The Neighboring Aarya-san who Sometimes Acts Affectionate and Murmuring in Russian

Chapter 42: Volume 4 - CH 7

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Looks Like It's Floating

TL/ED/Proofreader: NaCl

"Ah~ so fresh!"

Chisaki sounded happy as she rinsed off the seawater and sunscreen on her body with shampoo and body wash. Then, after rushing to the bathtub, she soaked her feet in the hot water and narrowed her eyes happily.

"The warmth~ ... after playing around in the sea and immediately taking a bath is really good, huh~"

"That's right~ it feels like being in a luxury resort hotel, doesn't it~"

Chisaki wore a happy expression as she soaked in the large bathtub that could accommodate about six people at once. Maria responded to her words as she washed her body. This was the bathroom in the Kenzaki family villa, but unlike a normal bathroom, there is a door that connects to the outside so they can enter the bathroom directly from the beach. Thanks to that, they were able to wash their bodies directly after leaving the sea and not suffer from the itching and discomfort of sea water on their bodies.

"Bathing after a battle is the best reward, right~.... Haa~ it feels like my tiredness is all gone~"

"Ara, battle~? With jellyfish?"

"No, with two sharks."

"How wild~!"

Since there were only three showers in the bathroom, five people couldn't use the shower at the same time, so they had to wait for their turn to use it. therefore they had to wait their turn to use it. Actually, the two Senpai tried to give their turn to her kouhai's turn first, but since Yuki refrained by saying, "Since we have long hair, it takes longer to wash it", Chisaki and Maria also thought, "Can we just calmly wash ourselves if we think that there is a senpai waiting for us?", so they decided to go in first. By the way, the two men took a bath before them and vacated the place. As honorable guys, this is a form of caring for girls.

"Senpai, may I come in?"

"Oh, please just come in~"

Then Yuki's voice came from behind the door leading outside, and Maria, who had just finished washing her body, vacated the place while answering.

"""Excuse me.""

As soon as Maria entered the bathtub, the three first-year students entered the bathroom. Then, everyone took off their swimsuits on the spot and placed the removed swimsuits on the shelf where soap and other items were kept.


The colorful swimsuits that had been taken off were lined up next to the shampoo and soap bottles. Yuki looked at it seriously and thought.

(For some reason... it looks really erotic)

Underneath the elegant woman's mask, was just a lewd uncle. The pervert secretly chose the center of the three showers, and while washing herself, she peers sideways at Alisa's naked body.


She saw an amazing sight. It was already amazing without taking it off, but when it was taken off, it was even more amazing. Yuki's elegant female guise almost fell off when she was presented with a naked body that was so artistic that it could make people of the same sex swallow their saliva.

(Oops, no way, no way. If I look at it too long, Masha-senpai and Sarashina-senpai who are behind me might notice.)

With that thought, Yuki turned to face the front. Then, glancing through the mirror, she confirmed the two senpai who were behind her...

(No, the one over there is just as great)

Her gaze was fixed on the naked bodies of her two senpai reflected in the mirror. I mean... they both look matched if you were to describe muscle mass and fat mass. They both have amazing bodies in different directions.

(They are both residents of the romantic comedy world and residents of the fantasy world...)

Yuki gave an otaku-style evaluation while looking through the mirror at Maria's plump body and Chisaki's beautiful body. When she was gathering her washed hair with a towel, Ayano, who had put her hair in a ponytail with the tongs, approached her.

"Yuki-sama, do I need to wash your back?"

"Hmm? No need, Ayano..."


Once she casually turned around and looked at Ayano's body...

(Ah, somehow it feels rather soothing)

Yuki thought like that in her heart.




When Masachika came out of the living room into the corridor to go to the toilet, he bumped into Yuki and Ayano who had just come out of the changing room. Then, Yuki quickly looked around, handed the plastic bag in her hand to Ayano, and whispered some instructions to her. Obeying Yuki's orders, Ayano moved silently to the side of the door of the living room and peeked inside, then moved to the top and peeked there as well, and then sent a round sign with her finger from above. After confirming that, Yuki also grinned innocently.

"Anii-ja, Anii-ja, Anii-ja."

"What? What's wrong?"

Yuki hurriedly ran to him while whispering, and despite having a bad feeling about this, Masachika listened with a wry smile. Then, Yuki slightly stood on tiptoe and whispered something to Masachika.

"(There's an amazing oppai floating around, you know~)"

"I knew you would say that!!!"

As he had expected, the content of her report was just something perverted, and Masachika held Yuki's head with both hands. Just as he was thinking of continuing by rubbing Yuki's temples ..... he looked at Yuki's face with a serious expression.

"By the way, whose is it?"

"Alya-san and Masha-senpai. Moreover, they have such beautiful shapes. That's already on a level different from the round, firm and-!?"

"I didn't ask to that extent."

"Accuse!? You asked yourself, that's not fair!!!"

Yuki yelled when the base of Masachika's palms pressed on her temples from both sides like a vise.

"Geez, you're so...."

After pressing his sister's head for about five seconds, Masachika removed his hands with a dumbfounded expression. Yuki then rubbed her temples which were still sore and said with a bitter tone.

"Uwaaaa... after all, it was too mesmerizing a sight, so I wanted to share this joy."

"What's riveting... although I shouldn't say it like this, but didn't you have the opportunity to see a similar scene during the school trip?"

"No, well I did ... but still, how can I say it ... the meat is very different from original Japanese. Although it's hard to put into words, yes, it's different."

(TN: I feel like 50% of this volume is just Yuki being an old perverted uncle)

"Aren't you the one who is too skinny? Although I don't know, anyway."

"When it comes to thinness, both of them are the same... Those two, although they have slim waists, but their hips look plump. Although they're big, they don't hang down at all... I think their hips are different from the Japanese."

"Yeah, I know."

When Masachika looked at her with a condescending gaze, Yuki turned her head the other way with a faraway look in her eyes. 

"Ojii-chan once said... The oppai floating on the water is the real big oppai."

"What a perverted grandfather, what has he taught his own granddaughter!!!"

"Also, he once said that the crown of hair that can't be seen and the oppai that doesn't lose its shape even during sleep are fake, lo."

"What the heck with that knowledge that I shouldn't need to know..."

"Gehehe, don't worry. Both of them are really precious natural products, right? I can guarantee it."

"No, I don't really care about that part, okay?"

"Really~? Don't lie~? Well, because the shape is so beautiful that it makes me think that it's just ...... but judging by the way it bounces and the texture, it's definitely real. Plus, their oppai looks very soft~."

"Did you actually have a previous life as a middle-aged uncle?"

Yuki gave a thumbs up with a uselessly serious expression, and Masachika gave her a sharp look as she inwardly agreed, "Well, I did...". In fact, he had just experienced the tenderness of the oppai in question.

(Oops, oops, stop, can't think of that)

Almost involuntarily remembering what happened back then, Masachika quickly turned his thoughts away. However, it was too late, and her younger sister, who was overly sensitive to her brother's thoughts, muttered a "Hmm~?" and looked at Masachika with a suspicious look.

"...By the way, Anii-ja. Did something happen with Alya-san?"


Masachika tilted his head, trying desperately to remain calm at the tricky question. Then Yuki crossed her arms and nodded her head with a knowing face.

"A guy and a girl in swimsuits. Behind a rock on the beach. There's no way anything could have happened, right?" 

"Nothing happened as you can imagine, okay? It might be a rocky place, but we weren't behind a rock, you know."

"Hoouu? In other words, something else like-"

"Whatever you're thinking, nothing happened, okay."

When her brother continued to deny it, Yuki still looked at him with a curious gaze, but unexpectedly, she did not ask any further after saying, "I see".

"By the way, I have some good news for Anii-ja."


"Currently, there is only Alya-san who is still in the bathroom."

"I won't peek at her, okay?"

"What, why?"

Yuki put her hands on her hips with a disappointed expression at her brother who first refused to peek.

"Gosh, what kind of girl do you think I am?"

"I consider you my dearest sister."

"Kyaa~, I love you too, Onii-chan <3."

"Your attitude has changed right away."

After pulling away from his younger sister, who was hugging him with a spoiled voice, Masachika tiredly urged her to continue.


"Mmm... well, it's an easy matter, really."

Then, Yuki suppressed the volume of her voice which had been low, and whispered to Masachika with her right hand over her mouth.

"(Don't you want to see the appearance of Alya-san who just finished bathing?)"


"(Fresh-looking skin, moist and shiny hair. Don't you want to see it?"

While whispering that like a whisper from the devil, Yuki distanced herself without waiting for an answer and tapped Masachika on the shoulder as she walked past.

"Well, do as you please. I'll handle the Chairman, and Ayano will deal with Masha-senpai and Sarashinasenpai. No one will be coming here for a while. So, what you'll do then... it's all up to Aniue-dono's decision"

After saying that, Yuki quickly went to the living room. Looking up, Ayano was also on her way towards to the room where Maria and Chisaki were.


Masachika stood there for a few seconds after watching them leave, and then he headed to the bathroom as planned.

(Geez, Yuki's oktaku brain is really troublesome...)

While doing his business in the toilet, Masachika sighed inwardly at the thought of his little sister's otaku mind trying to recreate the event even in this time like this.

(How could I possibly accept that kind of arrangement and say『In that case, without holding back anymore~』,right? Pubescent boys are shy, you know? If there's someone pretending so blatantly, 『I-I'm not… I'm not that interested!』, then it'll be even more rejecting) 

After washing his hands, Masachika went up to the second floor and shook his head.

(But well...)

Then, when he reached the top of the stairs, he  stopped and turned around with a serious expression on her face.

(As a true otaku, I must carry out the event that has been triggered!)

Masachika hid at the top of the stairs and was eyeing the 'Oh, what a coincidence' timing opportunity when Alisa went upstairs. What can't be helped. Masachika was an otaku boy before he became a pubescent boy, so he had no choice!


"Why... uh, how come?"

Meanwhile on the other side, Alisa, who had just gotten out of the bathtub, was confused and panicked. Since the changing room was not that big and there was only one hairdryer, the girls had to take turns with two people when they came out of the bathroom. So, Alisa, who usually took a long bath, decided to let Yuki and Ayano go first and stay alone until the end... but as soon as she came out of the bathroom, wiped her body, and was about to put on clothes, she was shocked. Before going to the sea, she had already put a change of clothes into a plastic bag and brought it to the changing room. But inside the plastic bag, there was no bra or panties. Her shirt and shorts were there.

"Eh? I brought them, right? I should have brought it, right?"

No matter how many times she remembered it, Alisa was sure that she had put her panties in the plastic bag.

However, in reality, there were now no panties in the plastic bag. In the face of this unbelievable situation, Alisa searched all over the locker room in the hope that she might have dropped them somewhere, but no matter no matter where she looked, she could not find her panties.

"Seriously... Did I forget to bring them? Or maybe... I dropped them when I came here? Impossible..."

Judging that she made a mistake, Alisa held her head with a bath towel. ...... Alisa's kindness was again proven in reality because the idea of there being someone somewhere who picked it up ignorantly did not occur to her. However, if she didn't know the true nature of a person, she would definitely refute such a thought, even if the idea popped up in her mind.

"...What should I do?"

As for the bottom part, it was still okay. All she needed to do was endure a little discomfort. But... the top was definitely swaying. If it was without a bra, it would definitely be hanging around. It took her ten seconds to get to her room, but if there was someone watching her during that time... especially if those two guys saw her, she would have no choice but to die.

(...Although some time ago, Masachika-kun had already seen me...! ugh!!)

Alisa's cheeks heated up as she recalled the series of events that had not long ago happened.


She covered her face with both hands and squeezed her bangs between her fingers. Although she told Masachika not to worry about it, and Alisa herself tried not to think about it too much, .... but once she remembered it, it turned out to be useless. Alisa's guard was too tight. By the standards of the general public, her guard was too tight to the point that it could be called fussy. 

For Alisa, who had always prided herself on standing on her own feet and not relying on others, handing herself over to others was tantamount to defeat. Let alone becoming a lover. Just imagining herself being spoiled by someone, flirting with them, and begging for their love would give her goosebumps. It had lightened up a bit recently, but she really thought that way until about a year ago. That's why she never showed a crack at anyone, and stubbornly refused every guy who approached her with an ulterior motive. ...... 

Well, it was because she was clinging to that kind of stance that she felt an unprecedented thrill to dare to show a gap in Russian to Masachika, and there was a part that it had already turned into a habit, but that didn't really matter now. Anyway, she didn't want those kinds of frivolous people to touch a single hair on her head, even if someone tried to touch her in a familiar manner, she would not hesitate to brush them off, and if they still persisted, she would not even hesitate to slap them. That's why she put up such a strict guard like a real princess. Even so ......

"Uhhiii~~~ Nughniiii~~~~"

She was touched. Or rather, held tightly. On her chest. Moreover, squeezed directly. Until finally, he could see everything. Thinking back calmly now, she was hugged on her bare stomach and placed on his feet too. If this is the case, the only solution to this problem is to get married. She had to demand the other party to take responsibility for the rest of her life.

"Huu...huu..., yes, that was just an accident. It was just an accident..."

She continued to insist on the issue of marriage in order to preserve her own chastity, and told herself over and over again like a mantra, but even if it was an accident, Masachika's behavior was unforgivable. If this was done by a strange guy she didn't know, Alisa would continue to hit him until his memory was gone and then she would bang her own head on the ground until her memory was erased.

Unforgivable. Absolutely unforgivable. Although it should be unforgivable... but at that time, Alisa entrusted herself into Masachika's arms. The strong arms around her abdomen, the large and muscular body she felt on her back, made her heart beat erratically... She couldn't even breathe properly. That's why Alisa could not move for a while after falling down. As she was hugged from behind, she felt a sense of security...

"── Wrongggg!"

Alisa loudly refuted her own thoughts. How could she almost give her body to someone who had done something indecent to her. How could her heart be beating fast just because of being rescued for a moment. She was not the main character of the shoujo manga Maria liked. She was very different from the weak girl character who easily fell in love with the guy who saved her. She was just confused because she experienced an unexpected event. Because of the confusion, her body was frozen, and her mind was doesn't function. That's for sure.

"...I wonder if it would be better if I don't need to forgive him this time."

As she thought about it, feeling that her dignity and self-worth as a woman had somehow been hurt severely, Alisa began to seriously consider retracting her previous statement and applying the (physical) memory erasure processing on Masachika.

However, that can only be done after getting out of this predicament. Yes, the situation still hasn't changed. A crisis situation where she has no underwear.


With a sense of crisis setting in, Alisa reorganized her thought process and began to think about what to do once again. The safest thing to do would be to call out to someone in the girl's group as they passed by and ask them to bring her underwear. It would eliminate the risk of someone seeing her without a bra, but it would be quite embarrassing. A very foolish act, it would definitely make dark history. Moreover, even those who asked to do so would feel inconvenienced. Then the other option... should she take the risk and run to the room?

(At this hour, are Yuki-san and Kimishima-san in the room? If they're not, I can just change clothes, but if they are .... why should I bring my underwear and change in the restroom? Although it's a bit difficult ....but I have no choice but to do it)

Anyway, Alisa doesn't have much time left. If she stays here too long, someone who feels suspicious might come to check on her. Therefore ......


When Alisa decided so, she put on a T-shirt and shorts directly on her bare skin, dried her quickly, and put her bath towel and swimsuit into a plastic bag.

"...How about I use this to cover my chest?"

When suddenly thinking so, Alisa held the plastic bag with both hands. But, no matter how it looked, it looked unnatural. Then, just as she was thinking of taking out only her bath towel.... Alisa blushed because her swimsuit could be clearly seen inside the plastic bag. First of all, she usually didn't like holding a wet towel to her chest. Yes, that was it. To be sure, she did not develop a habit of exposing her body. Absolutely not.

"...No need to worry. I just need to get back to the room before anyone else can see me."

Alisa muttered to herself, and then, while holding a plastic bag in her right hand, she quietly opened the sliding door and peeked out. She then turned her head to the left and right of the corridor to make sure no one was there. there. Then, Alisa felt inwardly surprised when she heard the sound of Touya and Yuki's conversation coming from the living room.

(Good! If Yuki-san is in the living room, that means Kimishima-san is also there with her! And if the Chairman is there, it means Masachika-kun is there too ...... yosh, I can do it!)

Alisa quickly ran out of the dressing room, rejoicing that her biggest anxiety was gone. While hoping that no one would come out from the living room, she then set her foot on the stairs leading to the upper floor and ....

"Ah, Alya. Can we talk for a moment?"

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Alisa's mind went blank when she heard the voice from above.


"Alya? Is something wrong?"

"N-Nothing, really."

While casually creating a "I just happened to be passing by" situation, Masachika set his foot on the stairs… but he got a bad feeling when she saw Alisa who looked a bit distracted. She was fidgeting with the plastic bag filled with bath towels, while her eyes wandered diagonally downwards.

Alisa was wearing a plain t-shirt and simple shorts, clothes that seemed frivolous to some, but when Alisa wears it, it looks very fashionable. Is this called home style without makeup?

(Having such a beautiful face, it's really not fair ...)

While feeling something like that, Masachika came down the stairs while thinking suspiciously of Alisa's behavior and seemed to be worried about something...


She then looked up from the plastic bag Alisa was playing with and stopped abruptly in the middle of the street. Masachika then furrowing his brows, he looked again a second time, a third time... and let her gaze wander in another direction. Then, he shouted out loudly in his heart.

(This girl, why isn't he wearing underwearrrrrrr~~~!!?)

At a glance, he could see the image of his sister's face sticking out her tongue ignorantly. Although he had no proof, Masachika was sure that this was all Yuki's doing.

(Imouto yooooooo!!)

Then, Yuki's words that said, "it was too mesmerizing a sight, so I wanted to share this joy," came back into Masachika's head.

(The way of sharing is too frontal, you know!!!)

Masachika gritted his teeth and shouted angrily in his brain while still facing upwards. Seeing Masachika that way, Alisa also seemed to realize that she had been noticed.

"Try coming here for a moment."

"Eh? Whoa!?"

His hand suddenly grabbed and pulled up forcefully, Masachika then followed Alisa while stepping on the stairs. Then, he was taken to the room where the first-year girls were staying.

"Lie down there."


"Just do it!"


Masachika felt uncomfortable in this forbidden atmosphere for boys, but when Alisa pointed to the bed with a sharp voice, his shoulders jerked in surprise and he quickly climbed onto the mattress. Then, just as Masachika reluctantly laid on his back, he heard the sound of the bedroom door being locked with a 'keklek.'



He raised his head and called out to Alisa who was standing in front of the door, but Alisa turned around without answering and slowly approached him, covering her chest with her right hand. She then climbed onto the bed with her mouth closed, and unexpectedly, she rode on Masachika's stomach.

(TN: seriously what the fuck is this development?)



Inside the locked room. A boy and a girl in bed. Although this sounds like a lucky situation, Masachika's heart wasn't racing at all, instead cowering from the terrifying aura that Alisa exuded while looking down.



At this point, Alisa finally opened her mouth and slowly raised her face that had been looking downwards ... She showed a faint smile with a dangerous atmosphere. Her whole face was bright red, and she stared at Masachika with a stiff smile on the corner of her mouth.

(Ah, it feels like déjà vu)

Alisa said while letting out a ragged breath, to Masachika who was thinking, "Just a moment ago

there was a similar incident~" as if running away from reality.

"I want to apologize to you first, forgive me."

"A-Apologize for what?"

"I understand. I really understand, really? It's not your fault... Yes, I know that. But please... are you willing to be the outlet for my uncontrollable emotions?"

As she said that, Alisa's voice trembled as she seemed to be unable to control her overflowing emotions, Masachika then looked up at the ceiling of the room for a moment... and decided to prepare himself.

"Okee, just leave it to me... since we're partners." (On top of that, all of this was my sister's prank stupid)

(TN: rip this guy someone prepare his funeral)

When Masachika gave a thumbs up while silently adding that in his mind, Alisa said the word

"thank you" in a small voice and then...



Suddenly, his vision was covered with a pillow... and the next moment he thought that, Masachika was startled by a thumping from the pillow accompanied by a sound of suppressed rage.

"Fuu, hmmphgh!"

After that, the impact of the thumping continued with two or three blows. Apparently, she was slapping from the top of the pillow. But......

(...It doesn't really hurt)

The impact felt was not as strong as the sound he heard. Perhaps Alisa was trying not to overdo it by using a pillow in someone else's house. Also, the position of the punch intentionally avoided Masachika's face. Because the aim was shifted beautifully to the left and right, although there was an impact, there was almost no pain.



And while getting used to it ... Masachika's attention was instead drawn to the sensation of Alisa's ass riding on his stomach.

(This... what kind of foreplay is this?) 

Every time Alisa swung her hand down, something soft on his stomach rocked back and forth, and Masachika began to feel a strange sensation. It's said that when your eyesight is closed, your other senses will become sharper, and it turned out to be true. Masachika gritted his teeth under the pillow as he felt Alisa's ass dancing on his stomach and the sound of the bed creaking that somehow had a deep meaning.

(Nuuoooo~~!! Please hurry up and finish thissss!!!)

Masachika wished to be freed from this torment soon for a completely different reason than pain. Either because his wish was granted or not. A few seconds later, the thumping against the pillow finally subsided, and the only sound in the room was Alisa's rough breathing.

The silence continued for a while. While Masachika was in a state of blankness, Alisa, who seemed to have managed to control her emotions, started to stand up while making creaking sounds on the bed, and seemed to get off the bed. Probably worried about Masachika's still motionless body, a voice with a reluctant tone called out to her from the side of the bed.

"Umm... Masachika-kun? Are you alright?"

"...I'm fine, really?"

Masachika, who was not fine in a different sense than Alisa had assumed, responded with a voice that held back many many things. Then, perhaps thinking that she had gone too far, Alisa felt herself trembling awkwardly. And then...


Masachika's nose was pressed lightly against the pillow, and he tilted his head into a sensation he had never felt before. before.

{Sorry, ok}

However, her hand (?) immediately moved away, and the pillow was taken away along with a whisper of Russian. While turning away from the light that stung his eyes, Masachika slowly got up. Then, blinking his eyes, he turned to Alisa, who was clutching the pillow in front of her chest with an awkward expression.

"Umm, I'm sorry... right now, I'm fine."

"Oh, yes... well, thank goodness you were able to calm down a bit. No, well, ummm. Because it doesn't hurt at all, so don't think about it too much, okay?"

"S-So, yes..."

"Ah... yes. I'm leaving now...because I don't care about it, so Alya shouldn't worry too much either, okay?"


Worried about the state of Alisa, who was shaking her body uncomfortably, Masachika decided to quickly leave the room. After unlocking the door, he then stepped out into the hallway without looking back.


Masachika closed the door behind him and thought, 

"I don't know why it feels so exhausting...", as he sighed... but he felt someone's gaze from the side and reflexively turned around.


"Sarashina-senpai? Is there anything you need?"

There, Masachika tilted his head as his gaze met Chisaki, who was peering in from the next room. Then, Chisaki said with a troubled half-smile as her gaze drifted upwards.

"No, well... that's just... the sound is clear, you know?"


Masachika raised his eyebrows upon hearing Chisaki's remark,.... and then began to realize it. The sound of the bed creaking. Alisa's voice that seemed to be held back from being heard. And... after those noises stopped, Masachika came out of the locked room.

"Don't get me wrong!?"

Masachika, who sensed that she was being misunderstood about something, shouted in denial. However, he also could not explain the rather absurd truth that he was being used as a punching bag on a pillow by Alisa, who was riding on his stomach on the bed.... Inevitably Masachika had to use his exhausted brain at full force to clear up Chisaki's misunderstanding.


"Alya-chan~? I'm going in, alright~?"

While Masachika was desperately making excuses to Chisaki, Maria quietly slipped out of the room and visited the first-year girl's room next door. Without waiting for an answer, she immediately opened the door and found Alisa inside, lying on the bed in a

a small curled up position while hugging a pillow.

"Ara ara, what's wrong~? ... Did something happen?"

She then sat down on the bed while asking that, but Alisa remained silent with her face buried in the pillow and was not willing to answer. While muttering 'Hmm~', Maria asked once again.

"Did Kuze-kun do something to you?"


Once again, there was still no answer. However, Alisa turned her face slightly, as if "I don't want to say anything."

Seeing this, Maria made a slightly stern face and clenched her hands together in a fist-pumping motion.

"If he did something weird to you, tell me? I'll lecture Kuze-kun!"

"...... Wrong."

Alisa finally replied to Maria's question, probably because she thought that Masachika would be subjected to an unreasonable lecture that made no sense if left unchecked.

"Masachika-kun isn't wrong at all... it's just..."

"Just, what?"



Glancing at her sister's face who was gently urging her, Alisa looked away and answered in a whisper.

"Just ...... because of a little accident, he saw an embarrassing part of me."

The answer was too abstract, but Maria somehow realized that the "shameful part" did not mean the shameful part of her own fault, but rather the shameful part of a woman. Despite understanding that, Maria still dared to make a cheerful voice.

"I see, because of the accident... isn't that great! Because Kuze-kun is the other party!"


"After all, if it's an accident, there's a possibility that someone else could be involved, right? Isn't it also possible that the Chairman is the other party?"

As soon as Maria said that, Alisa's expression instantly turned into disgust. While chuckling to herself at her sister's easy-to-understand reaction, Maria continued.

"Or it could be with someone you don't know at all. ...... On the other hand, if it's with a man who is closest to to you, it will be a blessing in disguise."

"Closest to what... not really, anyway."

"Eh? You two are very close, aren't you?"

"That's .... It just so happens that there are no other men close to me..."

Maria gently spoke to Alisa, who was mumbling with her mouth buried in the pillow.

"But it can't be denied that he's the man you trust the most, right?"


"In that case, there's no problem right~. After all, according to Onee-chan, Kuze-kun is the kind of man who will consider Alya-chan's feelings if you really don't like him."

"...If it's just that, I already know."

Alisa finally woke up, as she seemed a little annoyed with Maria's smartass way of talking. She then glanced at Maria.

"Let me tell you, don't think of anything strange, okay? I trust Masachika-kun and think of him as my friend, our relationship is just that, nothing more."

"Araa, really~?"

"It's true. So don't imagine strange things. Just dealing with Mom who's gotten so excited is already troublesome..."

"Oh, she met Kuze-kun during the parent-teacher meeting, right~. She seemed very happy that Alya-chan has a male friend~."

"Seriously, every time I went to Masachika-kun's house during the summer vacation, she was always smiling incoherently... even though I was just doing some homework together."

"Hmm~... but there are only two of you studying at his house, right? I don't think I would dare to do so with someone unless we were very close..."

"That's just...!... because I've never been friends with another boy, so I don't know how to keep a distance between us..."

Alisa looked away while lowering her voice to a whisper, and Maria smiled widely at her.

"Alya-chan, so cute."

"Wh-What the heck."

"Please be the usual Alya-chan huh~? Mouu~ I won't even give you to Kuze-kun!"

"Wait-, you're uncomfortable!"

When Maria tried to hug her with her arms outstretched, Alisa pushed her away using the pillow as a shield. As a result, Maria slipped off the bed, and after taking a few steps backward, she puffed up her cheeks.

"Mmou~, Alya-chan should do more skinship with Onee-chan, you know."

"I don't want to. After all, I'm not a child anymore."

"Even though you're not a kid anymore, skinship is important, right?"

"We kiss each other on the cheek when we exchange greetings, right? Isn't that enough."


Maria glared at Alisa in dissatisfaction, but Alisa kept looking away with an expression of indifference. After a few seconds, Maria turned around and walked towards the door of the room.

"Hmmph! That's it. I'll ask Kuze-kun to cheer me up later."

"...yeah whatever, just do as you please there?"

"Alright~, I'll do as I please~"

Alisa only wiggled her eyebrows slightly and pushed away when Maria said that to her. Maria also replied in a childish tone and left the room. Later, in the empty corridor, she whispered softly through the door.

"...I'm really going to ask him to comfort me, you?"

After saying that, Maria's expression looked mature and a little melancholy, in stark contrast to the expression she had shown just moments before. However, after letting out a light sigh, she quickly smiled brightly and opened the door to her room ....

"D-Don't worry. You don't have to force yourself to cover it all up..."

"No, I told you that I didn't mean-"

"Chisaki-chan~? How long are you going to make such a strange misunderstanding~? Alya-chan herself said that nothing anything happened, right? Mou~ you perverted  hisaki-chan."

"Wh-What!? Why am I being blamed!!?"

With her usual smile, Maria offered to help her kouhai.

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