The Mind Break System

Chapter 3: Chapter 2: my first mind breaking

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It was like a hot pole entered my legs stimulating everything in my crotch to my stomach. It was weird no pain, just a feeling of being full and pure ecstasy. Endorphins blasted increasing the pleasure Bouncing it off MT and back to me multiplying it with one thrust. I was putty in his hands he corked open the potion he told me about he then drank from it and he still held the liquid in his mouth he gave me a kiss after spreading my moth intertwining my tongue with his. it tasted like cherry and it was addicting. Suddenly my body suddenly felt like all the senses I didn't now about came alive and enhanced the previous ones. Each second the lust built exponentially. Cultivating my body with these feelings felt amazing making me more sensitive. Then he pulled out. 


I screamed the loudest ever in my life. I spasmed as my walls clenched liquid spraying as I had my first ever orgasm and squirt. It felt so much better than coming. I wanted more so I looked at MT. He didn't look like the kind gentleman I knew trying to help me in this confusing situation. He had the eyes of a beast ready to devour and I was prey. This turned me on more as I imagine what would happen if he came inside. I was gushing and he knew it; he could tell how I felt and I could tell that he held back from coming inside in the first thrust but he was at his limit  He needed me, He wanted me to be his forever and I knew that was no lie. I for the first time forgot about my preferences and everything else tying me down I needed him, he needed me to say the words and he could cum 

"Breed me! Leave me a gasping wreck then console me and start the process all over again just to impregnate me. Never leave me, always love me , never betray me and I'm yours."

He got both my legs leaving me in a mating press position he penis all ready over my wet hole. He didn't enter yet. He knew what I wanted him to say no needed him to say for this to continue. If I was going to give my pride away I wanted this. This was his one and only moment to get me on board. It might be shameful to blame this on my trauma. But I needed land to latch onto or I would drown. Before I could tell him to say it he spoke first.

"I Chrona Thorne do herby solemnly swear by my soul, name, and power to care, cherish, and to always be loyal to {unnamed} so long as she wishes to also care, cherish, and be forever loyal to me and if I fail I shall forfeit all even my life."

His name is Chrona is the first distracting thought I could come up with I didn't want to acknowledge that he got my wish perfectly I would just be burned again. I needed to change the topic  I need to distract him from me, but his piercing eyes gazed steadily at me and words fail. The only thing I could ask was a simple.


Tears kept streaming I didn't know why but I was crying and my mind was hurting the sharp glass that was my memories were being shattered as if all that hurt wasn't cutting deep into me like it was just a small bit of sand in the wind. Could this be a chance a small voice in my mind, the voice of a child spoke. It was so week it could be shattered even easier, then those memories would return to finish it off. 

Knowing nothing of my inner struggle he smiled and my heart tightened not knowing if it was a good or a bad sign.

"I knew what your dealing with and I knew the right words to say. You may break after hearing that but please just listen I am not going to leave you behind and yes I fear death I still have morals and would welcome it to save another. I know I am a copy of a once dead person who died sticking to his morals I have his memories and personality and neither he nor I regret it. I want to be your foundation for you to build yourself up again and then replace me with your own. I have never known love but I have fought and beat beast of the mind like yours. I would help and bind my being to you. I too in my life was yearning maybe that's why the goddess chose me for you. I shall give you harsh honesty, love, and care and you will always know how I feel so will you be mine and I be yours. For the limited time we have."

I was so happy I didn't hear his last sentence I just accepted it with all my heart because we are still connected and I felt as much as heard his words and confirmed his total honesty. Power, hope and light swelled inside combining into a soft feeling she could call love. And just like that her mind broke gone was the pain and hurt, shackles to who he now she was. It was brief and could come back but the first isn't the hardest the the one that come after. That brings men and women down.

"Chrona I accept your oath"

Suddenly power gathers into Chrona's chest leaving behind a tattoo that I instinctively knew represented me I was happy I probably wouldn't have truly accepted it if the oath wasn't truly binding. So I got up the courage to ask.

"Chrona how do you take an oath."

He looked shocked he got off on top of me staring concern in his eyes but he still answered.

"Depends but I wouldn't recommend this at any level even at the weaker ranks. I did it at the 2nd to highest level and my very being is bound to you. It's not worth it." 

I thought for a minute and asked Chrona a crazy question that I knew he'd hate but if I wish to live with no regret I had to ask. 

"Can you do that ritual on me and bind it to myself?"

I didn't know how but his face turned into a myriad of emotions like anger, sadness,concern but when he calmed down his face he decided he wold be angry and try to scold me.

"Are you an idiot I'd call it suicide with extra steps with what you are attempting to do but at least suicide doesn't give you false hope. Oaths make you more powerful but restrict you freedom. You could just as easily gain that power by taking it slow and steady! You'll be ostracized by others thinking that they had to tie you to an oath for whatever you'd done. A lot of future opportunities will burn if you chose this!"

After screaming his head off she got up and slowly walked toward him. She touched his arm gently pulling him down to eye level and he finally understood. He couldn't see it back then because of the darkness in her eyes but it looks to have cleared up and now all he saw was terrible. Those were the eyes of a dead person hanging on the edge by a thread and just now was trying to fight back. It was only a spark but it was there. If she could ignite that determination then would she be saved? He didn't know. He felt useless.

"So you know how I died. The people will tell you it was autoerotic asphyxiation. But that was a means to an end I wanted to die in the most memorable way possible. Not for flame or glory it was so that someone would care even if just a little I need that validation I want it and I'm always tied down by my past and I was always in a place that hurts but is safe and easy. So please then we can cuddle and start in the morning."

Chrona nodded I was happy he took out a potion and told me to drink which I did, this time it tasted like blackberry he told me it was to make the enchantment latch on to me. He the etched the same markings in the air he did for his own oath but this time drew a circle on the ground where the oath was he told me it focused the power automatically into the person within. Then he spent a while lecturing me.

"You remember how I taught you to say the oaths."

I nodded and got in ,and as I did the enchantment connected to me. It sorted through all my memories good and bad. tears welled up in my eyes, but I held them back I wasn't failing; not on the first step. After the enchantment looked at my mind it changed to want my mind most wanted safety, protection, basically a cage to wallow in for eternity. I couldn't let my memories,my pain control me, my trauma guide, and used all my willpower to change the oath to one of building yourself up whenever you fell, to walk the path no matter what, getting back up no matter what. I wanted to live with freedom and to obtain joy and a comfortable life. I cared little for vanity, my pride was non-existent, and if I was truly happy why would I envy. Sloth was my true sin and it was what the oath wanted to purge to be a better person, or at least a happy one. Lust and gluttony weren't my worries and didn't effect me much so I pushed them to the side.

Then the oath connected to my wish it glowed a violent purple. Chrona outside looked surprised and his hands started to move ridiculously fast making the most intricately formed enchantment I had seen so far. Then Chrona yelled.

 "{First oath contract} ~[sin_coalesced into one]~" 

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Immediately tattoo s coved My whole torso submerging into my skin turning purple. Then all disappeared.


[~Ex skill got~]

{Lust king resonance}

[Description: boost gained exp of all all lust/sexual cultivation by -2^skill rank+your rank-------------------------example: 2^10+10=1,048,576 times boosted.


1- must be pregnant for effects to be active 

2- failing in your oath will completely kill you instantly and completely (no god's can save you)

3-boost your partners by 1,048,576 times. these partners will stop at nothing for your baby. -this effect is only active if you're not pregnant _____________________________________

 Chrona looked at me with a serious face he knew I think what I did, but on the brighter side of skill get. Chrona walked toward me in a slow pace and softly asked.

"Do you know what you just did? Did you know it was the equivalent of painting a target on your back so big that you can see it from the moon! Did you think you will get away Scott free after this well DO YOU!"

I didn't like seeing Chrona mad but what could I do I'd rather choose this then be miserable forever. This time I'll have a happy life. I smiled brightly this time believing it. Chrona just sighed and tried not to think about it she did too until she heard another *ding* and wondered who or what it would be this time.


[Hey Odella here

 I'm way impressed you just did that gold star for you. I know this ruins your plans but it also ruins my plans more so say what I hide this ability completely until rank [C] or rank 8 it means the same thing. You can keep using it still to complete your op protagonist dreams.]

Yes that sounds awesome and a little menacing that a god like her has plans for me apparently which I shudder to even contemplate her twisted machinations.

[Yeah btw how did you like your mind Break now those old memories won't tie you down I the goddess promise you that.                  K byeeeeeeeeeeeereee3eeeeeee.]

I never get her is she evil or not but after the so called mind Break I'm thinking this goddess was actually a big softie. It brought a smile to her face and for the first time ever she prayed to the goddess that helped her trauma and gave her another chance even if not as her male self. Maybe that was another thing keeping me down so before me and Chrona went to sleep I tried to help him out. 

He sat on the bed with his penis still out and before he could ask any questions I knelt and grabbed his penis he nearly moaned but I didn't hear it though I was too preoccupied with psyching myself up for the next part. Breath in breath out and repeat. Then I opened my mouth lined up his penis with my mouth and gobbled it up. I tried not to taste it but failed it tasted like fish but as soon as I put it down my throat the fish taste turned intoxicating. It was like an aphrodisiac .I finally got it all the way down to the base. Deep throating like a champ.when his symbol started to glow. I too felt power draining from me, then I guessed what skill it might be and immediately tried to cut that flow it Succeed but not until Chrona's 11 inch magnum turned into a full sized horse cock I was still at the base so the tip expanded into my belly. the Sheer thickness and girth of this thing destroyed me I wasn't damaged for some odd reason but I couldn't focus on that I was too busy using my saliva as lubricant to slide my way down the shaft before Chrona came in me.

It tasted like fish with drugs. Every sniff of his scent got me horny and the pre cum was building up . I pushed a finger into my tight pussy yearning for penetration. Sliding back on his penis gave me a good appreciation of size. Just when I was about half way out when Chrona whimpered

"I can't take any more please...."

I knew he wouldn't make it so I could try to push out maybe fail maybe not or endure and wait. I choose option three because I wanted to face my first trial in life head on. So I thrust all the way to the base again. My mouth just got there before Chrona shouted 


I came at the same time then my pussy was a flood as I came on the carpet fem cum was every where and my clit kept squirting. Chrona's horse cock meanwhile came by the bucket load. If felt full as if I had eaten a big meal before my stomach grew from a few inches to nearly a foot I looked pregnant. Still squirting. I knew instinctively when Chrona took it out I would cum several times so I tapped his leg trying to tell him not to move. Chrona didn't seem to notice with post nut clarity he just ripped it out cumming 5 times in a row my vaginal walls contracted and I began squirting again. When I finished Chrona picked me up and brought me to bed and cuddled while I slept. My stomach a satisfying and filling reminder of what I'm doing tomorrow. The Real Thing I was wet just thinking about it. Was this place turning into less of a man yes but I don't think it's a bad thing. I also almost thought I can here a goddess laughing in the background.

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