The Mind World And The Outcast Hero

Chapter 13: Amanda And Leo! (Short Chapter)

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Meanwhile In The Battle Against Raven...

A loud explosion like that of a sonic boom echoed within the distance. Amanda and Leo were becoming fearful. The loud explosion had come from where their fellow assassins were fighting the other commander, Waver.

Unfortunately, they had no time to worry about the others. They too were dealing with a powerful commander which they were severely struggling against.

Leo and Amanda were filled with cuts and bruises. Raven, the commander that they were fighting was painfully swift. To make things worse, his weapons were a pair of jagged chains which he knew how to use quite well. The chains were quick and rarely missed their target. It was evident that he had mastery over them.

"We can't lay a finger on this guy! His Arts are so annoying!" Complained Leo.

Amanda breathed heavily. She could hardly find the energy needed to respond to Leo's complaints. The battle was much harder than she could have ever anticipated.

"This guy's strength isn't the main issue..." She started. "In truth, I doubt he's all that much stronger than you, Leo. It's his Art Styles that make him so damned hard to fight! If only we had someone who could counter his Art Styles with their speed, we could easily gain the advantage!"

Raven's Arts were Vector Art and Teleportation Art. His Vector Art allowed him to make any object he touched move in the direction he wanted it to. However, he could only control two objects at a time.

On the other hand, his Teleportation Art allowed him to teleport to any area of his choosing. The only drawback was that the larger the distance, the more Spirit Energy it would require for him to teleport.

With a devious grin, Raven launched his chains toward Amanda at an incredible speed. However, she quickly moved out of the way, barely managing to dodge the attack, or so she thought.

"Vector Art: Rebound!"

Utilizing his Art Style, Raven redirected his chains toward Amanda, resulting in it piercing her leg.

Amanda screamed in agony as she fell to the ground, moaning in pain. The blood from her leg painted the grass beneath her red. Unfortunately, the chain had not only pierced her leg but was now wrapped directly around the bone.

"Amanda!!" Screamed Leo in apprehension.

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"Damn it!! Flower Art: Vine Prison!" Quickly invoked Amanda.

Within her agony, Amanda utilized her second Art Style to summon a rectangular prison of vines to keep herself temporarily secure from Raven. However, It was still not enough.

Instead of attacking again, Raven sadistically began pulling on the chain, further ripping her leg open. Amanda's face wrinkled with distress. Tears crept into her eyes and her voice became brittle as she pounded the ground with her fists. The pain was far too much to bear.

Leo knew that he had to help her. He didn't have a plan but the longer he waited, the more blood Amanda would lose. He had to act quickly.

Swiftly, he went in for an aerial attack, swinging his staff towards Raven's head. Sadly, it was to no avail as Raven was far too agile.

"Teleportation Art: Shadow Transport!"

Effortlessly, Raven utilized his Teleportation Art to transfer himself behind Leo. Following this, he violently latched the other end of the jagged chain around Leo's neck as he began to strangle him. Regrettably, this brought Amanda even more pain as Leo pulled against the chain in hopes of freeing himself.

As if Raven wasn't satisfied, he then kicked Leo to the ground, almost snapping his neck in the process. Leo desperately gasped for air. The force added to the chain that was latched around his neck almost snapped his windpipe. He was quickly losing consciousness and there was nothing he could do.

Raven smiled malevolently. The commander was having the time of his life watching the two assassins wreath in pain.

"You're both my dogs!" He laughed as he tugged on the chains. "If you beg for your lives and bark like dogs then maybe I'll let you live!"

The situation was extremely dire on both battlefields. On one hand, it was unknown if Andrew was even still alive. On the other, both Leo and Amanda were growing closer to death with each passing second.

The assassins were all powerless against the commanders. All their efforts had been in vain. Death was slowly approaching them.

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