The Pokemon System

Chapter 75: Chapter 71

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Chapter 71


Rose walked among the streets of the Camp, as she looked around for something interesting. For such a little child to venture out alone could be a very dangerous thing, but Rose didn't have to worry about anything. Her special friend was following her from the shadows.

Although the Arachne loved to hunt Humans, it could also make do with monsters too. Ever since she started to be around little Rose, she was admonished and told not to prey upon humans anymore.

It frustrated the Arachne to miss out on her favorite treat, but when told about Adrian's likes and dislikes, it decided to abstain from consuming them for now.

Instead, she now asked Rose to come along with it to hunt some monsters together. Rose readily agreed, since it meant an extremely good training opportunity.

And behind both of them, Leaf trailed along, as he became very concerned about the safety of his little sister.

Although the monster never showed any aggression towards Rose, he couldn't help but watch over worriedly.

He often wondered why she chose to befriend a terrible monster like that instead of a normal human, but Leaf also knew the answer to that.

His sister wasn't like the other children. Her common sense was a bit lacking, but she made that up with her headstrong nature.

Once they had reached near the walls, Rose held the Arachne's hand as she used TELEPORT to reappear some distance away from the Camp.

[Alright. We are outside now. Let's play!]

During the time that Rose and the Arachne were rushing together to rescue Adrian, Rose had perfected the use of TELEPORT and could accurately tell when to use the move.

Once outside, the Arachne had no need to hide her body anymore and it quickly motioned for little Rose to get up on her back.


The two soon departed the plains and appeared near the forest area. The stronger monsters had already detected the Arachne's aura and had fled the area before it could find them.

The weaker monsters though, had no idea about the close proximity of the predator and roamed around listlessly.

Leaf looked around the area worriedly as he was afraid of any ambush targeting his little sister.

Rose jumped down from Arachne's back and called out her two Pokemon.

[Alright. come out, you two. It's time to play!]

The space around her distorted, as both Abra and Poliwag walked out beside her.

Leaf had often wondered where these two small monsters came from. For whatever reason, they followed behind his sister and acted as her own team.

The Poliwag quickly ran up to Rose and started to act cute. Meanwhile, Abra stood at one side, afraid that he would become the target of his Master's frequent mood swings.

Rose hugged the Poliwag and laughed happily, while Abra looked towards little Rose with eyes full of expectations.

Rose nodded her head, as she pointed towards the jungle and spoke,

[Are you two ready? Today, we would beat up some monsters !]

Abra never expected to be told to act alongside Poliwag and cursed his luck as he trailed behind the excited tadpole Pokemon.

<Damn! Do I have to take care of this baby too? It's already hard to evade, you know!>

Leaf became even more nervous, as he decided to trail them from behind.


[Abra! Move to the left! Poliwag use BUBBLE on that monster's eye! Focus!]

As the two Pokemon listened to their Master shouting directions at them, Abra tried his best to avoid the thick log of wood being swung by the orc.

Fortunately for it, it's small size gave him a huge advantage to sneak out before getting hit.

Meanwhile, Poliwag kept using BUBBLE to cause the orc's vision to become disturbed as Rose kept punching the orc here and there.

[Take this! You bad monster!]

Looking at his little sister fighting such a fearsome monster, Leaf had a very hard time believing.

Initially he thought that Rose was becoming careless and was acting recklessly.

Now he knew that his little sister was more powerful than he ever gave her the credit for.

Although the three were really into their fight, the Arachne was lazing around as it waited for her new meal to die soon.

[Wait.. so long..]

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That was when it's senses picked up on two more orcs preparing an ambush on the three.

[Enemy?.. Food?]

The Arachne immediately moved into action, as it swiftly appeared behind the two orcs and pierced through their skulls with it's legs.

As the Arachne looked beyond the trees, it found the three still busy in fighting the lone orc.

[Human won't mind.. let's eat..]

Unable to bear it's hunger any longer, the Arachne decided to quickly finish it's meal, deciding for the lone orc to be it's dessert instead.


After satiating it's appetite, the Arachne returned to find the little child proudly standing over the now collapsed orc.

[HAHAHAHA! That's how we do it! Well done Poliwag. But, we must train more again!]

Leaf sat down on the grass nearby, as he looked at his sister in a daze.

Such a huge and terrible monster, and his little sister was standing over it's body in triumph.

<You really grew up fast, Rose. Looks like you might not need your brother's protection anymore soon..>

Leaf sulked around in neglect, as he pondered on what to do.

Meanwhile, the Arachne moved closer to Rose and spoke,

[Little Human.. time to go..]

Rose looked back at her friend and quickly agreed.

The Arachne used it's webs to quickly secure it's body and dragged it behind, as Rose and the other two took their seats on the Arachne's back.

[Alright! Rose ready here! Let's go!]

The three then rushed back and soon sneaked inside the Camp, as Rose recalled the two Pokemon and decided to head back home for lunch.

[Hahaha, that was so much fun! I wonder what Big Brother Adrian is doing?]

The Arachne happily hid her meal securely, as she followed behind the little human towards it's home as well.

[Meet man..]


Adrian was returning back to his place, as he sighed dejectedly.

[Hah.. it's too boring here.. Nothing much to do..]

Adrian found out that after designating every key responsibility to his subordinates, he had nothing much to do and asked the other guards about some entertainment.

Well, the answer he got was a bit too different from the one that he was looking forward to, as torturing the captured soldiers had become their favorite stress reliever nowadays.

As he walked back to his room, he found that everyone was hard at work, while some were flirting with with female companions, making Adrian green in jealousy.

He soon stood in front of his room, but overheard some terrible things instead.

[Um, what did you do that monster? Did you eat it already?]

[No.. saving.. later.]

[I wonder how that tastes like.. Is it tasty?]

As, the Arachne and Rose kept talking about some gory things, Adrian freaked out greatly and decided to not return back to his room for now.

Unable to handle being bored, Adrian decided to try visiting Luisa and Elvisa. He hoped that the two would have overcome the difficult situation the two found themselves in.

[I hope that those two are doing well. The Doc was certainly very amicable though. I wonder if something would happen this time too..]


Chapter 71 END


A/N: Winter is at it's peak at where I live. What is it like where you guys stay?

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