene was thrilled either way, and after a round of janken, with it being my loss, she decided the amusement park would be the destination of our date. Shota said to spare no expense, so after a quick wardrobe change since it was winter now, we used the ride-sharing app to take us there quickly.

Two wild women in their mid to late thirties going on a date to an amusement park, behaving like schoolgirls. From the moment we entered, Nene made a beeline for a certain booth. She had put a pair of spotted cat ears on my head, and for her a pair of rabbit ears.

We started off with some fun stuff, like bumper cars, which had us giggling like crazy. Then we went on a carousel which was ridiculous since we were the only adults our age without kids on it.

Then we took a break and went around looking at the booths with the games.

Nene was pretty good at hitting stationary targets with the cork gun. Just because it was the nature of the game, I grabbed her butt on the last shot causing her to misfire and nearly hit the attendant.

I got a big laugh out of that!

She would have won a good prize too, if it hit. But who wants to carry around a stuffed animal all day? Instead we got some colorful bracelets to wear as a consolation prize and moved along to the next booth quickly.

There was a dart throwing booth which I tried, and failed to pop any, when she kept blowing in my ear! This rascal! She was giggling because she got revenge for earlier. I didn’t even do well enough for a consolation prize…

So she held my hand instead as we continued on.

She ended up leading us to a roller coaster, and it looked fun so we lined up for it. We both put on a brave face for it, but by the time we reached the big drop, we both let go of that and screamed like little girls.

But it was so much fun!

Afterwards we took a break, bought some takoyaki and a couple of beers, and took a seat on the bench to rest for a moment. As much as we were behaving like incorrigible kids, we were older and therefore needed a moment to catch our breath.

She leaned against me as I held on to our food, and leaving it in my lap, I put my arm around her side and held her close.

“Mayuri… are you doing that on purpose?”

“I am.”

“I might fall in love with you, after today… if I haven’t already.”

“You can, if you want. I’m having a really good time, and I want you to feel that way, too.”

She reached down and grabbed a takoyaki, biting half of it off offering the other half at my lips. I didn’t hesitate in accepting that bite. That only caused her to rub the side of her face against my arm.

Instead of her own, she reached for my beer and took a sip, giggling as she returned it.

“What are you, sixteen?”

“I’m at least twenty! Minors can’t drink alcohol.”

“Oh yeah, and when was your first drink?”

“Fourteen. Himari and I snuck one from the fridge late at night when we were younger to try it! Heh heh heh.”

“Geez. I thought you were the good sister?”

“PFFFT. Good? Mm… right now I’m feeling good.”

“Nene, are you really not worried about your daughter staying at a boy’s house?”

“Not at all. Kumi’s far more responsible than I am… than I was, even at her age. I have Shota to thank for that. For everything in the last eight… almost nine years, really. Even now, I have him to thank for letting me meet you.”

She placed her hand on my leg, slowly caressing it over my pants.

“If… I become a bother, you’ll tell me, won’t you?”


She continued to rub my leg and only stopped momentarily to down her beer in like four gulps.

“Pu~ha~~~h! Iiiih!” She shook her head quickly, then burped. “What should we go to next?”

“Haunted house?” I suggested.

“N…no. I’m not… good with those.”

“Afraid of ghosts?”

“It’s not that. I scare easily, and my panty-liner might not hold all my pee if I get scared.”

We both giggled again.

“Seriously! Ever since I gave birth to Kumi, I pee a little whenever I sneeze or get frightened sometimes! Ukemi used to make fun of me for that!”

“Happens to me sometimes, too.” I commiserate.

“Right? She’d never even been pregnant, so she never understood! Ah~” Nene pointed off in a certain direction, “There was an artist group over there. Wanna get a couples’ portrait done?”

“Alright, we can do that.” I agreed.

“Yay~ Let’s go!” She said, grabbing my hand and trying to pull me to my feet.

“Hold on a minute, little miss grabby. I still have three takoyaki and a third of my beer left!”

She reached down and shoved two of the takoyaki in her mouth in one go, and took a small sip to wash it down.

“One bite and one sip left for you now. Let’s fucking goooooo!

What is with this whirlwind of a woman? My poor beer! I promise I’ll drink another of your family later to make up for this travesty!

I quickly popped the last bite of takoyaki and downed the last sip of beer, before letting her help me up. We quickly disposed of our trash, and she pulled me by the hand all the way there, while looking back and smiling at me all the time.

I understood the smile now that Shota wanted to protect, even if it belonged to a woman two years older than me. It was no different than the smile on Chigusa’s face while being embraced in my husband’s arms. The smile… I stole while she tried to be decent.

We found an available artist who was more than happy to do a portrait for us, and we had a sturdy seat where she was able to sit in my lap with her arms around my neck. It took about fifteen minutes before it was done, and Nene had the souvenir she wanted. It was neatly rolled up and tied with a string for safekeeping.

It was a tad pricey, but Shota said not to spare any expense!

“Hmm… how about for the grand finale, we get high?”

“Excuse me?”

Nene pointed up and I saw what she meant. The large ferris wheel you couldn’t help but notice first on the way here.

“After that, we can call it a night. I don’t think I can handle more than that anyway. Maybe I should join a gym?”

“Do you have the discipline to exercise, Nene?”


“Me either.”

Continuing to giggle at our own shortcomings, we made it to the ferris wheel just as the line was beginning to get long behind us. It wasn’t too long before we boarded it, and though we were supposed to sit on opposite sides, she immediately came over to my side as soon as the wheel began turning.

“Mayuri, do you find me attractive at all?”

“Maybe not in the way you want me to, but I do think as a woman you are without a doubt, attractive.”

We crept up slowly, looking out the window at the city view it began to afford us.


She began to say something but stopped.

Instead she twisted her body, threw a leg over me and was in my lap in a moment, staring me intensely in the eyes.

“I’m… going to kiss you now, Mayuri!”

She declared it, but her head moved to the side and instead her lips fell upon my neck. She kissed me, all over my neck. She was even hiccuping as she did it, her breath ripe with the smell of alcohol… It wasn’t unpleasant at all. She stopped almost at the moment we reached the top and we both looked out of the window, seeing all of the city in the orange and purple hues of the setting sun.

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“So beautiful…”


“Thanks… for letting me do that, Mayuri.”

“Did that make you happy?”

“I don’t know why my heart could beat like that for something so simple with you, but not for her…”

“Is it beating fast?” I asked.

She took my hand and placed it on her breast. I would have felt the heartbeat if it was on her left one, but it was not.

“Can you feel it?”

So I squeezed it a little. I blame the half a beer I drank, which is to say, I had no valid excuse for doing so, as I wasn’t remotely buzzed, and neither was she.

“I feel it.”

She took out her phone and while sitting in my lap stretched her arm to get a good angle of us. Then right as she was about to press the shutter button, she kissed me for real, softly, on the lips.

Even though there was ample noise all around us from the amusement park, all I could hear was the sound of the shutter noise and the picture being saved.

Then she lowered her phone and rested her head on my shoulder.

“The moment I realized I was gay for a married woman… captured!”

Then she began to laugh and cry at the same time. All I could do was put my arms around her and stroke her back. She wasn’t calm at all after that, but she managed to correct herself before we reached the bottom.

We left the park after that, her hand unwilling to let go of my own, even when I had to summon another ride-sharing vehicle from the app on my phone. We made it back home, late, and both of us headed upstairs to find Shota leaning back in his chair at the desk and cracking his fingers.

“Shota!” She yelled at him.

He turned around suddenly, noticing us both there and holding hands.

“How was your day, Nene-san?”

“I love your wife, Shota.” She blurted out without any decorum.

“That’s great! So do I!” He agreed wholeheartedly.

“We got a couples’ picture! Look!”

Nene finally let go of my hand at that point, undoing the string and unrolling the portrait. It was a well done picture of both of us, practically cheek to cheek with her arms around me.

“Do we need a picture frame for this? How about you look for a nice one and let me buy it for you. I think it would be great to have something special that makes you feel at home here again.”

Nene left the picture on the table next to Shota and grabbed him by the hand with both of hers, leading him to the bed. She pulled him on and without even a look of consent from me proceeded to smother his head in her chest.

“You’re the best husband in the world!”

“Can you tell that to my wife before she kills me?”


“She’s been like this all day, Shota-kun.”

“I’m glad.” He said, with a slightly muffled voice. “Mayuri, can you please join us over here?”

Shota reached out and patted the spot I usually occupied. I decided to humor him and laid down next to them, Nene being in the middle. She had finally let him go, and he only had a kind smile on his face for her.

It reminded me of the day we met at the park, when my life really changed for the better. It was the same exact smile he had after listening to my situation and then inviting me into his life in the most treacherous way he possibly could have.

Nene was having some ups and downs with her emotions since the ferris wheel, and right now it seemed like she was having another bout.

“Shota… you’re the only husband who was ever truly good to me.” She said, holding her hand up with the ring that slid loosely along her delicate fingers.

“Well you had two husbands and a wife, there was bound to be a good one in there at some point.” He said, in an almost deadpan reply.

“Why was I such a fool back then? Was I never meant to have this ring fit… to not believe in you when I should have… all so you could meet her?”

“It’s entirely possible, Nene-san.”

“I… want to marry her, too, Shota.”

“Hmm, it’s too late to do that, Nene-san. Because you’re my wife already, and so is she. You’re sister wives because you both wear the rings I gave you. So my wife is your wife. If you want a companion, she’s here for you. For anything else, I am here for you, and for Kumi-chan too. You all are my precious family, and all that makes life worth living to me.”

“Do… you mean that?”

“I do. Would you like to rest your head in her chest while I hold you like Kumi-chan used to do with me?”

With a gentle turn, she did exactly that. Shota carefully outlined her body with his own, and then reached over her to put his arm around me.

Nene wept for a short while, and then quieted down. The whole while Shota wore an apologetic face to me. It didn’t take long for her to fall asleep, at which point we both extracted ourselves from the bed. He opened the door and motioned me to come downstairs to talk.

In the kitchen, he tossed me a beer and got himself a cola, then he opened the kitchen patio door and we both sat down.

“Her ring will never fit, because we were never a match from the start. All I can do is lie to her in that way. I didn’t have the power then, nor do I have the power now to heal her heart from all she’s had to endure over the years.”

“You know… she kissed me, on the ferris wheel.”

“Thank you for letting her. Seeing her in this state is the best possible outcome.”

“Why do you say that?”

“Because it means her gentle heart is still there. For Kumi-chan’s sake, I will do whatever I can to protect it.”

“You’d even use me?”

“Give me this much, and I’ll accept Chigusa.”

“That’s low.”

“That’s how important to me they are. No less than Chigusa has been to you. They’re all that’s left of my old family, and I want them to feel welcome in our new family.”

“What if her feelings for me grow and she wants more than I’m comfortable giving?”

“Then let her know your boundaries. Otherwise, can you please let her have her one-sided feelings for now, and I’ll make it up to you however you want?”

“What… if I develop feelings for her?”

“You can, if you want. So long as I remain your husband.”

“Did you really mean that about the sister wives thing?”

“I already have the guilt of Chigusa on my shoulders. I can’t add Nene-san to it. No matter what, I will always love you with all I have, and I expect the same from you.”

Shota sighed.

“…Listen to me, Mayuri. When Chigusa and I are your age, and you’re a wrinkly thousand year old pear, I will still make love to you like my beautiful thirty-six year old bombshell of a wife. Even if it dislocates a hip, I’ll have you screaming my name because you’re madly in love with me.”

“Big words.”

“Want me to prove it?”

“Her bed, or the couch?”

“That depends… how flexible do you feel right now?”

With sinister smiles aimed at each other, Shota did his very best to make me scream his name. I suppose I can go along with what he’s asking me to do for now. It’s all for our happiness and the happiness of the ones we love.

Because he’s my compliment in this world.

I would have done everything he asked anyway without him ever needing to bargain with me in the first place.

“Winter break will be here soon, want to make the arrangements for us to go meet your parents?” He asked when we rested.

“Do you really mean that?”

“It’s something you want, isn’t it?”

“Yes, but…”

“I’m your husband now. Do you not want to show me off?”

“…Not just my parents, okay? I want you to meet my sister, too.”

“Of course.”

“Would it be alright if Chigusa came along with us?”

“Whatever you want to do.”

“What about Nene? Will she be okay alone here for a week?”

“I don’t see why not. I’ll give Kumi-chan permission to invite Raita over if it means keeping her company. Besides, she has her garden.”

“My parents might take issue with some things.”

“You mean Chigusa?”

“Among others.”

“Me being half your age?”


“Even if I make a ton of money?”

“Mm… being able to brag about it might help.”

Our bodies exhausted from our romp, we returned to our bedroom, and resumed cuddling Nene. I gained something like a new sister-in-law, and Shota’s love for my daughter in one fell swoop.

He’s a talented sucker of a provider, and I’m a no-good manipulative housewife.

We really are a perfect fit.

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