The Only Way To Communicate With The Angel Is By Writing

Chapter 10: 10 – Gema

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P.S. Gema is a slang term for "gamer"

I suddenly realized I hadn't played in a week due to the test. I haven't been playing for a week because of my tutor, Shirayuki-san. But it's also because of her that I don't have to worry about getting bad grades. And now I can finally play to my heart's delight. At least, that's what I thought.




Goddamn this game is giving me a bunch of idiot teammates, we're the defender they always rush in the enemy's territory. If I can see them in real life, I could give them a good punch.

The opponent has no casualties in this round, however we have three individuals knocked out and just two people left. The score is tied at 8-8, and we only need one more point to finish and win this game, but owing to my 'excellent' friends, we were almost wiped out. How do we expect to win this game?

"Hey senpai, lower your voice or you might get scolded"

Ah, I forgot to mention that I have an unexpected person beside me and---

"Ah, sorry, Gema. I don't even know if we can win this game"

It's my fellow playmate, named Gema, though that's not his real name, it's his IGN (in-game name). How did we end up at this current situation? Well, let's go back a few hours earlier



A few hours earlier


"I finally got the game that I always wanted! All that waiting was worth it!"

It's the game that I've been for since its announcement last year and it's one of THE most anticipated games among shooter game fans like me. The campaign mission and aesthetics are what make the game so exciting. I even get up pretty early to go to the city to get the game, and you would not believe how many people my age or older are also waiting in line. Fortunately, the queue was not too long when I arrived, so I was able to get in line really and bought the game with no issues.

"Man, I can't wait to play this bad boy. I wanna go home right now."

I am presently on my way to the station to return to my flat. It's 12 o'clock in the afternoon, and I really don't have much to do here in this but to buy the game in my hand.

As I was walking at the sidewalk with a bunch of people everywhere at my direction, I came across an internet cafe at my side.

"Huh. It's been a while since I've been here"

Indeed, the last time I played here was 3 months ago where I bought my own PC at that time. 

By reflex, I grab the handle and went inside. Today is a weekend so I don't have to worry about playing for the whole day.

Inside, there are a bunch of PCs to my right and an ice cream machine, a variety of foods, and a Coke machine to my left, which is one of the interesting features that they have. You don't have to worry about getting hungry while playing as there are food options nearby.

I went and take a seat at a PC at the corner of the wall and then turn on the AVR and the CPU.

"Open time PC 10, please"


As I told the person in charge of this place, my went from a blank screen to a screen that's full of applications. Naturally, I opened the game that I usually play and logging into it.

While I was queueing for a match in my game, I take a look around in my surroundings and one person was looking straight at me as if confirming I was a real thing or not and then----

"Ah, it's you Senpai"




*Go back to the present*


"We'll definitely win this game, Senpai"

"Are you sure about this, Gema?"

"Are you doubting my skills?"

"That's not what I meant..."

Right now, we're the only ones left in our teams with the opposing sides having no casualties so far. It's not that I'm doubting his skills, it's just that no matter how you look at it, it's hard to clutch this game.

"Hey Senpai, gimme your sniper"

"Here" I press the 'G' button to drop my weapon and gave to him. I also took his AK. My pistol sucks, honestly.

"Plant the bomb in an open area so I can see it"

"Are you sure about this, Gema?"

"Just trust me on this, Senpai"

"If you say so"

Luckily, no enemies at A site, which is also an open area, which is also favorable for Gema's sniper. Naturally, I plant the bomb in order to win this.

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While I was planting, I heard sniper gunshot at the bridge combined with burning sounds. Gema must have made contact with the enemy. A later, I see Gema's IGN at the side of the screen having killed two enemies with his sniper and pistol.

"Wow, double kill"

Alright, everything goes smoothly. 

"Gema, I'll be rotating."

"Copy that"

I went under the bridge and go to the mid. My destination would at at the side A so I could see if there's an enemy there. The bomb hasn't made a fast ticking sound so I need to kill time as much as possible

As I was about to go the my destination, I see the enemy's name eliminated Gema with a incendiary grenade.

"Sh*t, I didn't see that coming. Hurry up Senpai or they're gonna defuse the bomb, there's three enemies at Side A"

As he said that, I see three enemies, just as he said, unaware of my presence and----



*gulping sounds*

"That was a great game Senpai!"

While I was drinking a soda from the machine to quench my thirst, Gema was holding a soft served ice cream in one of his hands

"Man, that game was sweaty that it makes me want to eat an ice cream" 

I gotta say, 3v1 situation is a tough one to deal with. Well, I've already expreienced that kind of situation before but still, it still makes me sweaty. 

"I-I-If you d-don't mind Senpai, you c-can eat mine"

For some reason, he was handing his ice cream towards me with a rather embarassing emotion

"Don't mind if I do"

I ate a small amount of the ice cream. The ice cream has two flavor, a chocolate and vanilla, both of which were being mixed by the machine. It taste milky and chocolatey, and the sweetness is just balanced. It's so cold to my mouth that I can feel my brain getting chilly just by eating it.

"Yeah, it tastes pretty good." I gave my opinion to Gema on how is the ice cream.

And now he looks like he's getting redder and redder. What's so embarassing on eating your ice cream? We're both dudes, you know?





We go back playing with each other for who knows how many hours. From FPS to RPG games, as long as we could party, we'll play together.

I check the time at my PC and it shows 7:00 PM.

After that, I felt my stomach growling. Ah, come to think of it, I haven't eaten anything other than ice cream.

"Hey Gema, I gotta go back to my place, it's already night"

"Eh, already? Shouldn't you play more like before, Senpai?"

"There's always a next time you know?"

"And when's the next time?"

Now that's a good question. The only reason I play here is because I just coincidentally came across this place. But I don't know if I could go back here again.

The place itself is located at the same city where my school is located. Specifically, this place is located just one station from my school.

"I'll just chat you in D**c*rd when I want to play here again"

"The last time you said that, you didn't read my messages, let alone seen it."

"Well uh, I have my reasons at that time haha..."

I can't tell him that I recently bought a new PC and a new game and I was almost broke at that time.

For unknown reason, he is showing palm in front of me, gesturing that he wants something from me.

"W-What is it?"

"Just give me your contact info so I can call you anytime"

"Oh uh, sure. Here."

Both of us went and exchange our contact info and it went without issues. I don't know if it's just me but for some reason, Gema seems to be straing at his phone for a while with a hint of small grin written on his face.


I got overboard at this chapter oof. But it's fun writing this chapter so yep. Feelsgudman. Also, Happy New and thank you to everyone who is reading this!

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