The Pokemon System

Chapter 48: Chapter 44

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Chapter 44


Emmaneula quickly rushed straight into the crowd, as the crowd parted & the guards immediately stood still.

[Camp Leader!]

Zendra cried out happily, as her anxiety blew away. She immediately approached Emma & quickly relayed the happenings. Emma's brows creased, as she strongly glared at the Prince.

Even though she had been tolerating his antics up until now, but he just had to cross all limits today.

Teodoro hid behind his guards, as he trembled in fear of having being exposed of his crimes. He feared this woman as he had heard of her many excursions where she had upheld justice by executing the sinners.

He didn't want to die like those sinners today.

Emma stepped forward, until she reached near Prince Teodoro. The Prince's private guards tried to interfere, but were pushed away by Emma immediately. Finally, Teodoro could no longer hide behind anyone, as he cowered in fear.

His fear stricken face was in complete contrast to how he usually behaved. A lot of his victims present among the witnessing crowd felt like they would be served true justice today.

[Prince, I heard that you injured a child, just because she stopped you from stealing someone's wife away?]

Although it was phrased as a question, it was clear to all in the attendance that the Camp Leader was about to pass her judgement.

She had left the Prince and his friends away, in hopes that they would one day repent and turn over a new leaf. Her hopes were all betrayed, and the anger inside her intermixed with the regret she felt

She had been too busy leading the Camp that the internal affairs have been often neglected.

Now Emma regretted her neglect, as it turned out to have harmed many innocent. She resolved herself to end this farce today.

[I-I... S-She's lying!! I h-have never! Done.. She.. SHE'S!!]

Teodoro lost control of his rage & rushed towards Zendra, as he attempted to choke the bitch. Zendra however, sidestepped & swept the Prince off his feet with a sweep.

The Prince fell flat on his face, as the crowd quietened immediately. Some cowardly people backed away, in fear of being harmed in the mess.

[Not so fast, Emma.]

Upon hearing that deep voice, the crowd received another shock!

They all turned to look at the man approaching, as they wondered if their eyes were malfunctioning.

[I-It's the DUKE!]

[Oh my lord... Duke Evans is here...]

[I think the Prince will escape unscathed today?]

A man apparently in his fifties, dressed in a luxurious robe and expensive ornaments approached the crowd from a distance. The man was surrounded on all sides by a group of heavily armed soldiers.

These men were different from the generic guards & were specifically trained in combat and war tactics. None of them were a newbie and all of them had a taste of the battlefield more than once.

Soon, the Duke's private soldiers pushed the crowd away, as Duke Evans stepped up to stand between Emma & Prince Teodoro.

He turned back to stare at the poor state of his son. Even though he felt a variety of turbulent emotions, his outer visage remained calm and collected, as he turned to stare at Emma.

[Emma, why are you tormenting my son like this? On whose support did you stand now as a Camp Leader? Are you questioning my authority?]

[Did you forget all the aid I have given you? Do you still remember who brought you out of those slums all those years ago? Do you remember what I suffered in trying to get justice for your sake?]

Upon hearing the Duke speaking like that, Emma realized that there was something very wrong here.

The Duke had generally kept to himself, as he managed the internal affairs and other responsibilities of the Camp. And him appearing now, in this manner, seemed like a well planned affair to her.

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She was not a child anymore to be affected by such emotional attacks. She did however, realize the fact that the Duke appearing right at this moment & in this manner could not be a coincidence.

(...what is this old fox thinking?... I can't tell at all...)

[Uncle... Teodoro, he..]

[Stop Speaking.]

Duke Evans immediately shut Emma down. He looked at Adrian and asked his son,

[Teodoro, speak. Tell me what happened.]

The Prince got up immediately & happily rushed towards his father, as he quietly told him a fake account of the events, making Adrian as the main perpetrator.

The Duke nodded to himself as he glanced once again at Adrian. Looking at his battered appearance and skinny body, he knew that this man was no threat to him.

(...Though he could be used in my plot in some manner...)

The Duke thought as he smirked and quickly ordered.

[I suspect that this is some agent of the rebels. This case would be personally handled by me. Take the guilty men to the new prison. They would be tried and interrogated there.]

Zendra became stunned at this announcement. She tried to stop the Duke, but was stopped by her companions.

[Don't go. Even the leader seems helpless right now.]

Zendra became irritated immediately & shirked them away, as she marched straight over to the Duke.

[Wait a moment! Respected Duke, Adrian is not at fault here. He is injured badly! He needs to visit the hospital, not the prison! He didn't hurt anyone intentionally!]

Duke Evans stared at the woman, as he spoke,

[Take this woman away too.]

Emma's anger rushed to her brain. She tried to intercept the soldiers, but was forced to watch on as the soldiers dragged Adrian & Zendra and finally disappeared from her vision.

The Duke approached Emma, as he spoke to her softly,

[Well, we have a lot to discuss together, my dear niece. In private.]

[Duke Evans...]

Emma felt like her anger would drain her sanity away. She tightened her fists as tried to control her anger & forced herself to follow behind the Duke, as the onlookers wondered about what had just transpired.

[Holy Shit! The Duke seemed so powerful today!]

[No matter what, it was surely a lot of fun to watch.]

[Would the Camp Leader be fine?]

The thoughts of the crowd were mixing together, as the main cast of the affair had departed already.

Though this would be a landmark event. Not just for the Camp, but for the kingdom itself...


Chapter 44 End



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