The Princess Confessed to Me After I Accidentally Discover Her Secret!

Chapter 1: 1. Transfer Students.

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"What a noisy alarm!"



With my strong hand, I smash the alarm out of the table, accidentally destroying it to the dust, then unknowingly an alien spaceship discovers my mysterious ability and then they begin to invade the earth in order to capture me--


I am sorry, forget what I just said. I just woke up and I thought I was still dreaming.

Anyway! Hello there, you might be wondering, who I am? 

And if you did wondering, yes I am aware that someone watching me right now, and I can't help but feel the need to entertain you guys.

My name is Yuu. Okawari Yuu.

A generic name you can find anywhere, Yuu. What a lazy name, right?

Also, we don't talk about my surname, I don't even understand why our surname is "Okawari."

Did my whole family is a gluttons? Well... Some of us did.


"Ohayou Nii-chan"

The moment I entered the bathroom area, my eyes suddenly had a feast as a pretty cute girl with a ponytail, who seems just come out of the bathroom. She is just wearing a small towel that is barely able to stop me from peeking on her plump C chest or her nether region.

Sadly, she should be not the heroine... But she is just my sister.

I wonder if my sister is actually an exhibitionist.


I can't help but scratched my head and said, "Mayu, this is the 891th reminder, please have a shame! Or at least wear underwear?"

"I did wear a towel?" She tilted her head to act 'cutely' but I have been long immune to all of her acts.

I take a breath and patiently explained, "That towel was from me like 10 years ago. Mayu, you are already 16 so stop using it. Besides, did I have bought you a towel a week ago?"

She pouted her cheek and answered, "Onii-chan! That was your present, no way that I would use it. Also, this small towel is your first present to me, and I will use this for my entire life."

After hearing her response, I can tell my face is twitching from her perverted answer.

To be fair I know there is no way, there is no way, THERE IS NO WAY I would be able to convince her. Our parents also have long given up to change her attitude, so what chance I would be able to convince her. 

She just loves doing whatever she wants. I also have been suspected that she is a brocon, but she always denied it with her sharp mouth. 

I scratched my head and answered, "A-Anyway, please just have a shame, Mayu."

She stick out her tongue and replied, "I don't need to have shame in my own family. Especially you Nii-chan."

"Seriously Mayu, with all of your response, I really convinced that you are brocon." I said while folding my hand.

She tilted her head cutely again and answered, "Maaaybe...? I don't love you though, Onii-chan"


That's quite shocking! I thought she is going to like me as I was taking care of her since we are little kids. 

This is a betrayal! 

Holding my chest as I feel a pain in my heart hearing that, I quickly asked her, "Why, sister?"

She rolled her eyes and then pointed her finger at me and said, "You are not handsome."


"You are not smart."


"You have not good at sport either."


"And finally, you are a pervert!"





Hearing all of my sister's honest reviews about myself, my HP quickly depleted to zero as I do not have a defense against mental damage at all. I clutched my chest and slumped on the floor, dramatically.

I hope this time my sister grows a but sympathy for my weak brotherly heart.


"Okaa-san! Onii-chan died in front of the bathroom!" My sister yelled out and she walked away, leaving my corpse on the cold floor, reminding me of harsh reality.

"Again? Tell him to eat breakfast when he is alive again!" My mom yelled back from the kitchen.


My family sure is ruthless!



30 minutes later.

Just kidding, no way I would be dead that way. But it still hurt my feeling nevertheless!

After getting revived, I quickly take breakfast and headed toward the school. The school is quite close, so I just need to walk about 10 minutes before I would arrive at my school, Kamidori Private Highschool.


"Yo, Yuu!"

Someone I recognized by his voice called me out and I quickly turn around. The moment I did, the sounds of a camera shooting could be heard.

"Kanda, Good Morning. Already got material for the morning?" I greet him.

Toriyama Kanda, A well-known journalist of the newspaper club in Kamidori Private School and also my best friend plus classmate of this year. He is an eccentric guy with spiky black hair who know everything and all the rumor around the school all the time. No one in the school didn't know this guy, as he is the top 5 most infamous people in the school due to his constant record of breaking people's privacy and rules to get what he wanted.

Kanda grinned at me and replied, "Yep. It is right in front of my eyes. One student in 2-B got rejected by his sister in the morning."

W-What?! How did he know that?!

More importantly, I need to stop him!

I grab his shoulder strongly and kindly said, "You won't do that to your best friend, don't you Kanda?"

Kanda who felt under pressure answered, "J-Just kidding! You know I wouldn't write that kind of title without your permission!"

I put more pressure on his shoulder and asked, "So you will write it if I give you permission?!"


"Then, I don't give your permission to do that!" 

"Y-Yes, I won't, Yuu-sama!" Kanda repeatedly nodded at me.

"Very good! Now, let's go to the school." I said as I grab his hand strongly. 

"Ouch Ouch Ouch, My hand, Yuu-sama!"

I Ignored his plea and keep grab his hand. I won't let him run away, who knows if he would immediately flee the moment I release his hand.

Also, Intimidation is the best persuasion strategy after all.


Still, on the way to school as I never let go of his hand, Kanda suddenly tells me some interesting information.

"Anyway, Yuu. Today, I heard in our class we are going to have transferred students." 

"In the middle of a semester? Seriously?" 

Since this is Kanda who said it, I am inclined to believe him. This guy seriously knows a lot of things that happen in the school, considering his position and hobby after all.

Kanda excitedly answered, "Yes! And I heard it was a princess from the European Nation! I am so excited about the news!"

I raise my eyebrow and commented, "Why would a princess attend a normal school in Japan?! And why it is our school?"

"Who knows?" Kanda shrugged, but there is a smug smile appeared on his face.

"Well... It's useless to think about it deeply then." I rolled my eyes. 


Kanda is always like this, he loves to provide people with a half-assed answer and then refuses to explain furthermore.

I might consider Kanda to be sadistic for the most part of his career.


After arriving at the school, I finally release Kanda from my hand since he wants to go to the newspaper club first, so I come to the classroom alone. Obviously, I still threatened him and I believe he won't do anything weird.

Arrived at classroom 2-B, I entered the classroom and quickly greet, "Good morning everyone!"

"Good morning class president!" 

"Good morning!"

"Good morning, Yuu-san."

Various of my classmate replied back at my greeting. Considering my position in this classroom as the class leader, shouldn't be surprised.

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As I put my bag on my table, one of my classmates, the well-known bald commentator student, Sugioka-san approached me and asked, "Yuu-san, do you have done homework? Math one?"

"Yes, you want a copy?" I answered with a sigh and then opened my bag, give my homework to him.

"Of course I know you would understand! The homework of this time is too hard, Yuu-san!!" Sugioka bows to me repeatedly while scratching his bald head.


Of course, I would know. This recurring event almost happens once every 3 days in this classroom!

I give it to him, looking at the clock, and said, "Well, copy it fast. The class would be starting in about 23 minutes."

"Roger!" Sugioka saluted at me, knowing how important the time limit is. 

Though... Sugioka's next action made me shocked and wonder if I am being too nice to my classmates. Sugioka raised my homework high with his hand and yelled out, "Everyone!! this is the trophy! Let's go!"


Literally, half of the class rushed to Sugioka, and then they quickly take photos of my homework so they could copy the homework from their phone.

...This class is seriously doomed!


Thankfully, some of my classmates aren't so sloppy about their studies. For example, my seatmate, Amai Hayato, the boy with brown spiky hair. Although, when I see his face, his face looks so pale as if tragedy just passed before his eyes.

"Hayato, good morning!" I greet him.

He looks at me without enthusiasm, slightly nod, and answered, "Ah, Yuu-san... Good morning..."

"Why you are looking so terrible?" I asked.

Hearing my question, Hayato let out a sigh and replied, "Sayaka is mad at me again."

So, this is about their relationship problem again. Sayaka is the name of Hayato's girlfriend, which is a student from the next class. They might have been going for years, but with the nature of Hayato who likes to mess up things, a lot of time he asked for my help with his relationship problem as if I was his love guru. 

It is annoying, but as his seatmate and the class president, I still help him with his situation regardless since my studying time would be affected if I got grumpy Hayato beside me in the class.

By the way, I don't have a girlfriend yet. I just can't find someone who attracts my interest in this school.


"Again, huh? What did you do this time?" I asked again.

He look at me distressed and then explained, "Yesterday, I promised Sayaka to date in an amusement park with a free tickets that I got from the lottery that I won last month but then when we arrived there, the tickets are already expired!"

"You, Moron!" I slammed on his table.



Hayato bowed his head at me and sincerely asked, "Yuu-sama! What I should do?!" 

"Apologize to her! Get a new ticket!" I answered since the solution to the problem is obvious!

"But I don't have money!" Hayato pleading.


I take 10000 yen out of my wallet, give it to him, and commanded, "Here! 10000 yen! Go get her, Soldier!" 

Hayato quickly stand up, give a salute, and answered, "Yes, commander!"

After that, Hayato quickly ran leaving the classroom in high spirit. As expected of me, I am definitely a good class president.



Why did I give him 10000 yen for free?! And the class is about to start!

Damn it! Come back Hayato! You don't need 10000 yen to get a ticket to an amusement park! 




Shortly after the conversation with Hayato, A silver blue-haired bob-cut classmate, Akari Kobato-san approached my seat. Another problematic student also frequently asked for my help. 

Unlike Hayato, she is what you call an avid gamer girl and very knowledgeable about gaming stuff. In fact, she is also a member of the gaming club... Which I am also a part of.

"Yuu-san!" She standing beside my table.

"Ah, Rem- I mean Kobato-san. Do you need something?" I greet her back.

Kobato-san look at me seriously and replied, "I want to explore the area in the highland! But it is too dangerous! There is a lot of Beetlejuice in there!"


"That stupid explosive dragon who loves to attack any players in the area!"

...Ah, she was talking about MonMonHun. But I think the monster's name wasn't Beetlejuice. 

"I think it was called Bagelguese? Let me search it in guugle." I said as I take out my phone from my pocket.

"Not bagel! It was called Barrelgoose." Kobato-san retaliated.

I shook my head and replied, "That's going too far! It was called Bazelguese. I just checked it in the wiki!"

She gritted her teeth and responded, "AHHHHH!! You are cheating, Yuu-san! Your win is not fair!" 

"I don't think we are competing about anything in the first place." I rolled my eyes.


Why does she look so frustrated? It is not a competition at all. Sometimes I don't really understand how this girl's brain works.


She slammed my table in frustration and said loudly, "Ah!!! Whatever! Promise me that you will be in the clubroom after school." 

Looking at her suspiciously, and I can't help but think, Are you tsundere? Also, my table did nothing wrong you know? Though, I did the same with the Hayato table earlier.

"Well, I promise."  I answered her calmly. It doesn't affect me much because this girl always overreacting to a lot of things.

"Promise ultra?" 




After that Kobato-san come back to her seat and finally I got a peaceful time again.


Hayato still has not back though... I guess RIP my money.


About 15 minutes later, Our clumsy yet adorable classroom teacher Ayame-sensei was finally in the class. She is a short girl with long wavy brown hair along with big cute eyes while also wearing red frame eyeglasses... which give her the impression of a smart loli instead of an intellectual adult. While coming to the classroom, everyone in the class noticed there is two blonde hair girls waiting outside of the door.

If the information that Kanda give me this morning is accurate, they should be our new classmates.

Although, is it really a princess?


After Ayame-sensei put her book on the teaching table, she took us with enthusiasm and announce, "Good morning everyone! Today, we have something special--"

Kanda suddenly raised his hand and answered, "Ayame-san, did we get a newly transferred student?"

Ayame-sensei looked at Kanda surprised and answered, "Yes. How did you know, Kanda-kun?"

Kanda proudly tap her chest and replied, "Don't underestimate my network, Ayame-sensei!"


"Also,I know they are blonde!"

"Is this my time to get a girlfriend?"

"They are looks pretty!"


*Clap* *Clap*

"A-Alright then, since it is not surprising anymore. You two, please enter and introduce yourself." Ayame-sensei said while clapping her hand.


The door opened and a pretty long-haired blonde-haired girl with yellow eyes and a kind of childish face walked in first and bowed in the front of the classroom, "Konnichiwa, Everyone. My name is Riche Elizabeth Stellarium. You can call me Riche. I am the third princess of the European Union Kingdom. Nice to meet you!"


What a name! Her name sounds really cool, as expected of a princess!


Then, after that, another blonde but short hair girl with a sword hanging in her waist also bowed beside the princess also introduce herself, "My name is Durandal. I am the princess's close friend and bodyguard so I am here the protect the princess. Hope we can get along."



Hearing their introduction, the class reacted overwhelmingly excitedly to them. Well, not that I do not understand. I mean, who could expect that a literal princess would become our classmate?

I also feel excited about this but...

Look at the top of their head... does anyone curious why there are cat ears above their ears?


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