The Misadventures of Allure Blackhorn

Chapter 13: Chapter 11

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A few days later, after burying the dead and rescuing the few survivors we could find, me and the other non-humans in the guild had a meeting. It was basically decided that most of us would be leaving. We'd travel to the closest city of Bistole and find our own ways from there. We're mostly wizards with a smattering of sorcerers so there are plenty of jobs available to us. I'm sticking to my story teller plan, but with a twist. I'll be on the lookout for agents of the Resistance.


I've heard murmurings, little more than rumors, of a group fighting against the Church of Humanity calling themselves the Resistance. First I'll check with the temples, and if that doesn't work I'll figure something else out. I really have no leads to go on here. I'm flying blind. Argentian doesn't know anymore than I do and everyone I've asked has heard nothing but the same rumors I have. Argentian totally agrees with me about finding and joining them. We've had quite enough of the church.


Anyway, we all left after leaving our cloaks in a big pile. We should be safe enough as a big group like this. Everyone had already prepared as much as they could, so we set out right away. We walked until sunset then set about getting camp ready. Fires were lit, edible plants and animals gathered and some of us set about cooking for the rest. I helped out as an assistant. I wasn't much help, lets be honest here, but the food turned out edible all the same. We quickly decided on a watch rotation and went to bed.


We were on first watch, and me and Argentian were paired with the dwarf, Gerard, the former instructor. He started smoking a pipe of what smells like his normal dwarvish tobacco. The smell was relaxing, and some of the stress of the last few days seemed to roll off my shoulders. He noticed how I was enjoying the smell and asked if I wanted to try some. I figured why not, so he pulled out a spare pipe and showed me how to fill and light it. He was apparently a purist who didn't like lighting a pipe with magic. My first hit was okay, I surprisingly didn't choke, though I almost did. The smell of tobacco filled my nose and the taste was intense, bitter with a herbaceous aftertaste. I quickly got used to it and Gerard explained that it was a common blend used to relax and sharpen the mind. He told me to keep the pipe, and thank Freyr whenever I smoked it. Soon our watch was over and we all got some sleep.


Nothing popped out at us last night so we quickly packed up and set off on the last stretch towards Bistole. We reached the city just as the sun was beginning to set and said our farewells to each other before going out to find inns. Me and Argentian found the same one we stayed at those years ago and got a double room. It's not exactly proper I suppose for me and him to share a room, but neither of us feels safe without the other close by after what happened to Petra. I noticed a few more of our group following us in and ordering rooms. I'm glad we already knew where this place was or we might have been out of luck. We had dinner and went to bed soon after.


The next morning we went to the temple. Norse temples are fairly simple in design. Cobble stone foundation with wooden exterior and glass windows. The temples are actually a complex of buildings each for different purposes. What most people think of as the temple is really just a meeting place and where they accept donations. We quickly found a priest, an elf, and asked to speak privately. He led us to a meeting room where we all sat down and I began by asking some questions.


“Do you know about the Church of Humanity?” I asked.


“Yes. They're a foul bunch who go around killing non-humans willy-nilly.” He answered.


“Well a few days ago they attacked Petra and razed the town. The Red Cloak Mages Guild took a neutral stance and refused to help drive them off. I left to try and find a way to fight the church. Any help you could give me would be appreciated. Please point me in the direction of the Resistance.”


“I can't help you, I'm sorry. We of the temples do support the Resistance, but mostly that takes the form of giving them sanctuary and fighting with them when called. No one here knows how to contact them.” He said quietly, “And please keep that to yourself. Our support of the Resistance is something of an open secret, but we don't want it bandied about to everyone on the street.”


“Damn, I was hoping to find them quickly, but I suppose they wouldn't be a secret society if they were easy to find.” I said in response.


“Don't worry, lassy. We'll find 'em one way 'er another, jus' give it time.” Argentian comforted me. He was just as keen on joining the resistance as I was. Him and Uncle were good friends, especially after he started guarding me. If me and him got relatively close all those years, they got even closer. Drinking long into the night and talking about old battles.


“I can't tell you how to find them, but after we've verified your identity I might be able to help you in a different way. You're clearly non-humans, but we can't be too careful with the church involved. Stick around town and we'll send someone to find you after a few days once we've done our due diligence. What are your names?”

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“Allure Blackhorn.”


“Argentian Frostbane.”


“Family names... Are you two nobles perchance?” the priest asks in surprise.


“Ah am, yeah. Got knighted years back. Since then I settled down in Petra and started guarding this lassy.” Argentian said proudly, but I noticed a shadow in his eyes. Perhaps he was thinking about his past.


My turn. “I'm not a noble. From what my uncle told me the Blackhorns are descended from old nobility that fell a long time ago. We're talking about before Rustria united the region even.”


“Ah, I see. Thank you, We'll contact you once we have everything checked out. I'll show you out now, but feel free to come to the temple again anytime. We offer counseling services, you might want to consider it if your claim of what happened to Petra is true.” The elvish priest shows us out patiently and we decide to head back to the inn for now.


As we're walking I notice someone tailing us in the shadows. He or she is very good and I noticed more by chance than anything. I secretly inform Argentian and he seems to take it in stride, saying: “They're either from the temple er the church. I can't imagine the church singling us out unless they were privy to our conversation, which I doubt. More likely they're from the temple then. D'ya want ta confront 'em?”


“No.” I say, “Not yet. We'll keep an eye on them and make sure they don't try anything more than watching. If they are from the temple I'd rather not piss them off just in case they might still help us. The temples are basically our only lead right now and I'd rather not lose that.”


“Alright, we watch and wait. We'll take shifts on watch at night jus' in case. Hopefully they're from the temple.” Argentian agrees, though he seems a little reluctant. He probably hoped to confront them, but not only could that be dangerous it could also sour relations with the temples, and I'd rather avoid that.


I decide to make a stop along the way and bought some of that dwarvish tobacco for myself. Hey, maybe I can work the smoke into my storytelling, like that one famous wizard. You aren't a true fantasy fan if you don't know who I'm talking about. I don't know any spells that specifically manipulate smoke, but I'm sure I can make due with Prestidigitation; that spell's all about little tricks like that. Anywhoozle, I'll figure it out later.


We make it back to the inn and I practice with my smoke the rest of the day while Argentian drinks. I make some decent progress and my companion spends an alarming amount of money, but he tells me not to worry about it so I put it in the back of my mind for now. We end the day by taking turns keeping watch at night, but no one jumps out to assassinate us so I'd call that a win. At least for now.


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