The Ordinary Evernight Witch

Chapter 1: ONE

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In distance place, at 5:32 pm in the afternoon, a round old wooden clock stood lonely on a white wall above a small exit, ticking nosily as Everlorroa citizens mindlessly walked past the gates it was guarding. The glass gates opened randomly as customers entered a quiet cold store named Suzan's Grocery that sat on the corner of one of the many streets of Low Moon City.

Above one of the many grocery stores, an artificial sun in the sky set, causing the lamps on the street to slowly darken, marking the end of the day as citizen travelled back to their homes, either walking the streets, navigating their air cars or hailing long blue airbuses from the sky. 

One of the many citizens, Lilian Fenor, a middle school art teacher, was quietly waiting in the store, watching as her groceries were scanned and packed by a young cashier.

She rubbed her hands as a flow of cold air tickled her neck, making her teeth grind. Yet, the cool air helped to cool the temperature of her head that was starting to burn from a slight headache that started from a ringing noise in her ears.

The latest pop song from the V-Pop group DUST blasted in the store, tickling her ears with their melodic voices, letting her somewhat ignore the ringing noise.

"Its bit cold in here isn't it, feels like winter has come already, " She commented, chuckling to herself as she wrapped her coat tighter around her waist, the old woolen belt knotting into place. 

The cashier looked at her emotionlessly as his hands slowly scanned her favorite discounted veggie meat. "Yes it does, Ma'am."

Lilian smiled awkwardly at his lack of reaction. "How was your day today young man, get up to anything exciting?"

His bushy eyebrows raised at her, as his dark emotionless eyes bore into hers before he replied slowly, "It was splendid Ma'am."

"That's great." Lilians hand rubbed her ears slightly to lessen the noise that began to battle against the song playing in background, sounding like a buzzing bee army that were flying towards war. She had heard the sound of an Earth bee once on the Galaxy Nature channel documentary she had watched with her two fathers.

The sliding doors of the exit opened with a whoosh, causing Lilians brown eyes glanced out the door to the elderly man who entered dragging his metal cart, a robot dog butler trailing after him, before taking a look at her watch. 

5:34PM, it read in it digitalized blue color against a black screen, with 8,293 steps besides it in tiny white numbers.

Lilian smiled whilst doing a mental fist pump. Her fitness goals were on track!

A chiming sound brought her out of her thoughts. 

"That will be 549.05 roan please ma'am." 

"Okay, just give me a quick sec," she spoke, looking pleased as she tapped the side of her watch three times before placing it on the payment scanner.

"DECLINED, INSUFFICENT ROAN," the machine announced.  

Her smile froze before looking at the cashier. The young man eyed her wordlessly.

"Am I able to do it again?" She asked awkwardly, "Maybe it didn't work."

 "Ma'am, most of the machines are the latest technology," the young man said, pointing to the sticker that stated 'AVH FEDERATION APPROVED - LATEST TECHNOLOGY, Device 923293ASXSS'. 

"Well that's awkward," she laughed, scratching her neck, her ear twitching. Her heart was starting to pound slight harder as she used one hand to rub her chest.  "Do you guys do discounts?"

"Do you have a military ID card?"

"No, sorry, I work as an art teacher."

"An academy student or teachers card?"

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"No, I don't sorry."

His lips pursed as he asked her his last question, "Do you an Aloian Identity card?"

She winced, "No, I don't." 

"Well then Ma'am there's nothing I can do," he told her, staring at her as she stood there in silence.

She rubbed her chest a little harder, her eyes starting to burn. Her thoughts were starting to feel fuzzy.  

"Are you alright ma'am?" The young man asked. 

"Ah yes."

"Are you feeling well, madam?" 

"I said yes," she spoke, slightly annoyed at the cashier.

"It was I that asked you, apologies."

Lillian soul nearly jumped out of her when she noticed a strange man standing nearly a meter besides her in line. The noise in her ears started to take over the song coming from the speaker, worsening her headache.  

Despite the headache, she noticed the strange mans concerned gaze. She also noticed his appearance, which was strange in this lower class neighbourhood, because he was extremely good looking.

"Sorry, I've had a long day," she apologized to the man besides her as she side eyed him.

Why is there a Aloian here? she thought, her eyes finally noticing the defining features of two small horns growing out of his head. A young one at that. 

Then turning to the cashier, she said, "Please take the last two items off." 

"Your groceries have been paid for Ma'am," the cashier spoke, confused. 

Lilian looked at him as well, bewildered. "I'm sorry, I thought it declined."

The young man shook his head. "It went through three minutes ago ma'am, you've been standing there for the past two minutes staring at the floor."

Lilian flinched, stuttering, "So-sorry, are you sure?"

"Yes ma'am."

"Alright," she said, her thoughts slightly easing. She grabbed the bags containing her groceries, pulling them up as she thanked the cashier.

His lips curled, "You're welcome, Ma'am, and have a lovely day. Thanks for shopping at Susan's Grocery."

She nodded, walking to the exit. She looked at the clock. Nearly time for dinner, she sighed, exiting the sliding doors.

What she didn't notice was the lone Aloian, his silver eyes staring at her back in thought as he chuckled to himself.

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