The Pokemon System

Chapter 64: Chapter 60

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Chapter 60


While Adrian and the others were having a great time, someone else was not so lucky.

The Duke had eaten a dish that was very tasty but was too spicy and was suffering from a case of bad diarrhea.


A lot fo very disgusting noises kept coming from the toilet, as the soldiers guarding his door were covering their nose to prevent further torture.

A soldier finally couldn't take it anymore and rushed a little bit far and vomited everything that he ate that evening.

[Bleerggghh...*spit*... ha..ah..this man.. if you can't digest, then just don't fuckin eat that much! Darn it!]


He punched the wall beside him in frustration and returned to his post.

That was when someone else was rushing over for some emergency.

[Father! FATHER!! Emergency! We have trouble! A-Aaahhh!!]

And that someone slipped over the vomit spectacularly.

The Prince wiped the vomit off his face and spat in disgust, as a ball of rage erupted within him and he started to curse right there.

[Who fukin vomited here?!! Who the fuck was it?! Don't let me find that fucker or I'll..]

The soldiers ignored the rampaging Prince, as he carried on with his one man show, right until he remembered his original purpose of being there.


He quickly rushed towards his father's residence, as he tried to enter the place quickly, but was blocked by two soldiers from going in.

[Apologies, Your highness. We have direct orders from the Duke himself to not let anyone in, including you.]

The Prince's face turned red in shame and anger, as he started to rain punches and kicks over the soldiers guarding the entrance.

[You stupid fools!! Who do you think pays you guys?! Huh?!]

Although the Prince was hitting them with full force, but the Prince's only exercise has been on his pelvis.

And so, the two soldiers struggled to act as if they were seriously getting hurt while cursing the stupid Prince in their hearts.

[You guys want me to head over to your places too?! Don't you love your family?!]

The two soldiers knew of what they were being threatened with, as the two looked at each other and shifted a little to give a way for the Prince to enter.

The Prince huffed with rage, as he shoved both the soldiers away and opened the door, to move inside.


[Father! Where are you? Eh? Ah! In the toilet, right? Father!]

The toilet door opened up, as the Prince's eyes became round seeing his father bent over the toilet seat, as the smelly gastric smell drafted over towards the opened door.

[AHHH!! What the fuck is your problem, you stupid son! Let me fart in silence at least!]


The Prince covered his nose, as he shut the door quickly, but stood there firmly and spoke,

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[Father, it's an emergency! It's not safe to stay here any longer.]

[The soldiers under us.. they lost miserably! We have no protection anymore. Let's escape quickly!]

Rustling sounds were heard inside the toilet, as the Duke scrambled towards the toilet door and quickly washed his hands & spoke to his son.

[Don't lie to me! How can so many soldiers lose so easily?]

The Prince was in no mind to be able to hold a decent conversation & knelt down towards his father, as he grabbed his legs and spoke,

[Please, Father! Please believe in your son's words.]

[T-There is a monster there! More terrible than we could ever imagine! It even bites people's head off!]

[And, and there were fire bombs exploding around us! Many of our soldiers didn't even have a proper corpse left after their death!]

[I don't know how it all is happening, but my intuition never lies to me! We will die if we stay here anymore.. I don't wanna die..]

Looking at the pathetic state of his son, the Duke bent down to console him, but his pants fell off instead as a fart escaped from his behind.


The Prince immediately rushed back, as his back hit the door and he clutched his nose to prevent any bad smell from entering his nostrils.

[Yuuckkk! F-Father! Why are you doing this to me?! Am I not your son?! What kind of father shows his son his penis while farting so badly?!]

[Ahh! Poop! T-There is poop over there! Father! Wash your ass quickly!]

The Duke's anger almost surged to the heavens, as the thought of beating his son to death appeared in his mind, but he relented and quickly rushed inside the toilet to start his sixth round.


After returning from the latest round, the Duke found his body weakening greatly, as his feet staggered and he almost fell down.

He grabbed a chair nearby, as he glared at his son, while he considered the words said by him earlier.

Although the Duke wanted to berate his son a little more, but he was a smart man & could pick up the clues.

From his son's terrified state & the lack of any reports from his subordinates for a while, he knew something was very wrong.

After making a quick decision, he looked at his son & spoke,

[Alright. Things didn't go as planned, but I had another place prepared to reside in case of emergencies.]

[It's a bit far away from here, but we can make it there if we leave now.]

[Pass the command to all the remaining soldiers to gather quickly. We are leaving right now. My few trusted soldiers will bring all the wealth and weapons away from here. We only need to leave them a note on how to do it.]

[I really wanted to be able to rise up once again... later then. BUT! I will certainly rise again... the throne will be mine someday.]

The Duke made an iron resolve, as some color returned to the Prince's face & he quickly dashed out to find the housekeeper.

The Duke quickly gathered anything important that he could carry by himself and walked out from the secret passage.

(...don't be too happy Emmaneula... I certainly won't let you go away so easily...)

The place soon became devoid of anyone, as even the soldiers had departed early & only the bad smell flew around from the half opened toilet door.


Chapter 60 END

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