The Pokemon System

Chapter 47: Chapter 43

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Chapter 43


After sending the Grimer away, Adrian resumed his search for finding little Rose, though his mind still drifted among the news that he had just received.

[The Demons are invading? Why now though?! They have been so silent & to themselves all these years... And just when I found a good place to be at! This kind of shit happens.. Damn it!]

Adrian kept swearing at the Demons, until he decided to return to his room. Upon reaching it, he found an anxious Zendra pacing around outside.

Zendra was curling her fingers impatiently, as she kept mumbling to herself. Upon discovering him, Zendra ran up to Adrian and clasped his hands within hers as she spoke,

[Adrian! Thank Heavens I found you! Listen! We got no time. Rose! She..she is in danger!]

Upon hearing the phrase, Adrian's mind shut down for a while, before a single thought ran through his mind.


Adrian started to run outside while he asked Zendra for as much details as possible.

Apparently, a few girls were making fun of Prince Teodoro behind his back, when he accidently overheard them. Rose was apparently overhearing their conversation with interest.

He started to rampage at that place, before he tried to drag someone along with him to satisfy him in his bed that night.

The one that he grabbed was none other than Ella. Rose happened to witness the act. Enraged, Rose immediately started to attack Prince Teodoro, before she got hit in the back of her head by a guard.

Drone joined up later on & the situation was at a stalemate until now, hence Zendra came back looking for Adrian to have some support.

Soon, Adrian & Zendra arrived at the courtyard, where he could see Drone fending off multiple attackers, while trying to protect Ella & the unconscious Rose.

Sweat drenched Drone's back, as he kept trying to prevent the attackers from harming Rose & Ella.


Blood rushed towards Adrian's head, as his anger exploded. He rushed out of the spectating crowd & immediately used POUND on the nearest attacker.


A messy dent appeared in the metal armor of the guard as he stumbled across towards the floor. He looked on in disbelief as the armor he was wearing was said to be able to endure even minor magic attacks, but it broke down so badly with a kid's punch.

The guard fumed in rage as he grabbed his spear &tried to use his own strength against Adrian.

Adrian, however, could tell his intentions & deftly moved behind his back and executed his move again.


The unprotected neck of the guard twisted to a weird angle, as the guard stuttered before he collapsed.

Drone watched on, along with the attackers in marvel of the ridiculousness of the event. A trained and armed guard was so swiftly taken down by a boy who only seemed to have come of age.

Adrian seemed to be burning with fighting spirit. His eyes looked like those of an enraged animal, urging to destroy its target and obstacles. A strange madness took over him, as the thought of murder didn't bother him any longer. He was out to kill.

The guards immediately moved into action, as 3 of them surrounded Adrian and started to execute team formations against him.

[This little runt! You think you are so great? Have a taste of my mighty Lotus Spear Formation Attack!!]

Although Adrian had become stronger, but his battle tactics were still not developed, as he found himself only dodging their offense.

[Heh! How about now, kid! Where is your strength now, huh? You are still a noob in front of us!]

Drone wanted to help Adrian, but he couldn't as he had to protect Ella & Rose too. Ella too felt powerless & blamed herself in her heart for everything taking place.

(...I'm really sorry, Young Master...)

Her tears stained her face as her breath stopped whenever Adrian was caught in a predicament.

Drone was in a much better state now that he had only 5 guards surrounding him.

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[You PUNY KID!!]

Finally, an attack successfully injured Adrian, as a bloody wound rang across his chest. Blood came gushing out, as a sharp pain assaulted his mind.

Thankfully, the spear couldn't manage to pierce through Adrian, as his battle instincts alerted him at the last moment.

It was the breaking point for someone else, however.


At that moment, a guard screamed out in despair, as his eyes widened up completely. Tears flew down his eyes as his face turned into a hideous expression.

A purple colored aura enveloped him, as it rose like flames. It spread across like wildfire, only stopping after some distance. The guards nervously took some distance, as they watched on with terror. The atmosphere of the place changed immediately.

Without missing a beat, the aurafied guard grabbed his spear & ran straight up towards the guard responsible for Adrian's injuries and pierced his head through with his spear.

The power behind the spear ended up exploding the head in the end, as a shower of blood drenched the aurafied guard. It stared at the other guards with immense hatred, as he gritted his teeth in rage.


The aurafied guard kicked the guard nearest to him, as he rushed to stand guard at Adrian's side and battled the other two guards. The two had never felt such dense killing intent out of anyone and wondered why one of them had turned against them.

Adrian could tell that the aurafied guard had something familiar about him, but he had lost too much blood by now and couldn't think straight. His vision stared to become fuzzy as his legs trembled.

Though, he still had important things to do. He turned towards Drone as he shouted,

[Drone! Head back to the guild immediately! Bring reinforcements as soon as you can! Also, take Rose & Ella with you! This is an order!!]

Adrian spoke with a commanding tone, knowing full well he had to do so to make him move. His injury had already made him a burden & they would never be able to escape the encirclement if he went along with them.

[Young Master..]

Drone hesitated for a bit, before he resolved himself and pushed his attackers away with a swipe of his broadsword.

[Over here! Follow her!]

Drone looked over, as he found Zendra directing him after her wife, Aymara. Aymara signaled Drone with her eyes before she ran away from the crowd.

Drone picked up the unconscious Rose and followed after Aymara, as Ella followed behind Drone closely.

Meanwhile. Zendra quickly rushed to bandage the grievous wound on Adrian's chest. Her hands trembled, as tears ran down her face.

She really regretted calling Adrian for the rescue, as his injury looked to be very serious.

Adrian looked on until he knew that his team mates were safe, before he picked up a sword beside him.

Zendra looked on horrified, as blood started to quickly stain the bandages again.

[Please! Stop everyone. Adrian! Don't fight anymore!]

Adrian couldn't hear her voice, as his attention was on the battlefield.

By now, the aura surrounding the guard had disappeared, as the guard collapsed in agony. His body convulsed from time to time, before it stopped moving at all.

Adrian stood strong, as tried to deflect the attackers, before a mighty voice rang out.

[What is happening here?!]


Chapter 43 End

A/N: My deep apologies to my Patrons for not updating much content. I will try my best to rectify my mistakes. Really Sorry...


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