The Misadventures of Allure Blackhorn

Chapter 12: Chapter 10

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It's been four years since my mission with Lorain. I've continued to teach, study, experiment, and do the occasional mission. I reached level six just recently and Argentian hit level five. It's been a busy few years, but nothing outrageous happened. No more run ins with the Church of Humanity or other dangerous groups beyond the odd bandits.


I'm currently having lunch in the library with Suine and Sinia. We're going over some arcane topics in high spirits. Suddenly I hear an explosion and feel the ground shake a little. It's not common but also not unheard of for explosions to go off in some of the towers, but this sounded too distant, almost like it came from town. We all get up and head out to investigate and when we get outside we see smoke coming from the center of town.


“What's going on!?” I shout, not actually expecting an answer. We start running for the gate and soon see a small crowd around it. We stop at the edge of the crowd and ask the people standing there what's going on.


“Looks like an attack by the Church of Humanity. We've all tried to go out and help fend them off, but the higher ups are blocking us. Seems like they made a deal with 'em, the bastards.” Instructor Gerard responded gruffly. He's a dwarf and was one of my favorite teachers. I pushed my way through the crowd to the front and saw four elderly wizards blocking the way.


“Stop there Allure, we can't let you go any further.” I recognize these four, they're the three masters and grand master of our guild location. I had to report to them about my first mission so long ago. They're all human and I'm starting to suspect supporters of the church.


“Let me through! My aunt and uncle are out there and I'm going to help them!” I yell, but then I suddenly feel dizzy and fall to my knees.


“Apologies but we can't allow any of you through so you are going to take a nap as an example to the others. You there! Dragonborn, take her back to the building. You're her protector, right?”


“I am. Just know that you'll regret siding with that scum one day.” I thought I heard Argentian's voice, but it's getting so hard to stay awake so I'm not sure. Then, as I felt arms around me, I blacked out completely.



I came to slowly and aside from feeling a little groggy I didn't notice anything wrong with my condition. Opening my eyes I first saw Argentian leaning over me. He backed off quickly and called to someone to the side. I looked over and saw Suine rushing over with Sinia right behind her.


“Thank goodness. Are you okay? Nothing wrong?” Suine asked.


“I think I'm okay. I don't hurt anywhere or anything. How long was I out?” I respond.


“About an hour. I don't know what spell they used but it only effected you and lasted way too long to be a normal Sleep spell. After they put you to sleep several people made a fuss and got put to sleep too, so everyone else backed off. We've been looking after you since.” Sinia explained.


“Those old farts! I don't care if they're prioritizing the artifact, they can't go around abusing their authority like that!” Suine exclaimed.

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“What artifact?” I asked.


Suine and Sinia look at each other before Sinia decides to explain. “You know how we're the librarians here right? Over the years we've found mysterious references to an artifact that the guild was founded to protect. Several conversations we've overheard between the higher ups has also lead us to conclude that some kind of dangerous artifact does exist. Suine thinking they're prioritizing the artifact's security over the town is just supposition, but it's based on the evidence we've found.”


“Shit. Okay. You know what, I don't care. I'm going out to look for my aunt and uncle. Argentian, you coming?"


“Always, lassy.” Argentian says proudly. Donning his helmet and grabbing his shield from where it was leaning against the couch.


I get up, taking my time to make sure I don't have any dizzy spells. Then we make our way out. “Good luck Lur.” Suine calls after us.


We make it to the gate and find everyone gone, including the masters. Looking out at the town I can see most of it is reduced to rubble. Smoke is rising here and there and the sky is thick with it. We make our way into town and find corpses strewn everywhere. It seems they didn't spare anybody and I can't hear any sounds that might lead me to anyone alive. We make it to my house and see that half of it has collapsed. I find Auntie laying in her garden. Rolling her over I find a blank stare and a crossbow bold in her chest, right through her heart. I almost break down right there, but I still have to find Uncle. I close her eyes and move on.


We enter the house and find corpses strewn everywhere. In the center I find Uncle, still breathing and leaning against the table. “Uncle!” I cry as I rush toward him. Kneeling down next to him I see that he has cuts all over his body, including a deep one in his stomach.


“His eyes open and he looks at me, “Allure, thank the gods you're alright.” He says tiredly. I can tell he's lost a lot of blood. I don't have any way to save him and it tears me up. I start crying as he opens his mouth again.


“I don't have long left. Under the table, there's some loose boards. Under them there is a secret compartment. Inside is my old adventuring gear, take whatever you might need from there. I'm leaving it all to you. Never forget that we love you like our own. Take care, don't let the church have their way with you. Live freely.” And then he seems to pass out. I know he doesn't have long left so I hold his hand while crying until he stops breathing. I decide right then that I'll leave the guild. They've cost me too much. I don't hate them exactly, but I can't continue as part of them. I imagine I won't be the only one to leave after this either, many members had family in this town besides me.


I lay Uncle down and Argentian moves the table. Seems we're looking into that stash now, though I suppose it's better now than have looters find it. Argentian finds the boards and pry's them up and inside we find a single bag. I've seen bags like this before, it's a Bag of Holding. I put my hand in and a list of items appeared in my mind. It contained Plate+1, Scimitar+1, and Shield+2, all of which can go to Argentian. But it also included a revolver and fifty bullets. I haven't seen a gun since my previous life, but I'm definitely proficient in them if my training still carries over so I'll be using that. I'm already planning for my trip after I bury auntie and uncle. It might sound callus but I desperately need to get away from here.


I go into what's left of my room to grab my traveling bag and toss it into the Bag of Holding. I tell Argentian about the gear suited for him inside as I find a blanket. Taking the blanket I go out and cover Auntie. I'll get help burying them, 'cause I'll have some trouble doing it myself. We head back to the guild for now since I don't have anywhere else to stay. I imagine most of the guild members will be staying there for a while, not to mention the kids that were in school at the time of the attack.


This is such a mess. We'll be burying the dead for days to come, and then I'll turn in my cloak. I don't know where I'll go yet, but I can probably make a decent storyteller by recounting stories from my time playing D&D. I don't know, I'll figure things out, I'll have to.


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