The Monarch Wants to Forget

Chapter 11: Weapon for the Lazy 

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After memorizing the Heavenly Stars technique Bruce left the building and headed back to this courtyard to practice. After several hours, he got the hang of the technique, but his body could no longer sustain the energy from the stars. Bruce blacked out for 15 hours before getting awoken by Lisa.

"Bruce, are you okay? It's not like you to skip out on Breakfast and Lunch"

Bruce opened his eyes and saw a beautiful figure staring at him lovingly. Bruce let out a yawn and grabbed water to drink.

"I've been busy practicing a technique. The toll of the technique on my body is quite immense. I probably can't use the technique without taking any drawbacks until I reach the Divine King realm."

After assuring Lisa that he was fine, Bruce headed straight to the dining room and chowed down on any food that he could find.

The previous night was extremely valuable to him as he now knew his current limits when using Heavenly Stars. It's truly a magnificent technique. By his estimation, this technique is far more powerful than those of the Divine Emperor backgrounds.

'I wonder what happened to the original owner of the technique. The owner must have been an epoch giant who could destroy countries easily. Perhaps I could deduce the missing parts of the Heavenly Stars and fully utilize it later on'

After revitalizing his energy, Bruce went to the family's treasure room to pick out a weapon. He will have to fend for himself alone in the future and it's a good idea to have a weapon to increase his combat prowess.

As he looked through several weapons in the family's treasure room, he got a bit depressed.

'Man, what the hell is this crap. Swords are cool and all, but to master the sword, I must become the sword through intense training and diligence. Pass.'

Though swords are a popular weapon choice in the world, the intensity of training greatly appalled him. He had heard from his grandpa that many sword users dedicated their entire lives to mastering the ways of the sword.

Some even went on deep meditation with nothing but their swords to learn enlightenment. For Bruce, might as well kill him right there if he has to forgo everything and focus solely on the sword to reach the pinnacle.

Sword qi and sword intents can all go to hell. It's definitely not worth it for him to go through tribulations to achieve those levels.

'Alright, next is the spear. What the fuck. It's the exact same thing as the sword according to the manuals!'

To master the spear, one must practice the basic moves thousands of times and go through spear tribulations to create spear intents. In the spear cultivation manual, the owner had lost his arm and had to use his other arm as a spear to gain spear intent…

'Motherfucker! why are all the popular weapons like this. What's the point of obtaining spear intents if I can summon a giant meteor onto someone'

As Bruce started to disregard popular weapons' usefulness in his current situation, he came across something interesting that was stored at the back of the treasure room.

The object was a gun and seemingly hidden from everything because guns are for commoners, not cultivators. A bullet shot from a gun can easily be dodged by an expert cultivator.

Even the damage from the bullet is inconsequential as the body of experts is harder than steel itself. Frankly, a basic energy blast would deal more damage than a flying bullet.

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'Hmm, what if the gun isn't shooting bullets but very precise energy blasts? Though one can use energy to create blasts or devastating elemental attacks, these attacks are not necessarily deadly as they typically have a large impact radius'

'It's very difficult to control one's energy to be as precise as a bullet and deadly as an elemental attack. The gun can also amplify the speed of the attack so that it's harder for enemies to dodge. Plus, I can use a gun and armor defensively if I have a confrontation with a sword or spear user'

Bruce took a good look at the gun in his hand and realized it won't be able to do what he needed it to do since it can only shoot bullets. Sending energy into the gun would just destroy the gun immediately. He knew he had to make drastic modifications to it to turn it into a deadly weapon.

'With only 2 weeks left, I can get the weaponsmith and runemaster of the family to create a gun that fits my need. Then I should be ready to head out.'

Bruce quickly gathered the weaponsmith and runemaster of the family to provide them with the specifications of his new weapon.

"Young master, are you sure you want to use a gun as a weapon? It's a weapon used by lowly mortals who can't advance beyond the Body Refinement Stage" The weaponsmith warned Bruce as he did not think it was a good idea.

"Don't worry Ron, I know what I am doing. Please trust me on this as this is the best weapon for me. Runemaster Yi, would you also work with Ron to ensure that the gun can handle energy from a Divine King user?"

"Young master, it's definitely possible for me to do that but the materials for the runes and the physical materials for the gun will be very expensive" Runemaster Yi has made several Divine King level weapons in his life and knew that the price for these weapons is astronomical.

"Don't worry about the cost. The Stellae family is quite rich nowadays. Use as much material as you need. I'd like to have the weapon ready for it within two weeks"

"I'll inform my father to also pay you guys extra to drop everything on your schedule currently to work on this weapon for me"

"Understood young master, we'll get started right away. It will be ready for you in two weeks. One more thing before you leave, how many elemental runes do you want this weapon to have?"

In this world, weapons are empowered by embedding runes onto them. The runes have specific characteristics that would empower the user's elemental attacks when used with the weapon.

"Oh. Please embed all six elemental runes onto the weapon" Bruce replied and shocked the two masters on the scene.

"Young master, do you have affinities with all 6 elements?" Runemaster Yi exclaimed as it was unheard of for someone to have affinities with six elements in the entire history of the continent.

"No, I do not. However, I want this weapon to be flexible enough that I can lend it to my comrades who happen to have affinities with the other elements." Even though Bruce already knew he had affinities with six elements, he did not want anyone to know as that would only bring trouble to him.

"Oh, that makes sense. Well, then young master we'll get to work as soon as possible. You will receive your new weapon within two weeks"

After bidding farewell to the runemaster and weaponsmith, Bruce went out once again to obtain what he needed for his plan two weeks from now. Bruce sighed deeply as one mistake in the plan could cost him his life.

"All of you bastards who are planning for my death two weeks from now. I swear to the heavens that I'll come back later and crush all of you into pieces"

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