The Monarch Wants to Forget

Chapter 12: Leaving

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"It appears that the kid will be leaving the city in 2 weeks. I have informed the Twilight Tower of the news and they'll be ready to strike once he leaves the vicinity of the city" Alizah informed Forest Hopkins of the current situation as the family was getting ready to strike.

"Good. Do you know how many Divine Emperor experts the Twilight Tower will be sent to kill that brat?" Forest asked Alizah as he was curious about the strength of the Twilight Tower.

"I'm not sure as all the tips are sent anonymously to the Twilight Tower. But according to my intel from their past deeds, they will send at least 2 divine emperor experts to kill the brat"

"Seriously? Two divine emperor experts are enough to wipe out an entire country in one hour. It's really no wonder that the Twilight Tower controls a third of the Dark Forces in the continent" Forest's face was shocked after hearing what Alizah just said.

Divine emperors are simply too powerful and rare on the continent. Even the Fire Kingdom only has two Divine Emperors.

"Now that the brat's death is sealed, make sure that Jonathan is motivated again. He is the hope of this family"

"The moment he becomes a Divine Emperor, we can take over the entire kingdom!" Alizah spoke elatedly as he looked toward the future.

Bruce Stellae will definitely die in two weeks. Though it'd be terrible for the Twilight Tower not to succeed in killing the brat 2 weeks from now, his life was already sealed the moment the Dark Forces come to learn about him. Any prodigy that has the potential to upset the balance between the Alliance Kingdom and Dark Forces had been killed by either side in the past.

Knowing the historical outcome of the past, both sides would never be willing to overinvest in protecting the prodigies since both sides have the capability to kill them before they can grow.

Alizah chuckled as he remembered the Imperial Guardians that came over to the city to protect Bruce Stellae. It was obvious that the Alliance of Kingdoms had already planned to not invest in Bruce. If it had, it would have sent at least two divine emperors to protect him at all times.

Unfortunately for the prodigies, it costs much less for both sides to assassinate the prodigies than to protect them. Divine emperors are the core strengths of both factions. Sending divine emperors out to kill a target for a couple of hours is less costly than having divine emperors protect a target at all times.

"I sure hope that old hag, Jennifer Blackthorne, dies in this exchange. If she dies, then we can take over the country before Jonathan becomes Divine Emperor" Forest smiled splendidly as he imagined the outcome if Jennifer Blackthorne dies.

In the past, both he and Logan competed for Elizabeth Blackthorne with him losing in the end. Due to that, the Stellae family stabilized its status as the ruler of Meropis country due to Jennifer Blackthorne.

If Jennifer dies, the Hopkins family can openly compete with the Stellae family for control of the country.

While the Hopkins family was celebrating Bruce's upcoming demise, Bruce was in his courtyard testing out his new weapon, the elemental gun that he ordered 2 weeks ago.

"Haha, this is the greatest invention yet! This gun is much better than those swords and spears."

After testing out his new weapon, Bruce was elated to see that it had performed much better than he had expected. By only sending his energy onto the gun, he could shoot his target at lightning speed with extreme precision that he himself wouldn't be able to dodge.

All of his target practices got their hearts pierced immediately without any time to react. Furthermore, he could amplify the blast by using elemental energies accordingly. He could make the target burn or freeze as he wished. Now the hard part is naming the gun since it'll be with him forever.

"I shall call you Light Piercer"

With Light Piercer completed, Bruce now has everything he needed for his trip to Imperial Academy. It's time to leave the Meropis Country and begin his new journey.

The next day.

"Goodbye, everyone! I'll see you all once I graduate from the Imperial Academy."

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"You brat, make sure you don't slack off in the academy and study well." Logan lectured Bruce one last time before his son leaves for the academy. This was an emotional moment for him because his son will now be alone at the age of 10.

"Son, make sure you write to me every day"

"Also, make sure to eat well and sleep whenever you want. You need to grow much more before you can become a man" Elizabeth was in tears as she said goodbye to her son. She hoped that her son could get to the academy safely without any trouble.

"Alright, enough farewells. Bruce, get inside the carriage and I'll inform the Imperial Guardian to start heading out to the Imperial Academy" Jennifer ended the farewell sessions and gravitated the carriage upward, and move ahead. The imperial guardians soon followed her and started their journey back to the Imperial Academy.

Inside the Stellae castle, a maid saw the group leaving and immediately informed the Hopkins family through a transmission charm.

"Sir, the group has left the Stellae castle and heading toward the Imperial Academy"

"Good job, you'll be rewarded handsomely. Now destroy the charm discretely and continue as usual" Alizah smiled after hearing the news from his spy. He quickly informed the Twilight Organization of the news.

Not too far from the City of Gold, two figures appeared in the air.

"I just received news that the boy is now leaving the city. You'll need to fight Jennifer Blackthorne for a bit while I slaughter the Imperial Guardians and the boy" A bald old man in a black cloak spoke to his partner in this mission, another Divine Emperor expert from the Twilight Tower.

"It's practically impossible for us two to win against Jennifer since she's a High Stage Divine Emperor but I can hold her off for a few minutes while you carry out the mission" A young man with an arrogant look replied.

"A few minutes is enough for me to kill that boy, let's do it quickly. If we stay here too long, other Divine Emperor experts from the Alliance will come here to kill us"

"Heh, how many times have we done this in the past century?"

"Way too many times to fail now and demolish our reputation as the father and son duo of the Twilight Tower" The old man replied, and the duo went ahead toward the direction of the group.

"Madam, I sense two divine emperors coming near us!" One of the Divine Kings in the Imperial Guardians spoke out as he sensed powerful auras approaching them.

"These dark forces bastard really want to kill my grandson. How did they even know we are leaving at this moment? There must be spies in the Stellae family!" Jennifer turned enraged as she knew this would be a difficult battle as she cannot defeat two divine emperors easily.

"Bruce, you stay inside and don't come out until everything is over. Everyone, I need you all to protect the carriage while I attempt to kill the Divine Emperors." Jennifer shouted loudly and got out her weapons to prepare for this fight.

The father and son duo approached Jennifer and greeted her with a cold smile.

"Sorry Jennifer but today your grandson dies. Don't take it personally as it's just business" The old man greeted Jennifer before taking out his weapon.

"So, it's the father and son duo, Ling and Fan. If you bastards kill my grandson today, I'll hunt down both of you for eternity!"

"Your grandson's fate is already sealed the moment he revealed his four elemental affinities" The old man named Fan spoke and began to attack the group with his son, Ling.

The battle began.

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