The Misadventures of Allure Blackhorn

Chapter 17: Chapter 15

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Fortunately we managed to make it to Shaytown without any further interruptions. We arrived in late afternoon and turned in the horse and cart. Then we went to find an inn; Izzy says we'll find our contact tomorrow. I could use the rest honestly, it took about two and a half days riding in that cart to arrive here and my butt could use a break. You never really know what you've got until it's gone, and I sorely miss suspension systems. Funny thing is I couldn't make one even if I wanted to; unlike all those isekai tropes, I don't have the tools or knowledge I'd need to even start.


Once we found an inn Izzy turned to us and started talking, “So before I go book our rooms I need to know if we'll be getting two rooms for two or one room for four.”


“A four person room would be fine, right?” I answered, “It might be cheaper that way.”


“Sounds good to me, I just didn't know if you guys wanted your privacy.” Izzy said. “There is one other matter, normally me and Willow would perform to cover our stay, but I'm not sure if that's an option since most of the time they expect the entire group to perform. No offense to you guys but I'm sure putting on a performance isn't as second nature to you as it is to me. There's the second option of me solo performing and using whatever tips I bring in, but that isn't guaranteed to bring in enough to cover the full cost. How do you want to play this?”


“Ah'm leavin it up to y'all. Ah'm jus' gonna have a drink, ifin no one minds.” Argentian replied.


“I only mind if you don't share.” Willow said jokingly.


“Ha! Ah'll buy us a round.”


“Ah, I'm good, thanks.” I said. Seems we have another drinker in the party. I never noticed probably because she was always stuck performing with us at every inn along the way. Though she did always order something on her breaks; I thought it was to keep her throat moist, but maybe she just likes ale?


Izzy looked over at Willow and said with a chuckle, “Well I know what your vote is.”


“Um, I think I'd rather practice with my smoke. I'm almost good enough to incorporate it into my storytelling.” I finally said in answer to Izzy's question.


“A solo show it is then. It would be good to see how I measure up alone every now and then.” She then walked over to the inn keeper and booked our room. Her offer to perform for the evening was excitedly accepted. We made our way to the room to unload our extra stuff. Everything I had was in my Bag of Holding, but the others were carrying various things that they didn't want to cart around forever. Argentian for example had his backpack with rations and tent and whatnot inside, though he held on to his shield and weapon. Truly a knight-like person here... When he's not drinking, which is never.


“Alright, do ya mind coming with me for a bit, Allure?” Izzy said once she'd set down some of her instruments; which I realize now sometimes double as weapons. “We're gonna sell that gear we got off the bandits.”


“Sure, I don't mind. Got a place in mind?” I asked.


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“Sure do. We're off ta find a blacksmith.” Izzy said jovially. And so we set off while the other two had a drinking contest. I cast Mage Armor on myself just to be safe, you never know when someone could ambush you. We wondered around the business district for a few minutes before finding a blacksmith. We entered the shop and found a simple storefront with various metal goods on display. There was everything from swords to horseshoes. There was no one in sight, but I could hear the sound of hammering metal coming from the back.


“Hey'oh, anyone there!?” Izzy called out and shortly thereafter we heard the hammering stop. A stout male dwarf came to the front and greeted us.


“Hey, what's up? Need something repaired?” He asked.


“Not quite, good sir. We're more in the market for selling at the moment.” Izzy responded.


“Alright, let's see wha'chu got.” So we started pulling out the various items for sale, much to the amazement of the blacksmith. After seeing everything he gave us 286 gold pieces total for what I consider junk. Even at a major discount, which I'm sure it was, that's a good bit of money. We each said our thanks and made our way back, happy with a good deal, I suppose.


When we got back only a little under an hour had passed and we found both Argentian and Willow deep in their cups. In other words they were plastered and laughing the day away. Me and Izzy decided to split the money later so that they won't spend it all in a day, and possibly get alcohol poisoning. For now the coins will sit in my Bag of Holding. Izzy started setting up for her performance and I found a corner to practice with my smoke while the other two continued to drink.


Soon enough Willow passed out and Argentian picked her up and wobbled back to our room. Hopefully he didn't damage anything or anyone on the way. I'll check on them later. I decided I'd had enough practice with my smoke so I think I'll try telling a story using the new skills with Prestidigitation. I found a place in the corner where people could hear me and got their attention. I told a story about defeating a Vampiric lord who had been terrorizing a town. I thought I told it well and the applause I got affirmed it. I got 30 silver pieces for my storytelling which is pretty good for a story from my time playing D&D in my past life. Thanks Strahd, for dying in the end.


Soon Izzy started playing and I found myself just listening. No use trying to tell stories while her music's taking the spotlight. She was good, but not earth shatteringly so. I figured she was playing casually so as to conserve her stamina for a long show, because I've heard her play much better. Her music was still good enough for a tavern like this and the patrons seemed to enjoy it.


As the day wore on Izzy continued to play with short breaks between songs. I decided it was time to check on our companions so I got up and headed to our room. I found Argentian and Willow passed out in a pile on one of the beds. Argentian had forgotten to take off his armor and Willow was grimacing as she used his chest-plate as a pillow. It was kinda cute, but I think he's a little old for her. Argentian's sixty-eight and dragonborns only live an average of eighty years, so he's up there in age. I don't know exactly how old Willow is but she can't be much older than me. She doesn't look old at least and she appears human enough, besides her crazy eyes, so I doubt she too old yet.


I decided to wake them up and put them to bed properly. Gently shaking first Willow then Argentian, I got them up. They still seemed groggy and maybe still drunk, so I helped Willow to bed while Argentian doffed his armor. They fell asleep again immediately so I headed back down to the tavern to get a meal. It was about time for dinner by this point.


When I got there the room was packed with the dinner rush. I found a seat and a waitress came over in a fluster, she seemed busy so I gave my order and let her go on. Izzy had upped her game with the packed crowd, her music was phenomenal and I got lost in the sound for a while. I was startled when my meal arrived. It was simple tavern fare, hard bread with some kind of soup and a small steak made from who-knows-what, and my drink was simply water. I ate quickly; it was very good. The steak was probably boar, given the taste and the soup was simple vegetable soup. Dipping the bread softened it enough to eat.


I decided to call it a day at that point so I waved to Izzy and headed to bed. Goodnight.


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