The Mind Break System

Chapter 4: Chapter 3:Passing the f*cking time

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I woke up worried that what happened yesterday was a lie. I breathed in and didn't smell the musk of my old room. It smelled like lavender and opening my eyes I realized I was being held. Even asleep Chrona was gentle I didn't even notice his arms around me.I looked down only to see my h cup breast. I never done anything sexual with them, so I gave them a quick squeeze and nearly let out a moan. I decided to leave my breast inspection for later.

The memories of yesterday still lingered I wanted this. to feel safe and to try to be better, but now after the fact I was screaming in my head that I was a guy. It can't feel that good being a woman. I come up with a million excuses until I looked down only to see my cum belly gone.

It felt empty, I needed something in it. I had a yearning I couldn't have ever had as a male. I wanted to have a child. It slowly made me realize that even if I fought with all my might I'd never be able to run away from the fact I'm female now. And I liked my hole getting filled and I liked Chrona my first friend or lover to truly care and look at me. He was honest to a fault but that's why I liked him so much. He would never lie and always care for me in his own way.

As I shifted in the bed I could still see Chrona's naked body. I saw his abs with lean muscles tracing my way to his morning wood. I didn't want a repeat of yesterday to happen again so I used my thighs to jack his dick off and my hands to play with the tip. As I began to rub his penis grew harder between my thighs. Up and down , up and down. As I did my hands did the reverse motion never leaving the tip alone always stimulating it. For the finishing touches on my tri fecta. I opened my mouth and licked my fingers using the saliva on my fingers as lubricant. 

"Haaaaaa what are you doinggggg."

Looks like he's awake and based on his moan I say he's enjoying this. Maybe I could tease him a bit. So I stopped right before he was about to climax. I held his shaft tight making sure he didn't cum. And with my sweetest voice voice I said,

" Hey Chrona are you enjoying this. Tell me what you want to do to me and I'll let you cum."

I could hear his breathing it was hard and his heart was beating so fast. I wasn't being cruel if that's what your thinking, I just wanted to know where this relationship is going. Maybe I wanted him to beg for me a bit. Wow that thought came out of nowhere,but I had no time to self reflect when Chrona got next to my ear and told me what I wanted to hear in a desperate voice.

"I know your enjoying blue balling me. We still have our link that shares our emotions. I'll tell you what I want, but just so you know later I'm going to break you during sex."

I got a little wet hearing that but I didn't start stroking. He didn't answer my question yet.

"I want a relationship with you that's not just physical. I want to be there with you emotionally for the good the bad, and the even worse. I want to spark a kindling that one day might be love,but I know your not interested emotionally as you've told me."

I do remember saying that but with the mind Break and the oath firming up my resolve it changed me. It felt like the old me told him that, but I don't know the new me well enough to reciprocate. I heard the sadness in his voice and replayed my thoughts and I realized I was doing it again. I was dowsing the spark before it could grow, because I'd be hard and take a lot of work. It's only been a day I know but I'm still mad at myself. The real question is could I love him, so I searched my heart and found an answer to his question. I spoke the answer before I could think. I didn't want cold logic or my own preconceptions to mess with my true feelings.

"I could learn to love you. Give it a chance. See where this road leads me, if it's in your arms I wouldn't be mad. In fact I would be happy to find someone to be truly happy, but know this. If you break my heart or trust you'll leave me broken. Maybe beyond repair Will you take that risk."

I waited anticipating but not worrying. I got a small sense of who he was with our day together. He was also bound to me so I knew he couldn't go back on his word or lie.

"Thank you I would like that chance very much. I also promise to never do you any wrong."

His chest glowed and I knew he was 100% truthful. So just like I promised I relaxed my death grip on his shaft, and did one final up and down motion with my thighs to make him burst.

His cum spewed forth but not as much as the previous day though it was still a tone. It unfortunately did spill on my stomach leaving it looking a few shades whiter.

"Hey Chrona Do you know why exactly you penis enlarged last time a gave you a blowjob "

He sighed after he finished cumming and waiting for his post nut clarity to end, he then answers my question.

"I thought it was obvious. You currently have 2 skills. One is {hormone control} and the other is the Ex skill it has to be that one's doing."

I snorted I knew that. The skill description for my Ex skill only stated it gave my partner a boost. So I gave him a description of the skill.

{Lust king resonance}

[Description: boost gained exp of all all lust/sexual cultivation by -2^skill rank+your rank-------------------------example: 2^10+10=1,048,576 times boosted.]

I didn't tell him it's limitations yet. It would be dangerous if he didn't turn out to be who I thought he was. Thinking your lover will betray you is hard, but being burn too much taught me to never be too trustful. Even if he has bound his being to me. So as I waited for his answer he looked at me seriously and sighed.

 "Your Ex skill is in a line of skills that reduces cultivation time so you can rank up faster. Ex skills grow with you so the more powerful you become so too does that skill. That applies to most skills ,but unlike most skills an Ex skill is one of the three things you need to reach [A] rank."


He looked at my shocked face with relief.

"Good you understand what you did was abnormal.Nearly impossible in your case. It takes [B] ranks or genius level [C] ranks years to get this skill. They have the power to protect themselves at that level, but you your not so lucky. Imagine a not so savory individuals found a [J] rank with an Ex skill."

I looked horrified and realized why yesterday he told me that I painted a target on my back.

"Chrona the goddess Odella sent me a message that until [B] rank no one will know I have this skill."

He looked shocked at my words. I thought he knew this already so why was he shocked to know I talked to her.

"Yoshi were you ever blessed or marked by her in any way."

I thought back on my conversations with her and remembered her saying something like that when I was in the German sex dungeon.

"Yes is that a bad thing."

He sighed again this time deeper and more exhausted. He then looked up to the sky and almost as if praying closed his eyes. I got close to him not expecting this reaction. When I did he suddenly hug me and but me on top of him.

"Yoshi a blessing or marking of a god is the second thing you need to reach rank [A]. The third is  divine equipment which I pray you don have do you."

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"No but it is interesting to learn this before my real birth. It feels like I'm cheating."

He laughed and kissed me on the cheek and finally got back to my answer.

"Continuing on you Ex skill boosts anything sexual, and since the penis is the most sexual part of the male anatomy it started to grow. That shouldn't have effected me much because I could cultivate to stop those changes. You on the other hand were focused entirely on me and pushed the energy you were supposed to cultivate into me. I can't control your energy directly, and was in to much pleasure to stop it so I couldn't do anything. That is the reason for my penis growth."

"So if I cultivate my energy during fellatio or other sexual acts it'll be all good.

He nods, I lay my head down on his chest. I wondered why he couldn't just explain it to me directly not in this weird roundabout way. I learned a new aspect about my lover today. If I let him talk he'll go on and on all day.

"Yoshi we can learn more about this together. There's a li-"

I cut him off by kissing him. Our tongues intertwined as we drank in each other bit by bit. His penis got harder and since I was on top of him I I could feel it on my stomach I was so ready.

"Penetrate me Chrona please!"

He looked at me the same way a beast would. He then grabbed me by the hips switching our positions in bed. He let go of my hips and move towards my thighs.he was forceful, hungry and I knew what he wanted. He was already laying claim to my lower half, so I used my hands to tease my nipples while squeezing my breast. Every time I squeeze its like my hands are going into a soft marshmallow. Its a spine tingling sensation, but when I pinch my nipples it's like the flood gate opens.

My pussy starts to get ridiculously wet. Chrona as if smelling this grabs my thighs forcefully pulling them apart and reveals my hairless pussy that's drenched with fem cum.He licks his lips and brings his face close to my wet hole. I continue to play with my breast as he get closer to my hole. I'm so close the feeling in my abdomen builds up and up until finally my release.

Chrona knew what I was doing so before my squirt he opens his mouth engulfing my pussy. He drank from me like I was the finest wine until I completely squirted everything out, and then as if wanting more he plunged his tongue into me. Reaching further into me his wet tongue moved, licking my walls making me hornier. He didn't let his arms rest either he used his fingers to tease and pinch my clit. Orgasm after orgasm happened one after another. With each one my pussy got more sensitive which caused me to squirt even harder.

"Haaa chrrrooona! Have mercy!"

He didn't move his head up to acknowledge me so all I could do was scream as Chrona kept drinking my juices.

"Haaaaaaaaaaaa noooooooooooo!!"

20 minutes had passed. I was spent my body tried to squirt but I was out. My walls clenched around Chrona's tongue tighter than ever before. As if taking this as a sign he pulled his tongue out.


I croaked out I knew this world wasn't real but I didn't care I needed it if we were going to continue and we were. I was gonna ride Chrona till I broke him. I'm not gonna let this defeat me. I could already see his smug face and hear it in his voice as he responds.

" Anything my lady wants, we wouldn't want you passing out during Real intercourse."

That bastard I'll show him, real intercourse in just a second. Waiting for me to acknowledge him I slapped his chest again, and again, and again. I didn't stop till I got it out of my system. He chuckled at my antics. After a while he did summon a glass of water by writing magic sigils in the air again.

I took a deep sip of the water. He finally got off me to let me drink, but I knew as soon as I was done; I'm going to be lying underneath him in that bed again. I took this respite period to play with Chrona's silver hair. It was smooth and soft almost like the fur of a cat. I was mostly doing this to keep him quiet although if this is what his hair felt like I might do this more often.

Finishing up Chrona immediately got on top of me again. This time no foreplay was needed. He already did that with the cunnilingus. I did the cultivation technique for {hormone control} and nodded. I was ready.

He plunged his rode into me filling me up making my vaginal walls contract trying to squeeze his dick for cum. He wasn't all in but already I felt his heat inside me, I need it.

He finally put he last inches in and I could feel it reaching my sacred place, my womb. The moment he did I orgasmed which tightened my walls squeezing him enough that he thrust as deeply as he could to spray his seed. His cum was hot and watery it spayed all over my walls and into my sacred place. My womb drank in all the cum not letting a single sperm cell escape.

When that happened power welled up inside me. It made me better in every way. I was faster, stronger, agile, and more quick witted. This was cultivation. If this it what it felt like I wonder what would happen when my ex skill was truly active.

Chrona kissed me bringing me out of my thoughts. Right. Sex. I should focus on my partner. So I kissed him back drinking him in. He then began thrusting in and out slowly at first but quickly speeding up. It was amazing, every time he hit my womb I orgasmed. His dick always responded, when my walls contracted to squeeze him out he came. Again,and again we did this. His heat was inside me, and even as cum overflowed in my pussy he was still hard. 

Fem cum and cum mixed in the bed as the sheets turned a darker shade.all that could be heard was a squelching sound as if to wet pieces of meat we're hitting each other. In the middle of the sheets was a man atop a woman. The man had his hands on the woman's thighs, spreading her even further. He dick slick with fem cum,was being gobbled by the pussy which was spewing out the cum of her lover and her own juices at a frightening pace. Her face a mask of please as her tongue lies limply on her face, as all she can do is moan. Screaming for the gods and her lover in the same breath.

20 hours have passed and Chrona finally finished cumming in me. My pussy was overstuffed with semen and when he pulled out a lot of that came out. I couldn't take every single shot Chrona gave me I wasn't a monster who could handle 100+ shots of cum. He finally got off me and laid beside me hugging me to his chest. The warmth of him behind me and the warmth in my abdomen complemented each other. The smell that came from my juices and his turned the rooms smell wrenched like we were in the middle of a bad seaside market. I was tired mentally, my body was broken physically, and I didn't have the willpower to do anything. It was still the best sex of my life though.



"I like you more than just physically but I love who you are as a person."

"Thank you I feel the same."

He then gave a big yawn and drifted off to sleep. He held me tight almost as if saying he will never let me go. When I finally felt out connection say he was asleep. I relaxed. I liked Chrona but I wanted some alone time with my thoughts.

I looked back on all the events that happened to me in this life. The goddess, the oaths, my confessions to Chrona. After all that I couldn't deny my life is a mess, but I'm happier than I ever was before in this or my previous life. If I had to do it all only for this feeling I would do it a 100 times just for the chance. This feeling of joy, comfort,and belongingness, this is what I wanted all my life and for the first time cried tears not of sorrow but joy. I smiled with my tear stained face and thanked the goddess.

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