The Misadventures of Allure Blackhorn

Chapter 16: Chapter 14

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The next morning we packed up and headed to the tavern room. Just as we were having breakfast Izzy and Willow joined us. “Alright,” Willow starts, “If you're gonna travel with us we should tell you where we're headed. We'll be heading to Shaytown, which if you don't know is several days away on foot. We'll also stop by villages and towns on the way to earn money.”


“We could also rent a carriage, but if funds are limited, walking would be the better option.” Izzy adds.


“Funds are no problem.” Argentian says, “Ah've got a fair bit o' coin on me. Ah was saven up for these last years, and luckily no on' found mah stash.”


“Well that's good to know. Don't worry, I don't intend on using you as a cash cow. I'm just happy we won't have to dip into some rainy day funds of ours. We could save a little money on the rental if someone here knows how to drive, though me and Willow don't.” Izzy says with a joking tone getting more serious towards the end.


“I can't help you there.” I say, “I've never even been near a horse.”


“Ah've got training with horses. Ah c'n drive no problem.” Argentian responds.


“Okay. It sounds like we can cut travel time down a decent bit. Means we won't have as many stops to gather funds, but we also won't be traveling as long and won't need as much.” Izzy says. It's hard to read her, she controls her face and body movements too well to give anything away. I'd bet that's a great boon to have while traveling around for the resistance.


After everyone had eaten we set out to find a carriage. Luckily Izzy and Willow knew where to find them and we had a simple horse and carriage before noon. The horse was brown with a large whitish spot on it hindquarters, and apparently named Spot. The cart was a simple one made from wood and without a roof. We payed a few gold pieces for it so hopefully it's up to a journey. We can return the cart to the corresponding stables in Shaytown; it's basically a franchise, though they don't call it that. We piled in with Argentian in the driver's seat and finally set off.


We traveled for two days before anything happened. On the third day we set out from the small village we stayed the night in; the day was beautiful with clear skies and warm sun. We we passing by a grove of trees when they appeared. Thirteen bandit looking guys come out and surround our cart; four in the back and nine up front. “Stop the cart ya bastards! Kill the men and take the women Gahahaha!” One of them babbled loudly. Argentian stops the cart and we make preparations to fight.


Izzy looks around at the target rich environment, “Bandits, bandits everywhere, now which one do I choose? If I'm gonna kill someone I think it will be you!” She says before pointing at one of the two better dressed bandits and casts a spell. Nothing seems to happen at first, but then the bandit she pointed at starts screaming and turns tail; he runs a ways away before I make my move.


“I'll clear the backside!” I say as I cast Fireball at the four grouped up behind us. They're burned to ashes in seconds. Then I hear the other better dressed bandit call out to his men.


“Spread out and fire crossbows!” They instantly put distance between each other and fire their bolts. Most of them fire at Argentian, but his armor's impenetrable. One came at me, but Willow nabs it out of the air and throws it back, hitting him in the arm. And the rest miss their targets. It's then that I notice one bandit wearing robes and hiding in the back cast a spell. I recognize it as Hold Person, but Argentian shrugs it off and I'm not sure he even noticed that he was targeted. The guy who ran starts making his way back and the guy who gave orders starts running toward us.

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Argentian jumps down to meet him before he can make it to our cart; pulling out all the stops he strikes four times. The bandit only manages to parry one blow, the others leaving bloody gashes. Willow jumps down and walks to Argentian saying, “Keep Allure covered, we'll front-line for us.” Then vanishes, appearing close to some of the crossbow bandits. She starts glowing with a harsh light from within and punches a bandit, whose head explodes in a blinding flash. The light around her seems to cause pain to anyone too close, including herself.


“Ooh, if Willow's going to get flashy, then so will I.” and casts Vicious Mockery at the guy who ran away, then she runs up to meet him in close combat. Then it's my turn; I move behind Argentian and cast Magic Missile at the guy he's fighting, dealing a little damage. The bandits are done reloading their crossbows by this time and fire again. Only one finds it's target, grazing Izzy. The bandit facing Izzy takes her distraction as a chance to attack and hits her three times. She managed to ward off lethal damage but she's starting to bleed. At the same time The guy facing Argentian is also attacking but his blows are masterfully deflected by his shield. They begin to trade blows but neither can get a hit in for now.


Willow doesn't miss her chance and attacks two of the crossbow bandits in rapid succession, killing both of them before they know what's happened then begins making her way to the bandit wizard. Izzy casts another spell and her bandit's sword becomes red hot, forcing him to drop it and badly burning his hand. Then she swings at him with her circular harp, which I see has grown some blades since last I saw it. Unfortunately her attack is deflected by his dagger. I lean out from behind Argentian and cast Chromatic Orb but it misses the mark and burns up a tree. Fortunately the fire doesn't spread.


Izzy's bandit manages to cut her with his dagger, while Argentian continues to block for me. The bandit wizard casts Shocking Grasp at Willow but she parries him handily. Never try to out melee a monk, I guess. The remaining crossbow bandits fire again, but Willow once again grabs the bolt out of the air and throws it back, killing another bandit. Aanother one grazes Izzy again and the last plinks off Argentian's armor. Argentian and his bandit are still in a stalemate while Willow hits the wizard with a flurry of blows, killing him. Then she stops glowing and moves toward Izzy, probably to give her a hand.


Izzy casts another spell and this time her bandit's dagger heats up, forcing him to drop it too and again burning his hand. Then she slashes him again with her harp. By now my next spell is ready and I lean out again, casting Chromatic Orb again and this time I hit, lighting Argentian's bandit up with lightning. Izzy's bandit growls as he picks up his scimitar and slashes at her and dealing more damage. Argentian is still in a deadlock with his bandit but manages to get a small hit in. The remaining crossbows are fired at Argentian and he blocks them handily.


Willow launches a flurry of blows at Izzy's bandit and deals what looks like some serious damage, all while also healing Izzy somehow. Then Izzy casts another spell and her bandit starts screaming horribly as he dies. Then I cast Chromatic Orb at third level and hit Argentian's bandit full in the chest, burning most of his torso away in seconds. The remaining two bandits turn and run but Willow chases them down and beats them to death. Never try to out run a monk, I guess. She comes back saying, “The stragglers are dealt with.”


“That was rough. Ya okay lassy?” Argentian says walking up to Izzy and handing her a potion. Honestly, what was she thinking rushing ahead like that when she's supposed to be a caster? I'd warn her but we don't know each other well enough yet. She seemed cheerful when the battle began, but that doesn't mean much when she can control her reactions so well. Maybe she loses her cool with bandits?


“Thanks. We'll replace the potion later.” Izzy says while grinding her heel into the dead bandit's face. Yup, loses her shit in front of bandits, pretty much confirmed. Girl's got some kinda grudge going on there.


She and Willow start stripping the bandits of any usable gear and tossing it into the cart. After a moment Argentian and I start helping. Unfortunately most of the armor is unusable but Izzy manages to repair some of it using Mending. The weapons carried by the bandits that I Fireballed are burnt up or damaged in some way, Argentian says the heat treatment on the swords is screwed up now so they're almost useless. I don't know what the girls want with this junk, but we're taking it.


Hopefully we won't run into any more trouble on the way.


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