The President Mistook Him For A Canary!

Chapter 2: 2

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When Ying Tongchen saw his appearance, he was exited for the upcoming event. His legs no longer listened to him as he walked into the room.

Before he had time to react, he heard the man say, “Go have a shower.”

Ying Tongchen sat in the bathroom. Although he had drunk some wine, he was still pretty much sober. He sent a WeChat message to his good friend. 

【Ying】: Where are you now?

Ying patted1 the ‘Is not Meng Gong(Fierce gong)3.


A pity that the pats for Meng Gong’s butt was all used up from overdoing it, but there was still no reply yet. Maybe, he was still on the journey of sending that guy home.  

t and searched online for the correct cleaning steps4. Although he had researched a little about this quite some time ago. At the last moment, it was still better to check again.

After showering and cleaning up, he put on a bathrobe and headed out. 

The sound of the opening door startled the man, who hurriedly hid a bottle under his pillow. 

“What are you peeking at?” He asked subconsciously. After all, this little kind of act happened in his classroom every day. 

Instead, the man coughed and patted his pillow conspicuously. “Nothing, nothing.”

Ying Tongchen naturally noticed what it was. It was a lubricant. Could it be that he was reading the instructions on how to use it? 


“I was just checking to see if it’s expired,” the man suddenly raised his voice. 

“Oh.” Ying Tongchen sized him up and saw that he looked serious and his ears were a little red. Contrarily, he himself wasn’t nervous at all and sat down next to him. 

The man quietly moved about a centimetre away to the side. 

This is different from the strong and domineering man in his imagination! 

Ying Tongchen asked, “What’s your name?”

The man cleared his throat: “Cough, Zhuo Shu. Didn’t your manager tell you?”

“He didn’t tell.” Ying Tongchen frowned. “Your surname… that is ke5?”

“Ah, no, my surname is Zhuo.”


Zhuo Shu asked back: “How about you?”

“Ying Tongchen, Ying from ying gai6,  Tongchen from he guang tong chen7.”


The atmosphere suddenly turned awkward. 

This wasn’t right. This was not the ideal atmosphere for a one-night stand. Anyway, since the other party was making an offer; he had been single for many years, and the other person happened to suit his tastes. Coupled with the effect of alcohol, it’s normal to take advantage of the situation. 

Why does this seem like primary school kids getting to know each other? 

Ying Tongchen had to continue to ask: “How old are you?”

Zhuo Shu subconsciously wanted to answer, but suddenly remembered he was the financial backer so he should be fierce and straightforward. Changing the topic, he commanded: “Lie down.”


The topic was changed so bluntly just like this?

Ying Tongchen, who was contemplating whether he should pretend to be bashful, turned his eyes to see him stripped. His firm figure, strong and muscular. His mermaid line once again poked at his aesthetic point. He immediately lay down straight and began to look forward to it. 

The preparations were completed. The two who were quite unfamiliar with each another have officially begun to establish a relationship. Hexie is on track and Tiangong-1 is successfully docked.8

When the airship landed, Ying Tongchen’s eyes trembled9


Ying Tongchen was exhausted, sweating all over as he gasped for breath. Lying limply on the bed, he looked at his sharp, defined features in front of him with expressive eyes as he let out a heartfelt sigh.  

What a pity. He was a good, handsome guy,  equipped with great tools yet his skill was truly horrible. 

However, Zhou Shu still wished to continue, immediately starting the second round. 

No matter what, for the first time, one has to give some confidence to the other person. Ying Tongchen pondered over his non-existent acting skill and hummed loudly: “OMG, you’re really big, you’re so awesome. I’m dying. No more, okay?”

Zhuo Shu looked at the pitiful guy, the pure eyes of his were red-rimmed as if he was about to cry. His pleading voice was pleasant to the ears, which moved him, causing his heart to feel a burst of satisfaction.  Although he still wanted to go a few more times, the contract still had a lot of time left so he had to temporarily call a truce, with a face full of satisfaction.

Inner thought: Sure enough, keeping a young lover that is both clever and capable. This decision was really worth it!

On the bed, Ying Tongchen was weak and feeble, like a salted fish. “Carry me to bath.”

“?” Big courage10.

Zhuo Shu glanced at him in surprise. Did other people’s little things also ask their financial backer so righteously? Was the next step to fall in love directly?

“Don’t worry. We aren’t in a relationship, just taking what we need.” Ying Tongchen smiled, “But as a gentleman, giving me a bath isn’t excessive, right?”

He then added: “After all, it was you that was just too big, hurting me.”


Zhuo Shu smugly carried him to take a bath. Also, due to his praise, he personally gave him a back rub. 

Ying Tongchen leaned comfortably against the bathtub and sized him up: “It’s your first time, right?”

Zhuo Shu was stunned: “How did you know?”

Nonsense! I just did it with you. How could I not know?

“Is the first time for you too?”Zhuo Shu asked only to realize he asked for nothing. If he had often did this business, he would have been popular since long ago.  “What you said is right. Each takes what is needed. Don’t worry, I’ll help you.”

“Help me?” Ying Tongchen turned around and said, “Then help me rub once more. Your rubbing technique is really amazing.”

“…” This little thing is really good at sticking his nose in the air!

Zhuo Shu threw the towel into the water with a fierce expression: “Rub where!”


Finally, both of them lay down exhaustedly. Zhuo Shu’s final bit of desire also disappeared, fearing that another round of 18 types of rubbing might come again in the middle of the night. He still wants to go to the company tomorrow. 

During his sleep, he seemed to have kicked a few times, it was soft and very comfortable. The next morning, when Zhuo Shu opened his eyes, he saw the man lying next to him.

His facial features were clearly magnified at this moment. His skin was white and fair, and his nose was high and straight, the eyelashes thick. His hair hung down cutely from his head, covering half of his forehead. His lips were moist and soft. 

He had heard that many rich second generations loved to show their charisma off. One of them was that their little lover got up at dawn to put on makeup and pretended to sleep, just waiting to surprise their gold masters11when they opened their eyes, then naturally seducing the owners not to leave early. 

Zhuo Shu suspected that this little lover would also secretly put on makeup so he rubbed his hand against his cheeks but there was no powder. He once again looked at his lips carefully. His face barely got close, when the other person suddenly lets out a sneeze.

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“…” How daring                             

The little gold master disgracefully touched his face and got up to wash. He stood in front of the mirror and turned to look at the unsightly scars on his back.

“…” Audacious!

When I have time, I must learn from other financial backers how to discipline the little lover. 

After dressing up, he returned to the bed and looked at the clothes on the floor, as well as the wallet on the bedside table. He thought, putting that so obviously, is he waiting for him to make a payment?

When he opened the wallet, he was attracted by the photo on the ID card at a glance. He couldn’t help but look at it for a few more seconds. He turned his head and compared it with the person on the bed. The photo looked more childish, but didn’t change much. 

Not bad, no plastic surgery. 

The wallet only contained little cash, two bank cards, and a bunch of membership cards.

Really poor. 

Zhuo Shu took out one of the bank cards and memorized the numbers before putting it back in its original place. 

The assistant was waiting for him downstairs and when he came out refreshed, he immediately opened the car door. “Boss, today you look very energetic and powerful. Your complexion looks rosy too.”

Zhuo Shu raised his eyebrows. He sat in the car and picked up the iPad for work to search online about Ying Tongchen.

Half a minute later, he sighed lightly.

There’s no such person in the entire entertainment industry.

How the fuck did he make a living? 

He put away the tablet and said to his assistant, “I’ll give you an account, go make a transfer later.”


“Wait.” Zhuo Shu frowned slightly. “How much does it cost for a rub in the bath?”

“Ten dollars, for the public bathhouse I go to regularly,” the assistant said cheerfully. 

“What? Only ten dollars? ”Zhuo Shu couldn’t believe it. “How come it’s only ten dollars for such hard work?”

“It mainly depends on the place. The public baths are about ten or so. The high-end bath centres are more expensive, about hundreds of thousands, depending on the place and appearance of the workers. If…”The assistant glanced at him through the rearview mirror. “If there’s a special service, it will be more expensive.”

Zhuo Shu calculated in his heart. The place was a five-star hotel, his appearance is really superior and special service…really, I should be worth 8888 yuans. 

“Deduct 8888 yuans from the transfer amount,” Zhuo Shu said.

For businessmen, it’s all about interests. 

The assistant: “?”


When Ying Tongchen woke up, it was already noon. When he got out of bed, he rubbed his waist, his walking posture not dashing enough. After cleaning up properly, he went downstairs as if nothing happened and went to the reception to inform his room number. The receptionist said that it had already been checked out. He asked the price again. One night here could burn his three-month worth of salary. He will never come to this kind of hellhole again. 

Wait! How will there be a next time?

He walked down the road to the parking lot of the last night’s bar, found his Myrtle, and drove home, the address near his school. 

Originally, the school provided the accommodation and the overall environment wasn’t bad. However, considering his sexual orientation, in case, one day he fell in love and brought someone home, it’s not convenient to go in and out of the school so he rented a two-room apartment nearby.

The old man wanted him to buy it directly, but this is the school district and the prices are high. Not to mention, he will not have children in the future. It’s better to use this money to redecorate the old man’s house and change a set of household appliances. 

When he got home, he took another shower and threw his old clothes into the washing machine, then his phone rang.

It’s from the old man.

Said that the bank sent him a text message. There were twenty or thirty thousand more in the card and more zeroes. 

Ying Tongchen pondered for a moment, “Maybe it’s from the studio.”

When he was in college, he started a translation studio with his classmates. Initially, he only received small manuscripts. Unexpectedly, it had developed into a well-known young studio in the industry.

The old man tried to say: “So it’s like that. Oh, yes, what, that card seems to be…missing. Don’t add money into it next time.”

Ying Tongchen remembered that he went home yesterday and took out his wallet. Sure enough, the old man might have slipped it in again. “Oh, it’s here. I’ll give it back to you another day.”

“Oh, don’t give it back. This card has so much money. I don’t use it. You keep it yourself.” The old man didn’t expect him to find out so soon. “I’m such an old man, where do I need to spend money? You are going to be thirty, it’s time to find a date.”

“What about you? You are about to be sixty, why don’t you find a date?”

After chatting for a while, he ended the call and clicked on WeChat to see Meng Gong had finally replied. 

【Not a fierce gong】: What’s up? Did things go well last night?

【Not a fierce gong】: Did you call the police? How come I didn’t see your act of bravery on social news?

Ying Tongchen pondered about last night’s unexpected mistake and replied, “Didn’t call the police, he held me tight.”

【Not a fierce gong】: Damn! What do you mean? Did he take an interest in you?

【Ying】:Should be two-way.

【Not a fierce gong】: ??? Something is fishy.


Meng Gong immediately dialled him and confirmed with him again and again before looking up to the sky and sighing, “We agreed to be a single dog together. Fuck, you traitor!”

“Uh-huh. No, I’m still single.”

Meng Gong became suddenly excited: “This, was it exciting?”

“Quite exciting.”

“How’s that man?”

Ying Tongchen was silent for a few seconds and commented sincerely: “Face five stars, poor skills.”

“…Should I go through the procedure or just laugh?”


“But is his face really five stars?! Your five-star level isn’t simple!” Meng Gong was more excited than him. “Brother, you’d better hold onto this chicken edge. Poor technique can be improved,  but it’s too hard to find a good-looking one.” 


“This old man pinched his fingers and calculated, “This must be the fate of chicken meeting peach blossoms.”

Ying Tongchen: “…..”

I wanted to find a partner, not a rectal prolapse. 

TN: Hi, it’s Lazyflower, sorry for the month gap between the last update and this one eheheh. There’s been an onslaught of work and I didn’t have time to upload this chappie. Btw, thank you for the two cuppa coffee, I got~ Oh, and I’m planning to post a chapter one of a new novel.I found it’s a cute story and uh school genre type? The gng writes fanfics to woo the protag hehee. I’’ try to post chappie 3 before my exams start~ Have a nice day yall!



This is one of the WeChat functions, you can pat/tickle the other person and can also freely choose which body parts you want to pat like shoulder, head, hands. In this case, his buttock   his bottom and commented that they were really outstanding2猛(meng)means fierce, 攻(gong)means top…it’s a pun about Meng Gong’s name, he is a shou so ‘not a fierce gong’ ehemm..his chrysanthemum the raws used ke so I decided to just use that…he thought Zhuo Shu was his first name so he was asking about his last name means should/must 应该的应 means capable but modest 和光同尘 Hexie is one of the most widely-known high-speed trains being launched for the first time and Tianggong-1 is China’s first prototype space station. It is indirectly saying that this moment is about to make history, comparable to those two great historical moments. this meme thingy its like shocked author likes to use English words to emphasize ig lol the big here is in English big胆 should i leave it like this or use financial backer instead

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