The Mind World And The Outcast Hero

Chapter 17: Angel Of Death

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Waver burnt with rage. Raven, his longest-known friend, had been killed right before his eyes. Both Waver and Raven were new commanders to the Cliques Organization. They had joined the organization together in hopes of creating a better world. However, that dream had been hindered due to Raven's death.

"You killed Raven!! There's no way I'm going to let you live now you damned brat!" He boomed with rage.

Death's flaming eyes then slowly looked down on Waver. He did not take a liking to his tone. A mere human was never supposed to speak down to an angel.

Calmly, Death then rose his katana which was now engulfed in black flames. Time then seemed to slow and the oxygen gradually drained from the atmosphere around them. The air particles even began vibrating, creating a sound like the buzzing of a thousand bees.

Finally, with a single swing of his sword, the ground exploded into darkness.

The entire mountain shook like a magnitude ten earthquake followed by a sound that sounded as if a bomb had just exploded.

Waver and Instructor Brady had not even seen Death move. The speed at which he had swung the sword was beyond human comprehension. If it weren't for their natural-born survival instincts, they would now be nothing more than dust. They had barely managed to dodge the attack with the aid of some luck.

Both Waver and the Instructor realized the tremendous power that they were up against. One direct hit would be more than enough to kill them. They realized that the creature before them not only had significant strength but it also had power that rivaled that of great deities.

Despite this, Waver was still adamant that he had to avenge Raven. Blinded by rage, he lunged toward Death. Instructor Brady wanted to stop the commander, but it was too late.

"Shockwave Art: Shockwave Bomber!!!" Sonic booms echoed throughout the air as Waver's fist drew closer to Death. He had activated one of his most powerful Art Styles which he was certain to at least significantly damage Death. Unfortunately, he had severely underestimated Death's power.

Waver's fist had not even managed to reach Death. His attack was blocked by some type of invisible barrier. To Death, his attack was nothing more than an insignificant pebble. It was not an easy task for a mortal to injure a deity.

Upon noticing his attack had done no damage, Waver quickly moved a safe distance away from Death. Fear had momentarily begun to wrap its worrisome tendrils around him. It was now obvious that the creature before him was far beyond anything he had encountered before.

Luckily for Waver, Death was unable to strike back due to finding himself temporarily paralyzed. His transformation was still incomplete which resulted in temporary paralysis of his entire body.

Instructor Brady noticed this and quickly devised a plan. It was the only way to stop the A.O.D (Angel Of Death) from completely transforming. If it managed to access its full transformation, then there was a high chance that the entire Mind World would be reduced to dust.

"Waver, wait! I'll help you take that thing down!" Offered the Instructor.

Waver clenched his teeth reluctantly. He did not wish to take the help of Instructor Brady to avenge his friend.

"No! I can do it by myself! I don't need your help, Brady!"

"Look! As it is, that thing is far more powerful than both of us combined! It's an Angel of Death! But we have a chance to defeat it if you just listen to me! I can tell its transformation is not complete... I have a seal tag on me that I carry around for high-level Demon Beasts. I'll use it to seal that Angel back inside, Nathan!"

Waver turned around and looked at Instructor Brady with a raised eyebrow. He could not comprehend how a mere seal tag would work on a god-like being. A seal tag was only a small piece of paper that had incantations written on it which was used to seal high-leveled Demon Beasts.

"A seal tag for mere Demon Beasts!? And you want to use that to seal an Angel of Death? Did I hit your head too hard, Brady?"

"I know it sounds crazy but there is still a defining factor. His body is nothing more than swirling Death Energy which means it can still be tamed. Look right above its head and you'll see what I mean!"

Waver then gazed upon the head of Death. For a moment, he did not see what the Instructor meant until he peered his eyes closer.

"It doesn't have its angel ring!"

"Exactly! All angels need to have their angel rings to be able to stabilize the large amounts of Spirit Energy within them. This A.O.D is no exception! Seal tags are meant to seal wild Spirit Energy and prevent it from going out of control. Without its angel ring, that angel is nothing more than a large mass of wild Spirit Energy!"

Waver pondered for a short moment. It was a crazy idea to seal a deity with a mere seal tag. However, there was a slight chance that Instructor Brady's plan would work.

"Okay, what do I have to do?" Inquired Waver.

"Create an opening for me... If you can at least develop enough force to crack that barrier surrounding it then I should be able to place the seal tag on him!"

Waver grinned enthusiastically. Though he wished he could avoid the help of Brady, he had no other option.

"Fine then! But as soon as he's back to normal, I'm killing that student of yours, Brady!"

"We need to hurry! It's paralyzed for now but it's only temporary! Hurry and start charging your most powerful attack!"


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Meanwhile, Sindy and the other assassins watched as the events unfolded before their eyes. Andrew was now partially healed to the point where he could stand with some support from Sindy. However, their wounds were the least of their troubles. The dark flaming figure they gazed upon was the most bone-rattling thing they had ever seen.

"Andrew... I-it can't be right..?" Trembled Sindy as she looked upon Death.

"It is... I can feel Nathan's presence within it but I'm not worried. For some reason, I have this feeling that for once, things will be okay!"

Everyone then watched as Death began to rise from the ground, flapping his dark-flaming wings. Each flap created winds that rivaled that of a category five super hurricane. Rocks, trees, leaves, and other types of debris pelted the assassins as they struggled to maintain their footing.

Death's paralysis was slowly becoming undone. He gradually rose high up into the sky until he was able to look down at Waver and Instructor Brady as if they were mere insects. Dark Energy then began swirling around the crown of Death's head forming a black angel ring. There were only a few seconds left before his transformation was complete.

"Damn it! What's taking you so long, Waver?! We don't have all day! Once his ring completely forms, it's as good as over!!" Cursed the Instructor.

"Haha!! Imagine the Mind Hero himself destroying the Mind World! That would be ironic! A hero that destroys!"

"Come on you big oaf! Hurry up!"

"Alright!! This should do it! Lightning Art: Heavy Thunder and Shockwave Art: Nuclear Shockwave! ULTIMATE COMBINATION ART: THUNDEROUS NUKE!"

Waver had poured every drop of Spiritual Energy into his fist to create his most powerful attack. He would most likely be left unable to move after he had finished his attack.

A heavy pressurized ball of lightning now engulfed his fist. It vibrated like millions of honey bees while electricity arced outwards in all directions. It contained the power to destroy an entire town with one blast. It was basically a mini-nuke made of Spiritual Energy.

"Hahaha! Sorry to say Brady, but I might end up killing him before you get a chance to place the seal tag!! I've never charged this much power in all my life!"

Waver then catapulted himself towards Death. Instructor Brady knew Waver's attack was extremely powerful but he still had his doubts. The power gap was just too great.

The list below dictates how much power is required to defeat each monster;

Levels 1-3 Demon Beasts- They would require a high-powered gun to be defeated.

Levels 4-6 Demon Beasts- They would require the use of a dozen grenades or the help of D to C-Classed leveled assassins to be defeated.

Levels 7-10 Demon Beasts- They would require dozens of C-4 explosives or assassins of B to A-Class to be defeated.

Clique commander-leveled opponents- A powerful bomb might not be enough. Usually, S-classed assassins are needed to defeat opponents of this level.

Deities- Not even a hundred nuclear bombs would be enough to even scratch them.

As Waver's attack made contact with Death's barrier, a sound similar to that of a nuclear bomb echoed throughout the air, threatening to deaf anyone within range.

For a short moment, it seemed as if Waver's attack was working. The barrier began to crack before it shattered like glass. Waver had managed to break the barrier as Instructor Brady had needed.

However, Waver should have been more prepared. With the stretch of his pinkie's long dark nail, Death extinguished Waver's most powerful attack like a small flame to a child's birthday candle.

The buzzing that radiated from Waver's attack died down almost instantly and the atmosphere became harshly cold. A mixture of black and white then flashed throughout the area making it look like a scene from an old 80s movie.

Waver froze in terror as he stared into the flaming eyes of Death. Cold sweat washed his face and his instincts screamed at him to run.

Unfortunately, Waver was not fast enough to escape. Slowly, Death then flickered his pinkie against Waver's forehead which resulted in his head exploding like a grenade. Blood splattered through the air and the rest of Waver's body was sent swinging through the mountain range like a fidget spinner.

The remaining assassins stared at Death in complete horror. They had never seen a monster with so much power. All their instincts shouted at them to 'RUN'. Chills ran up their spines and their skins tingled with the sense of death.

Instructor Brady, however, didn't have time to be scared or impressed by Death's power. He quickly acted upon the opening that Waver had made for him. Promptly, he extended his hand forward with the seal tag in hopes of placing it on Death's chest.

Unfortunately, Death then looked down at Instructor Brady like an annoying insect. He realized what the Instructor was trying to do and quickly reacted. The Instructor's heart skipped a beat as he met the cold eyes of Death who now radiated murderous intent. Death then rose his katana high above his head as he got ready to end the Instructor's life.

Once again time seemed to slow down. The atmosphere flashed black and white and the oxygen dissipated. This time, a dark beam even charged the tip of Death's sword extending towards the sky.

With one final swing, Death dropped his sword at Instructor Brady cutting him in half. The ground below exploded as if a meteor had crashed into it, shortly after being reduced to endless darkness.

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