The MILF I Married is my Ex-Girlfriend’s Mother.

Chapter 85: -20- Morning Hangover

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~~** Tachibana Mayuri’s Point of View **~~


“Mmmh…” I groaned with a parched throat as my head throbbed mercilessly.

How long has it been since I’ve actually had a hangover?

The last thing I remember is going out last night with Nene. After Shota-kun said he’d be out with Chigusa, I was feeling a little depressed. While I was making curry, Nene came up behind me, and flirtatiously suggested we go have a Ladies’ Day to help take my mind off of things.

We went to a local bar, but surprisingly it wasn’t one I’d been to before. It was one she went to on occasion with her ex-lover Ukemi-san, and after entering, I quickly understood by the lack of male patrons, it was also a bar for women only.

I suppose in a way it was a safe thing, I could get drunk and not have to worry about fending off any men that approached me. And as for the women who tried, Nene was quick to show that I was attached to her, chasing away any attention at all.

We went there to drink and play billiards, and that we did.

However, at some point, my recollection of what happened as the night went on became cloudy. As I did my best to open my eyes, the room far brighter than I wished it to be, even though the curtains on the window were drawn, led me to see something I needed an answer to, and quickly.

I was naked.

This is not an unusual thing to be in my own bed.

There was a warm body next to me, holding me gently and resting against my breasts.

Again, not something that would throw me off all that much.

But the body wasn’t Shota-kun.

And that’s where I felt the need for concern.

The person next to me was also naked, and a strikingly frail yet beautiful woman my own age. The same woman who at Shota-kun’s request, I was asked to be more-than-friendly with due to a traumatic breakup.

It was none other than his mother’s stepsister, and also his prior (fake) ex-wife, Okazaki Nene.

As if oversleeping with a hangover wasn’t bad enough, this moment is compounded by a painful chain of things that happened one after another.

My dear younger husband, walking into the room with a bouquet of flowers which I imagine were intended for me as an apology for him being alone with her last night, and seeing the current situation. Our eyes met, and I felt like a paralyzed woodland animal in the face of a large truck on a rural road at night. Then as if clockwork, Nene stirred next to me, reaching up to pull my face towards her while uttering the words “Mayuri, you were wonderful last night.” before proceeding to french kiss me without seeing the situation currently unfolding at the door. While this is going on, Chigusa also arrives in the room to see what’s happening, and in the peripheral view of my eyes, I can see a smug grin carve itself deep into her face.

Shota-kun’s hand silently shot out in front of her while my lips were captured, backstepping out of the room, taking my daughter along with him as he closed the door quietly behind his exit.


As if that wasn’t bad enough, she wasn’t planning on stopping with a kiss. Her hands already began to caress my body, leaving me even more concerned about the missing memories I have of last night.

I slept with her… but to what extent?

I didn’t have a single article of clothing on, nor did she.

I thought about what I could say to him. I had to question Nene before I left the room and faced Shota downstairs… but the heavens didn’t even see fit to grant me that reprieve.

Shota-kun returned to the room, this time alone, still with the bouquet of flowers, only to close and lock the door behind him.

I wanted to call out to him. To tell him to withhold his judgment until I could ascertain the facts. He wore only a poker face, so I didn’t know what kind of emotions he was feeling.

Was he upset with me that it may have actually happened?

In my entire life I’d never once two-timed any man I dated. I was an honest girlfriend my entire life, that is if we don’t count what’s currently happening with Chigusa in our lives, yet I’m caught, seemingly red-handed with someone special to Shota-kun.

He only needed a few steps to put himself beside me. Nene had opened her eyes at last, finally becoming aware of the situation.

“Oh, Shota. You’re home early.”

“It’s ten in the morning, Nene-san.”

“It is? Huh. I guess we partied a bit harder than we should have last night.”

“Sure looks like that to me. Did you two have a good time without me?”

“As good a time as two old women liquored up can have without you.”

Nene was not helping the situation at all.

Shota pulled out two flowers, roses to be precise, one red and one pink. He handed the pink one to Nene who happily received it, giving it a faint sniff before placing it on the pillow her head was resting on. The other, the red rose went to me, and my hand, trembling, reached out for it.

Shota, instead of handing me the flower, took my hand with his other, leaning down to kiss the back of it before carefully inserting the de-thorned stem into my hand.

“I’m sorry I didn’t return home last night, Mayuri-san.”

Shota further leaned in to kiss me on the forehead, then nose, and lastly my lips, overwriting Nene’s own prior marking. He then turned to look at Nene, who was not interested at all in covering herself up.

“Thank you for taking care of my wife.”

“Mmh…” she said seductively, “It was entirely my pleasure.”

This wasn’t going to do, though. I reached out, letting go of the rose he gave me and grabbed hold of his arm.


Yet, all he did to silence me was to smile.

“Shall I order in for us today?”

Nene leaned in to kiss me on the lips again, her body half covering mine as she eyed my husband carefully, answering his question in my place.

“The curry she made is downstairs, Shota. How about we eat that instead?”

Shota’s hand reached out again, but this time it wasn’t to touch me. His hand gently cupped Nene’s chin and he gazed deeply into her eyes.

“Nene-san, would you like to accompany my wife and I on a date tonight?”

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Huh? What did he just ask her?

“Mm, shouldn’t you be asking your wife that?”

“I don’t want to give her the opportunity to say no. I would like to have a beautiful flower in each hand tonight. Will you help me to convince her?”

Both of them turned their eyes to me, putting me in a difficult spot. I was already on edge from worry, and now Shota-kun is proposing a date with the both of us on Christmas Day?

“Mayuri, this charming man of yours wants to turn every head tonight, having us two beautiful women escort him. Shall we let him? I do believe it could be fun!”

Was this a setup? Did she plan something with him last night when I was blacked out? Is this revenge for what may have happened?

It didn’t matter, I had already lost before he posed the question to begin with.

I sighed, signaling my defeat.


“Good. Both you and Nene-san should get dressed in a little bit, I’m going to be taking you out first to buy something nice to wear for later. I made a reservation a while ago at a fancy establishment for tonight at eight.”

Shota-kun let go of Nene’s chin, and then exited the room again, leaving us two women alone. This finally left me a moment to breathe and process what the hell just happened. Nene however was just giggling to herself, and that annoyed the shit out of me.

“What’s so funny?”

“He’s just like his father.”


“You have to admit, that was smooth as hell. I’m sorry to break it to you, but that little thing he did at the end with my chin had me aroused.”

One look at her confirmed it. She was covered in goosebumps, and rolling her fingers over her hardened nipples.

“Nene, be honest with me… did we do something last night?”

“You don’t remember?”

“I remember us playing billiards up to a point, but everything after that…”

Nene rolled on top of me and looked deeply into my eyes, worrying me.

“Outside of some good kissing and a little bit of petting, you don’t have to worry.”

“Then… why are we naked?”

“You said you were hot, and I agreed. You got naked before crawling in bed, and I figured it would be high time I pulled a prank on you for a change. If you noticed, I haven’t done a thing to you other than a kiss.”

“So we didn’t?”

“As much as I might enjoy that, I won’t be stealing my nephew’s wife without giving him an opportunity to stop it. I’m not a homewrecker, Mayuri. Also, while I appreciate you going along with Shota’s whims, I am stronger than he thinks I am.”

“…you knew he put me up to it?”

“After you two accompanied me to see Ukemi, it became pretty obvious. It’s one thing for me to have a bit of a one-sided thing for you, but it’s another for you to pretend to be anything other than in love with him. I could feel your nervousness around me at times, especially when I got a bit touchy-feely. But, you know, if someone dangles what you want right in front of you, it’s foolish not to at least reach for it at least once!”

As she said this, her hands reached for my breasts, which she squeezed in a pleasing way.

“If I never met you, I could comfortably admit to myself that being with Ukemi was only for self-preservation. That I never really had a leaning romantically towards another woman. But Shota found an incredible woman for a wife, and I’m quite jealous that he gets to have you whenever he wants.”

“Nene, do you have feelings for my husband at all?”

“Do you want to reach down there and feel them? Even if I have those kinds of feelings, I wouldn’t act on them unless you and your brat left him. Shota’s happiness is as important to me, as yours and mine are to him.”

“What about my happiness? Do you want to make me happy?”

“Is that an offer? I do have six years of experience rolling around in bed with a woman.”


“I take it that’s a no. That’s fine, I’m happy where things are, though if you want me to stop being so intimate with you, feel free and say so. I had my fun, and I’m not really suffering from my breakup with Ukemi like he thinks.”

“You really like me?”

“I really do.”

“…you don’t have to stop being close, but I don’t know if I could…”

Just then she leaned down and kissed me softly on the lips again.

“Don’t fool yourself. I could have taken advantage of you last night, and you would have gone right along with it. Otherwise, even for Shota, you would have never let it go that far in the first place. I really must thank that friend of yours for that.”


“She’s got a bigger crush on you than I do.”

That’s… disturbing to know. Even though Kanna-chan was the first woman to try something like that with me… she’s Kanna-chan. She's been my best friend since forever ago. Nene is one thing, but… Kanna-chan?

I just can’t imagine it going that far with her, ever. Sorry, Kanna-chan, I only see you as a friend.

“We really should get dressed and join him.” I said to Nene who was still straddling me.

“Then, before this lovely dream ends, may I ask my sexy lady for one last passionate kiss?”

Though I should have…,

…I didn’t refuse her request.

You can find story with these keywords: The MILF I Married is my Ex-Girlfriend’s Mother., Read The MILF I Married is my Ex-Girlfriend’s Mother., The MILF I Married is my Ex-Girlfriend’s Mother. novel, The MILF I Married is my Ex-Girlfriend’s Mother. book, The MILF I Married is my Ex-Girlfriend’s Mother. story, The MILF I Married is my Ex-Girlfriend’s Mother. full, The MILF I Married is my Ex-Girlfriend’s Mother. Latest Chapter

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