The Mind World And The Outcast Hero

Chapter 18: The #4 Assassin

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Instructor Brady had been cut in two. The other assassins watched with a look of horror present across their faces. That monster before them now had nothing to stop it from destroying the Mind World.

"INSTRUCTOR!!!!!" Screamed Sindy.

Instructor Brady had seemingly died right before their eyes. He had been their only hope. Now that he was gone, what could they do to survive?

However, this was when something unexpected happened. To everyone's astonishment, the body of Instructor Brady suddenly turned into a cloud of smoke. The body that Death had sliced in half was, fortunately, a Smoke Clone created by the Instructor.

"Smoke Art: Smoke Clone!!" Yelled the Instructor.

Reappearing from beneath the cloud of smoke was Instructor Brady with his cigar clenched between his teeth. Death had been severely caught off guard by this. There was little to no time for him to even react.

Stretching forth his hand with the Seal Tag in place, Instructor Brady slammed it upon the chest of Death. Death's flaming eyes widened with shock. His angel ring was still incomplete which meant that he could be sealed. There was now nothing he could do to escape his predicament.

With a thunderous bang, a wave of darkness spread throughout the area. All the Death Energy that had been piling up was now receding due to the seal tag. The plan had miraculously succeeded.

"You damned mortal!" Wailed Death as his power significantly weakened.

Death screamed like a demon wreathing in agony. The frustration and pain that came along with the receding of his power were unbearable. Soon after, even the color of the atmosphere began to return to normal before the sky became clear once more.

All the Death Energy that had been released had now returned to Nathan's body. He was now back to normal as a regular human being.

Following this, Nathan fell from the sky before hitting the ground with a painful thud. The nightmare that threatened to destroy the Mind World was now over.

On the other hand, the assassins were relieved. They could hardly believe that everything turned out okay when it seemed as if all hope had been lost. It was all thanks to the Instructor who had managed to pull off the impossible.

With relief now flowing through their bodies like a gentle stream, Sindy and Andrew fell to their knees. Their hearts thumped against their chests and their bodies slightly trembled from the leftover apprehension.

"This is why I don't like to come to the battlefield!" Suddenly exclaimed, Donna.

"I-I thought I was gonna die... I thought I was gonna d-die... H-How am I not dead..?" Shuddered Andrew.

Sindy was the happiest among them. She was glad that Nathan hadn't been swallowed up by the Angel. However, she was still very much worried about him. Hurriedly, she then picked herself up and rushed over to Nathan who was laying motionlessly a few feet before them.

"Nate! Nate! Nate?! Please, wake up..!" She yelled with worry. To make matters worse, he was not responding. She couldn't even tell if he was breathing.

Not even the Angel of Death inside Nathan didn't scare her half as much as him never opening his eyes again.

"He'll be okay..." Suddenly reassured Instructor Brady from behind. "He's just unconscious from all that Spirit Energy that consumed him. Hate to say that he'll probably be out for a day or two though."

Hearing this, Sindy buried her face in Nathan's chest before taking a shaky breath. The fact that he was okay served as a massive relief.

"We need to get out of here and report back to HQ... I'm sure Alondo will want to hear about this..!" Noted the Instructor.

"Wait... Where are Amanda and Leo..?" Suddenly asked Samantha.

A moment of silence then pressed against the ears of everyone present. No one could tell where the two had gone. This was until Instructor Brady slowly pointed towards two lifeless bodies off in the distance.

Everyone froze with a look of horror across their faces. The bodies belonged to Amanda and Leo. They could hardly believe it.

"Wait... H-how did this happen..?" Asked Sindy as a terrifying thought crossed her mind. "It can't be, right..?"

Fortunately, the Instructor shook his head, de-escalating  Sindy's horrific thought.

"From what I, it seems both Amanda and Leo were killed by that other commander. When Nathan saw this, he must have become overcome with rage which triggered his A.O.D transformation. It wasn't his fault... At least that's what I think."

"I see... We should probably get back to the jet then. Miss Donna can recover their bodies," proclaimed Samantha.

"Alright, it's settled then! Let's get back to HQ!" Continued the Instructor.

Sindy and Andrew were extremely confused. No one else seemed too concerned that Amanda and Leo had died. It was as if they were ready to move on despite just learning of their deaths.

"I don't get it... How can you all act so carefree after learning that Amanda and Leo just died..?"

"Don't get it wrong, Mindy. We're not acting carefree. It just makes no sense to stand around moping about the situation. When any of us goes on missions, we're fully aware that we can die. So when one of us does die, all we can do is accept it and move forward. So it's not that we don't care. It bothers us but we still have to acknowledge the fact that we're on a mission. If you want to honor their deaths with tears then you do it when the mission's over. You shouldn't complicate things with your emotions while on a mission."

Sindy understood where the Instructor was coming from. Amanda and Leo had died so that the mission could be successful. If anything were to happen now just because emotions were on high, then that would mean they died for nothing.

It was still painful to know that the ones who had saved them back in the Dark Forest were now dead but they had to accept it and move on.

"I'm sorry... Let's complete the mission then."

Suddenly, a thought ran across Andrew's mind which caused him to look around frantically, almost reopening his wounds. It was as if he was missing something.

"What is it, Andrew..?" Asked Sindy.

"Are you all forgetting the reason we came on this mission in the first place?! We're supposed to rescue the government official!"

A state of shock then came over the Assassins. They had completely forgotten about the government official due to the series of crazy events that had unfolded.

"W-what if he's dead!? What if that Angel killed him?!" Panicked Andrew.

"No, that's crazy! It couldn't be!" Exclaimed Samantha.

While everyone was busy panicking, Instructor Brady wore a confused look on his face.

"Wait, government official? Oh, so that's who that old dude was!"

"Do you know what happened to him, Instructor?!" Queried Sindy.

"Umm, yeah... Uh... Donna beat him to a pulp, tied him up, and threw him in the jet!"

"What?! You're the one that—"

"Donna, no need to lie! We might not understand your reason for doing it but I'm sure it's probably because the guy annoyed you or something."

"Miss Donna, how could you? I thought you were nice!" Cried Andrew in disappointment.

"I thought nurses were kind..." Added Samantha.

"B-But it wasn't me! It was B—"

Instructor Brady then whistled awkwardly, interrupting Donna once again.

"Alright, everyone! Let's get to the jet and report back to HQ!"

A few minutes later, they found the official in the jet with a bloody nose and a black eye. He was in a foul mood due to the way he was treated.

"Wow! Miss Donna, I didn't know you were capable of such a high-level beatdown! This guy's really messed up!" Exclaimed Andrew.

"But it wasn't even me!"

"Is this how AA assassins deal with their clients!?" Boomed the official.

"We're sorry, sir! It won't happen again!" Pleaded Samantha.

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"Won't happen again?! I'll make sure to write a report about this when we get back! First, you take forever to find me, then you beat me up and throw me in this filthy jet when you finally do! Me! Beautiful and God-like, me! Do you know how many hours of sleep and food I've missed?! For once in my life, I missed breakfast! Now I'm like a filthy peasant just like all of you!!! I'm glad I don't have to work such a filthy job like yours to keep myself alive!!"

Suddenly, Sindy slammed her foot into the side of his head, rendering him unconscious. Everyone looked at her amazed by her bravery.

"Nathan needs to rest. I can't have this lunatic making so much noise."

"Nah, you're good. I was gonna do it myself if you didn't," stated Andrew as if he was even in the condition to lift his leg.

The mission was now mostly complete. They had recovered the unconscious body of Nathan as well as the bodies of Amanda and Leo. The only thing left for them to do was to return to HQ.


A few minutes later they arrived back at AA HQ.  Everyone apart from Sindy was rushed to the Medical Bay to be treated for their injuries.

Sindy was only exhausted and wished to get some rest. She then quickly took a bath before directing herself to her room.

However, upon arriving at her room, she found it difficult to fall asleep. All she could think about was Nathan. Her heart fluttered and her skin tingled.  It was a pleasant feeling that made her yearn to make it permanently hers. It was the feeling of love.

Sindy had known Nathan since they were children. Due to this, she had developed feelings for him from a very young age. Nathan had been there for her countless times and they had even shared many memories together. Sindy was even aware of his awful past with his father, James Styles— a topic Nathan had urged her never to speak off, not even to Andrew.

Otherwise, Sindy had never been able to make any additional progress with Nathan. The only time she had ever expressed herself was when he was emotionally broken two days ago.

Sindy was anxious to know if he had remembered her words. Unfortunately, she would have to wait until he woke up to find out.

Just then, she was disturbed by a sudden knock on her room door. She slowly sat herself up as she marveled at who it could be. It was usually taboo to disturb those who had just returned from their missions without permission.

"Who's there?" She asked.


"Umm... Isabel who?"

"Is a bell working?"

Sindy frowned slightly, "Did you just trick me into a cheesy knock-knock joke?"

The door then slid open as the stranger let herself in, "Well, my name is Isabella, sooo it works for me!!" Chuckled the female stranger.

Sindy immediately realized who she was. The mystery figure was none other than Isabella Ross. She was one of the most powerful S-Classed assassins in all of AA. She was also the only other Triple Art User aside from Nathan to grace the organization.

"You're Isabella..!"

Isabella twirled herself like a beautiful ballet before responding. It was quite evident that she had a very cheery personality.

"Yesss! In flesh and blood!" She replied with a cute voice.

Isabella was an SS-classed assassin who was ranked #4 in all of AA. She was a 16-year-old beauty who had never failed a mission since joining the organization a few years back. She had quickly climbed up the ranks after just a few missions. She was the definition of a prodigy.

Isabella's physical features were also very attractive. She was a little short in height and had a very charming voice which was complemented by a gorgeous face. Her snow-white hair flowed along her back elegantly which was also complemented by gorgeous scarlet-red eyes. She even wore a smile that was sweet enough to make any guy diabetic.

Her body was also covered by a beautiful red and white kimono embedded with flower designs. Finally, on her feet, she wore wooden slippers as if she loved Japanese clothing. She was a dream come true for any guy wanting a beautiful girlfriend.

"Wh-why are you here..?" Asked Sindy, respectfully.

Before responding, Isabella placed her finger on her bottom lip and drifted her eyes upwards as if thinking.

"Well... I just got off a mission but for some reason, Alondo wanted me to come here. I think he said something about getting a mission report from you since everyone else is currently injured."


Sindy then instructed Isabella to take a seat before she began her explanation. She went over the mission making sure not to leave out any details including Nathan's transformation, the deaths of Amanda and Leo, and even the different Art Styles that the Clique commanders used.

After the report, Isabella got up and began to move around as if dancing. Once again, Sindy realized

just how energetic she was.

"Interesting... An Angel of Death! I've only heard of them in legends!"

"Yeah... That's everything. I just hope Nathan wakes up like the Instructor predicted..."

Isabella then playfully bit her lip— almost in a sexualized way.

"A Triple Art User like myself that's also the Mind Hero who wields the very rare Death Art. On top of that, he even has an Angel sleeping inside him! Hmmm!! He just gets more and more interesting. I can hardly wait..."

"Hardly wait..? What do you mean?" Asked Sindy curiously.

Isabella chuckled, "Well Nathan's a Triple Art User just like me, soooo... naturally I was instructed by Alondo to train him when he wakes up. I really can't wait to see what he's made of!"

"Oh... That's what you meant... It's just the way you said it. Sorry for misinterpreting..!"

"The way I said what?"

"Nevermind, it's not important."

"Ohhh! I wonder what happens if two Triple Art Users have kids by the way! Do you think they'd have triplets for kids? That would be kinda neat!"

Sindy froze upon hearing Isabella's words. A dark smile then quickly made itself known across her lips.

"Oh, the mom would probably die..."

"No, I actually have a strong body. Hmmm! If anything, maybe Nathan would die trying to give me kids!" Replied Isabella as she bit the tip of her thumb.

"What?! No! That wouldn't even happen to begin with! How can you even say that stuff with a straight face?!"

Instead of responding, Isabella simply smiled at Sindy innocently which provoked her even more. Sindy could hardly believe her confidence.

Suddenly, there was a ring on Isabella's phone which interrupted the two. It was a call from Alondo.

"Oh hey, Alondo!" She answered happily.

"What's taking you so long? Hurry and get back here with the report."

"Okayyyy!! I'll be there in a minute!"

She then hung her phone up and looked at Sindy one last time.

"Well, nice talking to you, Sindy! I'll catch you later! Bye-bye!!"

Isabella then danced her way out of the room. Sindy was slightly worried that Isabella would try to steal Nathan away from her. She had the looks and outgoing personality which could even appeal to someone as dense as Nathan.

She then laid down before allowing sleep to overcome her. There was no point in dwelling on such things for the time being. She just hoped that when she woke up, everything would be back to normal.

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