The MILF I Married is my Ex-Girlfriend’s Mother.

Chapter 86: -21- Subterfuge

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~~** Okazaki Nene’s Point of View **~~


How troublesome!

After what we did last night, I no longer have any doubts about what team I’m playing for anymore. I’m batting for both, though in the case of the all-female league, I believe it’s only for her.

That being said, Mayuri is a two-faced piece of shit.

This doesn’t extend to me, but towards Shota.

Yesterday, she was feeling a little down and out because Shota never returned home, going straight from school and onto a date with Chigusa. This would be a pretty normal thing if it was just the two of them dating, however he was married to Mayuri, and due to her own incompetence, she kept pushing for Chigusa to be a partner for Shota.

At first, I really had difficulty making sense of her reasons for doing so. After all, she is a gorgeous woman, and whatever insecurities she has, they shouldn’t need the intervention of her daughter in her marriage to my nephew to compensate for them.

I kept my suspicions close to my chest.

I might dislike Chigusa, but Shota has no idea how an older, more experienced woman can be.

We’re all vipers. Mayuri, Chigusa, Me.

I took Mayuri out on a date last night, under the guise of it being a ‘Ladies’ Day.’ I invited her to come with me to a bar which I knew that Ukemi introduced me to. It was a females-only gay bar. I chose it only because I felt more comfortable there fending off those bitches than I would dealing with more arrogant men.

While I look frail on the outside, the kind you want to protect, Mayuri is anything but. She comes off as a fierce mountain of a woman, one that you either want to conquer with all you have, or be conquered by utterly.

So, while we drank and played billiards, I kept close to her, almost marking my territory like Ukemi would do. Chasing off any would-be bitches from trying to pick her up, even though she was clearly here with me as my date.

Mayuri really is that fucking sexy of a woman.

As beers led to more beers, she began to slip into her buzzed and playful state, becoming incredibly teasing and flirtatious with me. I can’t say I didn’t enjoy it, because I certainly did.

However my bladder is only so big, and seeing as we had been tossing back many beersand were between games, I excused myself to use the restroom. When I came back, I found Mayuri had been approached by another woman and was chatting away merrily with her.

Now, I wouldn’t have minded that, except she made a massive blunder.

On the side of the table next to her, were a few empty shot-glasses.


How is a grown woman and borderline alcoholic like Mayuri still stupid enough to make the amateur mistake of chasing down that many beers with liquor?

I had to rescue her, which wasn’t exactly welcomed by the interloping bitch who was quite likely aiming for this momentary gap. After successfully repelling her, it left me with a problem.

A fully intoxicated Mayuri.

Needless to say, I had to get her out of here and home before things got worse. While I called a taxi for us, it wouldn’t get here for a while, and during that long wait, Mayuri started to take an interest in me.

Now, to be clear, I’m aware Shota had put Mayuri up to something involving me. Mayuri was a playful tease, sure, but she’s inherently a fully heterosexual woman. I know this, because until I met her, even having been with Ukemi-san for years, I pretty much remained the same.

After meeting with Ukemi following our breakup, that’s when I noticed she was getting to be a little too open for a straight married woman. I suspected it was Shota’s doing, only because he was probably concerned for me after what she did.

Shota might not be aware of it, but I’m a lot stronger now than I was back then. Sure I was traumatized by my ex-husband’s violence, and the abuse I had been receiving from him was far more severe than I ever let on, even to my sister. At this point in my life a little bit of jealousy and roughing up by Ukemi wasn’t going to make me return to my useless dejected self.


Shota himself is the reason I’m stronger. For that matter so was his father, Arata. There are cruel and violent people in this world, but there are also kind and benevolent people as well, people who truly care for my safety and well-being. After all, what man in his right mind would let his son deal with such a trashy woman as myself?

I knew my place. That’s why I left.

Even if I loved Shota, I couldn’t let him ruin his life with that old me. The only thing I felt I could offer him was some companionship, and my body at the right time… if he wanted it. That’s all.

But Mayuri isn’t much different from the me of back then, and that’s part of the reason I injected myself back into his life. I just felt some resonation with his wife, and a woman’s intuition is hardly ever wrong.

I figured we had enough time for one more game before it got here, being Christmas eve and all, the ride-sharing services were pretty swamped at this hour.

Mayuri was getting quite close and touchy-feely with me during the last game, and between turns, she took it upon herself to start giving me some kisses that were a bit more than they should have been.

I was actually getting irritated, since I did like her, and if she was going to do this kind of shit, I wanted her to at least commit to it. So, I told her off. Then I showed her what kind of a kiss I wanted from her.

At least it shut her up long enough for us to get in the taxi which had finally arrived.

But that’s when things took a turn in a strange direction.

That’s when she fucked up and opened up to me.

That’s when I learned what a true piece of shit she really was.

She’s not suitable for Shota. I know this for sure now, because of what she said. Because of what she admitted, and because of the nature of their hasty marriage.

Mayuri doesn’t truly love Shota.

She’s still hung up on her cheating asshole of an ex, Watanabe Daigo.

Yes. Mayuri still has deeply rooted feelings for the man. It’s not to say that Shota is a fling, exactly. She’s married to him. She acknowledges as much and does her best as his wife, but it’s not like you can erase a two-decade relationship that easily.

Not when you still have lingering feelings for the guy.

Hearing it from her, the main reason she married Shota, was simply for revenge.

Daigo had cheated on her, though this was the culmination of it being a bad pairing to begin with. She loved him pretty fiercely, and she would have even forgiven that betrayal, and any others he had committed, given enough time.

But, she met Shota at the low point of her life when she wasn’t fully resolved.

He took care of her.

He gave her much needed attention.

He always appreciated her hard work.

He desired her regardless of her age or accomplishments.

And lastly,

He offered her the one thing she wanted the most from her ex-lover.

Those are powerful things for a woman to have done to her while in that rebounding kind of mental state. If only they had never crossed paths at that moment, none of this would have happened. Shota would probably be with her brat of a daughter, and that would at least be an honest love.

But they did meet.

And Mayuri married Shota on nothing more than a whim, coerced at the wrong moment by her little trapped in-the-closet best-friend-girlfriend, Kotobuki Kanna.

Mayuri spilled everything on the ride home, and when we got into the house, I was devastated. What could I possibly do to help Shota get out of what was inevitably going to come?

When we got in, she started to complain that it was hot. It wasn’t, but she was reacting as such to the potent alcohol she had drunk. I brought her upstairs, not intending to stay longer than I needed. But then she started stripping down.

I mean, we’re two women in our late thirties, it’s not a big deal or anything… but she began to do that little mischievous laugh of hers, and before I knew it… we were making out.

It was my fault, to be clear.

I was the one who struck first. But she didn’t refuse my advance. I wanted her. If she hadn’t said anything, I wouldn’t have dared. But she was a no good woman.

I decided then and there I would do everything in my power to separate them before he could get more attached to her. Let it be Chigusa who ends up with him, I’m fine with that. Just not her.

So as our clothes came off, I showed her a woman’s touch.

After that, we woke up the next morning to Shota discovering us in bed together.

I lied to him, and to her, without a shred of guilt for doing so. Thanks to Mayuri’s confession, I was now planning to wreck their home, and marriage. I owed it to my sister and to my brother-in-law.

I would protect their son, just like they each asked me to on their deathbeds.

I initially figured I would bide my time, however a wonderful opportunity almost immediately presented itself.

Created by the hands of Shota himself.

A date together with Mayuri and him.

I thought of something quite pleasant when that invitation came. I’d give Shota what he couldn’t get with Mayuri and her daughter. A special show, with his wife and his ex-wife. After all, no man can truly resist such an offer.


Heh heh heh.

We got dressed and came downstairs. Mayuri went right to heating up the curry from yesterday. Shota was sitting down on the couch in the living room as usual doing something on his tablet, while Chigusa was lazing around watching television, playing footsies with his crotch.

I went outside to tend to my garden for a bit, along with some thinking.

When Mayuri let us know lunch was ready, we all sat down to eat. I decided to stir up the hornets nest from the start.

“So, how was last night for you two kids?”

Mayuri’s face tightened a bit, though I doubt Shota noticed.

“It was nice.” He answered evasively.

Well, I didn’t expect him to take that bait. I expected her to.

“Kukuku… papa showed both of us a good time.”

“Both of you?” I asked, not believing for a second there was anyone else involved.

“Un. Our little Akimi and me..”

She carefully rubbed her stomach.

“Akimi?” Shota said, suddenly interested in the conversation.

“How about it? I thought of it last night! You said you wanted a name with ‘love’ in it for her, so I figured we could use ‘love’ and ‘beauty’ for the kanji, what do you think?”


Shota is a family-oriented man. That’s just who he is, and Chigusa just dealt a blow far more massive to his relationship with his wife than anything I could ever do with only that short exchange of words.

Mayuri was quiet for a moment, before finally speaking.

“It’s not a common name, is it?” She asked, and indeed it wasn’t.

“Is our love for Shota common, mom? Besides, we’re both beautiful women, so shouldn’t our daughter’s name reflect both our great genes and the love we will have for her?”

God, she’s a crafty bitch!

“I think it sounds beautiful, Chigusa.” I said, lending her a little assistance. “I bet she’ll grow up to be good and spoiled, wrapping Shota right around her little finger as soon as she’s born.”

Chigusa laughed.

“No doubt she will! Though, for our next one, I hope it will be a boy.”

I was practically trembling from the nail being hammered into Mayuri’s heart right now.

“Of course, that’s only if mom doesn’t beat me to it.”

All eyes went towards Mayuri.


The person replying wasn’t Mayuri, but Shota instead.

“That’s for her to decide, if in the future she wants to. I want your mother to enjoy a little irresponsibility for now.”

“Irresponsibility?” That word almost came as a provocation to Mayuri.

“Yes. You’ve been a diligent and caring mother for Chigusa all this time, haven’t I been saying that you deserve to let loose and be yourself for a little while?”

“That’s true. If my dear husband says so, who am I to argue?”

We finished eating, I helped Mayuri with the dishes while Shota went upstairs to take a quick shower first, with Chigusa trailing right behind him.

This gave me an opportunity to speak with her alone again.

“Don’t let it bother you, sexy lady.”

“Bother me? What’s bothering me?”

“That little stunt she pulled. She has to use her daughter, because she can’t compete with you otherwise. You saw how Shota stopped her when she tried to pressure you.”

Mayuri only sighed.

“Besides, Shota didn’t mean what he said in a bad way, he really does care for you. I mean, don’t you feel relieved he isn’t asking you for that so soon? He wants to see you happy, and isn’t that what’s most important? He isn’t being careless with you at all; He loves you, but isn’t trying to restrain you in any way. Did he even look the tiniest bit jealous this morning?”

“…no, he didn’t.”

“That’s because he trusts you… Even if you had a naked woman in your bed when he was gone.”

I said this and pinched her butt, causing her to drop the plate she was washing back into the dishwater.


“Heh heh heh.”

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She reached over and squeezed my boob so hard I yelped, my knees gave way and I dropped down.

“Ack! Okay, okay, I’m sorry!!”


She let go of my poor breast and I grabbed it, rubbing it gently.

“I know he means well. I’m also not ready yet, either. It’s just…”

“It’s what you wanted, isn’t it? She’s happy, he’s happy, and soon, you’ll be happy too, right?”

“I’m already happy.”

“So am I, because I’m going to get to enjoy a fancy dinner with this beautiful woman right next to me.”

“Nene. Why wasn’t he angry?”

“You… are joking, right?”

“Not at all.”

“Mayuri… he came in to find his wife in bed naked with another woman, and of all women, me. I’m surprised he didn’t attack us both when he came back in and locked the door.”

“You think he wanted to do that?”

“Well, think of it this way… you won’t do something like that with your own daughter, right? For Shota, he can at least imagine it with you and I, even if nothing happens.” I half-lied.


“Look at how things are now. Shota will do anything to keep you happy. He refused Chigusa until you spoke with him honestly. You are allowed to be a little irresponsible, because you’ve earned it. We’re not young girls anymore, our views on love are more flexible now that we know how unfair the world really is. Shota is a young man, and like any young man, he has his own temptations, too. He doesn’t know what he can and can’t do in the heat of the moment because he’s afraid of hurting you. Besides, what would you do if he suddenly asked you to kiss or play with me in front of him? That he wanted to see us do something like that?”

Mayuri kept her thoughts to herself after that, and with Shota finished taking a shower, I went next, and then Mayuri.

Afterwards, we headed out to a high-end store and started looking around. Shota was getting fitted with a nice outfit. He was considering a nice white suit, however his fashion sense isn’t the best, so I had to help him a bit. Just like his father, he’s too handsome not to wear black.

Mayuri and I both ended up with cocktail dresses. They are a step above semi-formal, but since it’s a restaurant asking for formal attire, sometimes exceptions are made for cocktail attire as well, at least for the women.

Shota pulled up the website he made the reservations at and I checked it just to be sure. Thankfully, they were permitted.

Mayuri bought a stunning black long sleeved midi dress with a slit. I ended up with a silver three-quarter sleeved lace panel with a zipper back.

The price was no joke. Even I was curious as to how much money Shota had that he didn’t even balk at the price.

But, we got what we came for and headed back home.

If we were going to dress up, we had to start now. It was already four, and we still had to put on our makeup.

Shota stayed in his suit, but was careful not to wrinkle it while sitting down. Chigusa was taking a bunch of photos of him, to show off to her friends how stylish he could look.

Mayuri and I spent a long while doing ourselves up. She disappeared for a moment and came back with a certain piece of lingerie.

“So that’s his taste?” I asked.


When I finished applying my own makeup, we both went to our own rooms to put on the dresses. Thankfully, since my sister Himari’s clothes were still in the closet, she left me a little present of my own I could use.

A very tasteful white piece that definitely did not belong to a dishonorable woman such as myself.

I think he’ll enjoy it.

Shota came in to check up on me, just in time to zip up my back. Mayuri had finished up as well. Thanks to a reservation made in advance, we had a special escort to the venue. A limousine.

We arrived with a little under an hour to spare. The restaurant was on something like the eighteenth floor, not the top of the building, but something close to it. Shota checked in first, and they gave him a pager which would let him know when we would be seated. In the interim, there was access to the roof, which had something of a starlight deck.

You couldn’t really see the stars with all of the bright lights down below, but it was still nice. There were plenty of couples up here with us, likely all waiting as well.

The place was called Kokomo, and it was a western island themed restaurant. While we walked around and even looked through some binoculars which were perched near the walled roof, I found that I was a bit nervous.

“This really is a fancy kind of place, isn’t it?” I blurted out.

“Guess so. I didn’t know all the details, the people who suggested it to me said if I wanted to impress my date, this was the place to go.”

“I’m already impressed and I haven’t even gone inside yet. To think that little boy I knew would become a splendid man like this to take his (fake) ex-wife out to. I’m very excited, and I’m sure your dad would be proud.”

“I hope so. I know I’m a far cry from him, but this is the most I can do for now.”

I reached up and brushed his cheek.

“You’re as good a man as your father, don’t you dare think less of yourself. You’re successful at such a young age, and you have a beautiful wife. You’ll be a good father when the time comes, so be proud of yourself more.”

“Thanks, Nene-san.”

I shook my head.

“No, thank you, Shota. For all that you’ve ever done to help me.”

I linked arms with him, Mayuri doing the same after peeking through the binoculars when the pager went off, summoning us down to the restaurant.

The establishment was excessive.

Everyone was well-dressed, and as we took our seats next to a large window, which let us look out on the bustling city this Christmas day, there was plenty going on inside this establishment as well.

There was a musical ensemble which played amazing music, while couples danced around. This place was too fancy for the likes of Mayuri or I.

Shota ordered for us, since neither Mayuri or I could properly read the menu. Beer was unacceptable, so I contributed at least to the wine selection. Shota would be abstaining, since he was a minor, but thankfully they did offer a sparkling grape juice for such a situation.

As it would take a while for our food to be ready, Shota first invited Mayuri to the dance floor with him. It was a slow song, and surprisingly, he showed an ability to dance along to it.

Did he take lessons at some point?

I was almost beginning to sweat. That wouldn’t help my makeup at all!

Shota and Mayuri danced around with the others, not standing out for any reason other than how beautiful Mayuri was in his arms.

I felt a pang in my chest. One of deep regret at not believing in him all those years ago. But it was for the best. Shota wouldn’t find happiness with me, I already knew that. But, as a woman, I wanted to lie to myself and think it was still possible, even now.

Jealousy and desire are creeping poisons of the soul.

After two dances, Shota and Mayuri returned. It was in time for the waiter to bring our wine, which thankfully wasn’t too obscene in price.

After a few sips, Shota stood up and invited me this time.

I felt like a princess.

His hand rested lightly above my waist on my back, one hand clasped my own, and he led. Thankfully it was a simple song, which didn’t need excessive movement. Shota pulled me a little closer to him, as we swayed back and forth.

“You look lovely, Nene-san.”

“And you are a peerless gentleman today, Shota.”

“Just so you know, I’m going to tell Mayuri to go all out on you tonight.”

“Please don’t. Last time she did that, I woke up naked in my bathtub.”

I giggled.

“Then perhaps I should take her place.”


“Oh, are you considering it?”

“It’s a tempting offer, I can’t deny that.”

“Then, perhaps I should take her instead, you wouldn’t mind, would you??”

I gave him a knowing smile.

“Nene-san… Did you sleep with her?”

“It wasn’t intentional.”

“Were you happy with her?”

“I’ve never been unhappy. Since you let me back into your life, you’ve never let me have the chance to be.”

“Then, that’s good.”

“You don’t have to force her to keep me company anymore. I’ll be fine from now on.”

“I didn’t want you to be alone.”

“Loneliness isn’t what bothers me, at least not like it does you.”

As the music changed, so did our dance. The pace picked up only slightly, and it came with a sudden whirl.

“Nene-san… it turns out I love Chigusa after all.”

“Of course you do.” I said, as if it was common sense. “She’s your first love and the mother of your child. That’s only natural.”

“But I also love Mayuri-san, and I know it hurts her.”

“I know that as well, but no two loves aren’t the same. Each love is different and beautiful, and also fleeting. Don’t think it will always be around, or take it for granted. Love comes and goes, but the one meant for you will always be there. You’re young, and too responsible about it.”

“What do you mean?”

“I mean, I know who the one meant for me is. Just like you already know who the ones meant for you are. Everything else is just meant to be enjoyed until you finally reach that point.”

“What about you?”

“I have my own plans, though you might be disappointed in me. But if things go wrong again, can I depend on you?”

“You’ll always be welcome in my home, Nene-san.”

I wonder about that.

Our dance wrapped up, and we left the floor. Sitting down with Mayuri, who was doing her best to enjoy the wine, we chatted for a bit until the food arrived.

The salad came first, which Mayuri and I enjoyed while Shota enjoyed soup.

Afterwards, dinner came. Mayuri had some kind of fancy steak, along with grilled shrimp skewers over a bed of rice. I was treated to a delicious bluefin tuna with caviar.

Shota’s meal was some kind of shredded pork in a thick sauce, along with various greens. It may have been a bit unacceptable, but we did exchange small portions with each other, enjoying every single dish.

The dance floor cleared for a moment, and a beautiful girl came out dressed to the nines, holding a microphone. She introduced herself as Miyajima Hiromi, a former idol. The music, played by the ensemble, changed to a song no woman the same age as Mayuri-san or I didn’t know by heart. She wasn’t a fantastic singer, but she wasn’t a slouch, either.

We both sang along quietly, even humming the melody, as we enjoyed the show.

Shota wasn’t watching the woman as much as he was enjoying watching us having a good time.

What was he thinking?

After a round of applause when the song was over, she started another song, though I didn’t know it. From the look of it, neither did Mayuri. Shota seemed to, saying that Kumi would have loved nothing more than to have been here for it.

Then, the last course came in the form of dessert.

I enjoyed a piece of tiramisu cake, while Mayuri chose something made of decadent fudge. Shota had a hot brownie with a scoop of vanilla ice cream covered in tempura on top, and by the end of it, we were stuffed.

“Is there anything else you have planned?” Mayuri asked him.

“I do, only…”


“I have a hotel room booked for us. However, with Nene-san…”

“You can see me off in a taxi, I don’t mind.” I answered, already knowing that wasn’t going to happen tonight.

“But I do.” Mayuri-san said with a grin.

Shota paused.

“Shota, I’m suddenly feeling incredibly irresponsible. If Nene agrees, I do believe there is some fun we can still have, tonight. Think of it as my present to you, for what I can’t otherwise do.”


“Just trust in your lovely wife, my dear husband. I will make this a night you will never forget.”

Shota, without the aid of a drink, made an audible gulp.

It doesn’t need to be said that I agreed. I certainly did.

Heh heh heh.

Keikaku doori.

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