The Misadventures of Allure Blackhorn

Chapter 18: Chapter 16

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The next day I got up early. After preparing my spells I walked down to the tavern where I found Argentian having himself some hair of the dog. “Oh, mornin lassy! Thanks for your help last night.” He didn't seem to have a hangover so he's really just day-drinking at this point.


“No problem. You sure you should be drinking this early?” I asked.


“Naw, this is nothin. Ah know how ta pace mahself. Yesterday was jus' a special occasion.” He said. Right, special. I feel like he just wanted to let loose with someone who could keep up with him. I've seen him fully drunk only a handful of times, and fortunately he's usually a happy drunk. The few times I've seen him really laugh are when he's completely wasted and forgetting all his worries. I honestly wish he could get to that point without drinking, but it is what it is.


“So now we just wait for the others to wake up, right?” I asked.


“Right. Ah figur it'll be a lil' bit. Izzy stayed up late playin' music, an' Willow prolly has a hangover.” He answered.


“Now that's got me wondering why you don't have a hangover. You drank just as much, right?”


“It's jus' mah constitution. Gots an eighteen in Con which helps.”


“Dang, that's pretty good.” I said. That answers so many questions about his drinking tolerance. I always wondered how he could drink all day and not get drunk. Honestly, what a uselessly perfected skill. I mean, I understand wanting to forget something, but he's gone above and beyond that to make it practically an art.


Just then Izzy came down the stairs and called out to us. “Heya, good morning! Willow will be a bit, she doesn't want to divorce the bed quite yet.” She said with a giggle.


“Ah say we 'ave some breakfast while we wait then.” Argentian suggests. So I flaged down the waitress and we ordered breakfast. It's unfortunate that there aren't many options here. It's not like my old world, here you get what's being served at the time. It's more convenient for the staff that way, but it makes me realize that everyone in my old world was spoiled for choices even just for going out to eat. The food's still good, don't get me wrong; I just miss having options.


After we ate Willow came down. She looked the worse for wear and was obviously sporting a killer headache. We waited for her to eat something and I had her drink plenty of water. I learned in my last life that rehydrating after a night drinking will help you get over a hangover faster. At least sometimes, it didn't always work unfortunately.


Anywhoozle, once everyone was ready Izzy decided it was time for us to head for our rendezvous. We headed out into the town and I swear Willow hissed at the morning light. I cast Mage Armor again, just to be safe and Argentian stayed close, though he didn't have his shield at the ready or anything.

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We walked until we entered the slums. I'm gonna be honest, it stank badly. I screwed up my face at the stench, though I seemed to be the only one having trouble with it. Eventually we came to a particular house where Izzy knocked on the door in a particular rhythm. Then a young man, maybe a little younger than me, opened the door and ushered us inside. The smell wasn't as bad inside so I could relax a little.


“He's in the back.” The young man said quietly. Izzy waved us forward and lead the way further into the house. We quickly came to a dark backroom where a male elf was sitting at a table with the only candle in front of him. Makes sense that people living in this area wouldn't be able to afford magic lighting. They don't cost much, but oil lamps and candles are much cheaper.


“Nice to see you again, Izzy. Willow. Are these the new recruits you want to bring in?” The elf asked. He seemed acquainted with our guides. He was well dressed, enough that he looked out of place here in the slums. On his chest was a pin with the Resistance symbol on it, marking him as a member.


“Yup,” Izzy started, “This is Argentian Frostbane, and Allure Blackhorn. Argentian's the knight who fought the Church before, and I'm pretty sure you've heard of Allure's parents.”


“Well, we've done our initial background checks on these two, and they appear to be who they say they are. Argentian and Allure, I'll ask you this now. Why do you want to join us?” He asked with a serious look. It was like he was daring us to say something stupid, to give him an excuse. Argentian spoke up first.


“Ah've had enough of those church bastards doin' whatever they want. Killin' people, destroyin' lives and towns left an' right. Ah've fought them before and with or without your help ah'll fight them again.” He said with some heat in his voice.


“And I'm right there with him. The church forced my parents to separate from me and killed the people I called family. I won't stop until they pay.” I said, more honestly than I'd like to admit. I'm nervous about how he'll react to our reasons.


“... So, righteous indignation and revenge, eh?” Mr elf said after a pause. “I've certainly heard worse reasons for trying to fight the church. Plenty of our members share your reasons. I've heard enough. Izzy and Willow, you'll be in charge of guiding and training these two until they can function as members of the resistance on their own, though seeing as you're a two man cell you could definitely use more people anyways. I'll be in touch.” And then he got up and walked to the back wall where he pushed on a board, opening a secret passage. He left without another word, the door sealing itself behind him and leaving no trace of it's existence.


Then Izzy turned to us with a big smile on her face and said, “And with that congratulations are in order. You've been admitted into the resistance!” She patted me and Argentian on the shoulder and continued, “Come on then, no time to lose. I'll have you two learn everything you need to know as proper members. Let's get back to the inn and we'll go over the basics.”


Finally, we've successfully joined the resistance. But this is just the beginning for us. I foresee a long road to freedom for all of us. I have to get stronger and fast. No more taking things slowly as I have till now. Who knows how things will progress from here?


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