The MILF I Married is my Ex-Girlfriend’s Mother.

Chapter 93: -28- Nene’s Fall

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~~* Tachibana Mayuri’s Point of View *~~


“Guess we were a bit too much for him, weren’t we, Nene?”

Lying on the bed, face down into a pillow on the right side of the large bed was my sweet young husband, Tachibana Shota, wiped out from having to please both Nene and I together on this Christmas Night. It’s not like he was going to be getting any actual length of sleep, we were just being polite and letting him rest for a little bit. It was barely creeping up on the midnight hour, and there was still much of the night to go.

“I’m surprised you are okay with this happening.” Nene expressed a concern she had towards me.

“I know, I thought I’d be quite jealous as well. I remember how I felt when I saw him and Chigusa going at it without me, but…”

“It’s because you understand what’s happening here is an ending, not a beginning.” Nene was sitting in the middle of the bed between Shota and I, her hand gently rubbing his back.

“An ending between you and Shota?” I asked, wondering exactly what she meant.

“No, just an ending between a husband and (fake) wife. I’ll always be Shota’s family, just like you will be, no matter what happens in the future with your daughter and the child they’ll be having. At least the regrets I’ve held onto for so many years can finally be put to some sort of rest.” There was a peaceful yet wry smile on her face as she looked at my sleeping husband.

“I wish it was that easy for me,” I voiced while enjoying how soft the pillow I was laying down on was, “Having a young man like Shota always be so passionate towards me even though I’m twice his age, I’m having trouble understanding what my own regrets are anymore.”

“Why, being a hypocrite, of course, my dear Mayuri.” She said matter-of-factly.

“Ara, how could I ever have forgotten?” I responded with profound sarcasm. Reaching for the slim, temporary sister-wife of mine, I scooped her around the waist and pulled her onto my lap, then sat up to stare closely at her beautiful form.

“Can’t get enough of me, you sly fox?” She blushed.

“Oh please! You’re every bit as manipulative as I’m hypocritical. I was just feeling a little cold, and I thought I’d enjoy some body warmth, that’s all.”

“So you pull me onto your lap instead of cuddling with our dear husband over there?”

“What do you want from me, Nene?”

“I don’t want anything from you, Mayuri… I just… want you.”

“Trying to steal a married woman away from her husband? You’re quite the cat thief, aren’t you?”

While it was sort of this strange sense of camaraderie at first, lately it had been something else. I don’t admit to having feelings of gay passionate love for Nene, but I do want her company, I want her to stick around, and in a way, I guess I’m afraid of what these feelings that should only belong to Shota really are.

“Shut up. It’s entirely your fault I feel this way!” Nene falsely complained to me.

“It’s my fault, that you came along on the lovey-dovey christmas date with Shota and I, then proceeded to seduce not only him, but me as well?”

“That’s exactly the reason why! Clearly Shota and I were both easily fooled by your sexy body and delicious food. It’s almost as if it’s some kind of witchcraft how irresistable you are to the both of us.”

“So, what are your plans after this? I assume you intend to break us up in some way or another.”

Nene, who had been smiling and touching me playfully, became stock still. I could see in her eyes that she hadn’t expected that I knew she had intended to do so from the very start, from the first time Shota brought her home and we drank together as we told each other our stories. Her skin was quite soft, and even now, caught like a deer in the headlights, she didn’t refuse any kisses I planted on the front of her unmoving body.

“You’re free to try it, Nene. As much as you want, in fact. Maybe it’ll make everything so much easier… Shota can end up with my daughter as he should have, and I won’t have to feel so guilty about what will come of my granddaughter when she’s old enough to understand that her father is, or perhaps was once married to her grandmother and not her mother.”

“Were you intending to abandon Shota eventually?” She asked me directly, however that resulted in only a head shake from myself.

“No. I… do love Shota–that much is true– but there are some things I will eventually need to deal with.” I explained.

“You’re referring to your ex?”

“Yes. I know Daigo very well, and though he has backed off temporarily, he won’t be satisfied until he gets to have his chance to explain everything to me, to justify it in some way, not that I give a single shit about any explanation or justification he has to offer. He had all the years of Chigusa’s life to do the one right thing he needed to do to keep me… and he never did. It’s not like I won’t forgive him if he begs enough for me to do so, but that’s all it will be, words of forgiveness. Then there’s also the matter of Chigusa… What their relationship will be going forward, especially after the baby is born. No matter what we were, and what we weren’t, Daigo is her father, that much is the truth. He did provide for us both, even if it wasn’t fantastic, and Chigusa needs to understand that.”

“Are you saying you want Chigusa to make peace with her father before the baby is born?” Nene’s hand brushed some of my still wet hair back around my ear.

“I don’t know, Nene. But I do know it will be interesting when it comes time to explain it all. Shota not only stole me away, willingly, from Daigo, but also Chigusa. Taking both a man’s wife and daughter? I don’t imagine any man can digest the reality of that easily.”

“Wait, is your marriage to Shota a punishment game for Daigo, then?” Nene’s face was once more filled with concern. Really, all this worrying she has is going to give her more wrinkles in all the wrong places.

“I never said that. But it’s not like I didn’t realize how hasty it all was… I was angry at Daigo, and Shota wanted me. Wanted to prove that he wanted me, and I also… wanted to remember what it was like being in love again, just like I naively was half a lifetime ago.” Recalling how I foolishly fell in love with that irresponsible but confident young man I let do so many things to me, I realized that my only true regret was the time I felt I wasted.

“And?” Nene egged me on to finish my answer.

“It’s wonderful, Nene. It’s so wonderful being in love with a guy who is as lonely as I am. Who understands loneliness as much as I do. It’s the one thing that’s real about our whole relationship. We’re two lonely people who can be happily alone together, in a sickeningly codependent way.”

“If that’s how you feel about Shota, then what about us? Do I not keep you from feeling lonely?”

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“Aren’t we two women that both had men we once loved ruin us shortly before meeting Shota? I can’t say that I’m not enjoying what we’re doing tonight with each other, but I also can’t say that you’re more of a lover over just someone I want to share the woes of my life with.”

“That’s a pity… because I really enjoyed the sex.” Nene bit her lip mischievously.

“With me or with Shota?”

“Yes.” She nodded her head, giving an ambiguous answer on purpose.

We both giggled. I can’t say for sure what I liked about the sex with Nene, because I didn’t think it was all that relevant. Tonight was more about giving this experience to Shota than for my own physical interest in Nene. That’s not to say she wasn’t good at what she does, she most certainly is. But that’s not what Nene means to me… Kanna-chan and I have been through many things together, but she’s got a happy marriage, she’s had a good life, and the hardships she’s been through can’t be compared to those of Nene and I, as far as I’m concerned.

I suppose the real question going forward is if we will continue to have any kind of physical intimacy while I remain married to Shota, and that’s something I can’t rightly answer. Because I do love Shota, and this was me giving him something I just can’t do with Chigusa. She’s my baby, and even though she’s going to have her own baby with Shota, I’ll always see her as my one and only baby. What mother can do that kind of thing with their child?

“So, Nene, would you like to take that pill now?” I asked her, giving a nod in the direction of my small purse on the table beside the bed.

“Pill?” She tilted her head slightly.

“The contraceptive?”

She shook her head once I mentioned it.

“I lied, Mayuri. I have no plans on taking one.” She admitted. “I know it’s both selfish and risky not to, but it’s what I want. If something comes of it, then it does… the truth is, I… just don’t feel like I can be with another man. While it felt pretty damn good getting my hole filled by a prime specimen, to be honest, I think… no, I know for sure that I loved touching you.”

Nene’s face had brightened a bit, and her hand dropped to her stomach.

“I’ve always wanted a big family, Mayuri. I wanted Kumi to have a sister to grow up with, like I did when Himari became my step-sister. Things obviously didn’t work out the way I planned, and I know I made so many mistakes letting Kumi see how weak I was… that’s why, if it’s something that comes from tonight, I want to try again, knowing what I know now, that I didn’t know back then.”

“Do you really think you’re in a position to raise it alone? What about Shota’s feelings if he finds out you got pregnant when you told him not to worry?” I asked in a reasonable way, not that there was much reason for anything happening tonight… It was all emotional resolution after all.

“There’s always my backup plan.” She mentioned.

“Which is?”

“I could give Ukemi another shot.”

“You mean you’d take her back?”

“I’d let her take me back, with the guarantee of letting us remain… friends.”

“You really are the worst, Nene.” I harrumphed.

“No one knows that better than I do, Mayuri. Just like how I know you have no intention of ever having a child with Shota, in case he chooses Chigusa over you in the end.”

She wasn’t wrong. Shota’s continued stance of wanting me to be free of another burden so soon after being mostly free of having to raise Chigusa made it unnecessary to have to divest any effort into finding a way to deny him that. I’m selfish, I know. I don’t… want another child that I have to raise. I want a grandchild I can spoil from time to time, and then hand back to its parents when I’ve had enough.

“But then again, it is Shota we’re talking about. If he really loves you in the same way that Arata loved Himari… it’s entirely possible he’ll never let you go. What would you do when that happens?”

“I have no idea, Nene. Bad girls like us aren’t supposed to have happy endings.”

“Why don’t we become each other’s happy ending in that case?”

“Each other’s?”

“Do you like flowers, Mayuri?”

I shrugged. I wasn’t the flower-picking type when I was younger, and Daigo never bought me them more than a handful of times in our entire relationship.

“I think they’re pretty, but I don’t know much about them.”

“I want to open a flower shop, Mayuri. I’ve been a freeloader for too long, both with Ukemi and even here with you and Shota. If you don’t have any great plans for yourself in mind, how about helping me run it? It’s not that difficult at all to learn how to handle flowers.”

“And I suppose you’ll teach me everything I need to know about yuri (lilies)?”

“I’ll teach you everything about yuri (girls’ love) and more, you beautiful bitch.”

“Oh yeah, why don’t you start with another lesson right now?” I provoked her.

Nene responded to the provocation while Shota got a little bit more rest. I can definitely report that her lessons were thorough, and her idea might have had some merit to them. I might be Shota’s wife, but for a venture like she was suggesting, it would be important to talk about it. But the time for words would come later, as right now our legs were one over each other, and her petals were rubbing against mine with no stem coming between us, Nene giving herself over to the moment with me alone.

In fact, the only thing coming at all while Shota rested… was us. 

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