The President Mistook Him For A Canary!

Chapter 3: 3

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There were quite a few meetings before the start of the new semester. In the morning, there was a meeting for all teachers in the school. And in the afternoon, the teachers were split up into their respective grades for another meeting. The next day, there would be yet another one for teachers teaching the same class. 

Owing to the fact that the previous class he taught had the highest percentage of students being promoted to the next grade and the fact that the average English grade for his students exceeded that of other classes’ students by a large margin, the school decided to have Ying Tongchen take over as the form teacher of Special Class1 1-22.

Ying Tongchen did not refuse. After discussing with the other subject teachers, the venue and time for the next day’s meeting were set.

After the meeting, the group of teachers once again headed to the cafeteria to eat. Several female teachers in Ying Tongchen’s group had plans for karaoke and supper and asked him if he wanted to join along.

“I’ll refrain from intruding into you ladies’3 time,” Ying Tongchen politely declined.

“Oh, don’t worry about it—you can just pretend you’re helping us with our bags,”4 Though they had a meeting earlier, Teacher Fu’s professional attire still had a hint of sexiness to it. 

“Mr Ying, you’ve never participated in our outings before. Could it be that you have a strict girlfriend?”

Several other female teachers covered their mouths and giggled secretly.

Teacher Fu was a new teacher who’d only joined just last year, and her favourite hobby was to tease Ying Tongchen during their usual office hours. Ying Tongchen did not know whether to take her advances seriously and thus could only politely reject the other’s invitations.


“That’s not true,” Ying Tongchen waved his hand, “I’m afraid I’ll be cut down by envious passers-by in a fit of jealousy if I were to go out with such a group of stunning ladies.”

The group heaved with laughter. With an angry smile, Teacher Fu remarked, “Teacher Ying truly is a difficult person to chase. I’ve heard that you like to keep to yourself even in your faculty? Our English faculty is filled with women. With looks like yours, I’m sure you have many admirers who wish to chase you. How do you maintain your composure?”5

How? By bending, of course. 6

“It’s all up to fate,” Ying Tongchen straightforwardly replied.

Teacher Fu: “What’s your type? We’ll help you take note.”

Ying Tongchen: “Someone a little taller than me.”

Everyone: “???”

The math teacher standing on the opposite side was stunned. “You’re almost 1.8 meters tall, and you still want to find someone taller?!”

“Mm. It gives me a sense of security.” The corners of Ying Tongchen’s mouth hooked up. Getting to his feet, he prepared to leave. “Slowly enjoy the meal, I’ve made an appointment with my friend to go to the gym and will be going first.”

The group of teachers left behind went into a tizzy.

“Does Ying Tongchen like tall people because he likes working out?”

“The director even wanted to introduce his daughter to Ying Tongchen. Now that’s no longer a possibility. Hahaha, I suddenly feel happy.”

“So we don’t stand a chance either? All of us were eliminated?7“

“Are short people like us undeserving of romance?”

The math teacher Zheng Zhinan raised his hand weakly and blushed. “I…I like short people, do any of you want to consider me?”

“Nope. Mathematics is our natural enemy! We have no common topic!”

Zheng Zhinan: “Ying.8“

The private club where Meng Gong worked was located in the city centre, and the place was clean and bright. The clients were all incredibly wealthy. One would be able to see private tutors conducting one-on-one lessons as long as they entered the private club.

Thanks to Meng Gong’s employee benefits, Ying Tongchen managed to get the yearly membership card at a discounted price.

After completing a set of exercises, he took a seat in the snack area with a bottle of water. Not too long after, Meng Gong, having some free time, sat down opposite him.

“How’s Zhen Mingxin?” Ying Tongchen asked.

“Not bad.” Meng Gong proudly tilted his chin up towards someone behind Ying Tongchen’s back. “Hey, why don’t you introduce yourself to my new client?”

Ying Tongchen turned back and saw Zhen Mingxin dressed in a tank top that revealed thin limbs. A towel was thrown across his shoulders. With a face full of sweat, he smiled shyly at Ying Tongchen.

“Brother Ying.”

Ying Tongchen raised his brows. “Take a seat.”

Zhen Mingxin sat down beside him with his hands on his knees. His small face was flushed bright red. “Thank you for your help last time. I haven’t managed to properly thank you yet; how about I help you renew your yearly membership?”

“No need.” Ying Tongchen asked a question of his own, “Why did you start coming to the gym?”

“I want to be as strong as Meng Meng9.” Zhen Mingxin pinched his weak body and sighed.

Ying Tongchen smiled: “Where’s your manager? She didn’t kick up a fuss?”

“That’s not it.”

Ying Tongchen had just breathed a sigh of relief when he heard Zhen Mingxin’s next words. “She directly fired me. I’m now in the hands of an intern.”

“Ai.” Ying Tongchen and Meng Gong sighed at the same time.

“But this is pretty good too. My new agent is young, cheerful, and brimming with a sense of righteousness. She even declared that she wants to make me an A-list actor!” Zhen Mingxin chuckled twice.

Then, as if he’d recalled something, Zhen Mingxin sneakily looked Ying Tongchen up and down. In a low voice, he asked, “Brother Ying, I heard that you and that man…”

“Mm, we did it.”

Zhen Mingxin made a tiny noise of shock and gave Ying Tongchen a thumbs up. “You’re truly my brother! Sacrificing yourself for the sake of fulfilling your younger brother’s dreams. Don’t say anything else—I’ll definitely renew this gym card of yours!”

“You should focus on gaining popularity first. Everything else can come after.”

Meng Gong, who had been silent for a long time, was at his limit and couldn’t help but cut in. “About that person—are you really not planning to meet him anymore?”

“Mm, not meeting anymore.”

“How about other people?”

“I don’t plan on meeting anyone for the time being. The new school term will start soon.”

After resting for a while, another one of Meng Gong’s loyal clients came by, and he entrusted Zhen Mingxin to Ying Tongchen’s supervision.

Ying Tongchen lowered his head and played with his mobile phone. Picking up the bottle beside him, he raised his head and took a sip of water—and suddenly had the strange feeling that he was the target of a burning gaze. Confused, he turned to look at the incredibly well-behaved Zhen Mingxin.

Zhen Mingxin was dazed by Ying Tongchen’s side profile. “Brother Ying, you are so handsome. Why don’t we start dating?”


Zhen Mingxin wiped the water on his face and smiled. “Brother, will you not consider me at all?”

“You’re just a younger brother to me,” Ying Tongchen replied in embarrassment. He took a piece of tissue and handed it over.

“Alright then.” Zhen Mingxin let out a sigh and wiped his face. Seeing that the corner of Ying Tongchen’s mouth was stained with some water, Zhen Mingxin hurriedly reached out to help him wipe it up.

Ying Tongchen grabbed his wrist and was about to speak when a shadow suddenly loomed over him.

The two men looked up at the same time and saw a man with sharp features and unfathomable eyes staring at the entangled hands of the two. The man’s gaze then fell upon Zhen Mingxin’s face.

Zhen Mingxin was frightened out of his wits and nearly wilted on the spot. “Um, Brother Ying, is this your friend?” he whispered. 

“No.” Ying Tongchen saw the man frown at his words and thus changed his tune. “Yes… I think?”

Could fuck buddies be considered friends?

“Ying Tongchen, come here.” Zhuo Shu’s expression darkened and turned to leave. A short moment later, he turned back around and realized that Ying Tongchen seemed to have no intention of following after him.

Zhuo Shu’s irritation rose. Retracing his steps, he grasped Ying Tongchen’s wrist and towed the other over to the lounge with large strides, locking the door on his way out.

Ying Tongchen twisted his hand in an effort to get free—though that only resulted in provoking the other into pressing him against the door angrily.

“That person just now…Who is he to you?” Zhuo Shu was enraged. He’d finally found time to exercise yet the first thing he’d seen was this—the little lover he was supporting was flirting with and teasing another man. “Do you cultivate ‘good relationships’ with multiple clients behind my back?”

Zhuo Shu felt as if he was being surrounded by green light10. Even the decorations in the lounge were a vibrant green. How infuriating!

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Ying Tongchen blinked and more or less understood what Zhuo Shu meant. A moment later, he chuckled slightly. “He’s a younger brother I just met. That’s all.”

“Right, aren’t terms like Baba, Erzi, Gege and Didi popular now?” Zhuo Shu gritted his teeth. 11

“Pfft, you seem to have played around a lot.” Ying Tongchen raised his eyes and shot Zhuo Shu a sly look. “Am I right? Gege.”

Zhuo Shu: “!”

Zhuo Shu paused slightly. “What did you just call me?”

“Gege.” Ying Tongchen hooked the corners of his mouth up. “Unless you want me to call you Baba?”

After saying these words, Ying Tongchen noticed that the ears of the fierce-looking man in front of him had involuntarily reddened.

Ying Tongchen struggled not to smile, but was unable to stop the laugh that bubbled out. The next moment, he heard Zhuo Shu solemnly and deliberately say, “I can indeed be considered your daddy.”

A sugar daddy was a daddy. Thinking along these lines, Zhuo Shu felt relieved. “Say it once for me to hear?”

“I’ve given you an inch, but now you want a mile.” Angry and amused, Ying Tongchen pushed Zhuo Shu away and tried to tidy up his collar. Only then did he recall that he was currently wearing sportswear.

Zhuo Shu had also noticed this. Though Ying Tongchen’s clothes were simple—a white short-sleeved shirt and sweatpants—his chest was wet with sweat, which caused the fabric to turn a little transparent. His exposed skin was fair and clean and there was a small mark at his neckline.

Zhuo Shu gently pulled at Ying Tongchen’s collar and saw multiple hickeys that had not yet faded. There were no new ones either. Like a cat that had caught a canary, he smiled in satisfaction.12

Ying Tongchen pushed his hand away, walked to the sofa and sat down, crossing his long legs. Looking up at him, he said, “Why do you care about who I talk to?”

“Of course I care.13” Zhuo Shu glared at Ying Tongchen, though some appreciation entered his fierce gaze upon seeing Ying Tongchen’s calm expression.

Zhuo Shu was afraid that Ying Tongchen was acting this way to set himself apart from his peers. The rich second generation wastrels around him would show off their little lovers on social media all day long and constantly poke fun at him for having money but nobody to warm his bed. Having seen too many sexy and sultry little lovers, all Zhuo Shu felt was a sense of mild disgust.

On the other hand, Zhuo Shu was more than willing to become the patron of a canary like Ying Tongchen, who had a laid-back, austere temperament.

With these thoughts in mind, Zhuo Shu sat down on the opposite side, his posture upright. “You are one of my people now, so promiscuity is forbidden. Now is a good time for discussing things. There’s no need to worry; though it’s my first time doing this type of thing, I’ll try my best and work hard to adapt to this new identity of mine as soon as possible.”

“Mm. Those who work hard will be able to reap the fruits of their labour sooner or later.” Ying Tongchen also felt that he had to practise his skills a little more, afraid of being unable to find even a fuck buddy in the future.

Zhuo Shu: “?” You’re pretty good at encouraging people…

He coughed. Now that he was a patron, he had to set a few ground rules.

“I’ve been a little busy recently, but I do know that your work has not been hectic.”

“Mm, work is going pretty slowly.” Ying Tongchen was filled with regret. September would arrive soon—and it would bring with it the end of his paid vacation.

Seeing the dejected look on Ying Tongchen’s face, Zhuo Shu thought in his heart that Ying Tongchen was someone with a strong drive to improve himself. He gave Ying Tongchen some points in his heart. “Rest assured. You’ll be able to work soon. Standing out will not be a problem.”

“Thank you for those words.”

“But there’s a criterion you have to fulfil first. You need to be obedient.”


“You need to show up the moment I ask to see you and satisfy my desire.”

“Uh…” Ying Tongchen wondered if other fuck buddies were like this too. Would they also act in such a blatant way, or request the other to satisfy themselves in such a forthright manner?

Ying Tongchen gave a perfunctory reply. “We’ll take a look at the situation then.”

“Take a look at what situation?” Zhuo Shu frowned.

“I fear that you’ll be tired.” Ying Tongchen looked at him with a little sympathy.

“It’s of no concern.” Zhuo Shu felt that he was not tired at all!

He then added: “Leave your phone number. Someone will get in contact with you if I want to call upon you in the future.”

Ying Tongchen fell into contemplation.

Zhuo Shu was confused. That expression of ‘sacrificing for the greater good’ on your face—should I take that seriously?

“So you mean…This will be a long-term thing?” Ying Tongchen clarified.

Zhuo Shu nodded: “Yes, but in the future, I will not help you bathe.” How ludicrous—since when were sugar babies so demanding of their patron?

Ying Tongchen pursed his lips, caught in a dilemma. On one hand, this suggestion was a stellar one—he could hit two birds with one stone. With a fixed fuck buddy, he would be able to solve his physiological needs and ensure his personal health and safety, but…on the topic of pleasure…

“Ah. Well…”

“You have an objection?”

As they conversed, a knock came from the door. Meng Gong took a look and let himself in. “Tongchen, when do you plan on heading back? Do you want me to give you a ride?”

Hearing this, Zhuo Shu immediately raised his eyebrows. Turning around, he saw a tall and muscled man wearing a black vest. He exuded a sense of masculinity from all over his body. Zhuo Shu’s gaze involuntarily turned several degrees colder. “Who are you?”

Meng Gong’s eyes widened. Looking at the handsome and domineering man in front of him, he felt his heart tremble. Shyly, he stuttered out: “He…Hello, I’m Meng Gong. Are you a friend of Tongchen?”

Zhuo Shu looked at Ying Tongchen, placed his hands upon the armrest, and acted the part of a wealthy patron, silently waiting for Ying Tongchen to explain himself.

Ying Tongchen rubbed at his nose, walked to the door and whispered to Meng Gong, “He’s the one who wanted to date Zhen Mingxin.”

“!” Meng Gong took another glance at Zhuo Shu and was frightened into incoherency for a while. Then: “If I’d known he was so handsome, I would’ve offered myself up!”

“Keep your voice down.” Ying Tongchen glanced outside. “We still don’t know if he recognizes Zhen Mingxin. Have you forgotten? Zhen Mingxin is still here.”

“!!!” Faced with a choice between a handsome man and his friends, Meng Gong resolutely chose the handsome man. “Tongchen, please cover Zhen Mingxin. Leave the situation here to me.”


Zhuo Shu saw the two of them whispering back and forth as if they were in a world of their own and felt his anger go up several notches—his head was flashing green again! Getting to his feet, he walked over. The two of them went silent at the same time and looked at him in unison.

“Follow me.” Zhuo Shu cast a sharp look towards Ying Tongchen.

“Where to?”

“Where do you think we’re going?”

Ying Tongchen’s chrysanthemum [redacted] clenched nervously. 


Ying Tongchen raised his eyes slightly and his gaze stopped on Zhuo Shu’s handsome face for a half-second. That short moment was more than enough for him to change his mind and he righteously declared: “Let’s go. I’ll decide the place this time.” 

Meng Gong watched the backs of the two. Zhen Mingxin abruptly came over. “Meng Meng, why are you crying?”

“Wuwuwu14, I’m suffering from unrequited love.”

“What a coincidence, so am I!”

Zhuo Shu, standing in front of the hotel while being buffeted by freezing winds, refused to take a single step inside. “Are you still groggy from sleep? Or am I the one who’s not fully awake? Do you think I’ll sleep in a place like this?

“Aren’t we just sleeping? Why are you so picky about it? Perhaps you think the sum is negligible.” Regardless of what Zhuo Shuo thought about the cost, Ying Tongchen had no plans to waste his money on a five-star hotel. Ying Tongchen pushed at Zhuo Shu from behind. “Hurry up. Are you going to do it or not?”

Zhuo Shu firmly abided by his principles. “I’d rather die or jump down from here than do it in a place like this.”


“Let’s not do it, then.” Ying Tongchen turned around and left without any hesitation.

Zhuo Shu: “…”

Zhuo Shu: “Stop right there!”MT/N: Ehehehehheh Im excited of what’s going to happen next~~ Do read my new novel The School Bully Wrote A Fanfic About Me And Him! Its very cute and fluffyyyyyy~ Thank you to Waterlemon for tling this chappiiii whooweeeeee. Must say does anybody who has english as their first language or is good at it willing to become my pr wuwuuwuw. I promise that me tling is not very difficulttt wuwuwu~ anotehrthing is that Im a big fan of QT BL angsty arcs but overall he. BUT NONE OF MY TRANSLATOR SAMAS ARE UPLAODING THEIR ALL ON HIATUSSSS. Whyyyyyyyyyywhyyyhwyyyyy so sadddddddd. Btw do tell me if theres any typos, u can contact me in the Foxaholic server my username is Lazyflower too, or you can contact ILUVPAWSZ! Give an emoji donw below or a good review if you liek it heheheheheh. Uwaaa all my chapter one and two is missinggggg I dunno whyyy im aksing for helppppp!!!!



Refers to a class that receives special treatment from the teachers to develop the students at a faster pace. E.g. A special class may have their curriculum adjusted such that 3 years of content are covered in 2. Highschool year 1, class 2 Raws used “sisters” instead of ladies, though they mean the same thing. In Chinese, ladies’ night, girls’ night out etc are usually replaced by “sister” Raws: “Coincidentally, you can help us with our bags”. It’s a little hard to convey a friendly tone in English so I’ve adjusted the sentence slightly. Raws: How do you stop yourself from blushing? Bending from straight to gay Raws: Entire army was wiped out Crying sound in Chinese Cutesy nickname for Meng Gong “Green” has the connotation of cheating in Chinese Father (daddy), son, older brother and younger brother respectively Raws: 满意地笑了笑 (smiled in satisfaction). There’s no mention of ‘cat that got the canary’, but this… cross-language(?) pun was simply too tempting. Heheheh. “话说,你管我跟谁在一起聊呢。” “当然不行” – “You say, you care about who I talk to?” “Of course, you can’t”. Makes sense in Chinese but sounds very jarring in English, hence the adjustment. Crying noises

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