The Pokemon System

Chapter 76: Chapter 72

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Chapter 72


Elvisa bid the patient goodbye, as she patiently waited for the next one to enter.

Although they had not opened their clinic for long, but the people of the Camp quickly found out that the doctor was now here and soon, the usual queue was back again.

She recently heard that a friend of Adrian was treating the guards and other patients at the now-restored Hospital.

Elvisa was more than happy with the situation, since it meant that she could focus on her own work with no guilt anymore.

Her sister Luisa was working as the nurse and was maintaining the queue, registering the patient records and dispensing the medicine all by herself.

She felt a little sorry to throw all the troublesome task over to her little sister, but Luisa happily refuted any concern as she continued to work with tremendous morale.

After the queue ended, Luisa placed the board of 'Lunch Break' outside the clinic door and walked back to her sister.

[Sister. Some medicines have run out already, but we have some money now! I will go to the Central Pharmacy and the Storage Office to enquire for them. I will be back later.]

Elvisa smiled towards her sister and nodded in approval. Luisa soon departed the clinic, leaving Elvisa alone in the clinic.

As she felt a pang of hunger, Elvisa started to wonder what she could have for lunch. It was then that someone called out from the outside.

[Is anyone in? I am here for a visit!]

Elvisa quickly recognized the voice and swiftly straightened her clothes before walking over to open the door.

[A-Adrian.. it's really you..]

Adrian stood there awkwardly as he smiled and presented a bouquet of flowers to her.

[I looked for you two all over the Camp. It wasn't until I found a kind old lady returning from here that I finally found you. I brought something for both of you. This one is for you.]

Elvisa smiled sweetly as she received and brought the bouquet close to herself. She hugged it tightly to her abundant chest as she felt a strange warmth in her heart.

Adrian peeked over her shoulder as he asked Elvisa,

[Umm, where is Luisa? I had one for her too.]

Adrian spoke as he showed Elvisa the second bouquet that he was holding.

Elvisa suddenly started to feel a little jealous of her own sister as she spoke,

[She is out for an errand. Oh, that reminds me, did you eat something yet?]

Adrian placed his hand over his angry stomach and laughed awkwardly.

[No.. not yet.. hahaha....]

Elvisa's expression brightened up immediately as she spoke her mind,

[T-Then! Let's go out to eat together. I will pay for it!]

Adrian felt a bit bad for relying on Elvisa for lunch, but he had already spent his money on the gifts and had no money to himself anymore.

[That.. if it's okay then..]

Elvisa smiled happily as she responded.


Elvisa took both of the bouquets and stored them safely, before she locked the clinic and started to walk away alongside Adrian.

Adrian's eyes roamed all over Elvisa's mature and sexy body, as his little junior started to wake up again.

[So, you guys opened up your own thing, huh. I thought that Ella and you would become a great team together.]

Elvisa was very happy to be outside like this and happily responded.

You are reading story The Pokemon System at

[Oh. About that, my sister is working with me now and we are doing very well. I think that I can keep doing this forever with her.]

Adrian nodded in understanding as the fight between his hunger and lust started to become even wilder.

[I see. That's great then. If you guys face any trouble, then look for me instantly! I will come running over in an instant!]

Elvisa giggled happily as she gave Adrian a very enticing smile and spoke,

[Hehehe. Sure. I would be troubling you from now on then.]

Adrian's face was turning weird as he battled his inner demons stealthily.

Elvisa stopped beside a hotpot restaurant and asked Adrian about it.

[W-Would it be okay for you to have lunch here?]

Adrian was so hungry now that he felt like he could even eat n elephant whole and nodded like crazy.

The two then went inside and grabbed two seats next to each other.

The food was served quickly as it was hot and piping. Adrian was starved for some good food for a while now and started to gulp down the food instantly.

Elvisa though, was too conscious of Adrian and ate slowly while peeking at him from time to time. Her heart started to beat loudly and rapidly as many thoughts started to tease her mind into action.

[It's great! I wonder why I ate the tasteless food before. I am coming here from now on!]

Elvisa giggled lightly as she enjoyed their time together.

After paying for the food, the two went outside for a walk, as Elvisa introduced the popular areas around the place.

[This tea shop is really good. I often came here for meetings before.]

[Ah, I see..]

Adrian would often drool at the roadside snacks stall and tasted them all one by one.

Soon, his stomach became bloated beyond belief as he even had trouble walking. Elvisa supported him and brought him back to her clinic.

[Just wait for a bit. Here! Take this medicine. It is fast acting and will relieve the pain too.]

She fed him some digestion medicine and let him rest in her room.

(...oh man... shouldn't have gulped so many fish sticks down... but.. they were irresistible!..)

As Adrian's mind still wandered among the delicacies, Elvisa was facing a dilemma of her own.

As Elvisa saw Adrian sleeping on her bed, a bold thought entered her mind, as she tried hard to deny it.

But, as much as she tried to deny it, the thought only became stronger before it completely took over her mind.

She walked back to the bed and sat close to him.

As Adrian stared at her sexy thighs and beautiful legs, Elvisa finally mustered up her courage and spoke,

[Y-You know Adrian... I-I have been wanting to say something for a while now. It may sound stupid coming from someone as old as me, but.. I cannot ignore this any longer..]

This garnered Adrian's attention, as he stared at Elvisa's face in confusion.

Elvisa took a deep breath, before she looked at Adrian in his eyes and spoke,



Chapter 72 END

A/N: My greatest thanks to my Patrons for supporting me in these tough times. Thank you guys a lot.

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