The Mind World And The Outcast Hero

Chapter 12: Unexpected Circumstances

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Following the fight between Sindy and Andrew, Sindy had hurriedly healed both their injuries using her Regeneration Art. Sadly, due to the excessive amount of Spirit Energy used, Sindy barely had any left to spare.

This worried her tremendously as she was concerned if she would be of further use on the mission. Samantha was already in the belief that she and Andrew would be useless and her lack of SE was not about to make it any better.

Andrew was also fairly tired but he was in much better shape than Sindy.

A few moments later, the two had arrived back at the jet where everyone had been told to rendezvous earlier. Amanda was ready to go over the plan with them one final time.

"Did everyone get a good feel of the area?" She inquired.

Sindy and Andrew looked around whimsically, "Yeah..! sure..."

"Alright, we can begin!"

Amanda then went over the plan one last time before everyone moved into position. They then silently moved towards the area where the Clique commanders were present.

As they moved closer, they saw two men sitting around a campfire. Beside them was a man who was restrained from head to toe by a sturdy piece of rope.

The assassins quickly deduced that the restrained individual was the government official that they were ordered to rescue. On the other hand, the two men were definitely the commanders they had been warned about.

Their auras were extremely cold and intimidating. Sindy felt a few shivers run up her spine just from the sight of them. It was painfully evident how strong the commanders were.

Amanda then decided it was time to put the plan in motion. She then raised her hand to give Leo the signal to activate his Illusion Art. However, just before she could give the order, one of the commanders spoke.

"So, Raven, it seems that it's time to play around for a little!" Began one of the commanders speaking to the other. His voice was as deep as Instructor Brady's and he was extremely muscular. He was of a dark complexion with light brown eyes and a chiseled face, and his hair was braided and tied back into a ponytail.

"Waver, they took way too long to show up. We've been waiting here for hours! Magna's going to be pissed that we've taken this long to bring back the hostage! So they better be worth it!" Complained the other commander with a dangerously sharp voice. He had spiky red hair, small ball gold earrings in each ear, and bright golden eyes. He wasn't very muscular but he seemed quite agile.

"It's fine," continued Waver. "The boss doesn't mind us getting rid of a few pests. It makes the job a lot easier for him anyway!"

A strong feeling of anxiety then quickly overcame the assassins. It was hard to tell if the commanders were talking about them or someone else. If they had truly been discovered by the commanders then they were in serious trouble.

Amanda pondered thoroughly. Her instincts advised her to retreat immediately.

Even though there could be serious consequences in abandoning the government official, Amanda knew that their lives were currently far more important. They had to retreat if they wished to survive.

However, before Amanda could even give her order, she was stopped once again by the commanders.

"Come on out! We already know you're there! Your auras are radiating like giant beacons!" Boomed, Waver.

"Shit!" Cursed Samantha. "These guys can detect Spirit Energy!"

"Everyone, stay calm..!" Ordered Amanda in a whispered shout.

"What the hell are we going to do..?! There's no way they'll let us escape even if we run now!"

The five assassins hesitated. They were worried about what their next move should be. They knew the commanders were far too powerful to confront. What could they do and how much time did they have to do it?

"I'll say it again! Come on out! Trust me, you won't like it if I come for you instead!" Warned Waver.

Amanda then took a deep breath to cool her head. As the leader, she had to be the one to take action first. She knew that they no longer had a choice. Her earlier plan was not going to work. To make things worse, she doubted that they could escape given the capabilities of the commanders.

With no other choice, Amanda carefully stepped out into the open, revealing herself to the commanders.

"Ah! There's the first one..." Chuckled Raven.

"I know there are more of you. Come out now or we kill the hostage!" Bluffed Waver.

Reluctantly, the other assassins followed Amanda's lead. It was their only option.

"Man, you guys look terrifying..!" Trembled Andrew.

"Everyone..." Began Amanda depressingly to her fellow assassins. "I'm sorry that things turned out this way. I forgot to take into consideration that they might be able to sense Spirit Energy... I've failed you all as team leader..."

"You didn't fail us, Amanda. We're all a team. The thought should have come across to us as well!" Comforted Leo.

"How can they sense our SE..? It's my first time hearing about such an ability..!" Noted Sindy.

"They say that once you're powerful enough, your body trains itself to detect SE. Only high-leveled individuals can develop this ability..." Explained Leo.

The two commanders then sat themselves up. Following this, Waver walked towards them slowly.

"I see... You're all from AA! Damn though, I was hoping to fight an SS-Classed assassin. I heard they're quite strong from the other commanders but I've never fought one before!"

"Even though our ranks aren't that high, don't you dare underestimate any of us for a second!" Warned Sindy.

The other assassins agreed as they all withdrew their weapons, ready for battle.

Sindy then pulled out her knives and Andrew withdrew both his swords. Samantha pulled out two small red-plated daggers while Amanda unsheathed a curved yari and Leo, a powerful metal staff.

The two commanders also got ready for battle with huge grins across their faces. Waver didn't seem to have a weapon on him, but in truth, he didn't need one. On the other hand, Raven released a set of jagged chains that were wrapped around his arms.

"Okay guys, listen up!" Quickly began Amanda. "This fight will be harder than anything you've experienced in your entire lives. We will take on the commanders separately instead of having them work as a team. Andrew, Sindy, and Samantha, you three deal with Waver! Leo and I will deal with Raven!"

"Yeah, great! We get the big guy that looks like he can crush me with his pinkie while you guys deal with the twig! This is so fair!" Complained Andrew sarcastically.

"Not the time, Andrew!" Reprimanded Sindy.

They then wasted no more time. Quickly, the assassins moved away to take on their respective opponents.

"Sindy, we've got to make it through this and get back to Nate. He'd miss us if we died," teased Andrew.

"I don't plan on dying anytime soon. We'll both get back to him. I refuse to lose to another opponent and fail to save another life!" Responded Sindy bravely.

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"I'll be frank here," interjected Samantha. "I don't like you guys. However, if we're going to win this then we need to work together."

"We agree!"

Waver then moved towards them with a massive grin across his lips. It was time for the battle to begin.

"How cute! I get to play with three little kids... Come to papa, Waver!"

The three assassins then charged toward Waver. Andrew was the first to attack. He slashed upwards towards Waver's head but Waver easily dodged and gave Andrew a playful push, causing him to stagger backward.

Sindy then jumped from the air, slicing downwards with her knives but Waver simply caught her like a child before gently tossing her aside.

Samantha also tried approaching silently from his rear, but she too was caught and thrown backward into Sindy. Waver was toying with them. It was evident to Sindy and Andrew that he was leagues above the Beast King.

"Come on now! Is that all you AA brats got?" Taunted Waver with a frown.

"This guy has mad reflexes!" Protested Andrew.

"We've got to charge him with our Arts and catch him off-guard!" Declared Samantha.

The three assassins then agreed. It was their only option. Quickly, they began charging their Art Styles. Sindy was extremely tired and wouldn't be able to pull off too many draining moves but she forced herself onward.

"Fire Art: Infernal Flare!" She commanded.

"Water Art: Water Dragon Missile!" Followed Andrew.

"Water Art: Water Shuriken!" Joined in Samantha with a dozen tiny water-like shuriken.

The Arts flew towards Waver before exploding in a massive cloud of smoke— sending a deafening blast through the air. The three assassins, however, knew better than to expect the attack to kill him.

Nevertheless, they couldn't allow him to recover. They lunged at Waver, trying to land a decisive blow. Sindy attacked from his right, swiftly cutting at the giant's side, Samantha charged from his left, aiming for a liver shot, and finally, Andrew attacked from the front with his sword pointed directly towards Waver's gut.

Unfortunately, it still wasn't enough. Waver stepped back, spacing himself from Andrew's sword while dodging both Sindy's and Samantha's attacks simultaneously. Due to this, Sindy and Samantha crashed violently into one another, almost wounding themselves with their weapons. It was almost unbelievable that Waver withstood all their attacks without activating a single Art Style of his own.

Andrew, however, wasn't about to give up. He quickly jumped and aimed toward Waver's shoulder. His sword was certain to hit.

"Destruction Art: Disintegration Slash!"

Andrew knew that his Destruction Art could do the trick. It was one of the more powerful Dark Arts and was known to kill any opponent even if it simply grazed them. It was a very fearful Art Style.

Wavers' eye's widened with surprise. He did not expect Andrew to have such a powerful Art within his arsenal.

"HAHA fine!" He laughed. "You forced me to defend myself! Lighting Art: Lightning Armor!"

An armor crackling with electricity immediately surrounded Waver's body. Andrew's Destruction Art was powerful but he still lacked experience which prevented him from overcoming Waver's Art Style. Waver's Lightning Armor had completely blocked his attack.

"Destruction Art is so troublesome but that's only if it touches you!" Laughed Waver.

"Who said I'm done?" Grinned Andrew.

This was when Andrew caught Waver completely off-guard. He quickly released one of his swords in hopes of using it as a distraction. Unfortunately, Waver ignored the sword and extended his hand toward Andrew.

This was when Andrew did something that surprised even himself. He didn't know how he managed to pull it off but he twirled himself mid-air dodging Waver's hand. Finally, Andrew launched a powerful spinning kick into Waver's jaw.

Waver was stunned with disbelief. It was the most impressive stunt he had seen anyone pull off in quite a while. How had someone as weak as Andrew manage to do something so skillful? He was turning out to be quite troublesome.

Following this, Andrew immediately jumped back to gain some distance, taking Sindy and Samantha with him.

"Are you ladies okay? Your knight in Andrew's armor has just saved the day!" He celebrated cheekily.

"We're fine... Please don't let your guard down!" Warned Samantha.

Andrew then looked up to see Waver staring at him coldly. It was an intense stare that had KILL written all over it. Waver had realized just how troublesome Andrew could be. His Destruction Art was extremely dangerous but on top of that, he had a good fighting technique. All it would take was one small cut from Andrew's Destruction Art to end his life. He was too dangerous to be kept alive.

"Ahh!!" He boomed with delight. "I came here for some fun and that's what you just provided me with, kid! I'm grateful but now it's my turn to strike!"

"Damn! This guy looks like he's gonna kill me..." Trembled Andrew. "Sindy, please tell Nathan to clear my search history when he gets back to the Real World!"

"Shut up idiot! You'll be fine... He's got good reflexes but he's huge which means he probably can't move very fast. You can stay alive and clear whatever it is that you're trying to hide, yourself!"

Waver then set himself forward as if he was about to run a 100m race. A maniacal grin then crossed his lips as he began to speak, "Hey boy! Your Destruction Art is dangerous! So I'm going to kill you first! You good with that?"

Andrew immediately got his swords in front of him. He didn't know why, but he had a feeling that something very bad was about to happen to him.

"Come on now..! Don't you think I'm too handsome to die? Like hey, if you have a daughter, you could hook us up maybe? It'd be a waste to kill someone like your daughter's future husband. Don't you agree?"

Waver ignored Andrew's request as he got ready to attack. Following this, the ground where Waver had stood shattered into pieces. A sound similar to an exploding grenade then resonated through the area.

Within the blink of an eye, Waver was up in the face of Andrew— his fist doubled, ready to unleash a devastating punch.

"Shockwave Art: Skull Crusher!!"

The powerful sound of a sonic boom pierced the ears of the baffled Sindy and Samantha. Andrew's swords shattered like glass as he was sent flying 1000ft away from where he stood. His body zoomed through the air like a paper airplane as he crashed into at least a dozen trees leaving massive craters behind.

Sindy and Samantha gazed in horror. They were unable to fathom the speed and power that Waver had just unleashed. The area was filled with dust and debris but Andrew was nowhere to be found.

Finally, with fear and worry seeping through her soul, Sindy released a terrifying cry;


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