The Only Way To Communicate With The Angel Is By Writing

Chapter 11: 11 – Art Room

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"I hate Mondays"

Yep, it's that time of the week again. It's school time. Two days has passed in a blink of an eye and I didn't even notice it. I was enjoying the game that I bought the weekend and I don't even know it's already Monday. 

Right now, we're just having a normal discussion in our class and as usual, I just kill some time by looking outside the window. 

A sunny day with no signs of raining, I don't like this weather. I prefer a rainy weather. It just makes me feel comfortable in that kind of weather. I don't like bright things, honestly. 

Speaking of bright things, I wonder how is the Silent Angel right now? Did she fell asleep in the class? I kind of doubt it. She's the popular girl and one of the brightest, after all.

In order to clear my doubts, I went and a take a look at the Angel's area to see what she's doing and as expected of the Angel, she is eagerly listening to the teacher with no suspicious expressions in her face. It's like those expressions that she made not too long ago was a dream. Even I tell someone about it, they'll think of me as a crazy man. 

Well, I don't have any plans on telling someone in the first place. I don't even have a friend here in school. I don't know if I should be happy or said on what I've said.

Lunch has arrived. I went to my usual place with my usual lunch as usual. Except for the part that the Angel haven't come here eating lunch with me. Not that I was looking forward to her arrival but she hadn't told me that she's not gonna come here.

"It's already been a week since that time huh."

She wanted to repay me until the exam but it's already done so it's not that surprising that she's not gonna interact with me anymore. There's nothing left in me anymore. I'm just a gloomy person with a gloomy personality. I'll just gonna think that everything that happened was just a dream.

"I'm glad that it was over though. I can't face people like her."

I look up at the clear, blue sky, sighing with all of the breath that I have. I have never sighed that big before. Is it because I'm sad at the fact she's not here anymore?




There's still time before lunch is over so I went and take a look around to see if there's a vending machine inside of my school. In order to not feel more depressed, I'm going to drink my favorite drink, a strawberry-flavored energy drink. I know it sounds girly but I can't help it! It's way too delicious that I bought the remaining drinks. 

Eventually, I found a vending machine at the other side of ther building. Even better, they have what I want so I immediately inserted my money to buy 2 cans of it. 

"Heehee. Looks like today's my lucky day"

Or not.

bumping sound

"I'm sorry!"

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A random person that was running just bumped into me and my drink just went inside of an unknown classroom.

"I gotta get that drink or my wallet will scold me"

I went inside to see if my drink is in there. I scan under the table to see if I could find my drink. Eventually, I found what I am looking for. It's under of one of the tables that's in this room. Specifically, it's at the rightmost corner of the room. I crawl my way there to grab my drink.

"I found you, my little one. Now come here"

As I grab my drink, I take a look around at the room I just went in. It fills with sketch pads, a stone sculptures, a materials that I think it's used for arts, and lot of white, unstained paint board. Yep, no mistake---

"This is an art room. It's my first time coming in here."

There's also an art room at the other building but never have I thought that there is also one in this building too. And the place is really messy, a sign that someone has been using this room. 

Speak of the devil, I catch a glimpse of someone in this room. Not sure if I've known that person. I'm not even sure if it's a person.

With my curiousity gets the best of me, I take a glimpse of the said person that I've seen, and----

"Ah, It's the Silent Angel"

The person that I've seen earlier is none other than the Silent Angel, Shirayuki-san herself. I have to rub my eyes to make sure I'm not hallucinating but--

"Yep, it's the real deal. But what is she doing here?"

I hid one of the tables and take a look on what the Angel was doing. She is wearing an apron with a painting palette and brush equip in those thin hands of hers. She looks pretty messy as I see traces of mixed color at her apron, a sign that she is currently painting.But even with those mess, no stain is present at her elegant figure.

"Ah, crap I gotta get out of here quietly"

Seeing her in this situation, I can't help but look. As a result, I forgot that my objective is already done. I don't want to get caught by the Angel or else she might misunderstand so I quietly crawl my way down to the opened door.

As I reached the door, I felt a vibrating sensation at my pocket. By relflex, I went and take a look at is and there's one message. I opened it and I can't help but to look at the person at my back. The message came from the Silent Angel and it says:

I can see you from here~

She is waving with the paintbrush at her hands at my direction. I also wave back at her.

So much for that stealthy escape I thought while accepting my defeat.

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