The MILF I Married is my Ex-Girlfriend’s Mother.

Chapter 94: -29- Future Plans

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~~* Tachibana Shota’s Point of View *~~



It was nearing five in the morning, and I was just enjoying soaking in the bath a little longer by myself. Nene-san and Mayuri-san had let me rest for a little while, but we were back at it for a while. I hit some sort of stride and was able to last for a good long while, thankfully with each of them, and I was glad that Mayuri-san hadn’t just made it about being me and Nene-san tonight. While some part of me wanted this exactly how it was, a one-time one-night only event in my life to resolve feelings I had long ago buried, I still did this thing with Nene-san. My excuse for doing so was flimsy enough with Chigusa as it was, her carrying our child and all, but Nene-san?

There was no excuse, but I did it anyway, and as I cool my body down in the lukewarm water, I can almost acutely feel the wrongness of what I did to Mayuri-san, Myself, and Chigusa by my actions.

“Mind if I join you?”

Nene-san was standing there at the partition which separated the full bath from the rest of the bathroom clad only in her birthday suit. There was no question that Nene-san was a beautiful woman. I… would have given everything and more back then to make her mine. But now, what I see isn’t that same Nene-san anymore.

“I don’t mind, but the water isn’t hot.”

Nene-san didn’t seem to care, she was holding onto a can of beer, and carefully entered the water, walking over towards me before taking a seat and resting her body next to mine.

“How are you holding up, Shota?” She asked.

“Not sure yet. I’m torn between this being perhaps the second biggest mistake of my life, or if not that, then the biggest mistake of my life.”

“I was that good, huh?” Nene-san giggled then took a sip of her beer. “It’s the second, by the way.”

I had my hand underneath the water, and with a single finger extended, I tried to spin the water to create a small whirlpool with no success.

“I figured. That makes what happened between us six years ago the biggest mistake, doesn’t it?”

“I used to think that too. Honestly, if you weren’t dating Chigusa back when your parents passed… I was going to seduce you properly, and repay them and you in that way, for taking care of me for those few years.”

“Nene, I loved you. I still do, however…”

“I know. Every time I had nightmares back then, you were there to keep me safe. No one knows it better than I do, and no one knows better how cruel I was for running away with Ukemi when I had the chance. But there were two real reasons, Shota… the first of which was that I didn’t exactly get Himari or Arata’s blessing to be with you. I had Kumi and you were still so young… not that it really was about your age, but rather… It was about stealing your future. You deserved to be young, not having to care for this unfit woman, and find your truest love, or just fuck some really hot gyaru and knock her up. I have to say that I’m not disappointed in you for managing that one!”

“You don’t think I’m making a mistake with my life getting her pregnant so early on?”

“Not one bit. Because I know you’ll be as good a man as Arata… no, better. You’ll be a better man than him for sure, because you have his foundations down pat. The only thing you’re missing is confidence.”

“Confidence in what?”

“Confidence in yourself that you can take care of more than one woman and make them both happy. I believe in that, because at this moment, my last… heterosexual moment at least, I’m happy, Shota. I’m happy because there is one man, one lone man in this whole world I can still trust. To be perfectly honest, I wasn’t sure at first if I could go through with it… with you. I mean, I psyched myself up quite a bit, and having Mayuri-san here helped immensely, but Shota… the things that happened to me with my ex… it was far worse than I ever let on. Only… Arata knew.”

“Dad knew, but mom didn’t? Weren’t you and mom super-tight?”

“Shame is a funny thing, Shota. I know Himari would have accepted me into her home regardless, and likely burdened herself taking much better care of me than Arata let her, but seeing her with Arata… having that perfect married life with him, then what I had was an honest and caring boy who could somehow nurture the dead seed of trust within me… You really don’t know how special you are.”

“Will you tell me what really happened, then?”

“I will if that’s what you want…”

“Was it not just physical beatings?” I asked, wondering now how much I didn’t know about the woman I had considered a wife when I was so much younger and more naive, not that I’m still not a naive person now…

“The days where beatings were all I received was what I looked forward to, Shota. That’s how bad it was. Do you still want me to go on?”

I nodded.

“I had two miscarriages to do the violence. I always wanted Kumi to have a younger sister. I was even fine with her having a younger brother, since when you two were much younger you used to get along with Kumi… I believe you were around four or five at the time, and I was about four months along.”

“He… caused it?”

Nene-san was taking a few gulps of her beer, likely remembering some horror story that might have really affected me if I knew about it when I was younger.

“Yes. About three months before I left him… the second miscarriage happened, all because I overcooked his eggs.”


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“Eggs. I was making tamagoyaki and trying to keep Kumi from bothering him… They were just a little darker and drier than he liked… he didn’t say anything, but there was just one bite taken out of them at breakfast. Later that night… he made his disappointment evident. Even though we were husband and wife, what he did to me in the bedroom that night…”

I carefully wrapped an arm around my Nene, who was telling me the truth about her past, and what made a hell of a lot more sense for her to have come to stay with my parents and never leave. Why at the very beginning she was so broken and unable to care for Kumi at all.

“Shota… I’m gay for your wife. I… didn’t have these feelings for Ukemi, all she was to me was a means of escaping responsibility. I never thought for a minute you’d be like he was, but I saw you growing up. You grew tall, fast, strong. You went from a little brat to a responsible teenager, and it was coming… Your puberty. You and me… in the same bed? It would have happened, eventually, you understand that much, don’t you?”

I nodded.

“I didn’t fear it happening initially. I feared what would happen later. Maybe one day you’d look at me and see an old hag when you’d be at school with all the young and beautiful girls your own age, wondering how different, how nubile or flexible they would be in comparison to me. That maybe… because you were a man… what happened before might have had a 0.00001% chance of happening again once you realized how disappointing I could be. It may sound unreasonable to you, because you are a decent, good person, but to me…”

“I… understand. So, tonight was your confirmation of sexuality?”

“In a way, yes. Once more, thanks to you, I’m able to find myself again.”

“But it’s also my wife you’re thinking about absconding with.”

“Shota, I won’t lie to you and say it’s an entirely platonic thing between us. I definitely want to do many ecchi things with Mayuri, but more than anything, I just want to be able to love her. Even if she’s not interested in me in that kind of way, being able to sit next to her and hold her hand while we watch television, or being able to wrap my arms around her waist as she cooks something that smells incredibly good… if it can be that much… I can be happy, even if it’s me stealing some of her affection from you.”

“And this is something Mayuri-san wants too?”

“No. What she wants is somewhat due to the situation you created. She wants someone to be herself around, someone who lived through the same decades as she did and can relate to, someone also betrayed deeply by a man, and someone who also has a daughter. We… have a ridiculous amount of things in common, and we really mesh well together.” She laughed. “Aren’t I truly the worst? To think, you could have wound up with me. I might have ended up betraying you at some point with a woman like Mayuri, you know? You… don’t deserve that happening to you, yet I’m doing exactly that right now.”

“I… would have made a good husband, I think.” I said, unsure, more for myself than her most likely.

Nene-san climbed on top of me, and with one hand, brought me inside of her once more.

“You are a splendid husband, Shota. The best I’ve ever had. But I can’t say the same for myself, that I would have made a good wife for you. The wounds healed years ago, but the scars on my heart will always remain. I understand this clearly now, and that’s why only for tonight, I can do this. I can entrust my body entirely to you, because you’re my Shota, who has always taken care of me, and Kumi, no matter how much I’ve wronged you, and continue to wrong you. That’s why I want my last pleasant memory as a heterosexual woman to be with you. Because even now, years later, you’re still the only one who can give me that.”

Nene began to grind her hips with me inside of her. Holding on to her beer with one hand, she used her other hand to pull my face into her soft chest.

“I love you, my dearest hard working and dedicated husband. If there was ever a man I could say I truly loved, it would be you and only you. That’s why I want to be selfish again and ask you to coat every centimeter of my insides with your love as well, however much of it you have left, to paint over all the bad memories I have remaining. Then afterwards, I want you to take care of me one last time.”

“Once more after this!?”

She giggled.

“I’m not talking about sex, Shota. It’s more of a wish, really. I… want to open up a flower shop, and I want Mayuri to work with me there. Obviously I’m not in the best position financially to do so by myself right now, so I’d have to shamelessly depend on you at the beginning…”

“Nene, I might have some money, but it takes a lot of capital to open a business, doesn’t it?”

“It does. I’m being entirely unreasonable here in asking, I know. I’ll borrow where I can, I just… need a bit of help with a guarantor. I… won’t let the business fail! Besides, having a beautiful and sociable woman like Mayuri working there would make it impossible not to make money hand over fist, and you know that!”



“Hold on tight.”

I rooted my feet and lifted myself along with Nene up and out of the water, pinning her to the wall I was leaning against and began to ravage her body as her arms draped around my neck, the sensation of a still-cold beer can touching the space between my shoulder blades and the bone just under my neck. All this talk was distracting me from the fact that Nene was giving herself to me and as much as I came in here to lament my mistake, I fully intended to see each and every mistake through to the best of my ability.

I pounded away at her without mercy, intent on doing as she had asked moments ago, to overwrite every centimeter of her insides with my love for her. The one and only love we would ever have with each other. She didn’t complain one bit, she only whispered in my ear, teasingly I thought, since she said she had taken that contraceptive pill, that she wanted me to put a baby in her belly.

Any rational logic I might have had, went out the window when she said that. The grunting and moaning sounds of Nene and I weren’t quiet at all, and with her legs wrapping around my waist, I kissed the woman I once loved with all my heart and let her have it.

My balls were drained ultimately into Okazaki Nene, and I knew there wasn’t a drop left for anyone until I rested and ate properly. I had only hoped it was enough to grant her request.

As for the matter of her wanting to run a flower shop with my wife with me as her Guarantor… It’s not like I wouldn’t consider it. I’m sure I’ll have plenty of time to talk with Mayuri-san about it once we make it to Sapporo to visit her family.

Until then, there were about six hours until checkout, and even if there was nothing left to shoot out, I didn’t doubt for a second that I could go a few more times. I had to make the most of this now, because I realized that if she hadn’t interrupted me when she did, I’d be a fucking wreck right now.

I suppose I can compartmentalize it until Mayuri, Chigusa, and I are settled in at her parent’s place… After that, however, no promises.

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