The OP Butler and the Transmigrated Villainess

Chapter 1: Prologue

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On the cold streets of the imperial capital of the Miria Empire, pure, white snow, covered the cobblestones causing the citizens of the capital to stay indoors where they lounged around their cozy firepits.

The long streets built to enable lots of foot traffic to aid the businesses that were littered around the streets were eerily quiet as no vendors were out yelling to attract the hustling housewives trying to score a new bargain.

On these quiet, cold streets, a young boy lay curled up into himself, struggling to even keep his eyes open. Scars and bruises marred his body as he lay under a pile of trash, trying desperately to find a sliver of warmth.

Born in the slums, the boy had no name, knew no family and had never been able to understand why the people he saw walking around had their lips curled upwards when they walked with others. Not understanding the concept of ‘smiling’, the boy tried to imitate the people he saw but yet again, no one spared him a single glance.

While thinking about how he had to learn to thieve to stay alive, the boys body started to heat up to his surprise. Thinking that maybe the snow had finally stopped, he fought to open his eyes as he crawled his way out of the trash pile, he rested in.

Seeing no changed in the alley way he found himself in, he tried walking onto the main street where he would eventually find himself back in the familiar scenery of the slums he had grown used to.

Stumbling forwards, he managed to make it just onto the street before his legs collapsed.

“-ou okay? Alo-… heal him…” although the boy was struggling to hear the voices that came out of nowhere, he looked up and saw a pair of mesmerizing dark brown eyes. A girl knelt in front of him, with a small stature that made him assume she was just a brat like himself, he focused on her appearance which was truly unlike any he had seen before. Long, flowing black hair smoothly cascaded down her shoulders, her large eyes seemingly suck in his attention, and her facial features were delicate. She reminded him of the doll’s he sometimes saw the nicely dressed kids walk around with.

 As he was too entranced by the beautiful sight before him, he didn’t recognize the older man dressed up in a clean black suit walk up behind him and place his palms firmly on his back.

Unknown to the boy, a bright green glow appeared around the man’s hands causing the boys frostbitten appendages to return to their normal temperature. As he felt something in his chest that he had never felt before, the boys’ eyes closed as his energy that he had used to stay alive was finally used up.

Drifting off to sleep, the butler named Alonzo that had healed the boy picked him up and draped him over his shoulder.

“Miss Ava are you sure about this? We could just drop the boy off at an orphanage, who knows how he will react once he wakes up.”

“Hmmm yeah we could do that, but I need a new friend to play with, you know how everyone else treats me.” As the butler tried to pointlessly argue with the little miss who was guaranteed to have her way on this matter, he did a mental sigh as he looked at the emaciated boy on his shoulder. Although this street rat and Miss Ava may be similar ages, the boy was much smaller in height and weighed maybe half of what the little miss did.

As the pair walked in silence back towards their house which was more akin to a mansion, Alonzo spent his time contemplating on how he would find a use for this boy who would soon become a part of the Duke’s household.



4 Years Later

Inside a large ballroom that took up more space than most regular houses, servants, maids and butlers rushed around creating a chaotic scene where the only things that could be heard were harsh reprimands demanding perfection and the squeak of leather shoes on the shiny marble flooring

“Chef! Any issues with the menu? Do you need more errand boys or is everything on schedule?”

“All’s going according to schedule little man, don’t worry, tonight’s food will blow even your mind.”

“Maria! Is the house spotless? I don’t want so much as a speck of dust to be seen by our guests.”

“Don’t worry Leo, I’ve personally done an inspection and I’ll do one more before anyone arrives.”

Inside the ballroom, a young boy of about 12 years of age was busy checking with each staff member to ensure the night goes perfectly.

If anyone were to show two pictures of the boy as he grew up, one when he was in the slums, and one now, they wouldn’t be able to see him as the same person. Previously the boy unnamed boy had filthy black hair which was constantly clumped together, his height and weight made him look even younger than he was. His brown eyes looked dead and devoid of any emotion, and his face never changed or showed any hint of emotion.

Currently, the boy had clean, healthy black hair which was cut short to not hinder any physical movements, his height and weight had both shot up with the help of proper nutrition. His previously dead looking facial expressions had changed, now he could truly express himself and understood the simple concept of smiling which had previously evaded him.

Although only 12 years of age, the boy would undoubtedly turn into a handsome man once he exited puberty, this had brought quite a shock to Alonso who didn’t expect much from someone born in the slums.

As the boy who was given the name ‘Leo’ by his employees continued to list off all the tasks he could think of, he was finally allowed to breath a sigh of relief as now the only thing unaccounted for was the star of the night. Miss Ava herself.

Leo exited the ballroom and walked through the seemingly labyrinth of corridors to reach Ava’s room where she was probably still sleeping in. Walking past some windows, he looked out onto the estate and saw a perfectly maintained garden full of rare and exotic flowers.

As he continued his walk and finally reached his destination, he knocked on the door as he grasped the present that he had brought behind him.

“Miss Ava, its me. Can I Come in.” After waiting a moment and getting a simple grunt in return, Leo entered the room and went directly to the blinds which he opened up, flooding the room in sunlight.

“Ahhhh it burns! it burns! You’re demon Leo! I’ll have your head for this!” As Ava continued with her comedic act and buried herself under her blankets, Leo carefully pulled back the blankets with little resistance and looked at the person who had taught him what being human was like.

Just like the day they met; Ava had beautiful, long black hair which was currently knotted creating a comedic bed hair look. This could not take much away from her appearance however, her face had filled out a bit over the past few years, now rather than a delicate doll, she looked like someone with a gentle aura who made you want to cherish them. Although Leo may be slightly biased, he truly believed this little miss would grow to be the most beautiful girl in the world.

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Letting out a small yawn whilst rubbing her half-closed eyes, Ava slowly stumbled out of bed similar to the undead which she had recently been reading in her horror books.

“Happy 12th birthday Miss Ava, I wish for you for your happiness and wellbeing.”

“Silly Leo, I told you to just call me Ava when we’re alone, and thank you. I’m hoping that tonight’s party is less boring than it sounds to be. At least I can see his highness again”. As Ava gave a reply to his birthday congratulations, he listened to her talk about the first prince as a foreign feeling squeezed at his heart, threatening to make him reveal his true emotions.

No, I will repay Miss Ava with my life, my lowly position as a butler is unsuitable for her… Shit I’m going to need some more stress relief…

Although Leo’s mind may have been experiencing some turmoil his face did not betray his thoughts, handing out the gift held in his hands, he handed it to Ava.

“I hope you enjoy the part Ava, here’s a little something I got you.” As she slowly unwrapped the small gift in her hands and opened up the box, she found a delicate looking necklace with a pendant resembling a Daisy.

“It may be just a humble gift, but I hope you like it”. As Ava picked it up and inspected it, a smile creeped on to her face.

“Thankyou Leo, you’re truly the best friend I have.” After unknowingly shooting an arrow through his already broken heart, she gave him a smile that could melt the snow as she signaled him to put it on her neck.

After giving Ava some privacy to dress, the two walked around the dukes household whilst waiting for Ava’s parents to get back from inviting the royal family to the party.


“”” HAPPY BIRTHDAY AVA!””” As night finally set in and all the guests had arrived, Ava stood with her parents in the center of the ballroom, currently she was surrounded by unfamiliar nobles who were congratulating both her and her parents while leaving small gifts behind.

Dressed in black, she wore a dress that had frills running down her arms and at the bottom which reached her knees. The black dress was the same shade as her hair and put the attention on her face which constantly held a gentle smile, making her seem easy to approach.

As Leo watched on from the sidelines where he wouldn’t get in the way, Alonso, Leo’s teacher on how to become a butler approached him.

“You should eat something, the party is probably going to last a few more hours.” As Ava’s old butler who now served the head of the family walked off, Leo started mindlessly eating away at the plate of food he was given while he watched Ava interact with these strangers.

After about half an hour of small talk and pleasantries, the crowd shifted, allowing a singular boy to walk through unimpeded as he carried a small box in his hands.

The boy in question had bright blonde hair and sharp facial features causing him to look older than he was, on his face was plastered a smile which Leo had come to recognize as his business smile after his numerous meetings with Ava.

“Happy Birthday Ava, I hope you’ll accept this small gift.” As he gently placed the box in Ava’s hands, the crowd gossiped about the two who were rumored to be fiancées.

As she gently opened the box, she pulled out a necklace which had an expensive looking red ruby attached as a pendant. For just a fraction of a second, her face shifted and the smile she held turned into a bitter expression, however she managed to hide it with no one recognizing her shift in emotions.

After the prince put the necklace of her delicate neck, she smiled at him softly and walked to her parents who held a gentle gaze. Duke Steiner, Ava’s Dad, had the same black hair as his daughter. His masculine physique was brimming with muscles at a height of 6’2, yet no one currently felt intimidated by the man who was clearly struggling to hold back his affection for his only child.

Duke Steiners wife, Duchess Isla, also held a gentle gaze both towards her husband and her daughter. As the group of four conversed, giving the other nobles a chance to converse with each other and get some food, a certain butler had seemingly vanished from his spot.

Walking outside towards the training gym that he had grown used to using in the previous few years, Leo walked somberly as his head was in a mess. Although he knew something like this would happen, watching it firsthand caused his heart to feel like it was tearing in two.

Although deserting his master may cause him to be reprimanded in the morning, his emotions forced him to escape to the place where he was finally allowed to let go of his pent-up emotions.

Grabbing a dull wooden sword, Leo walked into the empty gym, the insides of the gym hosted a large, square arena which allowed duels to take place. Opposite to the entrance was an area filled with sand and practice wooden dummies.

After failing to clear his turbulent thoughts, Leo stood in the center of the arena and moved through the stances that he been taught by the duke’s knights. After the first year of education and training to become a butler, Leo had regularly learnt how to fight in order to protect Ava should anyone try and harm her, however now the main reason Leo found himself training was to release his frustrations.

Moving fluently between each of his strikes, Leo lost track of time as his sweat dripped off his body, causing his shirt to stick closely towards his body. Furrowing his brow, he moved towards the wooden training dummies as his head had yet to cool down.

When he finally felt like his thoughts were in a proper state, he looked down and saw his hands staining the wooden sword with blood as his callused hands were once again ripped open. As he walked away from the three training dummies which were now shattered into pieced on the cold sand, Leo looked at the clock to realize that the party would have ended by now as the next day had started.

As he walked out of the training gym the cold hit his drenched uniform hard, causing him to involuntarily shiver and reminisce about his life before he was saved. Walking back towards the main house, he stopped by the garden when he saw a solitary figure walking briskly away.

The figure was shrouded by the darkness so he could not make out who it was, realizing that it may be a drunk guest he followed them to make sure no accidents would occur. After a short chase the figure found a seat next to one of the many gardens held on the estate, creeping closer Leo wanted to see who it was so that he could decide on his next actions.

As he continued to follow the person through the winding, cobblestone paths that took you to another part of the duke’s garden, Leo realized that they had finally stopped moving and had sat down on the bench. Audibly breathing in the cold, night air, Leo creeped closer trying to identify the stranger when-



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