The Pokemon System

Chapter 65: Chapter 61

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Chapter 61


The path towards the Central region was full of perils.

Terrible monsters of all shapes and sizes resided here, as they battled for survival and hunger.

Everyday was a struggle inside the dense forest areas.

Poisonous and murky swamps were scattered throughout the area, as if the nature itself was willing to devour anyone stupid enough to wander over here.

The forest cover was so thick that the sunlight barely entered directly and a dark shade remained throughout the entire area.

Princess Nihara struggled to walk further on, as her feet were now very sore.

She had been running all the way from the nation of Torul and had arrived in the core area of the central region.

She was only a few distance away from her homeland of the Moonlight Kingdom.

Although it would be more appropriate to call it a Queen-Dom now, since her mother had been ruling the Kingdom for the past 400 years.

And even throughout the years, she was her only child.

There were few that wished to marry her though, since she had been a violent and aggressive woman all her life.

The dark elf males were all very prideful and nobody could tolerate her company for more than 10 minutes.

That was why she inherited the throne after her father passed away.

She was known to be a headstrong and impulsive Queen, so much that in the end, she ended up marrying a human.

There were a lot of disagreements and anger among the dark elves and the other elves alike, but the Queen shut them all up with a single sentence.

'Don't make me act like that Human King did 3000 years ago.'

And with that, all her opposition gave up and started to deal with their own troubles, since the dark elves were not very reputed among the other elves to begin with.

Did her father love her mother? She never knew the answer to that. But she did knew how much her father loved her.

He was already 50 years old now while Nihara herself had turned 19 this year.

She knew that humans had shorter lifespans and her loving father would soon depart from this world, hence she cherished every moment that she spent with him.

After gathering her courage, she stood up and started to walk her way towards her home.

(...just a bit more.. I won't let you down, Adrian...)

The dark elf princess continued her struggle, as her small figure disappeared into the woods again.


After Emma and Zendra departed, Adrian & the others took another direction and searched for any soldier under the Duke and started to immobilize them.

Along the way, Adrian came across many evil soldiers committing acts of absolute inhumanity, as Dana & Antona quickly wrapped up such troublemakers and beat the life out of their bodies.

(...being powerless is really troublesome in this world.. how I miss the carefree life I had in my previous world...hang on! I love it here! Forget, forget about the past...)

Adrian shook his head as he tried to dispel the confusing thoughts and the team continued their quest of rescuing any desperate civilian they could find.

Though, there was one thing that Adrian was having a hard time understanding.

He looked over his shoulders, towards the monster walking behind him.

Rose was seated on its back, as she cheered on while the others rescued the civilians.

What he was troubled understanding was that, the Arachne was carrying a human, wrapped up in her fine web strings.

He knew that the human must still be alive, since it struggled from time to time.

In the end though, he decided to keep his query to himself, as he didn't want to anger the monster anyhow.


And so, the team continued the cleanup operation till late at night, when they found Zendra and got to know that Emma had taken the charge of the Camp once again.

The others went with Zendra, while Adrian alone went to find the sister duo he had hidden.

Upon reaching the place, Adrian tried to shout their names. After a while, a head poked out of a building and soon, both sisters ran up to Adrian to meet him.

[M-Mister Adrian!]


Luisa instantly hugged Adrian's neck and started to sob quietly, while Elvisa stood near him awkwardly, as she awaited her chance to get close to him as well.

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Adrian tried to console and calm Luisa down, as he started rubbing her back and spoke to her very softly,

[Hey, hey. It's all ok. I did come, right? Don't cry anymore, please.]

Luisa tried her best to stop crying, as she tried to smile towards him instead.

Meanwhile, Elvisa could only bear the loneliness alone, as she watched the two reunite so lovingly.

She was indeed happy for her sister though, as ever since Adrian returned, her cheerful attitude and her lovely smile were back on her face.

She indeed liked this version of her sister better than her despairing version.

After informing the two about the changes in the Camp's situation, Adrian brought the two back with himself and settled the two along with Zendra.

He then proceeded towards the Camp Headquarters building, as he rushed towards the Camp Leader's office.

At the reception, Adrian enquired to meet the Camp Leader urgently. But Emma was busy dealing with administrative troubles & so couldn't spare any moment for them.


Unable to do anything meaningful, he returned back towards his living quarters, since it was pitch dark outside.

After having a proper dinner, everyone retired for the night. Although, the guards along with a few key personnel kept awake during the night to protect the sovereignty of the Camp, in case of any aggression.

Since it had been so long, little Rose stuck close to Adrian and refused to let go at all. She didn't want to sleep with Zendra or the others and demanded to return to their room.

Although Adrian didn't mind sleeping alongside his little sister, it was a different story altogether since she demanded for the Arachne to stay with them as well.

[Rose, please understand. She is just too big for a room like ours. She would not be comfortable there at all.]

Rose felt troubled upon hearing her brother speak as such, and turned towards her friend who tried to understand the conversation.

The Arachne looked towards Adrian and then towards the room's door. It then started to walk towards it, as it's body squeezed and minimized itself.

The Arachne proceeded to easily pass through the door and looked back towards Adrian with it's eyes full of anticipation.

Little Rose turned towards her brother and spoke excitedly,

[See! Big Brother! She is inside already! Let's sleep!!]

The little child quickly ran inside, as she took her place upon the bed.

She turned towards her friend standing near the door and pointed towards the floor beside the bed near Adrian's place and spoke,

[Here! Come, sleep here.]

The Arachne tilted it's head, before it walked towards the bed & sat down near it at the place pointed by the Rose.

As the two looked towards Adrian with expectation filled eyes, Adrian swallowed nervously, as he entered the room.

The door closed shut, as Adrian felt like he had entered a dungeon instead.


As Adrian climbed into the bed, little Rose quickly hugged his chest and started to giggle by herself.

Looking at the obviously delighted child, Adrian had a small laugh, before he tried to close his eyes as well.

The Arachne saw their interaction and tried to mimic them, as it placed it's head close towards Adrian's back and started to sniff his smell.

(...uuu..nice man...)

The Arachne became happy too, as it started to become influenced by the hormones raging inside her.

Adrian, though, found himself in a difficult situation.

(...hell on one side...heaven on the other..w-what am I supposed to do?!...)

The night proved to be a tough one for Adrian, as he tried to sleep somehow.

He was unaware though, of the two presences peeking at him from two different sides.

((...Young Master...))


Chapter 61 END


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