The Neighboring Aarya-san who Sometimes Acts Affectionate and Murmuring in Russian

Chapter 41: Volume 4 - CH 6

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I want to be a turtle 

TL/ED/Proofreader: NaCl

"Eh? Where did Alya go?"

When Masachika finished cooling his head (TN: and his third leg too probably) in the sea and returned to the beach area, he only found the group of second years. Turning back, he saw Yuki with a large buoy and had just emerged from the sea with Ayano, but he saw no sign of Alisa. 

"If you're looking for little sister Kujou, she just borrowed a fishing rod and went to the rocky area over there."

"Fishing rod? Hee~... By the way, do I need to comment on this setting?"

Masachika looked at the area below him. Touya, who answered Masachika's question, was currently buried in the sand by Chisaki. More and more sand piled up on top of Touya who was lying on his back on the beach, and for some reason, Maria was drawing strange patterns with a wooden stick around him. ...Was it some kind of ritual?

"...If you can, please just ignore it."


Masachika, who somehow felt that it would be troublesome if he brought it up, gave a small nod at the request of Touya. Then, Yuki came over to him. He then paused for a moment as he looked at the scene in front of him and thought for a few seconds. The expression on her face was suddenly surprising, and she muttered in a small voice that could only be heard by Masachika.

"(Don't tell me, if it starts coming out from here? Tentacles)"

"(How could it!! This isn't the legend of Cthulhu after all)"

"(I see, huh? 『If it won't come out, it's better to just summon the giant octopus』, so that's how it works, huh?)"

"(Don't summon it!?)"

"Looks like Senpai is doing something interesting, huh? Can I join in?"

"Suure, if you want to~?"

Yuki happily joined in Maria's drawing activities (?) after ignoring Masachika's tsukkomi brilliantly. 

"What about Ayano...?"

He looked around for the whereabouts of the servant of his little sister, but Ayano was not there. Looking around, he could see Ayano's backside carrying the life balloon that Yuki had just used when she brought her to the cottage. What a really good servant.


Suddenly having nothing to do, Masachika thought for a while and then decided to go to the rocky area where Alisa was headed. On the way there, he put on his flip-flops that were lying under the umbrella and walked along the sandy beach towards the rocks. As soon as he placed her foot on the rock to climb up, one of her his slipped and Masachika stumbled lightly.

"Guh, my footing is quite unstable here."

The rocks themselves were rather fragile and crumbled easily, and the surface was very slippery due to the presence of moist algae. What's more, Masachika was wearing flip-flops that were not slip-resistant. If he didn't watch his step and walk carefully, he would most likely fall straight down. After walking carefully and vigilantly... Masachika finally arrived at the flat part of the rock and discovered the presence of Alisa there.

"Oh, she's right there... Oi~ did you get anything~?"

Masachika walked over while calling out .... but everything was already clear from Alisa's face which was staring at the surface of the sea with a grim expression that she hadn't gotten anything yet.


"No, I just wanted to check up on you and see what you were doing..."

Seeing Alisa so focused that she didn't bother to look back at him, made Masachika stop and scratch his head as he wondered if his presence was just a distraction. Well then, let's keep an eye on the situation for now...  and Masachika noticed the fishing buoy on the surface of the sea that Alisa was looking at. However, his interest immediately vanished about a minute after seeing that the fishing buoy wasn't moving at all, and he felt bored. He was bored and his gaze wandered everywhere, Masachika then casually turned his attention to Alisa.

(Ah, it's true what Yuki said. Her ribs can faintly be seen)

Masachika recalled what his sister said while staring at Alisa's ribs that were faintly visible under the bikini. When looking at her lower body, it was no surprise that Yuki was surprised that Alisa's waist was so slim that it made her think that she could reach half of it with both hands.

"Where are you looking, huh?!"

When he looked up at the cold voice, Alisa gave him a cold stare. He was just looking at her with pure admiration, and not because of any ulterior motive, but a man's heart made him feel guilty when he was being looked at with a cold gaze.

"No, I was just thinking that you have such a slim waist."

"Ah, I see."

At least, by complimenting her honestly, it could make him look like, "I have no ulterior motives, really~. I'm just looking at your waist, and not your butt~." but Alisa's reaction was still cold. 

"Didn't you already know that because we danced together last year?"

"Last year...? Oh, during the school festival, yes."

Masachika became embarrassed as he recalled that he had put his hand on Alisa's waist during the folk dance (?) on the night of the festival. At that time, it was already dark and he was desperately following the tempo of Alisa's dance, so he didn't really notice it. But when he thought back to him hugging those slender hips, Masachika felt that she had done something so bold. 

"Well, that's just it, you know... Looking back, I really felt it."

Alisa also looked a little annoyed as he said that while looking away.

"Wait... don't react so strangely. It's just a dance, right?"

"No, well... hmm, even though it's just a dance, it feels quite innovative? Thanks to someone getting out of control?"

"That's... it's your fault for provoking me..."

After looking a little awkward, Alisa suddenly sharpened her gaze as she thought of something and glared at Masachika with a slight blush on her cheeks.

"Just so you know, I only gave you special permission because we were dancing at the time, but if you touch me now, I won't forgive you, okay?"

"Of course I won't touch you. I wouldn't dare commit such an act of sexual harassment."

Masachika raised his hands to show that he was not looking at her like that, but Alisa snorted suspiciously and turned her gaze forward, then said in a dull manner.

"Hmmph I don't know, it's not convincing ... didn't you also stare at Masha's chest for a long time?"

"Ah, no ... well, it's just a guy's instinct, so ..."

"But the President didn't do that."

"I was also quite surprised by that. He really is a man of honor."

Having said that with a flat face, Masachika hurriedly reasoned.

"No, of course the Chairman is an honorable man, but that's because he has Sarashina-senpai as his girlfriend by his side... so I think that's why he never looks at other girls, and it's kind of hard to compare to him..."

He felt that the more he spoke, the worse his position became, and Masachika cowered even further as he looked down. But then, a tiny little Russian murmur reached his ears.

{It's not like we're both also not partners}

The meaning of couple is so different. Please don't confuse the meaning of partner for lover and casual companion.

{Please, just look at me}

(...Am I even allowed?)

Looking at those plump breasts...? Masachika instinctively replied to that in his heart, but he immediately denied it himself. Don't take Alisa's every Russian remark seriously. It wasn't like just a moment ago, she had looked at him with a cold stare and scolded, "Where are you looking, huh?". Alisa's Russian had to be heard, he had to have to listen to about a third of what she said.

Which meant... right, it meant that Alisa meant that Masachika should just stare at her instead of looking at her sister with a lewd gaze. Yes, it was the affection of a younger sister trying to protect her careless older sister.

(Well, just a few minutes ago, I was hugged tightly by the older sister in question in her swimsuit.)

Masachika shook his head as he recalled the previous, arguably perverted lucky event. Then, he shifted his gaze to the surface of the sea and suddenly changed the subject. 

Umm... did you have enough fun at sea?"

After saying that, he immediately thought "What the hell am I talking about?". Masachika had just blurted out the question that came to mind, but Alisa nodded without paying much attention to it.

"Hmm... well. Although it's my first time traveling with friends like this, I think it's quite fun."

"I see... are the friends in question Yuki and Ayano?"


Masachika was slightly touched by Alisa, who nodded in a slightly strange, but at the same time natural-looking manner. Her classmate who was known as the school's "Loner Princess" and a stubborn person, referred to the two students as "friends" without hesitation. Alisa, who used to be a prude, now had someone she could call a friend without hesitation.

(Well... It's not that she hates people. She just keeps her distance from the people around her so that she doesn't get hurt. Actually, she's just a kind and loving girl.)

Masachika was strangely pleased that her kindness was directed towards someone other than himself. He nodded his head repeatedly as if he wanted to chew on that fact.

"I see. .... So there you have it."

"What is it?"

"No, it's nothing ...."

Seeing Alisa's questioning look, Masachika messed up his words... and coughed lightly before saying.

"Can we talk about something serious?"

"...Well, can we?"

"Yes. I just want to talk about the Student Council President election, right? Actually, I was thinking that I should improve your social skills ...... because, if you continue to be ignorant and cold towards your supporters, you might not get elected."


Being told implicitly that, "You lack socialization", Alisa became silent. Although she had already realized it, when being told so bluntly still made her heart ache.

"But I don't think that's necessary anymore."

However, Masachika cheerfully said to Alisa, who was still silent. Masachika then looked straight at Alisa, who looked back at her with a questioning gaze.

"Even without the need for my intervention... you can expand your friendships on your own. When I think about it, somehow I feel a little relieved... and also happy."

Alisa quickly averted her eyes from Masachika who was laughing shyly. Then, she said a few words.

"'s because Yuki-san and Kimishima-san are so nice."

"Yeah, that's because you are too."

Alisa was lost for words for a moment when Masachika directly answered her without pause. Her mouth twitched open and she half-reflexively tried to argue. But before she could do so, Masachika added.

"Everyone in the student council realized it a long time ago....and also, Taniyama and Miyamae."


"Just so you know, what I said at the semester closing ceremony yesterday was my honest feelings, you know? The more people know you, I'm sure that there are many people who will support you. Therefore... I think you should be more confident, you know? Because you are liked by more people than you think."

"...I see."

Alisa gave a small nod at Masachika's words, and then there was silence for a while. There was only the swish waves echoing as the two of them looked towards the sea.

{You too}


"...No, it's nothing."

Hearing the Russian mumble that slipped out of her mouth, Alisa shook her head and closed her mouth again. With a somewhat somber mood, Masachika scratched his head and said, "I guess it's not a topic that needs to be talked about on a vacation trip, huh." He then raised her voice slightly.

'Ahhh~~... but it still doesn't seem to be getting anywhere, huh~? Umm, what are you fishing for now?"

Alisa turned around with her brows slightly furrowed as Masachika stretched too much and directed his gaze to the fishing float floating on the surface of the sea.

"...What fishing?"

"Hmm? Ah no, what bait are you using?"

"...I didn't put any bait."

"Uh, don't tell me that you did lure fishing!? Isn't that too hard for a beginner...uh wait, you're a beginner, aren't you?"

"...I am."

Masachika, who was also a beginner, used his knowledge from a manga to give advice to Alisa,

who seemed somewhat dissatisfied with his advice.

"Umm, you can't get a fish if you just wait around. You have to move the bait up and down so that it looks like a live fish..."

" this?"

"Not enough, you have to move it a little faster..."

"If you say so, you might as well do it."

Alisa, who looked a little annoyed, handed him the fishing rod, and Masachika, who received it, muttered, "I'm also a beginner, ....."

Then, while recalling a scene of a celebrity fishing on TV, Masachika shook the fishing rod. After that, a few seconds later....

"Oh, there seems to be something coming."


Masachika slightly retracted his fishing rod at the slight vibration transmitted to his hand. Then, the faint reaction turned into a strong resistance, and Masachika immediately spun the string reel. Immediately afterwards, a small horse mackerel appeared by breaking the surface of the sea.


"One try and you've got it~. Phew, I'm afraid of your talent..."

Masachika smiled like a narcissist in front of the astonished Alisa. However, when the horse mackerel was pulled and lifted onto the rocks, .... her smile suddenly hardened.

"...So, what should I do with this?"

"Uh, wh-what to do... why don't you just let it go?"

"No, how?"

"How... don't you just let go of the hook?"

"No, that's why I asked, how!?"

Masachika bent down lightly with a stiff face in front of the horse mackerel, which squirmed violently as it floated in the air. At first, he couldn't do it with one hand, so he dropped the fish along with the rod onto the ground... but the fish was still squirming. They both stepped back a little. Surprisingly, neither of them had ever touched a live fish.

"H-hurry up and help."

"Uh, I wonder if it will bite?"

"It definitely won't bite!"

"Seriously? I mean, where should I hold it?"

"I don't know!"

You are reading story The Neighboring Aarya-san who Sometimes Acts Affectionate and Murmuring in Russian at

They were both stunned in front of the fish they had gotten. However, even as the two of them were panicking like that, the fish's death was approaching, so Masachika apologized in his heart and lightly stepped on the mackerel's body to hold it in place. He then quickly removed the hook and threw it back into the sea.

"...I don't know why, but sorry."


A spontaneous apology came out of Masachika's mouth at the sight of the mackerel falling into the sea. He felt that he  had done something wrong and apologized. It seemed like Alisa also felt the same way as she looked at the sea with a complex expression.

"...Let's go back to the other place?"

"...Yes, let's go."

Alisa herself still hadn't caught a single fish, but she was in no mood to continue fishing again. After making sure that Masachika took the fishing rod, she walked along the rocky shore towards the beach. Masachika followed behind her, and as they approached the final descent, he told Alisa who was walking ahead of him.

"It's a little slippery over there, so be careful going down--"

Just in case, Masachika tried to warn her. But at that moment...



Alisa's sandals slipped as she tried to get down, and her body staggered forward.

(Gosh, if she fell onto the rocks, everything would be a disaster-!!!)

If she only got abrasions on her knees and hands, it would be fine. At most, she won't be able to swim in the sea anymore. However, if she falls in such a defenseless swimsuit, she might get a serious injury from a sharp rock.


Sensing danger, Masachika quickly extended his left hand, wrapped his arm around Arisa's stomach, and tried to restrain her from behind. Although he had just been told not to touch her, Masachika had no time to worry about that.

But here he made some miscalculations. First, since they were both wearing swimsuits, his left hand that was holding Alisa's body couldn't grasp anything. Second, bare skin with salt and sand on it from the dry seawater, felt slipperier than Masachika had imagined. And the third... the stone under Alisa's feet suddenly collapsed with a loud noise as she slipped. Only the surface collapsed, but Alisa, who was standing on it, lost her footing.

"Watch out──"

Alisa's body slid down at a steep angle. However, there wasn't anything that could be held to hold her, and Alisa's stomach, whose frictional effect had been reduced by salt and sand, slipped through Masachika's arm.

"── !?"

Driven by the urgency of the situation, Masachika threw away the fishing rod that was in his right hand and wrapped his right arm around Alisa's stomach. Next, Masachika looked for a place where he could hold on with his left hand while putting the weight on his back.

(──! Her armpit!)

Instantly deciding that, Masachika raised his left hand and tried to insert his hand into the right armpit of Alisa. At the same time, he turned around and checked the area behind her back.

(There were no stones or protrusions... Safe!)

... Indeed, if he just wanted to lift Alisa's body, putting his hand under her armpit might be the best solution. However, Masachika forgot. Before he could do that to a girl, he had to cross the obstacle .... Yes, he had to pass through a huge obstacle before his hand could get there.


As Masachika raised his left hand, his thumb sank into something soft and he could feel something pinched at his fingertips. Then, it immediately flipped over following the movement of Masachika's hand as well as Alisa's body. Immediately after that, Masachika's left hand was buried in soft flesh and a rope-like object was pinched in his fingers.


By the way, at this point, Masachika still didn't know the situation accurately. What was in Masachika's mind was confusion at the unexpected touch and impatience at not being able to reach Alisa's armpit. Masachika was annoyed that his left hand was stuck on something and would not move, but after checking the security behind him, he grasped the thing firmly in his left hand to ensure Alisa's safety.


At that moment Alisa let out a small cry, but Masachika gritted his teeth without worrying about her and pulled Alisa backward with her body.


As a result of putting all her weight on his back without thinking, Masachika fell down hard. Even though he was prepared for it, since there was no cushioning in his thin swimming trunks, the pain he felt reached her brain, and it caused his vision to blur momentarily. In addition, the weight of someone falling on his thigh, making his leg feel crushed.

"Fyuh~~! Haaa.. haa... haa... Alya, are you alright...?"

While screaming at the pain tormenting his legs and buttocks, Masachika looked at Alisa who was in his arms... and she finally realized the situation correctly. 

His right arm was hugging Alisa's stomach tightly. It's not a problem. Alisa's buttocks and thighs were on top of his thighs. This was no problem either. There was a soft, rubbery sensation that came into contact close to his bare skin, but this was still tolerable. The problem was....



... it was his left hand that grasped Alisa's right breast tightly. Her smooth bare skin pressed against the palm. The sensation of soft flesh deforming along the shape of his fingers, and the sensation of firmness and elasticity touching the base of Masachika's hand.

"I'm sorry-!!!"


Upon realizing the situation, Masachika hurriedly put away his left hand. He removed the swimsuit that was caught on his thumb and index finger and removed it from his hand. Thanks to that ....



Masachika could see everything. Well, naturally. As if replacing her swimsuit, Alisa's chest was hidden by Masachika's hands. Alisa screamed silently, her mouth gaped and she hid her breasts with her arms, she then stood trembling at Masachika's feet.

"Die!!! Just die now!! Just die!"

Then, with her face bright red with anger and shame, she kicked the legs of Masachika who was sitting on the ground.

"Ouch that hurts!!! Sorry, I'm sorry!"

No matter how soft the flip-flops she was wearing were, it would still usually hurt to kick them as hard as possible on bare feet. However, Masachika had no other choice but to apologize as the current situation was really his fault. Although it would have been enough if he had lightly touched her from outside her swimsuit, even though it was unintentional, Masachika had already put his hand inside Alisa's swimsuit and then squeezed her chest with all her might. No matter how you look at it from anywhere, it was enough to get her reported. Police officer, this person is the culprit.

"Baka! Hentai! I told you it hurt! B-But you, instead of holding it so tightly...!"

"Sorry, ouch!! My shin is hurting, you know!?"

Perhaps her anger and embarrassment had increased, Alisa kicked and stomped on Masachika's foot while bursting into tears.....

(Buhhhh! In my view, this is the equivalent to a gift!!!)

Masachika tried to be a masochist while screaming stupidly in his brain at the barrage of violence that kept raining down on him, but unfortunately he was not enlightened enough to be able to feel pleasure in this situation. Instead, Masachika wanted Alisa to do something about her mismatched swimsuit before venting her anger by kicking him. Because the sight of Alisa, with her chest covered by her hands, was so voluptuous to the point that it was hard to see which way to look. When viewed from below, she could not hide it any more than he imagined, you know?

"Huuu, Huuu, ughhh~~~~~~..."

"No, that, I'm sorry. I'm really sorry."

Masachika apologized to Alisa, who looked down with teary eyes while making a sound that could not be described as a growl or a sob through her clenched teeth. Then, Alisa suddenly turned around and took a few steps before turning her back to Masachika and crouching down.

"Umm, I really didn't mean to... No, yes. I'm sorry. I'm sorry..."

He almost made an excuse, but he quickly reminded herself that it would be completely unethical and could only apologize repeatedly. However, not knowing what else to say, Masachika's gaze wandered everywhere.



"I'm going to fix my swimsuit first... so, hurry up and turn around."

"Ah, yes..."

After a few seconds of awkward silence, Masachika quietly turned his back on Alisa with a strong sense of guilt. What was the most painful thing, of course, was the fact that he touched... Alisa, but now after realizing that fact, Masachika felt aroused rather than sorry, and it was very painful. Unconsciously, he tried to remember the sensation he had just experienced, and this was due to the uncontrollable nature of his brain.

(Oi seriously, stop it already. If my 'friend down there' reacts in the appearance of pants like this, it's not funny anymore)

Masachika tried desperately to dispel his anxiety while flapping his forehead with his left hand, which (according to him) still had that sensation from a moment ago. The pain Masachika felt forcefully stopped his brash thoughts, "Isn't that rubbery, tight sensation...", and then in his brain, she destroyed Yuki's image in the form of her little demon who kept shouting, "You managed to squeeze it!

You squeezed it! You squeezed an E-cup chest that I couldn't squeeze!". Then at that moment.....


For some reason, Masachika heard a scary word. He heard the number one word sequence (in a deep sense) that makes a man nervous when told so by a woman. In Russian. In a whisper, too. And, as usual, Masachika was very surprised. In an unpleasant sense.

(Responsibility... Do I have to take responsibility for touching her oppai directly? Do I have to date her? Should I hit on her now!?)

Yuki's little demon form reappeared and shouted, “Responsibility~, responsibility~" in his brain as Masachika cried out in despair. Because it was so annoying, he destroyed it for the time being.

(Hmmmm~, don't panic yet~? Yes, I have to calm down. Don't worry. Alya must not have said it seriously.  Whenever I say a typical otaku phrase, do I always say it seriously? I'm just joking about something that comes to my mind, right? The current situation is the same... Alya too, she just saying words that come to mind randomly in Russian-- )

{Take responsibility... with marriage}

(I told you, calm down first!!?)

Masachika's forehead jerked as soon as he heard words with such overwhelming destructive power coming from behind, and he turned to massaging his temples.

(Hmm~~~, calm down first myself. Unexpectedly, my initial guess has been proven. Do you really think Alya would say "marriage" seriously? Yes, it is precisely those words that prove that it was just a joke. Alya's Russian...)

{There was never... a single person... who touched it!}

[There was never] [a single person] [touched it]. 

A barrage of three deadly combos pierced Masachika's heart. As the final blow, Masachika was hit by a boulder with "Responsibility!" written above his head, and he was drowned. Inside Masachika's brain, Yuki's little demon form walked sideways like a crab, and circled his head in a saying, "First oppai touch, first oppai touch. Lol~". This kid is really noisy. Don't tell me that they're an infinite stream?

{In fact...! I've never shown it to anyone!!!}

The final attack hit Masachika. The throwing technique aimed at the weak area was an instant death combo.

Masachika had no choice but to hold his head and duck at the Russian spoken in a trembling voice. The little demon Yuki was laughing out loud inside her head, but Masachika didn't care anymore. I am a turtle. Just a sea turtle that was accidentally stranded. Now it's time to return to the sea.


"Huh... Masachi, Masachika-kun!?"

Alisa finally stood up and looked back at Masachika, who was curled up like a little ball, heading towards the edge of the rock.

"Hey, what are you doing?"

"Nothing... I just wanted to try doing a little purification ceremony..."

"What purification... Aaah mouuu, hurry up and stand up, shame on you!"

While receiving a crushing blow of the word "shameful" on his lifeless body, Masachika stood up languidly. At the sight of his depressed figure, Alisa furrowed her brows in both anger and confusion, and then let her gaze wander for a few seconds before raising her voice to dispel her doubts.

"Aaah moouuu! I don't want to make the atmosphere awkward, so I'll say this... First of all, thank you for helping me. .... Masachika-kun himself, are you hurt or not?"

"Aaah, yes..., I'm fine."

"...Yes, thank goodness then. Then, I apologize .... for kicking you. But even though it was unintentional, you touched my... ch-chest, so it's only natural that you get punished, right?"

"Ah, yes. That anyway... I'm really sorry..."

"Hmm... then, try extending your left hand."


As Alisa told him and glared at her with a flushed face, Masachika obediently extended his left hand. Then Alisa accepted that hand with her left hand and pinched the back of Masachika's hand as hard as she could with her right hand.

"!Ooowwwwww, it hurts!?"

"This is punishment! For seeing... my...!"

As she said that with all her might, Alisa gave the final punishment by twisting the pinch and then let go of his hand.

"Alright! This way it's over! After this, we can no longer worry about what just happened! Understood!?"

"Haa, yes..."

"Hmm... look, let's go back to the other place."

After saying this in a small voice, Alisa turned her face away and started walking away. This time, Alisa carefully walked down the rocky area and toward the sandy beach. Masachika also returned with the fishing rod and chased after her with a heavy heart.

Then, after returning to the sandy beach and walking for a while, Alisa glanced at Masachika who was behind her diagonally. Then, Alisa's lips pouted slightly as if sulking when she saw Masachika, who was still depressed and carrying a dark cloud behind his back.

{You don't need to be... depressed for so long}

Masachika suddenly raised his face when he heard the unexpected Russian sentence. Then, he realized that Alisa was glancing at him with a sort of frustrated expression on her face as she placed her hands on her chest herself.

{What the's weird, huh? My boobs...}

There's absolutely nothing weird about it really, it was a beautiful and precious experience. Alya-san's oppai is very tight and can be squeezed. Yes, it's really great.

(Uwaahhh I just want to die)

Masachika really wants to die because his own brain imagines dirty thoughts. Masachika's manly side, which was planted in him by the Suou family during childhood, did its best to kill the indecent thoughts of Masachika.

"Ahhhh mouuu~!"

As Masachika became more and more distressed, Alisa turned around in exasperation and glared at Masachika while crossing her arms. 

"I told you that the two of us shouldn't worry about it anymore, didn't I!? If you keep doing that, it's disrespectful to me!"

"Uh... ah... yes"

Masachika suddenly raised his face as if he had just woken up from a nap because of the words "disrespectful to me" said to him by Alisa.

"Come on! Answer firmly!"


Alisa's sharp voice made him flinch and straighten his back. Nodding with a stern look, Alisa stood next to Masachika and kicked him back.

"Then... let's go."

"Ouchh it hurts... Oi"

Masachika couldn't help but smile at her rather manly attitude. He stared at Alisa and hurriedly apologized.

"Ah, no ... I just thought that you had a big heart, so ..."


When Masachika said with a wry smile, Alisa turned away with a snort. Then, while playing with the ends of her hair, she said bluntly.

{But... you still have to take responsibility}

(Yeah... that's it anyway, what does that mean?)

Masachika looked up at the summer sky with a faraway look in his eyes when he heard Alisa's tsundere comment that was so abrupt.

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